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Silas: A Scrooged Christmas
Silas: A Scrooged Christmas
Silas: A Scrooged Christmas
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Silas: A Scrooged Christmas

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Silas Warlack doesn't have time for anything other than running a multi-million dollar business thousands of miles away from his hometown. He especially doesn’t have time for frivolous things like the holidays and family. Too bad his mother doesn’t understand that.

Ainsley Crowne finally has everything she ever dreamed of in her life; Amazing friends, and a successful flower shop all in her hometown. A blast from the past comes blowing back into town and her best friend’s wedding just before Christmas, remind her of the one thing missing in her life: Love.

Will Ainsley and Silas realize what they once had was once in a lifetime or will they be too stubborn and let the holiday miracle in their midst, pass them by?

Release dateDec 4, 2017
Silas: A Scrooged Christmas

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    Book preview

    Silas - Winter Travers

    Silas – A Scrooged Christmas is part of a collaborated collection by ten authors themed around a scrooged Christmas. Check out the blurbs at the end of this book for the following correlated authors: BSM Stoneking CP Smith, FG Adams, Jennifer Domenico, Jessika Klide, Julia Goda, Mayra Statham, Regina Frame, and Tracie Douglas.


    BSM Stoneking


    Jennifer Domenico


    Julia Goda


    Regina Frame


    CP Smith


    FG Adams


    Winter Travers


    Tracie Douglas


    Mayra Statham


    Jessika Klide

    Also By Winter Travers

    Devil’s Knights Series:

    Loving Lo

    Finding Cyn

    Gravel’s Road

    Battling Troy

    Gambler’s Longshot

    Keeping Meg

    Fighting Demon

    Unraveling Fayth

    Skid Row Kings Series:




    Powerhouse M.A. Series:

    Dropkick My Heart

    Love on the Mat

    Black Belt in Love

    Black Belt Knockout (Coming January 2018)

    Fallen Lords MC Series:



    Maniac (Coming March 2018)


    Silas Warlack doesn't have time for anything other than running a multi-million dollar business thousands of miles away from his hometown. He especially doesn’t have time for frivolous things like the holidays and family. Too bad his mother doesn’t understand that.

    Ainsley Crowne finally has everything she ever dreamed of in her life; Amazing friends, and a successful flower shop all in her hometown. A blast from the past comes blowing back into town and her best friend’s wedding just before Christmas, remind her of the one thing missing in her life: Love.

    Will Ainsley and Silas realize what they once had was once in a lifetime or will they be too stubborn and let the holiday miracle in their midst, pass them by?


    My boys. I do it all for you two.


    Always jingle all the way.

    Nobody likes a half-assed jingler.

    Chapter 1


    Janine, I’m going to need you to cancel my three o’clock and reschedule it for four. I have a feeling the Maxwell meeting is going to run over and I don’t want to have to rush them out the door. I released the intercom button and sat back in my chair.

    Yes, sir. I’ll get right on that.  Your mother called while you were at lunch. Would you like me to get her back on the line for you?

    Dammit. I knew why my mom was calling. She called every year this time asking me the same thing. You would think after eight years of getting the same answer, she would just stop asking.

    Might as well get this shit over. Yes. Please remind me of my schedule in five minutes.

    But sir, if I put your mother on the phone, won’t I be inter—

    Yes, Janine, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing. I would be on the phone for an hour if my mother had her way.

    I spun around, faced the huge window behind me, and looked down on all of the people scurrying around below. From the twenty-third floor, it was amazing the things you could watch.

    The homeless man on the corner who begged from one to six pm. A man in a well-pressed suit, who like clockwork, every day walked across the street and got in a taxi. Three attractive women who walked to the coffee cart and then down around the corner every morning at eight thirty.

    Your mother is on line three, Janine beeped in.

    I slowly spun back around to my desk and stared at the phone. Janine was far too efficient. I needed at least five more minutes before I had this conversation. I loved my mother, but she didn’t understand my life. To her, hopping on a plane and visiting for a couple of days wasn’t a big deal. When in reality, it took a week of planning and rescheduling a shit ton of meetings. Not to mention, heading back to Mills Grove ranked right up there with a root canal. Not fun at all.

    I picked up the phone and took a deep breath. Hello, Mother.

    Si, I really wish you would call me mom. You sound so stuffy when you call me mother.

    I rolled my eyes and turned back to the window. "And I wish that you would call me Silas. After all, you are the one who gave me the name, Mother."

    She sighed heavily. I really don’t know where you got this stuffy attitude from. Your dad and I are so laid back while you’re a complete stick in the mud.

    I’m not a stick in the mud.

    It was as if I could hear my mother roll her eyes. "The only people who say that are the people who are sticks in the mud."

    I leaned back in my chair and scrubbed my hand down my face. Is this what you called me for, Mother?

    As if, Si. You know damn well what I called for. It’s December seventeenth. I want to know what day you’ll be here.

    And you know damn well what my answer is going to be. I can’t get off work.

    Silas Franklin Warlack, you own the damn company. You should have a pile of minions doing all of your bidding for you. I see no reason why you think you need to be the only one in that big ol’ tower over the holidays. I heard the crinkling of a wrapper on her end. "Your dad and I haven’t

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