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The Bad Seed
The Bad Seed
The Bad Seed
Ebook52 pages33 minutes

The Bad Seed

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Kat is the nightmare that keeps mothers up at night. They don't want their daughters to be like her, and worse yet, their sons to date her, not that 'dating' is her style. Her ravenous sexual appetite propels her from one conquest to another, with whomever she chooses, be it man or woman, and often times several of each at the same time. No one is off limits to her and no one can resist her charms. But her proclivities and extreme deviant sexual nature have led her to perhaps one lay too many, as her high profile job as an attorney is now in jeopardy and her gorgeous ass on a therapist's couch. Will this attractive stranger prove to be the savior that everyone thinks she needs, or will he be yet another notch in her long line of conquests?

PublisherA.K. Scott
Release dateNov 11, 2017
The Bad Seed

A.K. Scott

I am a romance reader from as far back as I can remember. But to everyone, "Romance" means something very different. Sure, I like the flowery 'heaving bosom' stuff my mom used to read, but I'm a bit racier than many, and like to spice my romance up with a fair amount of rather raunchy sex. Do I go too far? Maybe. Oh, it's always legal but pushes the boundaries of what some might find acceptable. But then again, so do I. I love to have fun, and writing is fast becoming a truly enjoyable outlet for me...a glorious, bawdy outlet. Writing (and reading) "Romance" stories is like falling in love with a new man every week, and I ask you: What could be better than that?I'm new to publishing my stories, and love feed-back, be it good or bad. That's how I learn. I also have a fairly positive outlook, therefore I fully intend on perfecting this craft and selling more books than I ever could have imagined.Please feel free to email me at to tell me what you'd like to read...I'm always looking for new ideas and love to stretch my imagination.In the meantime, I want to thank you for reading my books. Remember, outside of a dog, a book is a (wo)mans best friend, inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. - Gotta love Groucho.Happy Reading!

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    The Bad Seed - A.K. Scott

    The Bad Seed

    A.K. Scott

    Copyright 2017 by A. K. Scott

    All rights reserved. The people, places, and situations contained within this book are figments of the author’s imagination and in no way reflect real or true events…

    or do they?

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One 

    Chapter Two 

    Chapter Three 

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six 

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten


    So, to begin, I’d like you to tell me when it started.  

    To anyone other than me, that could mean a thousand different things, such as when did your headaches start, or your period, or for that matter when did you start having bad dreams. Perhaps ‘when did you start being a sexual deviant’ wouldn’t spring to most people’s minds. Of course, I knew why I was here and just how much hinged on me getting the ‘help’ everyone kept telling me I needed. And although I knew I was what some would label a deviant, in my mind, I simply loved sex. Raw, unadulterated, nasty sex.  

    It was the first meeting in yet another ‘expert’s’ office. The fifth expert to be exact. Dr. David Bentz was hovering somewhere near 40 with a full head of salt and pepper hair and the most delicious set of lips I’d seen since about 35 minutes ago when I ordered a garden salad at the cafe downstairs from a sexy young college student. When I looked up and saw him staring at my cleavage, I knew right away that I was inevitably going to be late for my therapy appointment upstairs in a scant 30 minutes. Arriving a bit disheveled and more than a little flushed, albeit only a few moments late, I was ushered into my new savior’s office by his supremely uptight receptionist. My first impression was that even for a psychiatrist, Dr. Bentz was fastidiously dressed and ridiculously buttoned up. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered how long it would take for me to break this one.

    I guess the first time I realized that there might be something different about me was when I about was 12 years old. Even though I knew I was too old to sit on a mechanical pony and truly had no desire to do so. When my dad asked me if I wanted a ride, I climbed on, knowing he was trying to hold on to any little shred of my childhood he could. When the quarter slid into its slot and it started to rock, almost immediately I knew I was going to cum.  

    I stopped there, intent on watching my new doctor’s reaction. There was none. 

    I knew of course what was happening because I had been touching myself for years. But this was the first time I was getting off in an entirely inappropriate place and know, with my dad watching me and kids scattered across the sidewalk waiting their turn.

    Did you climax? The doctor inquired.

    I lowered my head and batted my eyes for good measure.

    If that’s therapist speak for ‘did I cum, doctor?’ Oh, god yes...full blown shudders, mouth open, head thrown back, the whole nine yards. My dad’s utter shock and embarrassment actually seemed to add to the thrill.

    The doctor showed no response...yet. I would succeed in shocking him at some point.  I’m sure he’s heard a lot,

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