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God's Plan of Salvation Jesus Christ's Atonement
God's Plan of Salvation Jesus Christ's Atonement
God's Plan of Salvation Jesus Christ's Atonement
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God's Plan of Salvation Jesus Christ's Atonement

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"God's Plan of Salvation Jesus Christ's Atonement", is a unique religious book containing eternal truths for both the believer and the non-believer. Important eternal truths we all should know and be concerned about. The book provides clear, concise, understandable elements of The Atonement and requirements necessary for our return to God. Jesus gave everyone the gift of salvation or immortality, Eternal Life requires greater qualifications to obtain. Eternal Life is to live in the presence of God. The Mission of Elijah is explained (Malachi 4:5-6), which is to bless and unite families for eternity. This book provides a logical sequence of God's relationships with His spiritual children over time. Judgments or rewards are summarized and the Millennium is visited.

Release dateNov 7, 2017
God's Plan of Salvation Jesus Christ's Atonement

Mark Dee Van Wagoner

Born in Pleasant Grove, Utah. Graduate of Jerome High School, Jerome, Idaho. Graduated from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Married to the same lady for nearly 57 years. Father of two children, daughter Stacey and son Mark Arlen. Seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Christian beliefs and family are the most important things in his life. Strong belief in life after death, where family units will continue.

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    God's Plan of Salvation Jesus Christ's Atonement - Mark Dee Van Wagoner

    God’s Plan of Salvation

    Jesus Christ’s Atonement

    Mark D. Van Wagoner

    Published by:

    Elijah Publishing Company

    St. George, Utah 84790


    Telephone: (435) 628-7310

    God’s Plan of Salvation

    Copyright 2017 by Mark Dee Van Wagoner

    All rights reserved

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    This book is dedicated to all the honest in heart and the true family history specialists.

    But that which fell on the good ground are they, who receive the word in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep what they hear, and bring forth fruit with patience. (Luke 8:15, JST.)

    Amid the clamor of men, the din of war, the rage of pestilence, the commotion of nations, the over-throw of kingdoms, and the dissolution of empires, Truth shall walk forth with mighty power, guided by the arm of Omnipotence, and lay hold of the honest in heart among all nations; Zion shall blossom as a rose, and the nations flock to her standard, and the kingdoms of this world shall soon become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever. Amen.(Epistle of the Twelve, History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ed. B.H. Roberts, 7 vols., Salt Lake: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1932-51, July 1839 vol. 3, p.397.)

    "What does it mean to be honest in heart? It describes an individual who is open to truth, who will evaluate information or people without prejudice." (Marvin J. Ashton, Ensign, November 1988, p.15.)

    "The honest in heart will detect that which is true and that which is false."(Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, May 1996, p.82.)

    Behold, thou hast a gift, or thou shalt have a gift if thou wilt desire of me in faith, with an honest heart, believing in the power of Jesus Christ, in my power which speaketh of me. (Doctrine and Covenant 11:10.)

    Family History Specialists: One engaged in the science or study of family descent from an ancestor; pedigree; or lineage. These Specialists, knowingly or unknowingly, help advance the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the supporting Mission of Elijah.

    My hope is to provide information of a religious nature and to encourage the reader, to pursue a relationship with family history and genealogical activities. It is not the purpose of this book to provide all of the information that is available on the subject matter covered, but instead to compliment, amplify and supplement other material. My hope is to educate and excite the reader about this topic, encouraging greater study on your own.

    This book contains important information everyone should understand. This book is in no way complete. Every effort has been made to be correct and provide supporting references. Therefore, this book should be used only as a general guide to help steer the reader to a greater sense of commitment to spiritual values and preparation.



    Chapter 1 Family in Heaven

    Chapter 2 Plan of Salvation

    Chapter 3 Elijah and His Mission

    Chapter 4 First Family: Adam and Eve

    Chapter 5 Abrahamic Covenant

    Chapter 6 Today’s Family

    Chapter 7 Restoration of All Things

    Chapter 8 Temples

    Chapter 9 Baptism for the Dead

    Chapter 10 Spirit of Elijah

    Chapter 11 Center for Jewish History

    Chapter 12 Orson Hyde Mission

    Chapter 13 Gathering of Israel

    Chapter 14 Second Coming

    Chapter 15 Jerusalem

    Chapter 16 New Jerusalem

    Chapter 17 Millennium

    Chapter 18 His Many Mansions

    Chapter 19 Comparative Religion

    Chapter 20 Satan’s Influence

    Chapter 21 Closing Statement

    Appendix A Getting Started—Family Tree

    Appendix B Orson Hyde’s Prophecy Being Fulfilled


    God’s Plan of Salvation, also known as the Plan of Happiness, explains this great gift from God to mankind. Salvation is defined as a saving or being saved from danger, evil difficulty, destruction, etc.; rescue. This book presents an important message and presents information about salvation you should understand because of eternal consequences.

    This is not about preaching or talking about abstract theories or even philosophies of men. This book covers God’s relationship with His family, and blessings each receive from the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We learn from our pre-earth existence to mortality gaining earthly experiences with its trials and challenges. From our death to subsequent rewards, we realize how much God loves us and has a carefully planned program to richly bless us through eternity based on our righteousness here on earth.

    This book should be an exciting read, challenging and informative. You should see a logical demonstration of God’s eternal Plan of Salvation. The rewards of eternity will be based on the life lived here and following the example and teachings of Jesus Christ.

    God’s glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected because of his love for us. He did this voluntarily He paid for our sins and his death and resurrection gives each of us his gift of immortality without any requirement on our part. Depending upon the life we live and complying with eternal conditions, we can have eternal life, which is to live with God and Jesus Christ forever.

    The central theme of this book is the Atonement of Jesus Christ with a supporting role by Elijah, the prophet of old. It applies to all of God’s children, whether living or dead as a result of the Savior’s great Plan of Salvation.

    God loved us so he sent His Son. (John3:26-27.)

    Elijah’s mission is clearly stated:

    Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.

    And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and spite the earth with a curse. (Malachi 4:5-6.)

    Elijah plays a significant role in the implementation of God’s eternal Plan of Salvation presented by Jesus Christ in our Pre-Earth life existence..

    This book contains elements to prove intellectually there is a God, and upon completing this book, the reader should understand God’s eternal Plan of Salvation. I make this BOLD statement for all who read this book! It is important for you now and in your future. A spiritual testimony must come through the Holy Ghost and is available to everyone who honestly seeks it.

    Simply stated, God wanted his spiritual children to advance so they could become mortal. The Plan of Salvation provides a blue print for man to come to earth, advance righteously and qualifying to return to God after leaving mortality.

    Jesus Christ offered himself as a sacrificial lamb, taking upon himself all the sins of mankind, thus providing a way to repent and overcome our sins. This unselfish act is known as the Atonement. We may not fully comprehend what the Atonement means and what it does for us, nevertheless, it is operational for our benefit.

    God has billions of spirit children. Each has the right to make choices pertaining to their desire to return or not return back to God. Think of the enormous responsibility to account for every single child of God. The Atonement and the Mission of Elijah complies with all the requirements to identify and account for all these children. This book takes us on a complete journey from our pre-existence state, our journey to earth, our death, and return with immortality to an eternal post-mortal existence.

    We learn about the Atonement and a need for a Savior. We are taught about God’s Family in Heaven.

    We learn of Elijah’s family centered mission and its relationship to the Atonement as he fulfills his mission occurring before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

    We review the impact Adam and Eve have on our existence here and by being the First Family they provided eternal blessings for us.

    The Abrahamic Covenant is explained, showing how Abraham blesses mankind through his relationship with Jehovah, the great I AM and the blessings of the gospel to his posterity down through the ages. The foundation of this Covenant is family unity.

    We see challenges and threats to today’s family. A practical sense of teaching within the family is important to our understanding of parenthood through the important document: The Family: A Proclamation: To the World.

    We examine the conditions of the Restoration of all Things. And the benefactor to this restoration is the family. The Dispensation of the fulness of times is the time period this restoration takes place. It is the very day in which we live.

    We learn the history of Temples and their importance in man’s progression toward perfecting God children and their families. Temple attendance is a current activity in Jesus Christ’ true Church which prepares for eternal blessings.

    Paul teaches us the New Testament principle of Baptism for the Dead. This is most vital to the Atonement for it provides saving eternal principles for living and deceased persons, recording in Heaven that which is recorded on earth with accountability for each and every one of God’s spiritual children. Baptism for the dead unites families.

    We are introduced to the Spirit of Elijah, which power moves and motivates those engaged in family history and research work called genealogy, a family oriented service.

    We learn of the creation and work of the Center for Jewish History, which supports and sustains the work of Elijah among Jewish people and their history, helping to advance the Atonement and Elijah’s mission. This Center is a great blessing to Jewish families and the world.

    We must not forget the importance of the Mission of Orson Hyde, an apostle of Jesus Christ, who dedicated the Land of Israel for the restoration of the Jews. The gathering of Israel brings families to their rightful home. We see this prophecy being fulfilled right now, before our eyes as summarized in Appendix B.

    The Gathering of the House of Israel follows with inspiring information.

    As we prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, we learn of events leading up to the End of Time and various signs to warn us of pending judgments. Sad, but most people cannot read the Signs of the Times because they lack spiritual understanding. (This same principle will apply to some readers of this book. They will be turned off from the contents of fundamental principles presented herein because they lack spiritual understanding.)

    In the last days, there will be two Jerusalem’s, one in Israel and a New Jerusalem in America.

    At the end of the world, which is the end of the wicked, the Millennium begins. Judgments and assignments of individual rewards of glory or mansions follow.

    In the chapter on Comparative Religion we learn of interesting and surprising, revealing, issues of our day affecting all churches. It is disturbing the lack of unity among church doctrine in following God’s commandments.

    Families are constantly attacked by evil forces. Satan is the source of these attacks. We cover two tools dominating and threatening families today.

    The Author gives a closing statement summarizing some of God’s revelations dealing with these latter-days.

    The book concludes with two Appendixes.

    Appendix A introduces the concept of fundamentals of genealogy—getting started with hands on, of Family Tree principles, supported by genealogy resource helps and using internet tools.

    Appendix B provides factual information sustaining prophecy relating to the gathering of the Jewish people in the last days building up to the return of Jesus Christ in concert with the Covenant between Jehovah and Abraham.

    God’s Plan of Salvation Jesus Christ’s Atonement is unique. The Atonement is presented with clarity. Elijah, the Prophet, performed an important mission impacting every human being, especially the family unit. His mission takes place in three dispensations: (1) In Old Testament times, (2) In the Meridian of Times, and (3) In our day, which is the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. His mission impacts all dispensations of the earth and will extend into the millennium.

    There is purpose for our existence and our future is certain. God knew we would face challenges when He placed us here. He knew we would be less than perfect and He prepared a way for us to overcome by providing a Savior.

    The book seeks to share eternal truths, pointing our eternal consequences. Your intellectual testimony should inspire you in obtaining a spiritual testimony of this books contents, providing a blue print for your eternal journey. If you gain nothing except a complete understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, then I will have achieved the purposes for this book.

    Remember: This book is all about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and eternal blessings for individuals and families.

    At the end of each chapter, there is a summary of Fundamental Principles of importance.

    Thank you for taking this journey with me.

    Introduction Fundamental Principles

    1 The glory of God is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

    2 God loved us so He sent His Son to atone for our sins.

    3 The central theme of this book is the Atonement of Jesus Christ, with a supporting role from Elijah.

    4 Jesus Christ died on the cross and was resurrected because of his love for us.

    5 God’s Plan of Salvation benefits all of God’s children living or dead.

    6 God’s Plan of Salvation was designed in our pre-mortal life.

    7 There is intellectual proof that God Lives and Jesus is His Son.

    8 The family unit is sacred and continues in post-mortal life.

    9 Elijah’s mission requires family history and genealogical research.

    10 Elijah’s mission relates directly to the Atonement.

    11 Elijah’s major mission is performed in the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.

    12 The family is negatively impacted by today’s conditions.

    13 False witness is the order of the day.

    14 There are three important stages of our existence: (1) Pre-earth life, (2) Mortality, and (3) Post-mortality or immortality.

    15 There are three great events to occur in eternity: (1) the Creation, (2) the Fall and (3) the Infinite and Eternal Atonement.

    16 All God’s children, living or dead, benefit from the Atonement.

    17 This book, God’s Plan of Salvation Jesus Christ’s Atonement, is unique.

    Chapter 1

    Family in Heaven

    Prior to our mortal birth, we existed as spirit children in one big happy family with our Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ in Heaven. This is referred to as our first estate or pre-existence.

    The Bible presents the concept that we had a preparation period prior to mortal birth. We are literal spirit sons and daughters of heavenly parents. God is the God of the spirits of all flesh. (Numbers 16:22.)

    We existed as intelligence with God. Intelligence has always existed and never was created or made (D&C 93:29.) In time that intelligence was given a body of spirit, becoming eternal intelligences after the image of God.

    So we became members of God’s Family, the basis for God’s creations. These spirit children needed physical bodies in order to have a fullness of joy (D&C 93:33-34.)

    None of us recall our previous existence, if so we would not need to live by faith here. The scriptures are replete with references to foreordination of chosen spirit children, assigned to come forth to earth at special times to perform missions to the children of men.

    Consider a few scriptures referencing a pre-mortal existence state:

    Pre-mortal existence with appointments made according to the foreknowledge of God the father. (1 Peter 1:2.)

    Foreordination to be a prophet unto the nations: Before I formed thee in the belly...I ordained thee a prophet… (Jeremiah 1:5.)

    Moses taught that the whole host of spirits born in the lineage of Jacob was before appointed to come through the chosen line. (Deuteronomy 32:7-8.)

    My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27.)

    The lamb was slain from before the foundation of the world. (Revelation 13:8.)

    John the Baptist received a pre-mortal commission to prepare the way for the first coming of the Son of Man. (Isaiah 40:3 and Matthew 3:3.)

    The temporal rule of Cyrus and the mission he was to perform as it affected Israel, was foretold by Isaiah long before the birth of that earthly ruler. (Isaiah 44:28, 45.)

    All human beings, male and female, are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of Heavenly Parents, and as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual, pre-mortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.

    Everyone who accepts the Bible as the word of God believes our pre-mortal existence and the Atonement of our Lord. Jesus Christ. Christ is designated as the Word, and the Savior’s pre-earth life and primeval Godship are thus set forth:

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.

    "The same was in the beginning with God.

    "All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

    In him was life; and the life was the light of men. (John 1:1-4.)

    God loves you. He understands you. He is aware of you. Improve on your shining moments. Return to your spiritual roots and resolve now to live as you know you should. Get rid of those destroying habits and thoughts that only weaken your resolve to be a better person. It will do wonders for you.

    I hope you have grasped the importance of our pre-earth existence. We are all members of a Heavenly Family with a destination certain.

    Families on Earth Are an Extension of the Family of God

    According to the LDS concept of the family, every person is a child of heavenly parents as well as mortal parents. Each individual was created spiritually and physically in the image of God and Christ (Moses 2:27, 3:5). All men and women are in the similitude of the universal Father and Mother, and are literally the sons and daughters of Deity (MFP 4:20). Everyone, before coming to this earth, lived with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and each was loved and taught by them as a member of their eternal family. Birth unites the spirit with a physical body so that together they can receive a fullness of joy (D&C 93:33; cf. 2 Nephi 2:2.) (Encyclopedia of Mormonism, ed. Daniel H. Ludlow New York: Macmillan, 1992, vols. 1-4, pp. 486-87.)

    Fundamental Principles: Family In Heaven

    1 We existed as sprits in a pre-mortal state, children of Heavenly Parents.

    2 Intelligence has always existed and never was created or made.

    3 The Atonement is the foundation of our existence.

    4 We have potential to develop divine qualities and become like God.

    5 All human beings are created in the image of God.

    6 Jesus is a God and made all things.

    7 Jesus is the Life and Light of all men.

    8 We came to earth with a purpose and goal of returning to Heavenly Father.

    9 Families on earth are an extension of the family of God.

    10 Families are forever.

    11 Families on earth are an extension of the family of God.

    Chapter 2

    The Plan of Salvation

    Heavenly Father is the author of the Plan of Salvation with Jesus Christ as its chief advocate. The Holy Ghost participates by communicating God’s will and helping them live properly.

    The Plan of Salvation rests on three necessary steps: (1) the Creation, (2) The Fall of Adam and Eve and (3) The Atonement of Jesus Christ.

    The Creation: The earth was created to help God’s spiritual children to obtain a physical body and to earn to live by faith. Mortality or earth life is our second estate.

    The Fall:. A perfect earth without death and a paradisiacal state could not fulfill conditions needed for God’s children to progress in gaining earthly challenges.

    The Atonement:. This is the crowning phase of the Plan. Without it there would be no purpose and all would have been lost.

    Grand Council

    A Grand Council of the God’s was held in Heaven which you and I attended. Heavenly Father assembled all of his children together and as author, presented the Plan of Salvation which provides both the means for everyone to receive salvation and gain eternal life. In this premortal life, or first estate, God’s children could not fully progress. They needed a physical body in order to have a fullness of joy (D&C 93:33-34.) These spirit children needed to exercise free agency and prove their willingness to keep God’s commandments.

    We were taught in this Grand Council that we would come to earth and sin, thus requiring a Savior to lift us up out of a fallen state and help us overcome our sins. As a result of being mortal, each of us would die. The Savior would help us overcome death through his death and resurrection. Physical death and resurrection are elements of the Atonement. (Physical death is the separation of the Spirit Body and the Physical Body. At death, we

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