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The Ultimate Retroactive Jealousy Cure: How To Stop Being Jealous Of Your Partner's Past In 12 Steps
The Ultimate Retroactive Jealousy Cure: How To Stop Being Jealous Of Your Partner's Past In 12 Steps
The Ultimate Retroactive Jealousy Cure: How To Stop Being Jealous Of Your Partner's Past In 12 Steps
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The Ultimate Retroactive Jealousy Cure: How To Stop Being Jealous Of Your Partner's Past In 12 Steps

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About this ebook

Learn how to get over Retroactive Jealousy in 12 Steps without spending a fortune on therapy. 

Is your mind caught in a vicious circle of repetitive thoughts about your partner’s past love life?

Are you extremely bothered by the fact that they once engaged in casual sex? Or were in love with someone else?

Are you constantly wondering how to get over your girlfriend’s past? Or boyfriend, husband, wife’s? 

Don't Worry, I Know What You're Going Through...

I was also once afflicted by retroactive jealousy issues — irrational jealous thoughts about my girlfriend's sexual past — and struggled FOR MONTHS to overcome them.

Platitudes like "Just move on," or "The past is the past" were well intentioned but, as you probably know, completely meaningless.

BUT finally, after months of battling, I discovered the secret of how to overcome my girlfriend’s past sexual exploits…

My retroactive jealousy book will help squash all jealousy of your partner’s past, for good. 

Inside I will teach you the ultimate retroactive jealousy cure — how to overcome retroactive jealousy in a relationship 12 SIMPLE STEPS.

Learn which TWO KEY EMOTIONS are fueling your retrospective jealousy, AND how to get rid of them.

REWIRE your mind to think about your partner's past in a whole new positive light. "What you resist, persists!"

Learn how to BREAK the cycle of resisting these jealous thoughts and feeling worse because of it.

Stop interrogating your loved one about their past behaviour and zero in on what really matters -- THE PRESENT.

In short, learn how to not care AT ALL about your husband, boyfriend, wife or girlfriend's sexual or romantic history.

Learn How To Stop Being Jealous In Your Relationship In 14,300 words, 12 steps, 3 sections: 

Part 1: Understanding Retroactive Jealousy Issues

Discover just what a retroactive jealousy disorder is. As Yoda used to say "Named must your fear be, before banish it you can." 

Part 2: Rewiring The Mind
The next four steps tackle how you're thinking about your partner's sexual history and rewires these thoughts to reframe them in a much more positive light. As you’ll find out, retroactive jealousy and insecurity go hand in hand. 

Part 3: Practical Exercises
You can't overcome retroactive jealousy in a relationship by thinking about it. In this last section I give you four hands-on practical exercises that you can do every day to kill all your anxiety about your partner's past. 

Join The 100s Of Satisfied Customers Who’ve Beaten Retroactive Jealousy OCD

Here’s what just one of my happy customers had to say about my book about overcoming retroactive jealousy:

“Something must have deeply echoed with my subconscious….as well as my rational mind and these feelings were GONE. Years of making myself depressed and hurting my peace and energy over imaginary stuff…..gone…. Thank you! You are a good man.”

— Pat. O. St Louis (see original email from Pat here: 

Get your thoughts back under control and end the “mini-movies” about the past and let go of your angry, judgmental, and jealous emotions and feel at peace once again. 


-- Jeff

PublisherJeff Billings
Release dateNov 13, 2017
The Ultimate Retroactive Jealousy Cure: How To Stop Being Jealous Of Your Partner's Past In 12 Steps

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An extremely good and helpful book. This book cures retroactive jealousy because it rewires your mind. Thank you!!

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The Ultimate Retroactive Jealousy Cure - Jeff Billings


I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll gladly make an exception.

– Groucho Marx


It was two a.m. and I was asleep in bed with my new girlfriend. Let’s call her Emma. Her phone rang, waking us up. She didn’t answer it. A few moments later it rang again. She ignored it. Finally, it vibrated with the arrival of a text message. She read it, and I asked who it was... And that, ladies and gentlemen, was my first mistake. Turns out that, yep – you’re way ahead of the game – it was a former sex buddy casually wondering if she was free for more quality buddy time. Emma politely declined the request, but for some reason he found it strangely hard to take the hint and continued to pester her over the coming months.

Some extra spice was added to all this when a couple of other former lovers joined in by enquiring as to her buddy time availability. This, it seems, was due to her having only just returned to town after being absent for six months in France. And so began my descent into retroactive jealousy hell... A nagging unease, coupled with repetitive images of her with these other guys grew and grew. And the more I thought about it—who she used to have sex with, and how could I stop thinking about it—the worse it got. I tried everything, from trawling the internet for information, to talking to Emma about it, to making her delete these guys on Facebook, to writing each other love letters, but nothing seemed to work...

Chances are that you’re going through a similar form of mind-bending, unfathomable pain caused by obsessively thinking about useless stuff that happened in your partner’s past that I went through. Maybe you’ve asked for help with your unwanted thoughts and been told: Just move on, Get over it, Their past has made them who they are, and so on.

As well-intentioned as these nuggets of wisdom are, they’re of little use to the sufferer of retroactive jealousy. Intellectually you know you they’re right—you should just get over it—but how? Well, don’t worry, this book will show you how.

In all the time I was plagued by retroactive jealousy and searching for the answer, something was working... My mind was taking on board a substantial amount of information as I searched for the answer, often by looking deep within myself. As time went on I began to realize that certain positive thoughts, concepts, and actions seriously helped to quell jealous feelings more than others, and herein lies the genesis of this book. I ended up focusing on several key concepts that really helped me to see my situation in a much clearer light. Within a couple of weeks these concepts—coupled with the daily practical exercises in steps nine to twelve—had eliminated my jealous thoughts.

Some time afterwards, I decided to write this book to help fellow sufferers of this debilitating and confusing condition regain control of their mind, and their life. Although I can say with confidence that my retroactive jealousy has now disappeared, let me stress that I have absolutely no qualifications or special skills to back up this book other than my direct experience. I am not a psychologist or a doctor. I’m just a regular guy who has successfully squashed unwanted thoughts after a long and protracted struggle, and ultimately by myself. I wrote this book for you, because I want you to be able to rid yourself of these pointless, negative thoughts much quicker than I did, and finally be able to stop spending emotional energy on things that really don’t matter.

Note: I’ll be referring throughout the book to a Resources Toolkit which contains videos, books and blog posts you can check out for further information on whatever subject I’m talking about.

You can find it online at:


I’m very sane about how crazy I am.

– Carrie Fisher


Imagine for a moment two ducks swimming in a lake. Everything’s calm and peaceful. Then, one duck decides to attack the other duck. There’s a flapping of wings, splashing of water and maybe some squawking, but just as suddenly as the conflict began, it’s over. The two ducks swim away from each other like nothing happened. In this regard, people should be more like ducks. We should be able to brush off altercations, thoughts, emotions, etc. and just get on with our day without them ever bothering us again. But the majority of us find this extremely difficult. Whether it’s remaining angry about an argument for days, or ruminating on a grudge, or obsessing over our partner’s past, we humans love hanging on to things that we should probably just let go.

This is the aim of this book: to enable you to let go of the constant stream of anxious thoughts and emotions you currently have about your partner’s former love life. So, how do we do this? We do it in three parts...  


I believe it’s essential to understand fully what you’re up against before you can tackle it, and the first four steps in the book address this head on. A major part of the problem with retroactive jealousy is confusion over what exactly it is you are tackling. Are these negative emotions and thoughts a product of anger? Fear? Not feeling special to your partner? Being judgmental about sex? Or all of the above? The mind feeds off the puzzle, and the confusing nature of what exactly it is you’re feeling, makes it that much harder to combat. It’s like trying to play pool while drunk, wearing a blindfold and holding the cue round the wrong way. Not that I’ve ever tried that, but you get the picture.

In these steps, however, I detail the exact nature of retroactive jealousy and the two key emotions driving it, so you’ll know exactly what it is you’re feeling and be better equipped to fight it.


Once you know what retroactive jealousy is and what’s causing it, I’ll show you how to rewire the mind so you no longer have it. This section focuses on negating the two key emotions that are causing your retroactive jealousy. You will learn how to rewire the mind to rid it of the negative, limiting beliefs it currently has, and replace them with four new beliefs which will change how you think about yourself, your partner, sex, the past and the present. When these four new concepts have been taken on board, you will have the solid foundation necessary to tackle the practical exercises outlined in the final section.


Changing the way you think about certain concepts is an essential step on the road to overcoming the affliction, but the mind will attempt to resist this at all costs, unless it is backed up by action. And that’s where this

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