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Finding the Stairway to Heaven
Finding the Stairway to Heaven
Finding the Stairway to Heaven
Ebook290 pages11 hours

Finding the Stairway to Heaven

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About this ebook

Jasmine Mae Cavanaugh's life journey was not easy and she ultimately died of an accidental overdose at the age of 39. She was bright and beautiful and should have had the world by the tail, but she had Borderline Personality Disorder and a long history of drug addiction. Because of this, she didn't see the world the way the rest of us did and made many poor choices during her too-short life.
This is a mother's story of the challenges both she and her troubled daughter have faced and how she was able to turn tragedy into hope and inspiration. She reveals what she calls "the stairway" to Finding Heaven on Earth through a 10-Step process that will help you to understand your true essence as a spiritual being and how to develop your higher consciousness and your connection to God.

PublisherNancy Ouellet
Release dateNov 13, 2017
Finding the Stairway to Heaven

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    Book preview

    Finding the Stairway to Heaven - Nancy Ouellet


    This book is dedicated to my daughter Jasmine who left this physical world unexpectedly on September 30, 2015. We were in this life together for a reason.

    Thank you for choosing to be my daughter and helping me learn what I needed to learn so that I could share these lessons with others.

    My daughter, Jasmine Mae Cavanaugh

    Just before she left this plane September 30, 2015

    My daughter, Jasmine Mae Cavanaugh (on the Left)

    My grand-daughter, Angel Rene Cavanaugh (on the Right)




    My Family (Circa 1990)


    Finding the Stairway to Heaven

    The Significance of the Book Title Finding the Stairway to Heaven



    Learning to Love Myself

    Jasmine and Angel

    My Spiritual Journey


    The Soul’s Journey



    ME vs We

    Separation vs Unity

    Blame vs Understanding

    Hostility vs Friendliness

    Resentment vs Forgiveness

    Pride vs Love (See Fear vs Love below)

    Complaining vs Gratefulness

    Jealousy vs Shared Happiness

    Anger vs Positivity

    Power vs Humility

    Materialism vs Spiritualism

    Madness vs Wisdom

    War vs Peace

    Coldness vs Sympathy

    Past/Future-Oriented vs Present-Oriented

    Intolerance vs Tolerance

    Self-Importance vs Shared-Importance

    Egoism vs Altruism

    Self-Denial vs Self-Acceptance

    Social Intolerance vs Social Acceptance

    Status Seeking Vs Simplicity

    Doing vs Just Being

    Competition vs Creation

    Luck vs Alignment

    Security vs Mystery

    Safety vs Growth

    Fear vs Love

    Scarcity vs Abundance

    Victim vs Responsibility

    Frustration vs Gratitude

    Fantasy vs Vision

    Problem-focus vs Solution-focus

    Risk vs Commitment




    What Is Faith?

    Your Thoughts Shape Your Reality

    What is the study of metaphysics?


    Love Filled Words

    Fear Filled Words

    Daily Steps to Loving Yourself

    Love Your Enemies


    The Peace Prayer of Saint Francis

    Workbook Lesson 108 – To give and to receive are one in truth.

    Workbook Lesson 159 - I give the miracles I have received.


    How to Live in The Moment


    How Does One Awaken and Find Their Inner Life Purpose?




    Teaching or Being of Service



    Step 1 – Recognition/Awareness

    Step 2 – Separation and Atonement

    Step 3 – Truth Versus Illusion

    Step 4 – Faith Is Believing

    Step 5 – All You Need Is Love

    Step 6 – Giving Is Receiving

    Step 7 – Living in The Here and Now

    Step 8 – Finding Your Life’s Purpose

    Step 9 – Learn, Heal and Teach

    Step 10 – Think, Believe, Act, Create




    My Daughter Jasmine’s Visits from the Other Side of the Veil

    Mom Visits from The Other Side of The Veil

    Recommended Reading List



    I would like to acknowledge the people in my life who have taught me something special on my journey towards remembering who I am and towards becoming what I am supposed to become in this current lifetime. Without them appearing in my life at exactly the right time, I would not be writing this book.

    My mother Celina who taught me how to love and to have faith in God, Jesus and Mary, Mother of God.

    My father Rene who taught me to work hard and think on my feet. Who conquered his own addiction problems and was then able to shower me with love and attention when I needed him the most.

    My siblings who challenged me and made me question my self-worth which pushed me to try harder, work harder and be more.

    My sister Betty who pulled me out of my chronic anxiety in 1988 and led me to my first Al-Anon meeting.

    My sister Joanne for being my soul sister in training and trusting me to guide her on her own spiritual journey.

    The milkman who told me I was sunshine. He made me feel that Spark of God’s love when I needed it the most.

    My first husband James Cavanaugh who loved me so very much, but because of his own insecurities and addictions, made me realize that I deserved a better life. Without his being who he was, I would not have discovered that I needed to change so that I could save myself and my daughter. I would not have seen a therapist and would not have discovered I was codependent. This led me to recovery work with Al-Anon and Adult Children of Alcoholics and eventually, to Co-dependents Anonymous.

    My beautiful daughter Jasmine Cavanaugh who passed away unexpectedly on September 30, 2015. Your life handed you many challenges. These challenges kept our hearts apart for many years until I was ready to learn the lessons. I do believe you were in my life for a reason. In our journey together, you taught me how to face my fears, to be compassionate, to forgive all things, and to love all things. Because of my desire to heal our relationship, I read, contemplated and digested everything I could get my hands on relating to this. It led me to my higher self and my inner peace, strength and hope. I know you are with me as I write this book, ever reminding me that we are all on this journey of life together and that death does not mean an end to those we love. It is just a change in our perception of that love.

    My husband Charlie McKendy whose steadfast love, strength, courage and humility has been a true blessing to me in this life. He has been at my side since 1988 through some of the most difficult challenges we have had to face. He is always supportive, always loving. Not once has he been judgmental towards me. He has shown me that there are wonderful loving men in this world, capable of true intimacy. He taught me what love from a man is supposed to look like, and what commitment truly means; commitment to me as his wife, and to his children, his family and my family. A special thank you also to Charlie for helping me to edit this book.

    To my handsome step-sons Charlie Joe Mckendy and Liam Mckendy. You are sons of my heart. I couldn’t have created anything more perfect. I love you both for all that you are. Charlie Joe, you are strong and silent and so gentle – so much like your dad. Liam you are creative, adventurous and so introspective – also like your dad. Charlie Joe you taught me to accept that men who are different can be very special. Liam, you taught me that men can be fun to be around, as well as deep. Both of you deserve nothing but the best that life has to offer.

    My grand-daughter Angel Cavanaugh whom Charlie and I raised from a young age and whom we both love like a daughter. You are beautiful and smart and deserve everything you want from this life. Although you challenged our parenting abilities, I want to thank you for teaching me to chill out, to Let Go and Let God and to stop smothering you so that you could just be yourself. You were always perfect anyway and still are! Please forgive me when I forget this from time to time and for wanting to tell you what to eat or wear or what to do. It’s hard being a mom and letting go, as you will discover with Elias someday. I frequently need to remind myself that it’s your journey, not mine and that you deserve to enjoy every moment of that journey the way you choose to enjoy it. So, please remember: Don’t worry - be happy!

    To Jessica my step-daughter who chose to leave this life too early. I can’t believe you are gone. You were like a daughter to me and I miss your dry sense of humour and smart mouth. You taught me to tell people how much I care about them before it is too late. I named my beagle Jessie after you so that I could keep you close to me even after you were gone.

    To all my friends and spiritual teachers, but in particular, Jane Humphries, Mary Ann Elizabeth Boyer, Mangella Green, Pam Boudreau, Les and Kathy Willier, Carol Vautour, Elizabeth Rose and Friends of The Rose Cottage, Franca Vresk and Siri Nam Kaur. You have each shown me unconditional love accepting me for who I was, but also inspired me to look beyond my past, to forgive and love myself, and to be who I was meant to be.

    To all the wonderful Spiritual leaders that I have studied throughout my lifetime - Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, Melody Beattie, Caroline Myss, Paramahansa Yogananda, Eckhart Tolle, Dalai Lama, and too many more to mention. Your teachings and books have propelled me further and further every day on my spiritual journey.

    My internal spiritual teachers - Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, my guardian angels and other divine helpers and healers who have led me daily on my spiritual path, showing me where to change, giving me signs along the way, ever present and ever faithful. Thank you for your unwavering guidance.

    But most of all, I give thanks to God, Creator, the Source, my Father in Heaven who has loved me unconditionally, all day, every day, all the days of my life. I praise You, I worship You and I give You praise, for You alone are worthy. I am so grateful and thankful for Your constant vigilance over me while on this Earth and for giving me the opportunity to do Your will. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Amen! Amen! Amen!

    My Family (Circa 1990)

    Centre Front – Mother, Celina Ouellet and Father, Rene Ouellet

    Left to Right Back Row – Betty Ouellet, Carol Bountalas,

    Shirley Ouellet, Gerald Ouellet, Susan Basque,

    Joanne Ouellet, (Me – Nancy Ouellet)


    Finding the Stairway to Heaven

    By Nancy Ouellet (2017)

    A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Song Lyrics of

    Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin (1971)

    There’s a woman who thinks money and things

    can buy her happiness.

    She spends her whole life getting money and has

    all she needs and can buy whatever she wants,

    yet she is still lonely, empty and sad.

    She is given signs along the way on how to find heaven,

    but she doesn’t listen or trust what she sees or hears.

    There is beauty all around, but she can’t see this;

    Her thoughts are deceiving her.

    Ooh, it makes me wonder…what’s this life about?

    Sometimes I get this feeling that I don’t belong here,

    and I want to go home to God.

    There have been signs and messengers in my thoughts.

    Ooh, it makes me wonder…what’s this life about?

    Ooh, it really makes me wonder…why am I here?

    Your inner voice will tell you what you know to be true;

    The Spirit will lead you on the right path.

    And a new awareness will be revealed, if you consistently follow;

    And you will find happiness.

    If things get confusing and your life is thrown for a loop,

    don’t worry, God has a plan.

    It’s a lesson you need to learn, a change you need to make.

    You have a choice to follow your plan or God’s plan.

    Don’t worry if you choose wrong,

    You can always choose differently next time.

    And it makes me wonder…what’s life about?

    Your thoughts are spinning and you’re confused and unsettled.

    It’s just the Spirit calling you to awaken.

    Listen to your inner voice,

    It will lead you on your right path.

    As you are on this life journey,

    Your shadow self is often louder than your spirit self.

    But your guides will keep lighting your way

    to your happiness.

    And if you listen very hard,

    you will hear the call to awaken.

    We are all in this together as one;

    Our unity will give us strength.

    And she’s found her stairway to heaven.

    The Significance of the Book Title Finding the Stairway to Heaven

    The song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin has played a key part in selecting the name for this book. About two years ago I saw a post on Facebook from one of my cousins that referred to the song Stairway to Heaven. At the time I saw it, I was praying internally for guidance from God with assistance from my inner guides to discover my purpose in life. When I read the post, I knew instantly that I would be writing a book on spirituality and that it would be called Finding the Stairway to Heaven. Within the next two weeks I had already outlined the chapters that would be in this book.

    It would be an all-encompassing task to write a book and I had not yet acquired all the knowledge I needed to write it, nor the energy, time and motivation to begin writing at that time. There was too much happening with me and my daughter Jasmine and I was still healing. I knew that the time would come when I would begin to write, but it was not then.

    Two years later, when my daughter passed away on September 30, 2015, I realized that her life and why and how it ended prematurely, would become part of this book. For years prior to her death, I had had a deep knowing that someday she and I would help people together, but never knew what form or format this would take. Now I know it will become part of this book. My daughter taught me many life lessons that I will be sharing in these pages and I know that she is near me in spirit as I write these words.

    This book is not intended to be the life story of my daughter or myself but instead a Step by Step process for helping those who feel they are ready, to experience Heaven on Earth. The first few chapters provide some background on myself, my family, my daughter and grand-daughter, as well as my spiritual journey; not too much, but just enough to help you understand where I came from and what I had to work through to be prepared to write this book, which I have discovered is part of my life purpose. This was part of the journey of my soul that took me 65 years to achieve. A chapter on what I believe the Journey of the Soul is about will help to clarify my spiritual beliefs. As well, the Chapter on The Stairway explains our need to climb over the challenges life puts in our path along the journey to help us find our life purpose.

    Each of the introductory chapters lay the groundwork for the following chapters revealing the 10 Steps on the stairway to heaven. Each chapter builds on the other and they are intended to be read in sequence. The chapter on Creating Your Personal Stairway ties all the preceding chapters together with a summary of the 10 Steps.

    Following the ending chapter, as a validation of life on the other side of death, I have included an Appendix where I describe several Visits From the Other Side of the Veil of both my daughter Jasmine and my mother Celina Ouellet.

    The inspirational posters in this book have a background of beautiful roses. Roses are considered to be the queen of all flowers. I created these posters using roses in honor of Mary, the Mother of God who is also known by Catholics as the Mystical Rose. This also honors my mother Celina Ouellet who was a devoted follower of Mary and prayed the rosary every day she was able. My mother passed away this year on February 12, 2017.

    As a point of interest, there has been much controversy about the intended meaning of the words for the song Stairway to Heaven which was composed by Robert Plant and Jimmy Page and released on their album Led Zepplin IV on November 8, 1971 - just two weeks after I eloped at the age of 19 to marry my first husband, James Leo Cavanaugh. Our daughter Jasmine Mae Cavanaugh was born 4 years later on December 28, 1975.

    Some have said the words of The Stairway don’t mean a thing, some that the words have a very deep metaphysical meaning, others say the words refer to money and drugs buying the ‘stairway to heaven’. Even the song writer had this to say about the songs meaning:¹

    Robert Plant spent much of the

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