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Wanted: adventurer
Wanted: adventurer
Wanted: adventurer
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Wanted: adventurer

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In this sequel to "Wanted: hero" we follow Sabas and his alien bride Reny as they are looking for their own home. When they receive an invitation to visit the Souverein and his family again, they are immediately up for the journey there.

A concert and meeting someone who works in a library are the starting points for an adventure into an area on Nilib-6 that Sabas has never heard of. Remarkable encounters and unexpected discoveries are the fast paced elements of this new trip for the two.

Will they ever get home? Why do they go up in the air? And will Sabas and Reny succeed in becoming parents? You can find the answer to these and more questions in "Wanted: adventurer".

PublisherPaul Kater
Release dateDec 1, 2017
Wanted: adventurer

Paul Kater

Paul Kater was born in the Netherlands in 1960. He quickly developed a feel for books and languages but ended up in the IT business despite that. Books and languages never ceased to fascinate him, so since 2003 he's been actively writing, encouraged by friends on the internet. The internet is the reason why most of his work is in English. A friend asking for writing help is why some of his writing is now also in Dutch. Paul currently lives in Cuijk, the Netherlands, with his books, possibly with cats, and the many characters he's developed in the past years, who claim he is a figment of their imagination.

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    Book preview

    Wanted - Paul Kater

    1. The house

    Screeerrrr. The walls of the house were no barrier for the scream of a lonely Artor. Not again. Sabas sat up and looked at the faint light that made it through the curtains. The Artors had their mating season and screamng him awake was their way of making him join in their business. Reny didn't stir. She was used to this noise since she'd been born and Sabas suspected she didn't even register it. He envied her for that. He sank down on the pillow and prepared for the next scream. He didn't have to wait long. At least they'd gone to bed early the night before so he felt well rested. Screeerrr. The Artor made another pass over the street in its attempts to attract a mate. With a sound like that you'll scare the ladies off, buddy, Sabas muttered to himself. Screeerrr.

    Sabas looked forward to the new day. Reny and he would go out again, walking through the streets and looking for a place of their own. They had talked about it a few times already. At first Reny hadn't liked the idea to leave her family even when she understood it had to happen someday, but over time she'd changed her mind and now she was almost more eager to leave than he was. They'd seen several homes already, but most of them were either not the right size, or damaged so badly that the buildings had to be torn down and rebuilt before someone could live there. The Lergesh had left many such marks in Mianthern. Sabas was surprised that the smaller towns all had suffered so much from the Lergesh desire to destroy. Much more than larger cities like Strevan.

    There were a few neighbourhoods Reny would love to live but these had so far proven to be very popular. Not a single home was available there. Maybe today they would find a house that was good in all respects. Sabas drifted off to sleep again, to be woken by Reny who teasingly pulled his hair.

    Good morning, she said as he opened his eyes. Today we will find our house.

    Yes. We will. I demand a hug for good luck. He got his hug. No kiss, because that would keep them occupied in the bedroom much too long. Hugs were safe, though. After this one, which still took long, they got up.

    As they entered the livingroom, the smell of a good breakfast drifted from the kitchen to greet them. Good morning, said Indra from the kitchen. It feels as if you take longer and longer to get up. Reny blushed and Sabas grinned.

    We try not to make it too obvious, he said. Your food always lures us out. Indra laughed at that. Anything she cooked was good but it was only breakfast. As they ate, they talked about the new attempt to find a house. Indra suggested another area they might try. Sabas noticed Reny's grimace but didn't mention it. Obviously not a good spot, according to her.

    We might have a look behind the large shopping areas, Reny suggested.

    There too, Indra said. Sabas sensed that she knew they wouldn't follow up on her suggestion. Just make certain you will be in a respectable neighbourhood. Indra and Reny were of a similar mindset in that respect, so no one had to worry about that. Finding a place however had been difficult so far. After breakfast the two showered and got dressed. Reny came out of their bedroom holding their name disc, which she handed to Sabas.

    We shouldn't forget this. The day before they had gone out without it. The name disc had both their names on it, in Reny's elegant handwriting, and was meant to go on the door once they'd found their new home. Sabas nodded and blushed because he'd been the one to expertly forget it the previous day. He tucked it safely under his arm and declared himself ready to leave. Then he pulled his braid over his shoulder, as a finishing touch. Reny grinned. He was so special to her with his odd habits. Sometimes they drove her mad, but she didn't want him to change. Come. We're leaving now.

    Once outside they walked down the street to the large building with the many small shops, stalls and tiny offices they often used to shorten the trip to the other side. Do we go left or right? Sabas asked after emerging into a street again. Reny looked both ways. It always surprised him that taking such relatively simple decisions took so much time with her, as if she was consciously considering their options. According to him either side had as much chance as the other.

    Left, she said. She spoke slowly, as if she was still thinking about her decision. Yes. We should go left. Sabas held her hand as they walked down the street. It was a quiet street compared to Heglurngong. What was that again? Oh, right. Shopstreet. Why are you smiling? Reny saw everything.

    Sabas told her what he'd just thought and how he'd had a moment of trouble translating the name of the street back to English. I had to think of Heglurngong and the first time you took me there. My first encounter with life in Mianthern.

    I remember. You needed the translator so much then. You couldn't even pronounce the simplest words correctly, and now you're fluent in Nill. It wasn't exactly true, but he'd come a long way since then, and she admired him for it. Sabas knew better than to say he wasn't fluent. Compliments were important here, and Reny never missed a moment to give him one. That was one of the things he still needed to work on.

    I had and still have an excellent teacher, he said. A teacher so good and lovely that I stole her heart, and made her get into a bound partnership with me before I let her get it back.

    Reny stopped walking and stared at him, her face beaming. Sabas... She took both his hands in hers. That was so beautiful. A few people walked around them without any comment of them blocking the road. Did you think of that all by yourself?

    He grinned. Only a few words. I read the rest in a few books.

    But you remembered them. For me. Reny felt happy. Thank you. Come. We'll find our house today. Hand in hand they walked on.


    Oh, come on. You can't be serious! Sabas looked around in the house they had located. It wasn't a ground floor house like Reny had originally hoped. After wasting time trying to find such a house they had started looking at apartment-like homes, and that was where they now were. It was on the first floor, in a building where most windows had lost the battle against the Lergesh. All the walls were still there but some had serious holes in it. The floor was scratched and power cables peeked through. The ceiling was the only thing that looked like it wouldn't need much attention.

    Sabas. Reny looked at him in her usual calm way. Why don't you let your creativity come out? She'd said that so often already. All we need to do is clean up a little and then this will be a wonderful place for us to live in.

    Sabas took her hands in his. "Of course. You're right. As long as the cleaning up is not just a little and we get some professional help to fix the place up. He walked around one of the walls and looked at Reny through a hole. And the rest."

    We'll have plenty of help and you know that. Reny became a little upset with his comment. Ever since they'd come home they had lived with her parents, and her father had indicated more than once that it was fine if they wanted to look for a home for themselves. Everyone in the neighbourhood had heard of Sabas and his heroic deeds, and they were prepared to kiss the ground Reny and he walked on. Help would not be a problem.

    Sabas hugged Reny. I'm sorry. It's just that this is... strange. It wasn't really strange but it reminded him a bit too much of the first time he went to look at a house with his then wife, back on Earth. He knew he should leave those thoughts behind. He looked around again. You're right. This could be a nice home. He meant it.

    It will be, Reny said. I know it will be. We have many friends that want to help us.

    Sabas looked into her large, blue eyes and knew she was right. Furniture wouldn't be a problem either. Since they had returned, their fame for playing such a large part in getting rid of the Lergesh had spread, and he and Reny were considered heroes. People loved doing and making things for them; it was almost considered an honour. We'll do this, sweetheart, he said. This will be our house.

    Our home, she corrected him as she pointed at the name disc he'd carried around all the time. And we'll attach this to the door so people will see that this house is no longer free. Sabas took the sign and felt dumb once more. This was so different again to what he was used to. As he looked at the disc he noticed that the Nillibian writing looked all wrong. You're holding it upside down, she said at the same moment he discovered his mistake. Sabas grinned and turned the sign so the right side was up. Reny nodded and dragged him out to the corridor and pointed at the door. Put it up there, on the dark patch. It will stick. Seconds later the sign was on the door. Reny threw her arms around him for a moment. That was safe as there were no others in the corridor. We now have our own home, Sabas. They stood there and admired the sign on the door. Then the couple left the building and then looked up to the second floor where their future home was waiting for them. My parents will be very happy for us, Reny said.

    And for themselves, Sabas joked. We've lived with them long enough already; I'm sure they're entirely fed up with us by now. He knew it wasn't true but he just had to tease her. Reny was clearly getting used to his sense of humour though, because she didn't react to it at all.

    We should go back now and dress for the evening. Reny looked into his eyes and slowly folded her fingers around his braid. It was from his own hair, and she'd braided it herself that morning. Being able to hold it like that was very important to her. It was a tangible sign that they were and belonged together. You do remember that, don't you?

    Sabas smiled and put his hands on her shoulders, something he knew to be an intimate gesture which was allowed in the street. Yes, we're going to meet some friends. He also knew not to say friends of yours, because since they were an official couple her friends were his friends, and his friends were her friends as well, but the few friends Sabas had left behind on earth didn't know of her existence, nor where Sabas was now.

    And you remember their names? Reny asked as she folded her hand around his braid a little tighter.

    He knew she would pull if he said no. I remember Danoo and Rena. I forgot the third name.

    Letris, she said as she released his hair. Letris is the woman who taught me how to play the Hembe, you should remember that. It was an important evening for her as her friends had fled Mianthern when it was in the claws of the Lergesh. The three people had returned only a week ago and contacted Lehrm's house by communicator first, to find out if any of the family was there. Still alive was of course the original intent but those words hadn't been spoken.

    Letris, Danoo and Rena. I can remember that.

    I'll ask you when we get home, Reny promised, and then she kept talking about their new home until they reached the house of her parents. The elevator didn't present a problem for Sabas. Often he remembered that first time he was in it with Reny, and how she had teased him. She had also helped him to learn Nill, the language here. He pressed the button for up. Reny looked at him as she heard his grin.

    I'll never forget the first time I had to decipher these words, he said, pointing at the two buttons.

    Reny laughed. You were so new here, so strange. They left the elevator and then she stopped him as she looked at him again with her big, full blue eyes. With a finger she carefully touched the patch of Nillibian skin on his cheek. So much has changed. Thanks to you.

    Sabas put his hand over hers. Thanks to us. And many others. His thoughts flashed back to the Nordrish, and the Pletyn Urad, the special child of that race who somehow had saved him from certain death as his shuttle plummeted to the ground. For a moment he also thought of Hisdo, the man from Strevan who had joined him in that shuttle whilst knowing he wouldn't survive it.

    Reny, Sabas. They looked up and saw Indra, Reny's mother, walking up to them. I heard you come in, said Indra who wa followed by Cailo. Did you find a home this time?

    We did! It's in the Second Street of Merchants so it's not very far from here, Reny explained. It is on the first floor of the building called Glemli. We have placed our names on the door.

    Cailo looked worried. So much has been damaged there. He'd been playing there with other children and scouted large parts of the neighbourhood, to see how everything looked after the Lergesh had ransacked the town.

    True, said Sabas, but the building is solid and stable, and with so much removed from the house there are ample opportunities to make it exactly the way we want it.

    Removed? What is removed?

    Everything. The space was empty.

    Reny said, No one has lived there in a very long time. They probably moved out at some point during the Lergesh occupation; they even took their name disc with them. As they talked, Indra ushered them to a comfortable couch where they sat. Cailo offered to fetch gostif for everyone, but they'd have to wait talking about their new home until he'd returned. That was easy enough, because Cailo hurried. He was very curious. They then told the two about their entire morning of house hunting, until Sabas and Reny had to prepare for their visit with their friends.

    You need to take your Hembe with you, Reny reminded him when they were almost ready. As he went to fetch the instrument, she stood in front of the statue of Panor, which somehow had survived the entire tumultuous period which lay behind them. The small statue hadn't suffered so much as a scratch. Panor knows how happy I am, she whispered at the small statue that had a prominent place on the small table next to the door, and how happy Sabas is. There was no time to say more so she turned, picked up her own musical instrument and smiled at the man she had married. Are you ready?

    Almost, Sabas said as he touched her cheek. I just need to tell you how beautiful you are. And now I'm ready. Reny felt how her features darkened, the Nillibian way of blushing. After a smile she left the room, Sabas following her closely.

    We're ready to leave now, she said to her family.

    Enjoy yourselves, and do pay our respects to your friends. Lehrm had come home and escorted them down to the street where he watched them walk off.

    Too bad we can't go there on a Walker, Sabas grinned. That would make quite the impression.

    You're silly, Reny commented and then she grinned at the idea. It was a pity that they didn't have a Walker at the moment; the ones that had brought them back to Mianthern had been lent to people who needed the strong animals to rebuild parts of the city that had been severely damaged. Carrying their Hembes under their arms they walked to the main street where they found a groundcar. Reny watched Sabas do his best as he slowly wrote the address on the display. She already saw two mistakes but let him write until he was finished.

    Wrong. I had expected that already.

    Don't worry. You're doing much better already. Quickly Reny then entered the address of their friends' apartment and the car started moving. As they travelled, Reny explained to him where he'd gone wrong with his writing. It's interesting to see that you always make the same little mistakes.

    Then we have to do something about that, he said. He lived here, Nillib-6 was his home now, so he had and wanted to know the language and all that came with it.

    2. A visit

    The car reached a quiet street and came to a halt in front of a low building. The car door slid open, allowing Reny and Sabas to exit. Sabas looked at the building. Nice here, he said. I like the colours. Clearly the destructive rage of the Lergesh hadn't reached all the way here because everything in the street still looked intact.

    Reny glanced at some of the buildings. It feels as if it is very long ago that I was here, she said. I'm glad it is still the way I remember it. She looked at Sabas. Come. We're going to meet our friends now.

    Sabas appreciated her encouraging smile and felt blessed with a woman like her who understood how awkward and new so many things still were for him. Yes. Our friends. He followed her to one of the doors that were covered in colours. Reny touched the door. It opened without a sound nor the need to tell who they were. They entered a hexagonal vestibule. It was quite small so Sabas waited in the door opening. As they both had their Hembe with them they wouldn't fit inside!

    Danoo? We have arrived, Reny said. Almost immediately one wall of the small space moved to the side, allowing them entrance to a large room where almost everything was some shade of red. It made Sabas gasp as they entered. The next challenge came in the form of the three people sitting in comfortable-looking bags. He couldn't call these odd bits of furniture anything else. Sabas knew that Danoo was the male friend and Rena and Letris were women, but all three looked female to him. He decided to just stand there and let Reny do the talking until the who's who became a bit clearer. Rena, Reny said and smiled at a short person in a red robe who rose and took her free hand.

    Reny. It has been so long. Yes, this was definitely a woman. Sabas could tell from the voice. And this is the famous man who has done so much for Nillib-6. The lady in red turned to Sabas. He saw that she had amazing, yellow eyes. I am Rena. I thank and welcome you. She touched the back of his free hand for a moment.

    Hello, Rena. I am Sabas. I'm pleased to meet you.

    Rena smiled and stepped aside. The tallest of the three came forward then. Reny, my dearest. My heart rejoices to see you again, and tied and bound too! Not a male voice at all so this had to be Letris, who had taught Reny to play the Hembe.

    Letris. It's been too long, Reny said to the woman in the long, blue dress. Allow me to introduce Sabas. Instead of looking at Sabas however the woman looked at the Hembe that Reny carried with her.

    A very nice instrument, Reny.

    Sabas won it for me during a sword dance in Strevan. Reny could not sound more proud as she said it. Her words clearly made quite an impression on their three hosts who turned to Sabas and his Hembe.

    Sabas, said Letris, the woman in blue. Please feel most welcome here. Danoo and Rena said similar words. The seemingly simple fact that he had won the Hembe for Reny seemed to make all the difference for these three, even though he originally had won a sword which he'd traded for the instrument. Reny and he were ushered into the large room and offered a seat on one of the large bags that were everywhere. The one they chose was large enough for both of them. Then Danoo, who seemed to be the official owner of this house, offered them a drink. Instead of the usual gostif he showed them a cabinet containing at least a dozen bottles in many shapes and colours. All of those, he explained, had been saved from the plunderings of the Lergesh.

    These bottles contain the finest liqueurs from many places on Nillib-6, their host explained. Would you like to sample any of them? Sabas wasn't certain if this was a good time. He'd never had anything alcoholic on this planet since he arrived. A glance at Reny told her that he was lost for an answer.

    We may wait a little with that, my friend Danoo, she said. Sabas has developed a liking of gostif though.

    Rena sat down on a bag close to the couple. So it is true?

    What would be true? Reny asked.

    That he is not from our planet. We have heard rumours to that effect. That a man from another planet has helped to chase off the Lergesh. Letris and Danoo still stood but looked as questioningly as the lady in red who'd asked the question.

    Reny took her partner's hand. I think you should tell them. Sabas held her hand and smiled, and then he told their hosts that it was indeed true. He didn't go into all the details; that would take too long and stir up too many memories that had just found a resting place beneath a layer of mental dust. The parts he told them were impressive enough though, and in places Reny added a few details where she thought he didn't give himself enough credit for what had happened. After they'd stopped their account of adventures the hosts were silent for a while. Danoo silently walked off.

    And your skin, if we are allowed to ask, Letris then said, is that normal for the people of your planet?

    Sabas looked at his hand and touched the rough, Nillibian skin that was there. No. No, it isn't. The people there have a skin that's all like this. He pulled up his sleeve a little, showing them his pale skin. Some are dark, some are light like me.

    Reny then explained about how badly he'd gotten hurt in the Lergesh shuttle. We still don't understand how he survived that, and the Pletyn Urad didn't want to tell us. Banek had ordered the staff at the hospital to keep Sabas alive. Some of his skin was burnt so they transplanted some of our skin onto him. I'm proud of Sabas.

    Danoo handed out the cups with gostif he'd brought in. I heard you mention the Pletyn Urad. He looked at Reny, then at Sabas. We always heard it was a myth. A child of wonder.

    Sabas looked at Reny. Then he said, We should let the Pletyn Urad remain a myth. In his heart he knew that was the best thing to do. The Nordrish would want it that way.

    Somehow this little interlude had broken a lot of ice. The three hosts made themselves comfortable and asked Reny how they had fared during the last months of the occupation. Reny and Sabas told them about their adventures and also their fears. Letris seemed most shocked to hear about the atrocities committed by the Lergesh. Her mood improved a lot after they had told about their tying and when they reached the spot that Banek and Loyee themselves had acted as Sabas's parents Letris, Danoo and Rena started clapping while their faces beamed.

    Nothing but the very best for our sweet friends, said Rena. She looked at Sabas. You are a very remarkable person. We have to admit that we worried about you and also about Reny when we heard that she and you became official partners.

    Me being an alien, Sabas understood.

    Reny looked at him, then at Rena. As she took his hand she said, You know now that you need not worry any more. After that the atmosphere became very relaxed. As the last layer of reservedness disappeared, the three hosts treated Sabas as one of their own.

    Sabas, Letris suddenly asked, would you mind if I touch your skin?

    He was slightly surprised by her question. Of course not. Sabas held out his arm and pulled up the sleeve of his shirt. He had grown accustomed to the sight of the two kinds of skin, as had Reny. The three new friends came closer and first just stared at it. Then Letris carefully touched the arm. First she touched the rough, Nillibian skin she was used to. Then she moved her finger to the earthman skin.

    It's very soft, she said. Soft and vulnerable. I could damage it without much effort. Her words gave the others the incentive to touch Sabas's arm as well and they reached the same conclusion. Thank you, Sabas, Letris said as she took her seat again. I have never met anyone like you.

    Danoo sat down as well and looked at Sabas and Reny. Danoo, what goes on in your head? Reny asked, who recognised the expression on her friend's face.

    You know me, dear Reny, said the man. I am very much tempted to make an image of you two together, with both of you in your natural state. Sabas frowned and looked at his wife. Natural state? Would that mean what he suspected it would mean? The Nillibian people had never struck him to be this open about their bodies, considering the fact that even touching each other in public was not accepted unless the couple were affirmed partners. A loud chuckle from Reny made Sabas look at her.

    @Your face, Sabas, she said as she leaned over and brushed his cheek with her lips, it is so beautiful when you are confused. Tell us, what is confusing you? He told her about his thoughts. The words made all the others laugh and smile, although not as loudly as Reny had done. You are right, Sabas, he does want to create imagery of us while we wear nothing, but he will make it so that no one will see anything that should not be seen. Danoo is very careful with that. Why is this so surprising? Is art where you came from so different?

    Sabas had never been much into art like that but he managed to explain that art on earth often showed nakedness as well. It just never occured to me that this would be done elsewhere as well.

    Nor that you would be the subject of such art, Rena added, a knowing smile on her face. Things happen, Sabas, tied partner of Reny. You will find many more remarkable happenings in your life.

    That's just what I need after everything that already happened, he said and laughed. The others laughed and smiled with him.


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