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Scribblings of a Writer
Scribblings of a Writer
Scribblings of a Writer
Ebook116 pages2 hours

Scribblings of a Writer

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The hunt is on!
The old Aunt died and left a legacy hidden in her writing.
Join the niece and help unravel her inheritance, has she the brains to unravel a mystery writer’s clues?
The old Aunt was an author of children’s mystery books. She had solved the M.S. mystery but was too scared to share it?

If the niece wants the prize to one of the world’s biggest mysteries, she must work for it!

PublisherAnne Dover
Release dateNov 2, 2017
Scribblings of a Writer

Anne Dover

Anne Dover is a non de plume for an already established best selling author in another genre.

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    Scribblings of a Writer - Anne Dover





    By Anne Dover

    Published by Ooky Spooky Publications

    Copyright © 2017 Julie Folkers

    Cover Copyright © 2017 Julie Folkers

    All rights reserved.

    The author has asserted her moral and legal right to be recognised as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, organisations or persons is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author.


    A lot of good people went into the making of this book. I'd like to acknowledge Pip, Marcia, David, and Pete and everyone else who helped along the way.

    I'd like to acknowledge my kids who put up with me talking a lot of nonsense in their eyes so I could formulate this and the later books.

    Authors Note

    Napolean is a real place on the West Coast of New Zealand, it’s an old mining town which has now reverted back to the bush, the only evidence it existed are fruit trees spread through the native bush and soft dirt where long drops used to be and where bottle collectors forage for finds.

    It’s been said the Coast has the same meridian lines as Stonehenge, I know I’ve never experienced so much weird shit in my life before and hope I never do again!

    I saw ghosts, expelled entities, even dragged them out of people, not what I would call a fun ride but then we don’t pick what comes our way at times…I lived to tell the tale...enjoy the ride!

    These are my perceptions of events as I explored spiritualism and the alternative health sector, woven into hopefully a good read.

    I’d love to one day build a complex for young people with M.S. where they can live securely, alone or with their families and be able to afford any medical treatment they need. The only place here for them is the ‘old folks home’ and in my books, that’s not an option for any young person ever!

    Table of Contents

    The Beginning

    Foreword for No one to tell

    Chapter one and onwards

    The Beginning

    The year at present is 2070; yes, the world is still going and didn't destroy itself even though humanity tried hard to do it.

    This is what it means to be a Writer.

    I have the key, not to your heart, but to your mind.

    And to your mind’s eye.

    And to your imagination.

    When you least expect, it I may enter and sway your emotions, ignite your passions, fire up your imagination, even steal your heart.

    As a writer, I hold this awesome power.

    I have invested time to learn my special skills.

    They can never be taken from me.


    Everybody has dreams.

    You want to know something everyone has dreams. From the smallest child to the eldest person, they all have them. Whether they are big or small or the dream of wanting to recapture one's youth. It’s someone’s dream and no one deserves to have their dream shattered or felt guilty for having it because they have found theirs and are following theirs.

    The world is full of jealous, spiteful and resentful people, instead of each deciding what they want out of life and following their own path they try to act like a parasite in a way and do their best to shatter others dreams or interfere with that person’s dream for their own gain. Did you know there can be as many as five reasons for a person to do something? It all hinges on their past…what has happened to them, what the current events are or the people in their life at that time, or how can they influence a situation for their own gain of course - most of the time.

    That’s what we call being selfish, controlling and manipulative. How many people in this world are actually unselfish? A mother tries her best to give unconditional love to her child or children, normally putting them first for at least probably nine years of her life after the first one is born and then when the last one goes to school, suddenly she has her sanity and time back to a degree so that she can slowly recapture her life and her dreams and what she wants from life as well. I don’t think there is anything as unselfish as a Mum. That’s if she is doing it right of course. Others don’t give a toss about their kids, they continue their life as they have chosen to do and don’t give the littlest people in the household the attention or affection and time that they need and demand.

    The world it seems is busy chasing religion as guidance for being a better person. Why can’t they look within and make themselves a better person without being followers of someone’s way?

    The biggest hypocrites in the world can be people who are blindly following their religious faith and doing their duty of visiting their place of worship on a Sunday and they carry on with their own selfish lives for the rest of the week.

    How many wars have been fought behind the name of religion? It’s our way or no way, they all think that their way is the only way and don’t respect others need to form their own opinions and conclusions or path in life.

    The tale I am about to tell needs and demands to be told. I have pondered and considered the validity of what I have to tell and yeah at the end of the day for future generations it needs to have the record set straight. It’s about one's life and it affects others as well as the person concerned and everyone wants answers at the end of the day.

    If one doesn’t have answers you stumble through life not dealing with the past or to be at peace with oneself and to let others have peace knowing the answers and not leaving future generations wondering what really did happen?

    One person’s dream turned completely inside out and upside down and twisted into a living nightmare. The person concerned didn’t deserve what happened and what lesson was learnt? We all go around saying there is a lesson from everything. I wonder what it truly was; perhaps you can work it out?

    Dear Diary,

    21 November 2009

    I keep getting intrusive bastards who want to know all about my life. What is with people don’t they have a life of their own? Why try to invade mine?

    Do I try to invade theirs? No, I avoid most people truth be known as I cannot stand anyone who does shit, it is that simple.

    Perhaps I should release the last eight years of writing it would make their hair stand on end, open their minds and blow them away.

    Now that tickles my fancy so I shall do it. Now, where to begin, which part would make a good beginning? The ending yet my life has not ended, the journey ended and I am carrying on with what I love to do. It is time to make money that is long overdue…what is the best way to turn it all into a fascinating read?

    Hmm... Got to put my thinking cap on…perhaps some background before I throw them into all sorts of weird stuff…no my life was fairly plain and boring until I moved to the Coast. I lived in Christchurch grew up in a normal dysfunctional family as most families are; you know the type where you have an older sister who makes your life a misery. Mine was particularly nasty as she was ugly and my other sister and I got the looks, so she had made it her mission in life to be the brain.

    No one was allowed to even look like they had one. She could not do anything about her looks, she always said she would get a chin and lip job, she got our Uncle’s looks and hated it. In fact, I think she hated most things in life looking back over my youth.

    She hung with the snobby so-called popular girls at school and made everyone’s life hell; one of her friends went on and became a Supreme Court Judge. I wonder if she is as nasty as my older sis is. I did note sis didn’t get an invite to her wedding.

    My sis is over the top when drunk so she probably wasn’t asked because she might embarrass her old-school friend. Best to leave her off the list and say they had limits on numbers.

    Now my younger sis she really is a nutter. She used to throw temper tantrums all the time if she didn’t get her own way. She would have Mum making my life hell. One of Mum’s early childhood stories is how I would hide her bottle on purpose.

    I don’t know, thing is - Mum would offer five cents evidently if it could be found as she wouldn’t go to bed without it and I somehow always found it for her. So, I got accused of stealing and hiding it.

    Do you really think I would find it if I had hidden it? Ask yourself, most kids are a bit cleverer than that! Perhaps my older sis hid it every night to get me into trouble, thing was I watched the lot of them for years as I couldn’t be bothered playing my Mum’s and sisters' games.

    My Dad, he was lucky he was on the road most of his life and didn’t have to live with them. I used to spend most of my holidays with him in the truck when I could, anything to get away from my two crazy sisters and Mum whom now

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