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Becoming The Change
Becoming The Change
Becoming The Change
Ebook393 pages7 hours

Becoming The Change

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This book is to help people learn how to think, as in to do critical thinking instead of just repeating what they have heard or been told to repeat. If we are to evolve as a species, this is where we need to begin to stop being immoral at times. This book will clearly show the clear evidence that could be justified as proof as to why this species has been immoral at times in the past and still now. It is simpler than most have thought of, and it has been in our everyday life, and can clearly be explained. if we as a collective can get this going, we can evolve and stop the harm we do to ourselves, each other , and the rest of nature by doing critical thinking with our greatest tool; the brain. It has been our greatest tool, and greatest enemy, and it is time to clear it up, and stop the confusion towards ourselves, each other, especially children where it began for us. It's time to free the mind and don't imagine for a second it can't be done. it can,and it must.

PublisherMaxime Daigle
Release dateNov 10, 2017
Becoming The Change

Maxime Daigle

I am just a man that has lived with challenges all my life just like everyone and took advantage of them to understand why people could be moral and immoral and studied it until I could explain it and show clear evidence of it. I have lived with luxuries, and let it all go and became an activist where I was a problem for the Canadian government and the status quo from what I knew about Law. I then let go of that road to explain and write this book to help people to unblock things in their mind that stops them from critical thinking. This has been my passion since I was a child to know, and not just believe what was the problem. This is my life's work put in this book to give something worth exploring so we can honestly make this a better world. Do not think for a second the mind cannot be free; it can, and it must.

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    Becoming The Change - Maxime Daigle



    First Edition


    Copyright © 2017 Maxime Daigle (Eonamoksit Paqtesm)

    All Rights Reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or in any means – by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without prior written permission from me, the writer.



    I want to share in this book my appreciation for all the people I have met in my life, the ones that gave books to the world that I could read, the videos I could understand the people that showed me what they knew and believed. When I look at my life, I have been shown respect by many of different backgrounds and beliefs, ways of life and events in their lives. Without all of them, I would not have been able to write what I wrote. Everyone that challenged me, did things that I ended up hurting because of my thoughts and self-limitations, as weird as it may sound, I thank you also. Without you, I never would've experienced what I did to contribute to this book. I may have hurt in the process, but I would not be the man I am today without you also. Was it necessary, no, but it happened, and it is in the past. Thanks also for the ones that inspired me.

    This book is not my book; this book is ours, all the ones that directly or indirectly where a part of my life. I thank you all. I wrote it for us.

    For the personal, more direct gratitude, I don't know where to start or where to end to make it justice, but I would like it seen here at least some to have their name in here.

    Leona Bernard, John Martel, Joan Milliea, Maurice Robichaud, Rachel Daigle, Dabpachai, Lester, Eddey la vérité, Alfred Richard, Brian Daigle, Georgie Daigle, Boots, and Fernande Robichaud.

    These people are not known around the world, but each has challenged, supported, helped me grow in a mixture, of beliefs, kindness, humility, honesty, respect, by being a part of their lives and that I know without a doubt, I would not be the man I am today without having had them in my life. Thanks.

    I could mention many more, but to me, everyone I have met, has had an impact of these things in my life and got to know, and I am grateful to have had met you.


    Through all the years of searching for an answer for this species, and the others also, I have gone through a rough journey to understand some things and try to find what was our problem of being good and bad. I started to ask myself the serious questions of why we were so cruel to one another, to ourselves, and to nature at the age of 8, when I tried to commit suicide and it didn't work. When I started to see clearer after some decades, I started to get somewhere of uncovering the lies, how society works as it is. I went to the acceptance of either it would be an awakening or legal answer to slow down the process of things to solve our inside and outside problems. Even though I knew I was sick also, I decided to take on the burden to find solution. Crazy isn’t it? I could've focused on myself some years ago, but I cared too much, to find a solution and an explanation. About ten years ago, I was at a very good place with myself. Then I chose to sacrifice to help others. Eventually, I drained myself for others over some years. After trying to help others, to guide them to look at themselves, and seeing how they were also a part of the problem, and that we needed to change individually and not focus on others and problems of the outside world. After a while, it didn't seem possible. Then I came upon legal knowledge that could help reverse things. In the end, the most spiritual people in the area where not be ready to let go of what the enemy in legal power offered, so we could possibly protect the Earth after coming upon this legal knowledge. I was broken. I had gone so far to find an answer, and then got demonized by even the most spiritual around me. Very few stayed by my side after the legal battles I took on. Silently, I kept myself from lashing out at the ones that would say they would do anything to protect the Earth and all species, but when this legal knowledge was shown, it was shut down because of why I don't clearly know. Some things where said in front of me, but I still will not and did not for sure believe it was just what they said. I did not know. I had never felt so alone in my life after giving so much for all of us, and when I was broken, how many reached out on their own to help me, was almost not present from anyone. I had enough. That hurt deeply. I went traveling the world. I realized in the process of traveling and studying the world, that they were also sick, the people back where I grew up. This sickness, I call the ego and more directly explained is a belief, possibly stopped them to look deeper and also where maybe not ready to find a legal answer. It seemed, from what I heard and seen, they saw me as crazy. When I looked around, I saw them possibly as crazy and deranged in some ways, but I did not throw it no one’s face. I kept caring for them unconditionally. I have now come to the point that I know I do not belong in the arguments anymore and don't want to live in that way of life with all these beliefs. My home, on the outside, is with Nature, a just world it is, not a fake one, and helping others. I choose not to live in the matrix anymore and this is how it is going to be. I have worked hard to detach from it all, and I am grateful and proud of myself to be able to find the strength to have been able to do so in the process. I worked on the ego to not take control and drive me insane or let others’ egos win over my faults. The legal answers I found, could have possibly worked, but nobody came humbly and realized that maybe there was something to it and ask to work on it together. Denial and the ego is a powerful thing and I saw it even with the most spiritual people I have met. But pointing the finger at the ones doing the damage seems to be more the agendas of most. When they tried to charge me again in their courts, from challenging what was going on in the area I grew up at, I told the judge in their court, after they fought me for a year on trying to destroy me, when the judge realized they couldn't scare me, demonize me, break me, to surrender, and agreed that he and their laws could not do anything against me, and he, the judge surrendered. I looked at him and said, I was born free and I am.

    All I uncovered, in my research, for the past 30 years, is that I was living a lie all these years. I was a fake. and I kept silent for all these years, looking at every layer I could of it, to break all the walls that conditioned me to be fake, and started seeing the whole society, for me, was conditioning me to be fake and others.

    I remember when I graduated from their high school; I put a saying, a quote in the memoir of the year book, saying I did not like fake people. As I had noticed people where fake around me, and was then noticing I was also a fake. I was also living with an ego, a defect, a mental problem. What was the problem? A mind disconnected from the heart, from reality living in a world where people's mind was disconnected from the heart, from reality from time to time. My only place that I felt at home on the outside and made me feel at home inside, was when I was in the forest, along the rivers, lakes, the ocean, away from the world that was conditioned and was conditioning me to be like them. I now realize after all these years, my heart always knew and waited for me all these years and suffering, to show me where I belong. I've always been a divergent, a rebel and always will be against control. So, this is why I wrote this book, to share with you questions related to many of the things that we have in each and every one of us’ minds. To have these questions possibly help you question the world that you live in; to inspire you to be a better you, and help make this a better world on your journey and for others. Freedom comes with a price, and no one can attain it for you, except you. All the answers are within you, if you seriously look within using your brain. Freedom and peace is your responsibility. So, are you ready to take it, or let it slip away?

    I didn't get to say what I wanted to say when I was a part of an activism movement, and here is what I wanted to get a chance to say. So here it is.


    If you choose to read this book, I would like for you to ask yourself these questions, and am I ready to face some truths? Am I ready to work for freedom? Before the truth can set you free, do you need to recognize which lies are holding you hostage? Therefore, critical thinking is needed.

    If you are not prepared to ask yourself these and other questions, perhaps this book is not for you. However, if you want to challenge your beliefs, find answers as to how the world works, and explore questions about the problems with us and how we are being controlled, this book might be for you. Feel free to move around the book and seek out those topics of interest first, there is a table of content.

    This book is about the complex subject of fixing one thing and everything and how it is all interconnected. When we do not agree on a topic or a subject what is it that divides us and separates us?

    It is the ego, beliefs that fuels judgment and prevents the mind of truly breaking through and allowing us to live free. This book will travel down the rabbit hole of the complexity of the world. It is important to recognize upfront that the only thing we can truly fix is ourselves. The healing of the mind, with all different beliefs stalls people from living free. This truth may be the path towards, as the old saying goes, the truth setting you free. When people disagree, and block the healing of the mind, it only feeds the ego, preventing freedom. That is why acceptance is the end of the journey of all the stages of denial, anger, depression, and bargaining. All these stages are not problems or inherent personal defects but opportunities to grow and release to true awakening. So, don't be afraid to challenge your beliefs, it is a blessing towards waking up and live day to day in a state of acceptance by doing critical thinking with these questions. To help us to not having to pretend to know what we don't know.

    This book is not about depressing, or attacking anyone. Possibly make some laugh at themselves a little from what they believe, and realize they have maybe been fooled by some ideas. Sometimes, it's where someone learns, from being fooled. This book is for the ones that want to consider being aware of the world they live in, the ones that are asking themselves questions about why there is so much destruction, war, and disagreements, and control over themselves and others and the rest of the natural world. This is for also the ones that are in part of being angry, emotional about what they see around them, and with other peoples’ behaviors that they see as morally wrong. This could also be a book for some that don't understand why some people protest. It is about all of us, no one excluded. We are a family, a species with no need of division and arguing about who is right and who is wrong. The way today's world functions are more complex, all interdependent when sometimes we want to admit to ourselves, and each other. So, I invite you, on the journey of asking yourself the questions I have put together and see if we can figure this one out, and face some truths which includes explanations. It is about facing the truths and to hopefully inspire some to grow instead of being stuck emotionally and mentally trapped into an ever-ending cycle of who’s wrong and who's right as this species has been doing for at least thousands of years. We are greater than the beliefs that we all carry, so let’s face the truth and accept it and be honest. At a time that this species is more and more destructive and dangerous to all life on the planet, it is time to look at the world we created and see if this Empire can be turned around where it has never been done in the past by an Empire. This species has had the habit of doing, as an Empire, decide to do the right decision when it is the last option, and that is possibly facing the truth. So are we going to face the truths together or not, will to me, decide if this species is to destroy itself, or make real change. It doesn't mean if there was a nuclear war that all would perish, but I know that we deserve better than that. We are capable of great things, and facing the truth could be the first step towards giving this species a moral, real chance at life and other species. To me, either we survive or not, is not as important as it used to be. The only one I am responsible for is myself at the end of the day, and as it is for everyone else. So, can we do what has never been done before in the history of this species or not?

    Again, this book is to inspire you. This book is for the people that want to become more aware of the world they live in, the ones that are asking themselves questions about why there is so much destruction, war, and disagreements. Why is there such a focus on human control and the rest of the natural world? It will offer some insight into why people protest and rise up and resist. We are a family, a species with no need of division and arguing over who is right and wrong. Today the world's functions are more complex, all interdependent. So, I invite you, to ask yourself the questions I have put together to see if we can find some collective answers and face some truths. By facing truths, the goal is to inspire people to wake up instead of becoming emotionally stuck and mentally trapped into a never ever ending cycle of who is wrong and who is right. This has gone on long enough. We are greater than the beliefs we carry, so let us be honest and face the truth and accept it together.

    Becoming the Change is a book written to help people take on the challenge of deprogramming beliefs by looking at a series of questions, to think critically about the world around them and how they live. This book is a tool; you have to do your own work as no one else will do it for you. It is a book that will challenge your beliefs and hopefully inspire you.

    No one knows what others are living; nobody is in anybody's shoes. We all have been brought up differently, have different beliefs and live different lives. For us to also live as the old saying goes, don't judge until you have walked in my shoes. That applies to everyone; and there is no reason for any of us to lack compassion for each other. But it does mean we have to accept people pushing lies on us to believe with no proof.

    Becoming the change is about facing truths. Without facing some truths about this world, on how we as a species function and what it destroys and harms it, we will just keep bringing up new beliefs with no real healing to happen for everyone and everything living on this planet.

    There are two different worlds that are in conflict every day. One is about control and fear; based on beliefs. The other is about freedom and compassion; reality. The questions to follow and self-reflection will give you an idea of the world and a different view between the two.

    Now all these subjects are interconnected between, the physical, mental, and emotional, of the world we live in. I have decided to try to get them in different lay outs that are more or so related to one area than the others. As some words, and other subjects that have been read before, they have been brought in as relevance to the questions on the subject. And some of the words, used will also be brought up later in the book by themselves with questions for the reader to do critical thinking towards them. Included is an explanation after each set of questions for each subject of each chapter.

    Some words in the book that are used often, and if not being questioned, they are possibly in the glossary. Check it out if you want to have a definition. Some words used in the writing has many quote symbols, as that is to give people a pause to think of that word that we use so randomly in discussion and possibly never philosophically question the word with critical thinking and common sense.

    With all these questions, that you are going to read about all these different subjects, does it mean what is questioned doesn’t serve any good in your life, in people’s lives? No. Modern medicine has its place and many of these things in society serve peoples’ well-being and survival. At the same time, the evolution of society, the comforts it offers, and gives comes with a price. Many see it clearer, as they have to live more and more through them and are starting to question what is going on. As I have also been there, to see people argue, point the finger, get depressed, get hurt, and hurt themselves. I have decided to write a book to give questions to ask yourself about all the things you might see to also question, the way, for yourself to see how we have also been a part of the problems of the world. I asked myself the question when I was 8 years old, as to why we could be so good to ourselves, to each other and the rest of nature and the same people could be so cruel to themselves, to others, to nature. Why? How? Who? I have spent many hours of my life to ponder all these questions to try to make sense of this species. I am not out to make you feel bad, to attack you, to point the finger at anyone. If I am attacking anything, it is the delusions that we all carry, and it is nothing to be ashamed of, I have carried it too and it is called beliefs. I care for people, the Earth, all of Nature; I just dislike the sickness, the ego, the beliefs whatever you relate the delusions we all share it to be.

    It will cover questions about the Ego, Society, Tools of Society, Politics, Law, Religion, Morals, Climate Change, Pollution, Children, Food, and more, that we live with every day to live the life we live, which has many subjects and related topics in each section for you, the reader, to consider seeing if you see the ego, and the beliefs towards them.

    To start, these questions, about all these different events, ideologies, is not to side with anyone. I am on everyone's side. It is to challenge any ideas that I have encountered, and that others are exposed to in this world and question their beliefs, to see if there the truth and lies to what anyone believes and lives. Most of us, I know, agree there is a degree of delusion in this world, and we are all exposed to it from when we are born in this world of these possible lies that are programmed in us, and could potentially be lies along all our lives. In today's world, at the least, I know that it is present, and people are still fighting and arguing for reason when for at least for some, inside us, in the mind, wants peace, kindness, freedom and harmony. So why are we living in a world that is not that, on at least the outside, and maybe for most in the mind. What is wrong with us, as the question I have been trying to answer and have looked at different things in this lifetime that could contribute at us and myself living a lie and being destructive instead of what we all need.

    I am not claiming to know it all. What I wrote here, I allowed myself to suffer dearly to write this, and I did this out of all the compassion and strength I had in me.

    Why name the book Becoming the change? What does it mean? What is change? To inspire you to remember who you are, why you are here, and, you possibly need to look at everything that was told to you since you were brought in this world and find out for yourself what is reality without interference and question it yourself. You possibly need to forget who they told you to be and how to be. True change, we all know only happens from within, in the mind. Critical thinking of beliefs is needed.

    All the healing answers are within you, and only you. Why; because nobody knows you better than yourself. It’s all in the mind. Getting rid of the beliefs that don't serve you, questioning the ones even if you think they are true or false, is your own choice; to challenge your own beliefs. How can you be sure your beliefs are the right path, the truth? How can you guaranty that? All you may have is your body and mind; therefore, why not take care of it? Is there proof of a spirit within you? If you can't describe it simply, how can it be sure it is real? What is a spirit?

    There are five stages, you maybe encounter while reading and reflecting on these questions at different times for different questions; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Take into consideration, that they are just tools to help you, us, to identify what you are feeling, processing, living. But they are not stops to anyone's growth. Believing and knowing is two different things. Try to keep that mind while reading this book, it will help.

    Insanity: doing the same thing, over and over and expecting different results. Society can still somewhat function when some people are insane some of the time and not at the same time. The problem is now with this much population, weapons, confusion, when more and more people are insane most of the time at the same time, well that is getting dangerous for this species and others. It’s time to wake up.



    What is the ego? Is it attachment? Is it related to the unconscious mind? Is it allowing the mind to attach to someone or something? Is attachment also beliefs? Is it attachment to beliefs of yourself, others, ideologies, stories and others’ beliefs? Is it attachment to thought? Is that where it begins? Can you catch the ego, can you get rid of it, or can you just let it be and just not identify with it, the chatter? Is that where to start? Is it easier to identify someone’s ego than your own? Does peoples’ ego play a blame game with others ego to protect their beliefs sometimes? Why do people play games at times and can't be honest? Is it part of why there are trust issues? Why do people have to think while they listen, observe?

    Some say karma, is what makes things good or bad happen to someone; but how can that make sense? Someone is going to think back of something bad or good they did, and that would be the reason good or bad things happen to them? Isn't just still a thought? How can that prove anything? How can some of the financially richest people, where it is clear there is blood on their hands have things go so well for themselves if karma is real? So, do we need to go back to a heaven and hell concept? Isn't that again, a belief? What is a belief? Is it something that is the truth, or is it something you where thought, or made up in your mind? So, what can a belief serve anyone honestly? Hope? Does this hope come again from being afraid of being wrong and most people being right again? Is that freedom?

    Is it possible that mental suffering was not or is not natural? Does it feel natural? Is suffering an attachment to a thought or buildup of thoughts? Is suffering an emotion to a thought or thoughts? Where does it come from? Could suffering be a synonym of the ego? So, what is the ego? Is anger, fear, jealousy, arrogance, false pride, anxiety, etc. the ego? Or are these reactions to the ego? Is pursuing and seeing it within you harder that seeing it in others? If so, could we say that the ego is not natural? Do some argue or believe that the ego is needed to be a part of our life? If we didn't have an ego, we couldn't function and be basically zombies? Is that for sure a truth? How can one know without having done extensive work on the ego and knowing what it is, and having some real moments of not being clear seeing it for what it is? So, could it be fair to say that working on not being attached to the ego be more natural? That it could be what our purpose at the simplest form is? For so long we see debates that we wonder why we are here for; so why do we always complicate it. Is it the ego that does that? When our eyes, ears, words, sense of smell, feel, is overruled by non-critical thinking? If you reflect inwards, can you notice the ego? Is it a good tool to realize your living is not natural, just like the Matrix movie? So again, is it possible to fully embrace the natural world and living in it, if we live within modern society with an ego? Is it why the only place that time for yourself, can be done is by bringing yourself back in the present and not allow thoughts to affect you? To keep that, would you

    need to train yourself? Are you ready to invest time into it? Some people might bring up the aspect of how you could leave everything behind, all these beliefs? Is that a fair question? If we go to the foundation of it, isn't it attachment, the ego, to society, the physical realm, thoughts and what it makes us feel like or emotions? So, does this truly serve you or does it serve your ego? Is it an easy job and is it a lot of work? Is accepting and appreciating questions if brought up, helps to reflect on that for your journey? Could you feel threatened by questions? If so, does that mean your maybe attaching still to beliefs? Is accepting peoples’ choice or not also important? Is it for them to go through and do the work an easy journey? Could it also be at times, not a fun for some? Maybe because we are programmed to desire fun, to be happy, to pursue happiness as we want this now, right away? Does it truly last, or is it always a front of protecting ones’ beliefs, always pursuing, not living in the present? So, is it an example of not living naturally, or one could say waking up? Have you come to a point on this road that you want to move on beyond these limitations? When you embark on the journey to see at the foundation of different areas of society, broken down, does it seem overwhelming? Does it bring you to heartaches? Or do you begin being hopeful of a new Utopia? Could that still be the ego? Is it sometimes like a metaphor of a Pandora's Box, and at the point on the road you are now, do you see why it felt like such, and why you had to go through it? Why; maybe because you cared deeply about life? Is that the journey you chose? Is your process of letting go of it, yours to do, and let go of attachments to possible beliefs? Are you ready to make peace with yourself? Is it about convincing yourself or to look at yourself? Do you want to live an illusion, or live free? Does it mean everything you know and do is wrong? Or is it just about to see if there is more for you to look at, inside? Is it hard to do so, when you are living in a society that is saturated with the ego? Could you start feeling like you don't belong in that state? So, do you belong in that state of mind? And for you to live who you are and meant to be; is it to walk away from it all? Walk away from what, from the ego?

    Could the ego be described also as self-gratification, the illusion of a false self? Pursuing the thoughts from the mind without having it critically processed? How does grief serve people? Is it worth carrying around? Is it possible, people in society, pursuing jobs, feelings, acceptance, love, freedom, peace, individually create a false reality and interact with other false realities that keeps us in it without seeing it at times? Why would people do that? Have we been brought up in this world with parents living with the ego, friends, schools, jobs, dreams that are bombarding us with the desire of it and become addicted to it? Possibly always having to feed it, just as a metaphor as a heroin addict needs his or her fix to function? Is it a possible that's reality, the ego? So, has it been programmed in us since birth in this world, all this pursuing? Many talk as the example of the Buddha doing it, disconnecting from it, so the question is, did he work for it or he just woke up one morning, and say, aha I know it all!? Is it a great personal work, one of, at times a lonely one, but one sometimes must face to face the truth? So maybe is it possible, the greatest job we have after realizing this is to work on letting go of the addictions of the ego and eventually the ego? Is that what you want? Is it choice or do you have no choice? Could it be at least letting go of what is hurting you, thoughts, beliefs at your pace? Would that be also good enough for your ease of suffering from the mind? Could letting go the fear of checking your beliefs to see if they are true or false help? So how could you help this problem? Could meditation and self-reflection help you on this journey? Does it mean you have to go all guru like, new age movement, to try to explain things to others or more importantly yourself? Does it mean you have to buy every new age guru or religious or tribal ceremonies conductors’ rules to do this work? Or can you do it yourself, at your own chosen pace? Do you see many people now in today's world, as new age movement gurus, and others that get all fancy and verbalizing now, pieces of beliefs of modern science, as in quantum physics, philosophy and even modern religion, to sell their discipline, their ideologies, making a business out of it? Do they look like they might have an ego? Could some be charlatans? Why are some of them complicating it with fancy words? Maybe for them it gives them a sense of being able to explain things in words and in their minds? Is it possible it is because they can't explain some things? Is that ego driven? Is that feeding a trap of the ego for themselves and others? Is that possible? Are people becoming more and more disconnected with social media, cell phones, ego based information, and creating more complexity into trying to understand the world? Arguing between religion, spirituality, atheism, and modern science on how to explain it to others? Could there be a simpler way of explaining things? Do these saviors got trapped into giving the impression that they could answer anything and couldn't and now give all these complicated answers that don't answer nothing? Is that possible? Do words really have to be spoken, actions be done in terms of ego based, to get clarity within yourself? Is that why it must be a personal journey and just the action of interfering with words and actions towards others is not natural, stopping the process, and possibly trapping others into new traps of the ego? Is some of them, gurus turned it into a world of argument and competition of who can say it better and have support, gratification from others and keeping the cycle of the ego alive? Has curiosity kept people with the ego? So, is it fair to say that curiosity is coming from the ego like the song that never ends, a never-ending story? Does it seem to be? So, what is natural again? Are the living philosophies, beliefs in society all natural, or some are not? Could that be possibly true? Is that where it could bring you? Creating ego based belief traps all along, trap after trap if you’re not being careful? Could this sound depressing, frustrating? Or as we say to ourselves, it is good to be

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