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Mail Order Bride - Montana Rescued Bride: Faithful Creek Montana Brides, #1
Mail Order Bride - Montana Rescued Bride: Faithful Creek Montana Brides, #1
Mail Order Bride - Montana Rescued Bride: Faithful Creek Montana Brides, #1
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Mail Order Bride - Montana Rescued Bride: Faithful Creek Montana Brides, #1

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Carson Prentiss had prayed for the right woman to answer his advertisement. Sarah’s letter seemed to be the answer to his prayer. When she finally arrives, he is convinced she’s the one who was meant to be his wife.
Sarah soon learns she’s good at handling and riding the horses. One early evening, after bathing in the fresh, cool water of Faithful Creek, she interrupts a rustler attempting to take her horse. Before she knows what’s happening, Sarah is kidnapped by the man and his gang. Will Carson be able to save her? Or will she be forced to do whatever these vile men desire of her?

Release dateNov 11, 2017
Mail Order Bride - Montana Rescued Bride: Faithful Creek Montana Brides, #1

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    Book preview

    Mail Order Bride - Montana Rescued Bride - Karla Gracey

    Mail Order Bride - Montana Rescued Bride

    Faithful Creek Montana Brides: Book One

    Rose Brodey & Karla Gracey


    This book is dedicated to all our faithful readers, without whom we would be nothing. 


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven


    Chapter One

    She had to keep control of herself. If her sisters or parents noticed her fevered anticipation, she’d be forced to give an explanation. Sarah Whitfield wasn’t yet ready to disclose her desire to them, and she needed some time to think.

    Climbing the stairs to her bedroom, she did her best to act normal, though her heart was thumping with wild abandon. How was it possible none of her family heard the pounding coming from her chest? The sound in her own ears threatened to deafen her.

    At last, she was alone in her room, and hurried to sit on the edge of the bed. Sarah pulled a folded sheet of paper from her reticule. Walking the two blocks to church with her family this morning, she couldn’t have known her most fervent prayer would be answered in such an unusual way.

    Opening the bulletin, she felt her breath pause with expectancy. No. Her eyes hadn’t deceived her. The advertisement was still there. Pressing the paper close to her heart, she thanked God in silence for this small miracle.

    The door opened, startling her, and her twin sister bounced into the room as though her shoes were made of rubber. Savannah, younger than Sarah by only five minutes, seemed to be excited about something, but a moment later her expression changed to one of curiosity.

    Why are you still wearing your church dress? Savannah closed the door and came closer, her left eyebrow raised. And what are you trying to hide from me?

    Sarah refolded the page with haste, stuffed it back into the small bag, and pulled the drawstring. She wondered for a second if she should divulge her secret, but decided this wasn’t the time.

    It’s nothing of any importance. Thankfully, she sounded normal—at least to her own ears.

    Her sister seemed to accept the curt dismissal as if it were expected, though in truth it was the strict opposite of her usual behavior. Sarah despised pretense, but this was something that would affect her entire family and she had some thinking to do before informing everyone.

    You should be getting ready for the picnic. Her sister sounded almost frantic, and there was a good dose of enthusiasm present as well.

    She rose from her spot on the bed and headed for the immense wardrobe. A sigh escaped her. Why couldn’t she simply stay home by herself? After all, she was nineteen—well old enough to handle being alone for a few hours.

    Savannah seemed not to have noticed Sarah’s reluctance to attend the party in the park. I’m sure several handsome and eligible young men will be in attendance. I intend to taunt a few of them. A giggle bubbled forth.

    Pulling open the door of her clothes chest, Sarah released another sigh. I don’t understand how you can be so excited by all those people. I find them rather boring and frightfully uninteresting.

    A sharp intake of breath caused her to turn. Her sister stood there, staring at Sarah as though she’d made a statement that bordered on blasphemy.

    Why do you find my words so shocking?

    Don’t you want to find a husband? One who can assure you of a proper and secure life?

    Sarah stepped toward her twin. Yes, I want to find a husband, but I’d much rather he be a real man and not some dreary, tedious, overgrown little boy. She paused, noting the look of utter surprise still on Savanna’s face. I simply refuse to spend the next forty or fifty years of my life with someone who constantly makes me yawn.

    Sarah! How can you say such things? Have you no appreciation for everything our parents have done to ensure we have a good life?

    Yes. I’m very grateful for all they’ve done, but I simply cannot help how I feel. Sarah paused for a quick breath. Tell me, when was the last time you heard Mother laugh?

    Savannah seemed to ponder the last question for several moments.

    I don’t recall. I’m not certain I’ve ever heard it.

    "Neither have I. Other than the occasional polite smile, I’ve never seen her display any happiness. I’m sure she loves Father, but where is the joy in their marriage? Is that how

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