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Worth the Fight
Worth the Fight
Worth the Fight
Ebook275 pages4 hours

Worth the Fight

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About this ebook

You met them in Overcome... Now you get their story.

Amelia Kennedy is a full believer that all men lying, cheating, pigs. She hasn't met one yet that can keep his junk where it's supposed to be.

Justin Smith has been put through the ringer when it comes to exes. His takes the cake. He's now a single father and any chance of happiness get trampled on by crazy.

When Justin meets Mia, sparks fly. He's trying prove that not all men are cheaters and she's trying to deal with his intense baggage.

Is what they could have together worth the fight to get there?

Release dateOct 7, 2017
Worth the Fight

Hannah Maxwell

I love to read, write and spend time in the sun, but mostly I love being a mom.

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    Worth the Fight - Hannah Maxwell



    I stood in front of my bathroom mirror brushing out my long blonde hair real quick before braiding it over my left shoulder, waiting for him to answer me.

    Carson? Did you hear me? Which Halloween party do you want to go to? I yelled toward my living room where I knew he was watching TV. I finished my hair and walked out to him. He was holding his cell phone in his hand, staring at the screen with a blank look on his face. The TV was turned down. Carson, hello? Are you going to answer me? He just continued to stare at his screen. Hey! I snapped my fingers between his face and the screen.

    His head popped up at me and I knew that he hadn't heard a word I'd said. What?

    Is everything okay?

    Uh, yeah. Why?

    Because I've been talking to you for the last ten minutes about what Halloween party you wanted to go to, but you haven't heard a word I've said.

    Oh. Sorry babe. I guess I didn't hear you.

    No kidding. I rolled my eyes at him. He's been so weird lately. I don't even know how to explain it. So, which is it?

    What are the choices again? I'm sorry.

    Do you want to go Jeremy and Kim's party or do you want to go Two Seventeen for Halloween? Jeremy and Kim always throw a great party, but I hear that the club is supposed to be bad-ass this year.

    Uh, I don't really want to go to the club, he narrowed his eyes at me slightly.

    Since when? Seems like that's where you're always going when you go out with your friends.

    Since I decided that I think I go out too much.

    Seriously? Where the hell is this coming from? Wasn't it just two weeks ago that I was saying he spent a lot of time with the guys going out and he said that he really needed his 'guy time'? I'm not super clingy but it seems like all he ever does is hang out with his friends. I don't see him very often. We have more text conversations than we do actual speaking conversations that don't involve moaning, and the words 'oh god'. What's with the change? Is he really going to spend more time with me? Wow! Maybe he does care. But babe, this is Halloween. Everyone is going out. But, we can go to Jeremy and Kim's if you'd rather.

    Carson stood up from the couch and walked into my kitchen. I followed after him just in time to see him pull a beer from my fridge. He popped the tab open on the can, and in a few swallows he had it drained. What the hell? So...? I prompted him to answer me.

    He opened the recycle bin and tossed the can in before turning back to me. Amelia, we need to talk.

    Okay. I am so confused right now. I didn't think this was that hard of a decision to make, but some people really get worked up about Halloween. Maybe he's one of them.

    Carson leaned against my kitchen counter and ran his fingers through his slightly-too-long, honey colored hair. I couldn't help but think that a long time from now, if we ever got to that point, our kids would definitely have gorgeous blonde hair.

    He took deep breath and couldn't seem to keep his hands still as he let out a sigh. Amelia, I've had a girlfriend for the last two and half years, and for the past four months I've been cheating on her with you.


    Chapter 1

    (Ten Months Later)


    Are you freaking kidding me? Why? Why, why, why? Why is it so hard for a guy in a relationship to keep his dick in his pants when it comes to other women? I don't have a problem keeping my legs closed when it comes to other men.

    I'd taken the early shift on Wednesday, meaning less tips for me, so I could surprise Mason with the trip to the cabin I had planned. Gretta had given me the weekend off, even though it was supposed to be super busy at the club. I had already talked to Mason's boss and gave him the heads-up. We were going to have four uninterrupted days to ourselves before we had to be back to work on Monday.

    So when I let myself into Mason's house, with the key he gave me, and walked into his bedroom you could only imagine my surprise when I see Mason's ass moving up and down as he pumped himself into some red haired bimbo with gigantic breasts, while she cried for him to go harder.

    And the kicker? Before I picked up the battery-operated alarm clock and threw it at his dick while he stood there buck-ass naked with his hands on his head (the top one), he tells me that Allison was just looking for some quick fun and she didn't mean anything. So because there were no feelings involved, it shouldn't matter. Now enter: alarm clock throwing.

    I just don't get it. What a fucking idiot. I bust out laughing to myself as I walk across the street from the parking lot, to Two Seventeen, the club I work at with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Gretta Pearson.

    She wasn't always my best friend. When we first met, I was the other woman. Yep. My boyfriend ten months ago was actually her boyfriend first. For two and half years. He decided to come clean to me in hopes that he could still keep her. The day I walked into this very same club and handed her an envelope full of pictures of Carson and I, I watched her heart break.

    Normally I wouldn't give a rat’s ass about who the woman was, I would expect her to hate me. But there was something about her that made me want to actually sit down and chat with her about it. I'm so glad I did. She has been the best friend I've ever had since then.

    I walked in the club with some bounce in my step and called out to her while I made my way behind the bar, hey Gretta! I washed my hands and then slid right up to the bar.

    Hey girl! she called back. You do know that you have this weekend off right? Although I'm not going to complain because I know how busy it's going to be with those Super Cross races being in town. I'm going to send Noah out on the floor for some more damage control, keep you back here with me and Luke can do a little of both.

    That's cool with me. I'm not really in the mood to deal with a bunch of jackasses tonight trying to grab my ass anyway. I handed two guys the beers they had just ordered.

    Is that so? she asked with that sly smirk on her face.

    I know Molly must have filled you in. I had called our co-worker, Molly, after I left Mason's house and vented to her about what happened. I wanted to call Gretta, but I knew she was at work.

    Well kinda. She said she couldn't keep up between all the name calling and the swearing, she giggled.

    Long story short is that I'm sick of the crap. Mason Foster is no different than 'The A-hole', or any other lying, cheating, son-of-bit-. I was cut off as Luke yelled to Gretta that she had a phone call.

    I didn't have to explain things to Gretta. She knows how it is. I looked up and saw Alyssa come running in the door, squeezing past Brandon while he checked ID's. I just shook my head. That girl is never on time.

    The club was getting busy. Race weekend did that. It brings in all sorts of race fans and their groupies. Usually just douche-bags and bimbos, but there were some decent people in the crowd.

    Gretta sent me on a break around ten o'clock and it couldn't have come any sooner. There had already been two fights at my end of the bar and one at Gretta's. I hadn't had to cut anyone off yet, but I know that Gretta had.

    I walked into the employee room and checked my phone to see if my dad had called. My mom has been sick lately, but refuses to go to the doctor, saying that it's just a bug and that it'll pass. My dad has been really worried and calls to keep me updated because he knows that she won't actually tell me how she's been feeling.

    No missed calls from mom or dad, but I did have two missed calls and five text messages from Mason. I'm sure they all say the same thing; that he's an idiot and that he's sorry. I can only assume this because the twenty-three combined texts and voicemails yesterday all said the same thing.

    Just as I was leaving the break room, I looked through the crowd to the bar and I almost puked. Carson fucking Steele was standing there with none other than the slutty red head that had been in bed with Mason. Sick.

    I walked up just in time to confirm that the slut had the same name. Allison. Standing behind Gretta I waited for him to notice me, but he didn't, so I made myself known. Whose unfortunate shoe stepped in you and dragged you inside?

    Carson looked up over Gretta's shoulder and a disgusting smile formed. Amelia, I wasn't expecting to see you here.

    I was hoping to never see you again, however it looks as if I'm being punished, I replied with a roll of my eyes. I knew Gretta could handle him on her own, so I began to take orders for a rather large group of slutty looking girls. Poor things actually think they look good dressed like that.

    I'm not sure what Carson was saying to Gretta but every time I looked at her, she looked like she was going to vom her cookies across the bar. But I kept my distance, having no desire to hear his voice.

    Gretta looked shaken up and after a while I couldn't stand it anymore. Obviously the dick had said something to upset her and it was sticking in her head. I tried to teach her to be more like me and let things roll off, but it didn't seem to be working this time.

    I walked up to her and forced her out from behind bar, telling her that she needed to get her shit together and for her not to let him affect her this way. We'll go have coffee and breakfast at a 24-hour joint, but it's going to have be later. Right now, you need to clear your head and to come back to me. He's an ass, Gretta, and you don't deserve this. It's busy out there and you know as well as I do, that I'll lose my temper at the next stupid SOB without you here.

    I watched Gretta walk out the front door and I went back to serving massive amounts of alcohol to people that really didn't need it, but tipped me well to give it to them. Gretta walked back in a few martinis later and stated that she was back and that he was an a-hole. Forget about him, I told her. I already had. I just wish it was as easy for her. Stupid fucker had dragged her along for such a long time. I wasn't the only one he had been cheating on her with, I was just the only one that wasn't a one-night-stand.


    At the end of the long, but extremely well tipped night, I was exhausted. Gretta decided to pass on coffee and breakfast, and as much as I wanted to talk to her about what that a-hole had said to her and make sure she didn't believe any of his shit, I was kind of relieved too. I just wanted to go to bed.

    I checked my phone again and saw that I had one more missed call and five more texts from Mason. Great! He was probably sitting on my damn steps because I ignored him all day yesterday and again this evening. The last thing I wanted to deal with was him.

    Gretta had me lock up as she ran a forgotten garbage bag to the dumpster. I hopped in my white Audi A4 and drove home. Upon pulling into my driveway I found Mason sitting on my front steps propped up against my door. Asleep.

    Fucking fantastic! Called that one.

    I groaned as I stepped out of my car and walked up the sidewalk. He must have been tired because he hadn't moved at the noise I was making. I wonder how long he's been sitting here. Without saying a word, I unlocked my front door quietly and pushed it open as quickly as I could. I smiled as Mason fell backwards onto my entryway tile and I stepped over him and into my house.

    Jesus, Mia. Was that really necessary? he groaned as he glared at me from the floor before he moved to get up.

    Probably not, but it made me feel slightly better and I don't really give a shit how you feel.

    Can we talk please?



    I have nothing to say to you Mason, and I really have no desire to listen to your stupid excuses on why you can't keep your dick in your pants.

    I moved to shut the door, but Mason put a hand on it stopping me. Please Mia, I'm sorry.

    Honestly, I'm glad that you're sorry. It shows me that there might be at least two brain cells in there that think I'm worth a damn. But seriously Mason, I'm done. I don't need this shit. If you really think I'm going to just look past this, you're a bigger idiot than I thought you were when you gave me that stupid line about it not meaning anything because there were no feelings involved. You need to leave.

    Mia, come on, he pleaded.

    No Mason. I'm over this. And with that I shut the door, and I hoped he was still standing close enough that it hit his stupid nose.

    I headed to my room to change my clothes and get ready for bed. As I crawled under my covers and snuggled my favorite childhood stuffed puppy to my chest, I let a few tears fall.

    Why am I not good enough to have just one guy not cheat on me? Just one. That's all I'm asking. Just one.

    Chapter 2


    I pulled into the gym parking lot just before eleven o'clock, grabbed my bag and hopped out of my car. I did my best to go to the gym as often as possible, but that's not always the way things worked out. Today, though, I really needed it. The gym and yoga were awesome stress releases for me, but I only did yoga with Gretta once a week. She liked to run outside, but I wasn't a fan. I paid for the gym membership so if I was going to run, I was going to run where I paid to.

    Just as I walked out of the locker room I saw a tall, well-built man with a shaved head hanging up a sign on the cork board. Glancing at it real quick told me that it was for a kickboxing class.

    Hey. When is that class starting? I asked.

    Starts in about ten minutes. You interested? The man turned to me.

    Yeah, I could go for something like that.

    He grinned at me and then let his eyes wander up my body, from my ankles and finally resting on my gray eyes. Hmm. What else could you go for sweet thing? You got a name?

    Are you serious right now? Sweet thing? What a douche. But he's a hot douche. Of course I have a name, but since you can't come up with a better line than 'sweet thing', you don't deserve to know it.

    Hot, bald guy pursed his lips for a second and nodded his head. Well if you want to join my class you'll have to sign up. With your name. He pointed to the signup sheet next to the flier about the class.

    His class. Right. I walked over to the sheet and signed my name. With a quick smile I walked into the room for said kickboxing class. The treadmill would have to wait for another day.

    The kickboxing class, literally, kicked ass. I was so tired but felt great at the same time. Maybe I'll have another weekly addiction.

    I walked to the side of the room where I dumped my bag, because I don't like leaving it in the locker room. I'm not sure why I continue to bring it anyway.

    Amelia Kennedy.

    I turned at the sound of my name, taking in the smug grin on hot, bald guy's lips. I learned his name was Kurt, but I didn't really care to use it. I see that you know how to read, good for you. I turned back and picked up my bag, ready to walk out the door but I felt a hand come around my elbow.

    I turned with an eyebrow raised and gently tugged my elbow back. He willingly let it go, which was good for him. I don't like grabby men.

    I have a feeling that we should go out, he stated like he was telling me that the grass was green and ocean water had salt in it.

    Well... sometimes I have the feeling that I can do crystal meth, but then I think, mmm... better not. I quoted my most favorite line from my favorite movie and tried to hide the pull of a smile that was wanting to come out, before I turned and walked to the door. See ya next week, I called over my shoulder on my way out. I didn't even bother to check if he was watching me or not. I didn't really care.

    When I got home I cleaned up around my house; starting with some laundry and taking out the garbage. Gretta should be calling anytime so we could chat about what happened with Carson. Yuck. I hate even thinking his name.

    Finally I hadn't heard from her and was starting to worry a bit. Gretta never not-called, or showed up. Hell, she wasn't even ever late for anything. It was a big pet peeve of hers.

    Hello? she answered groggily.

    Are you still sleeping? I'm sorry!

    It's okay. What time is it anyway?

    Three. When you didn't call I wanted to make sure you were okay.

    Seriously, it's that late? She sounded really surprised at the time. Wow. Yeah, I'm fine. I guess I was just super tired from not getting home until just before five-thirty this morning.

    What the hell? I thought she was tired? Why so late? I thought you being tired was why we weren't doing coffee and breakfast after work.

    Honestly, I had all intentions of going straight home but when I got to my car, Carson was there and he wanted to talk.

    Oh shit. Why doesn't he just leave her alone? Hasn't he put her through enough crap already? I don't even consider how he played me hurtful, because on the scale, Gretta got the shitty end. I was the other woman. She was the main woman.

    What!? Please tell me you didn't fall for his lies. I told her, praying she wasn't about to let that ass back into her life. It would seriously make our friendship take a hit. I wasn't going to sit around and watch her get hurt like that all over again.

    I didn't really have a chance to. He tried to bribe me with coffee, which I took, but then he told me that he wanted me back and that he missed 'us' and then, he kissed me.

    YUCK! He did what? I hope you punched him, I yelled at her.

    Gretta started laughing and instantly I relaxed. If she was laughing then things couldn't be all that bad.

    "I pushed him back and slapped him across the face. Then he told me that he deserved that and he made a big mistake and for me to think about taking him back. I told him I would have to be the biggest

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