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Star Crusader: Dreadnought
Star Crusader: Dreadnought
Star Crusader: Dreadnought
Ebook316 pages4 hours

Star Crusader: Dreadnought

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Nate and his friends are given the chance of a lifetime, a six-mouth tour aboard the Alliance’s newest battleship, ANS Dreadnought. She’s the first in her class, and is the most powerful ship in the sector. Bigger and better protected than any ship before her, Dreadnought carries an arsenal of deadly weapons that can annihilate a small armada and can travel between the stars in a matter of days. There is no deadlier vessel in existence.

Two years at the Academy has tested Nate’s flying, combat and technical skills to the limit. But nothing will come close to his greatest test. Captain Gaunt, one of the Alliance’s most decorated officers plans to use Dreadnought to start a war, one that will engulf the region and cost many lives. As Dreadnought rolls out her guns to engage the very people Nate calls his friends, he has to make a decision. Does he stand by and let war spread through the sector, or will he lead the cadets in a mutiny against a beloved hero of the Alliance?

Release dateNov 30, 2017
Star Crusader: Dreadnought

Michael G. Thomas

Michael G. Thomas, is a writer, martial artist and military historian. He has written books on European martial arts and military history as well as Zombie Survival books and fiction. He is the co-founder of the prestigious Academy of Historical Fencing that teaches traditional armed and unarmed European martial arts. His specialist subject areas are teaching the use of the medieval two handed longsword and the German long knife in both the UK and other parts of Europe.He academic background is as varied as his writing with degrees in Computing, Classical Studies and Machine Learning. In recent years he has undertaken substantial research in the fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence as well as Ancient Greek and Byzantine military history.Michael is currently completing his Champions of the Apocalypse Series and Star Crusades science fiction series.

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    Star Crusader - Michael G. Thomas



    By Michael G. Thomas

    Part of the STAR CRUSADES universe

    First Edition

    Copyright © 2017 Michael G. Thomas

    Published by Swordworks Books

    The official Star Crusades website:

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    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


    Alliance Heavy Cruiser ‘ANS Narcissus’

    Micaya Shipyards

    January 21st 2463

    Long streaks of blue energy streaked from the engines as the ship accelerated towards the enemy. It took time to build up speed, yet even from a distance the warship looked like a meteor with a blazing trail following right behind. She was one of the Alliance’s newest warships, a powerful Crusader Class heavy cruiser. Three hundred and twenty-five metres of thickly plated armour, and armed with devastatingly powerful particle beam cannons. Small railgun turrets covered her superstructure from bow to stern to protect her from marauding corvettes and fighters. Her dull yellow-grey paint scheme was only modified by the black letters of her name spelt out along the bow on the both sides.

    With almost a thousand crew, and the best armour and weapons of any cruiser in the fleet, ANS Narcissus was a sight to behold. Alongside her was a pair of identical ships, each a veteran of the war, and all marked by the bitter contest in the Helion Sector. All three pointed their primary weapons towards the next wave of enemy ships and readied themselves for the next engagement. The heavy cruisers were the pride of the Alliance Navy, although today the three ships were minnows among giants, as two colossal fleets battled it out for dominance. This was not a battle for control, or for power, it was a battle for survival. And the Alliance was losing.

    Open fire! Captain Bayly demanded, while wiping sweat from his forehead.

    The forward weapon arrays unleashed unimaginable firepower towards the nearest target. Fire engulfed the ship, and then it vanished from view. In its place were another formation of enemy ships, and their numbers seemed to increase by the second. Commander Harrison, the ship’s executive officer, waited alongside the ship’s tactical officer as she checked the data coming in.

    Sir. The Calgary and Ottawa have been destroyed. Victoria is falling back and suffering heavy…

    The bridge lit up bright red as an explosion ripped through the structure. The interior of the ship betrayed the devastation wrought by the last hour of battle. Computer displays and control systems lay broken and burnt, while multiple bodies littered the bridge. Medics carried away the wounded, but the dead remained at their stations. There simply wasn’t the time to remove them. Another explosion ripped through the bridge, and when the smoke cleared, three officers were left standing, acting helmsman Ensign Smyth, tactical officer Lieutenant Gaunt, and Captain Bayly. The internal speakers wailed with the sound of Admiral Lewis, the desperate commander of the fleet as he tried to rally the last few ships in battle.

    This is Admiral Lewis. We need urgent assistance at Micaya. Fourteen ships are gone, and twice as many heavily damaged. We’re surrounded and losing ships fast.

    At first there was no response from the rest of the fleet, until finally a broken message arrived. It bore the signature of Admiral Anderson, yet not one word could be understood.

    Clean that up, ordered Captain Bayly, I need to hear what’s going on!

    Lieutenant Gaunt tried to work on the data, but then more shots hit the ship. He hesitated, and then focussed on redirecting gunfire towards the enemy.

    I can only give it a short boost, he said, I need officers.

    Captain Bayly moved alongside him and made the adjustment himself. More shots slammed into them, but they’d sustained so much damage none of them appeared to even register the hits. It took a moment, but finally he was able to focus the ship’s collector arrays on the source of the transmission. There was little more than a garbled audio message from the departing command ships of Admiral Anderson. Captain Bayly watched their position change, along with the contingents of alien ships that had been promised to the defence of Micaya.

    Admiral. There is nothing we can send to you. You must hold your present position. Micaya is a critical part of our defensive strategy. Hold to the last ship, and to the…

    The signal broken up, and by the time it returned, they’d lost a good ten seconds of the data.

    …available ships are making. Everything we have is being sent to the Black Rift. Your sacrifice will not be in vain. Good Luck.

    What? Captain Bayly said incredulously.

    He grabbed the intercom.

    Admiral Lewis. We’ve been abandoned out here. What are your orders?

    There was a short pause, and Captain Bayly knew his commanding officer had to make a decision, one that would affect them all for whatever remained of their lives.

    We keep the enemy busy for as long as possible. Keep them trapped at the shipyards. Every ship we hold here is a ship not fighting Anderson and the others. We are the bait.

    Captain Bayly knew the Admiral was probably right, but it still left a nasty taste in his mouth.

    Form up into pattern Theta and ready yourselves for the next attack. The Alliance never…and I mean never backs down from a fight.

    The signal cut, and Captain Bayly simply shook his head.

    Utter madness.

    He looked to his bridge and the shattered metal, plastic, and glass now covered in dirt and blood. He’d imagined his final battle would be glorious. Instead, it was a disaster, and he saw no way his sacrifice or his ships would help in the battle in any meaningful way.

    Lieutenant Gaunt. You’re now my XO and my tactical officer. What do I have left?

    Sir. Half of our defensive turrets are off-line or destroyed. Starboard armour is gone, and we have fires on every deck above five. The crew are working to repair any damage they can find. Current casualties are over two hundred, with half of those dead or missing.

    It’s going to get a lot worse.

    He blinked twice, as though that might somehow change what was happening.

    What about my guns, dammit?

    Forward particle beam emitters are still functional. Secondary weapons are failing.

    The Captain looked to his tactical display and the map of the area. The combined ships of the Alliance and the Helions were surrounded and being cut down ship by ship. Coloured shapes marked positions of other Allied units, though none were close enough to assist. One group in particular seemed to be moving away. He tapped the display and enlarged the area. A group of three massive Byotai ships were busy blasting apart a Biomanta. The craft was similar size to his, though seemed so much bigger due to the membrane wings extending out from its flanks. He grabbed the intercom and shouted on the closed fleet network.

    Makos, you damned traitor. We need your ships here…now!

    They remained on the scanner for a few more seconds, and then in an instant the group of allied ships flashed and disappeared from the map. Captain Bayly snorted derisively to himself and then placed his forehead in his hands.

    The day we need their help, and they flee. We should never have got involved in this war. Why help them when they will not help us?

    There was nobody left to talk to as the two other officers struggled to carry out the work of an entire group of senior officers. Bayly checked one last time for any sign of the Byotai and their powerful alien ships, and then looked away.

    Traitors, he kept on muttering, We come out here, and we fight alongside aliens. But when we need help, they turn and run. Where the hell are the Helions?

    He pointed to the forward screen that showed the rest of the battle. The small Helion contingent was gone. The remnants of their fragile fleet now burnt out hulls, just like so many others.

    Whatever we’re going to do, we’ll have to do it alone. Direct everything we have left to the forward batteries, and punch a hole through those ships.


    He turned to Smyth.

    Point us at the Biomanta warships. They’re trying to swamp Admiral Lewis. It would appear that the rest of our allies are too busy dealing with threats to themselves. Only we can save the Admiral now. First, we need to get them off his back. It’s time for some payback!

    Yes, Sir, said the young Smyth, Lateral thrusters are non-functional. I can get us there if…

    Spare me the details, Ensign. Just line us up…and fast. We’re losing ships by the second, and Admiral Lewis needs our help.

    As Captain Bayly looked to the mainscreen, he gasped. The Micaya Shipyards were supposed to have been a strong location from where to hold back the Biomech hordes, but it had turned into a rout. In his mind, a space battle was a glorious affair, but the reality was more like a scene from some horrific nightmare. Scores of ships burnt as the invading formation of the dreaded Biomechs swept through the defences.

    Sir. A unit of Sawfish assault ships have broken from their secondary line, said Lieutenant Gaunt, Six are making towards his flagship.

    Not if I have anything to do about it.

    Lieutenant Gaunt pointed slightly above the surrounded Alliance ship.

    Wait. I’ve got five Biomantas changing course. They’re coming this way. Their weapons are powering up.

    Very well. Push the engines to the limit. We’ll smash through them, and get to the Admiral.

    Lieutenant Gaunt shook his head in astonishment.

    Captain. We will not survive a direct assault against five of…

    He stopped as Captain Bayly lifted a hand.

    Don’t…just get me to the Admiral, and fast.

    The remnants of the Alliance fleet were now scattered, the majority crippled or destroyed. While the Alliance ships looked uniform and conventional, the enemy were the opposite. Most of their ships consisted of cruisers that looked like red manta rays, the large cartilaginous fishes native to the oceans of Earth. They were short but with a wide wing shape. Additional surfaces ended from the tips, and the wing structure followed by a short, but heavily armoured aft section. The three nearest opened fire, and their shots punched through the hull of ANS Constitution. The older Crusader Class ship took a direct hit on her power plants, triggering an atomic explosion deep inside her rear quarters. A third of the ship vanished in a fireball, crippling what remained of her. Captain Bayly cried out at the loss of yet another ship.

    Madness. What can we do against such…

    Another volley of gunfire raked the superstructure of the Alliance warship, and this time the guns burnt deeply inside the cruiser. Sparks lashed the interior, and even the usually stoic Captain was forced to cover his face. Lieutenant Gaunt moved his hands frantically across the tactical console. The mainscreen faded away, and when it returned, all three gasped in horror.

    Admiral Lewis!

    The Alliance battlecruiser disappeared from view for a moment as the enemy ships swarmed around it. Like a wildebeest being dragged down, the massive warship kept on firing, but it was obvious to them all that she could not last for long.

    Target the boarding craft and hit them, said Captain Bayly.

    I…I can’t separate them from Conqueror.

    Captain Bayly sighed as he watched the unfolding tragedy.

    "Does it matter? Hit them, or Conqueror. Either way the Admiral will not survive this. Let’s at least take some of them with us.


    The forward guns opened up, sending streaks of energy towards the targets. The smaller landing craft, or Biorays were far easier to damage than the capital ships, and Captain Bayly cheered as two exploded. His excitement quickly faded as two Biomantas swept in between him and his quarry. The two ships opened fire in an instant, quickly burning their way into his hull.

    Captain, we can’t take much more of this. The new ships are blocking our view. The others are moving to our port side to cut us off. We…

    Another series of explosions ripped through the hull, and the mighty ship let out a great wail. Ensign Smyth shook his head as a warning sounded continuously.

    I’ve lost two more engines. We’re losing thrust. Captain. If…

    I don’t care, damn you, Captain Bayly snapped back, All ahead full. Ram us down their throats.

    But, Sir!

    The Captain walked across to the young officer’s controls and pushed them himself.

    I said, all ahead full!

    The heavily damaged warship vibrated as the last functional engines were pushed to their limit. At the same time, every remaining weapon opened fire towards the approaching Biomech warships. Shot after shot slammed into the port side of the heavy cruiser, burning through panels and bulkheads with ease. Lieutenant Gaunt shook his head as he tried to hit his targets. Each time he fired, another two ships appeared to get in his way.


    All three looked to the central main display just as three massive explosions rippled through the hull of ANS Conqueror. The blasts were colossal, and each knew that the ship had not been destroyed by gunfire. Captain Bayly watched in silence as the flames reduced in size. The hulk of the ship looked roughly the same shape, and then without warning it started to break up. Smaller explosions tore off the bow, and then another blast engulfed the ship, and any nearby Biomech boarding craft.

    Admiral Lewis is gone, said Captain Bayly.

    He looked to the two remaining deck officers and shook his head.

    We cannot beat this enemy. Our remaining ships will burn at the Black Rift.

    What about the Helions, Khreenk, and Byotai? Lieutenant Gaunt asked.

    According the tactical mapping, we still have two squadrons of their ships in the…

    No. The damned cowards are falling back to Helios Prime. The rest are going with Anderson. They’re leaving us behind.

    Ensign Smyth held his breath, and then without waiting for orders began changing the ship’s course. Captain Bayly spotted what he was doing and started shouting.

    Ensign Smyth. What in the name of…

    Then he spotted the new formation of nine enemy cruisers and twice as many small ships emerging from behind the ruined Micaya Shipyards. For a second, a pair of Liberty Class destroyers filled the forward view, but they were hit by shot after shot. They were not destroyed, though, instead smashed until unable to defend themselves.

    What are they doing? Captain Bayly asked.

    Lieutenant Gaunt watched as several boarding vessels moved in around the crippled vessels.

    They intend on seizing our ships. But why? They don’t need them.

    Captain Bayly’s expression turned hard and bitter.

    They don’t need to. But they know it will spread fear and terror. What better way to force us to abandon ship, or destroy our own vessels to stop them boarding our ships? The animals.

    Captain Giacchino of the Vendetta is requesting orders. He’s trying to rally our reserve.

    Captain Bayly inhaled deeply and then reached for the intercom.

    This is Captain Bayly of the Alliance warship Narcissus. As the senior remaining Captain in this engagement, I am taking command of the fleet.

    Ensign Smyth and Lieutenant Gaunt looked to each other as he spoke. The bridge was a mess, filled with the casualties of war. The side door hissed open. Lieutenant Gaunt drew his sidearm and took aim. A single marine entered and then stepped aside. An exhausted medic entered, along with a trio of bloodied ensigns. Captain Bayly signalled to them.

    See to my Lieutenant.

    The medic looked stunned.

    Sir. You have wounded personnel on the bridge and in the passages. I came here to tell you that…

    And in another five minutes we’ll all be dead. Trust me…the only way to save lives is to help command this ship. Patch up my bridge crew, and then do what you can for the others.

    He turned his attention to the bloodied ensigns. Before he could speak, the entire ship shuddered violently. Lieutenant Gaunt wiped his brow and then activated the weapons once more.

    Sir. We’re taking severe damage to the remaining starboard plating. Power levels are all over the place.

    Captain Bayly pointing to the three ensigns.

    Take the empty stations.

    They hesitated, so the Captain tried to sound as reassuring as he could under the circumstances.

    You’ve all been trained in multiple disciplines. Right now, I need comms, engineering, and the most experienced of you can take operations. Let’s keep this old lady in the fight.

    The ensigns moved to their new positions, while the medic approached Lieutenant Gaunt and began applying a gel bandage to his wounded forehead. Another Alliance ship exploded, but not before ramming into a Biomech command ship. More than a dozen enemy vessels changed course and headed towards the conflagration.

    Sir, said the Ensign working feverishly at operations.


    Uh…Humphrey Quinn.

    I need an assessment of this sector. Where are we strongest?"

    Yes, Sir.

    Ensign Smyth. Take us to the rally point. Engines to full.


    The engines burned brightly as the warship rolled to the left and then slowly accelerated away from the disastrous battle. Seconds become minutes, and though the battle continued, they were able to limp away along with the pitiful remnants of the fleet. Lieutenant Gaunt continued to manage the small defence turrets as he struck out at any enemy fighters coming too close. There were now a few groups of Alliance fighters in the area, and they darted about, trying to clear the way for the rest of the ships. Minutes became an hour, and by then the officers were utterly exhausted. Captain Bayly finally allowed the dead to be removed from the bridge, and it seemed they might have escaped the worst of it. As he sunk back into his seat, he looked across to his improvised bridge crew.

    Captain, said the temporary operations officer, This is the strongest position in orbit over Micaya. The rest of the fleet is scattered and unable to fight. The gravity well provides a useful tactical opportunity as well. The enemy vessels will be forced to deploy accordingly.

    Excellent. Can we use the planet to shield our ships?

    Lieutenant Gaunt nodded along as he listened.

    We can, but not for long. There’s the added problem of what happens if we lose any more thrust capability. It won’t take much more than a push to force us into a decaying orbit.

    Of course. What is our strength?

    It took a second for the displays to update with the latest data. Most of the scanners were now off-line, and with reduced computing power available, the system performed far below normal processing capability.

    It’s not great, Captain. Two of the three remaining Byotai ships have been destroyed at the rally point, but two squadrons of Alliance destroyers have formed up in a defensive line, as well as a pair of heavy cruisers. There’s even a pair of Achilles light cruisers deploying for battle.

    You see. Even now, when we face our worst, we still put up a fight. These Achilles Class ships were antiques back in the Biomech War. Hell, they were front-line ships back in the big one. For all that, they’re here and doing what needs to be done.

    He strained his eyes as he looked for more.

    What about our carriers and escorts?

    The rest withdrew to join with Anderson and Makos. I believe those that were able to enter the Spacebridge are moving to join battle at the Black Rift. The last reports show the enemy is pushing through in vast numbers.

    Vast numbers. We’re hardly facing a trickle out here, are we?

    A subtle gesture formed on the Captain’s lip as he checked the mapping data himself. His attitude towards the alien races in this sector had never been particularly favourable. And now, with so many ships destroyed, it seemed to have pushed him over the edge. Not that Gaunt could really blame him. This entire war was based upon defending Helion territory, and he still remained convinced that the Helions should have been capable of defending it themselves.

    The Narau Fleet should be here with us. But it looks like the fight will be decided one way or another by us. The Helions and the rest are simply not ready for this kind of fight.

    Captain Bayly rubbed his hands together as he listened.

    I’ve been saying if for years now. We’ve been played. We should have put our efforts into protecting what’s ours, not these aliens’ rocks.

    As he spoke, he could tell the others were nervous, probably terrified of what was about to happen. There was little chance of survival, let alone victory due to the circumstances. He did his best to smile, to reassure each of them.

    Thankfully, we have men and women like yourselves. Damned good work, all of you. We might have…

    A powerful energy blast tore into the ship from the side. All power cut for a full second as the computer system tried to reroute any remaining power. Some displays malfunctioned, but the central mainscreen showed a trio of Sawfish assault ships coming right for them. Tracer fire from the automated point defence turrets raked along the craft, yet still they came forward at an ever-increasing speed.

    What in the name of damnation was that? said Captain Bayly.

    Part of the wall tore open to the left, revealing the shattered remnants of the passageway. Two more explosions ripped through the bridge, followed by a third that tore the computer systems apart in front of the bridge officers. Lieutenant Gaunt was propelled through the air and crashed to the floor. Two of the Ensigns were killed outright. Smoke quickly filled the space just as shapes moved inside.

    Captain Bayly could have ducked out of the line of fire, but instead he reached for the intercom and prepared to give his last orders to the crew. He’d commanded ANS Narcissus ever since her commissioning into the fleet. The ship was more than a warship, or even a home. He considered the hunk of metal and plastics to be part of his family. Seeing her torn apart was the worst thing he’d ever seen.

    This is the Captain. We’ve been boarded. Arm yourselves with anything you can find and fight back. We will not abandon Narcissus. Fight to the last man or woman. Fight to the end!

    Three shots streaked past, one striking the computer system in a shower of sparks. Captain Bayly dropped the broken intercom and readied himself for what was to come. He didn’t back down or hide, but calmly drew his sidearm. It was a

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