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Let's Tryst Again
Let's Tryst Again
Let's Tryst Again
Ebook150 pages2 hours

Let's Tryst Again

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Sam and Carol were friends 40 years ago - now they're back in touch, literally, in ways they never were back then! Carol lives in San Francisco and Sam lives in the woods of Michigan, but they're still friends with full benefits, especially when they get together twice a year for a weeklong rendezvous! Carol is a retired costume designer, who now fashions imaginative clothing for the two of them to wear on their adventures; Sam created theater sets back then, now he turns his talents to, shall we say, intimate stages for inspired romance! Each summer, they convene at Sam's secluded house in the woods of Michigan; each winter, Carol plans a secret and sexy urban getaway. They're no longer teenagers, but they still can't keep their hands, or any other body parts, off each other.
"Let's Tryst Again" recounts one of their summer sojourns in Michigan, complete with strange costumes, curious constructions, shocking behavior in a rowboat, the surprising pleasures of midnight thunderstorms, and risky games on a Lake Michigan beach. Their shenanigans begin as soon as Carol gets on the plane bound for Grand Rapids when she opens an envelope from Sam containing instructions for putting her travel time to good use. They're going to need their six-month break to recover from this romp!
"Let's Tryst Again" is the first in a series of sweet, fun, and sexy stories about their semi annual assignations. They spend the intervening months entertaining each other with amusing and clever long distance games, which might yield some delightful short stories in themselves, but when Sam and Carol get together in familiar or far-flung places, they're ready for a week of uninhibited togetherness. 36,000 words, 16 illustrations.

PublisherGene Clements
Release dateNov 16, 2017
Let's Tryst Again

Gene Clements

Gene Clements is an artist, architect, and educator. He began the Tilly and Elmer series by writing a couple of paragraphs about a frisky older couple. His friends thought they were funny and wanted to find out what was going to happen if he finished the story. Now they know, for better or worse.Gene grew up in a small town in the Midwest although he now lives in California. He thinks he’s eighteen, but he’s really the same age as Tilly and Elmer. These stories aren’t necessarily autobiographical. Gene knows a lot of interesting people and has a prolific imagination; a dangerous combination.

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    Let's Tryst Again - Gene Clements

    Let's Tryst Again

    Gene Clements

    Illustrations and Cover Design

    Gene Clements

    Let's Tryst Again

    By Gene Clements

    This is a work of fiction. Events, places, characters or names are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Any references to historical events, places, or real people are used fictitiously.

    Copyright 2017 Gene Clements

    Smashwords Edition

    Discover other titles by Gene Clements at

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    "This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author’s Note:

    Sam and Carol, friends and co-workers when they were starting their careers, are back in touch after four decades, and this time there's way more touching! Even though Carol lives in San Francisco and Sam lives in the woods of Michigan, their newly reestablished friendship comes with full benefits.

    For those who have read any of the stories in the Tilly and Elmer series, it may help to know that Tilly and Carol are cousins and were college roommates in the mid sixties. Each is still replaying the Summer of Love in different, but equally delightful, ways. Enjoy.

    Gene Clements

    November 2017

    Let's Tryst Again

    Carol closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling of Sam's fingers slowly unfastening the buttons of her blouse. She leaned back against his bare chest and took a deep breath, shivering with anticipation as he softly described the delights they were about to enjoy together.

    The jarring sound of her cell phone brought her rudely back to the present moment, reminding her that she had nine more days to anticipate the delicious events to come. The call was from her daughter Abby, once again wanting to know the details of her annual trip to the meditation retreat Carol had invented many years ago as a recurring reason to leave town for a few days each summer. There WAS no meditation retreat. Her summer sojourn did improve Carol's frame of mind however, because after the retreat each summer, she enjoyed a tranquil and creative life for several months instead of being hopelessly distracted by the desire to have one or another of Sam's body parts in play between her legs. Abby was a little too protective of her 68-year-old mother and wanted to know, yet again, why she had to fly half way across the country to Swami Samananda's Ashram, just to relax. Carol had devised detailed answers to all her questions and recited them to Abby every year. She had considered just telling Abby that she was going to have shocking, squealing, semen soaked sex with her friend Sam, as she did every six months, but she knew the ensuing discussion would be a long, drawn out affair and would distract her from savoring the cerebral foreplay.

    Carol and Sam met twice a year. Each summer they reenacted a well-loved ritual at Sam's secluded cabin in Michigan; in the winter they treasured the diverse and outrageous frolics that Carol planned for them, each time in a different city. They had been friends forever, since they worked backstage in the theater together, but lost touch with each other after Sam moved out of San Francisco. After Sam's divorce, and the death of Carol's husband, they reconnected through a mutual friend and their earlier, slightly flirtatious, camaraderie was reconstituted as a cherished and intimate relationship.

    During the months between their semi-annual assignations, they teased and pleased each other with e-mail, text messages, funny gifts, and old-fashioned love letters via snail mail. Most of these were amusing accounts of their daily adventures and annoyances, but once or twice a week the messages consisted of outrageously erotic propositions, pictures, videos, or video chats. The video chats usually concluded with Sam and Carol watching and teasing each other in extreme close up as they masturbated together. This wasn’t as intimate as their activities when they got together, which consisted primarily of making love in as many ways and as often as they could manage it, but it was thrilling nonetheless and kept them in a state of agitated anticipation in between their voluptuous vacations.

    Now that she was retired from her work as a costume designer, Carol had shifted only slightly to designing and making imaginative clothing, especially lingerie, as an outlet for her boundless creativity and many of the items she made were for herself, incorporating her knowledge of Sam's tastes in sexy female attire. She sold these through a web site, but usually didn’t reveal the garments she made with Sam in mind since seeing his reaction to them as she modeled them during their get-togethers was part of the fun.

    The preparations began long before their summer reunion each year. For Carol, the ritual itself started with the organization of her trip; the careful and stimulating consideration of her wardrobe, including the selection of which of her new items of lingerie to take along to inflame Sam's excitement, the search for a new sex toy to add to their collection, and the discovery and testing of new recipes since their custom on these occasions was to turn their attention to cooking during the rare moments when they were out of bed.

    Since the summer tryst was all about the ritual of recoupling, Carol spent considerable time trying on clothes and lingerie, evaluating how to best use it to enhance their arousal. She knew that Sam loved it when she dressed in clothing that appeared mildly modest to observers but that had secrets that only he knew; that the skirt she made had a hidden slit that allowed his hand to rub her bare bottom, that the sundress she was wearing had nothing underneath, or that there was a secret that let her dress be easily removed with a clever gesture. She knew from experience that Sam had a preference for thin, colorful, silky dresses worn over a slip, and in a throwback to his high school days, a love of stockings and garter belts. He also had a bit of a fetish for corsets, especially those that had laces or other complicated fastenings, a divergence from his usual preference for clothing that was easy to remove. Carol lovingly tried on nearly everything in her closet, imagining its effect on Sam, and picturing how he would remove it, or move it out of the way, when the time came.

    Another delightful part of her pre-departure procedure required her to get a pedicure and manicure and to get her hair done, tasks that she left until the last minute lest her daughter ask too many questions about why she was getting dolled up for a meditation retreat. Carol also made a little ritual of shaving her pubic area. She didn't normally keep that area trimmed, but she loved the ceremonial shaving for Sam and the slightly naughty feeling it gave her to be naked there; not to mention the thrill of having nothing in between Sam's body and hers in that spot - especially when the body part involved was Sam's tongue.

    Finally, everything was ready for her departure the next morning. As usual, Carol was tingling with anticipation; the tingle being concentrated primarily in those locations that she knew Sam would be kissing the next afternoon. Now she just had to wait around, thinking of the upcoming pleasures and feeling at loose ends.

    She checked the mail and found a small package from Sam. This was a new twist. Inside she found a photo showing a corner of something that she couldn't identify but it was an outdoor construction of some kind. Another photo was clearly a part of Sam’s body but included such a small area that she couldn't quite identify it. On the skin was the number 6, made with a rubber stamp. She also found a small sealed envelope labeled with the instruction, For your eyes only. Read this after your plane leaves the gate just before take off. These items only added to Carol's insistent yearning to be with Sam.

    Carol settled into her window seat and tried to keep her excitement in check. She was glad no one was seated next to her and the young man seated on the aisle was fully engaged in whatever he was listening to on his iPhone. Once the plane had been pushed back from the gate area, she took the small envelope from her purse and opened it.

    "Good morning sweetheart,

    You know I can't wait to see you so I'll be following the progress of your flight on my computer and thinking about you as you fly into my arms - you'll be flying even higher after you get here.

    You'll find several folded instruction sheets enclosed, each marked with a number. Set the timer on your phone now for 80 minutes, open note number 1,and then continue. Open note number 2 when the timer goes off.

    You should be parked at the end of the runway waiting to take off in a few minutes. Imagine that the seat your beautiful bottom occupies is my lap, the seat back is my chest, and the seat belt is my arm around you. Close your eyes and settle back into me. When you feel your body pushed back into the seat as the plane begins its take off roll, imagine that you're falling back against me softly. I know how you get a little aroused when the plane leaves the runway and you feel lifted up magically and sensuously. As you feel that sensation of being lifted into the air by a powerful force, imagine that it's the power of my love that is lifting you."

    After a few minutes of maneuvering, the plane turned onto the runway and came to a stop. Carol sat back, closed her eyes, and imagined her body settling into Sam's embrace. As the engines began to power up and the plane began to accelerate down the runway the vibrations built until Carol felt nearly overcome with arousal, and when the plane suddenly leapt up into the air the vibrations, combined with the feeling of her weight being forced down into her genital area, caused her to experience a mild but shivery orgasm.

    Keeping her eyes closed for a minute and trying to remain still, she slowly returned to normal consciousness, then blushed as she turned to see whether she had become the

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