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Pegasus in Peril
Pegasus in Peril
Pegasus in Peril
Ebook169 pages5 hours

Pegasus in Peril

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Two Capricorns, the male a Pegasus and the female a witch, are fated mates. Herk, the male, finds he doesn’t want to mate with the danger hanging over everyone in his world. Pru, the female witch, feels Herk made promises and now he’s disappeared. It makes her feel he lied to get what he wanted. As they both deal with the conflict headed their way, they also have to deal with their feelings for each other. Fate intended them to be together forever, but Herk is too busy running away.

PublisherCrystal Dawn
Release dateJan 2, 2018
Pegasus in Peril

Crystal Dawn

When she’s not out hunting rogue vampires and werewolves, you can find Crystal Dawn out exploring the galaxy. She can do it all without ever leaving her computer. She kicks ass, takes names, and puts it all down for the enjoyment of her readers. At least that’s what I think she told me. Writing came as a natural outlet for her overly creative mind. She has always told stories and even written some but publishing books didn't start until 2012 with The Rebirth, was the first of the Planet Amazon books. Crystal has also been lucky to have some wonderful beta readers who keep her on track and help inspire her.Secretly, she crushes on all her sexy heroes because all her stories end happily. That is one of the things that makes writing such a joy. Knowing that it makes her reader's day a little brighter. Not that she doesn't read sad books sometimes. While still in school, she read Where the Red Fern Grows and cried like a baby. It was a wonderful book and sometimes a bit of sadness has to be put in books because that's part of life. While she reads all kinds of books at some time or another, PNR and SFR, which she writes is what she reads the most for pleasure.When she started writing, she decided on going Indie after the first two books because an author has more control. She believes Indie will compete well and continues to grow. The need to give pleasure to her readers keeps her going and she sees a long career ahead. Growing up mostly in the NW Arkansas area, it has given her a good place to set some stories and many of her characters come from there or nearby SW Missouri.The start of her stories is the easy part. Finishing them is a little harder when all the stories are in there trying to get out. She loves reading, chocolate, fine sweet wine, and traveling among a large list of pursuits. Her favorite people, after her family and close friends, are her readers who she says are some of the most wonderful people in this galaxy and the next.

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    Book preview

    Pegasus in Peril - Crystal Dawn

    Supernatural Wars Series

    Book 3

    Pegasus in Peril

    A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Capricorn

    By Crystal Dawn

    @ Copyright 2017 Crystal Dawn

    Cover by Raven Blackburn

    Editing by Eagle Editing

    Proofreader Tammy Payne

    This book is a work of fiction. All contents, including names, places,

    and events are the product of the author’s imagination or used in a

    fictitious manner. Any resemblance to persons, living or deceased, or

    to businesses, locations or events are completely coincidental.

    None of this work may be used, reproduced, exchanged or

    transmitted by anyone, except the person the book was purchased

    for. Any reproductions of this book in any part or any form must be

    done with the express written permission of the author or not at all.

    The thing about Capricorns…

    A mountain goat, the very embodiment of stubborn, is the symbol for this Earth sign. They push their way determinedly to the top letting no obstacle stand in their way. This unrelenting drive for success can sometimes alienate family and friends.

    Often considered stable and serious, there are of course exceptions to every sign. The term salt of the Earth might apply to most Capricorns. They are the most serious, hardworking, and responsible among most groups. These are the calm ones, those that work the hardest and don’t let themselves be ruled by emotions, but what happens when love enters the mix? You can be sure they will be cautious, more so than any others.

    They make good managers and leaders. As such, they stick to it until the goals are met, or the solution is found. Their stubbornness, toughness, unyielding spirit, and methodical approach are their best points and those that drive their families and friends crazy. Generally, they are fair while also being demanding.

    There is a tendency under some circumstances to be pessimistic and even melancholy which can lead to depression or mood swings. When dealing with supernaturals, meeting and rejecting or being rejected by their fated mate can bring out the negative aspects of their personality.

    Two Capricorns together? Usually, a spell for disaster unless the love runs deep, and they are fated mates.

    Phoenix Under Fire:

    Book 1

    A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Aries

    There is a battle brewing, and the witches are looking for allies. Annie's father plans to force her to mate a male of his choice at the behest of his brother. She wants her fated one and casts a spell to find him. Problem solved, right?

    Ramiros wakes up with sand up his nose. What happened to his nice comfortable bed? When he finds the person who dumped him on the beach thousands of miles from home, there will be hell to pay. He almost felt sorry for the fool who'd chosen to mess with a Phoenix.

    As this book ends, it leads to Dragon in Distress which is more enjoyable and easier to understand if read after Phoenix Under Fire.

    Dragon in Distress

    Book 2

    A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Virgo

    Sophie needed to find her fated mate to avoid being forced to mate someone of her Uncle’s choosing. Her cousin spells for her fated one, but an angry dragon shows up. This wasn’t at all what she expected.

    Knossos wakes up, and he’s not in his lair anymore. Someone has dared to summon him out of his slumber. The guilty party turns out to be his fated mate, so he can’t burn her to a crisp. He wasn’t really ready for this, so what’s a dragon to do?

    Pegasus in Peril

    A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Capricorn

    Meeting Herkules at a dinner at her sister’s place had been weird. They’d gotten along so well. Too well maybe. But now he didn’t write or call. Had she been wrong? Was he not her mate and he’d realized it first? Or was he like Gertie’s mate, unwilling to settle for just one female?

    Herk was taken with the female, but he couldn’t give in. He’d even considered going ahead with it. But these were dangerous times and claiming a mate just wasn’t in the cards. He looked back regretfully before he flew away.

    Will love escape them or will they do what they must to claim their own little piece of happiness?


    In the dark ages, humanity turned from the gods and the magical creatures. When this first came about, they were hunted and destroyed. Dragons, unicorns, Phoenix, Pegasus, and other kinds hid in various places.

    Unicorns and Pegasus hid in plain sight blending in with the large herds of horses that roamed the plains of the US. They lived in their horse forms with a little glamour to hide their wings or horns, whichever the case might be. They ate grass except on those rare occasions that they turned to their human forms to party and relieve their passions with human females. A few brave ones even partied with humans attending feasts and such.

    Sometimes they were in animal form so long, they almost forgot they had another form to make use of. They hoped for change, but things only got worse. Now they were called to take part in a war that might destroy them all. Herakles had found his mate, but how could he in clear conscious claim her when the most dangerous times of all were soon to be upon them? It was impossible for him to protect her especially if he was off fighting the good fight.

    Pru on the other hand doesn’t agree with his choice and is extremely unhappy that he has decided for both of them. If he finally sees the error of his ways, will it be too late for her to forgive him? Time will tell.

    Chapter 1

    The Zodiac

    Pru sat at the table in a foul mood which was nothing unusual of late. She’d turned to the stars to help her reclaim the male she wanted and needed more than anything. The newspaper smeared her fingers black as she read the news under her sign again.

    What the fuck does this mean? ‘You will get a pleasant surprise in the mail’. I never get the mail. This is a bunch of hogwash! Pru cursed.

    Annie flushed at her sister’s foul mouth. This was a new thing where Pru was concerned. Herakles was gone and couldn’t be found. He and Pru had hit it off, or at least they seemed to when they’d met at a dinner party Annie and Ram had held. Pru had wanted more, expected it even. The male had seemed agreeable, attentive to the extreme at the party. Now he was in the wind, an apt saying for a Pegasus.

    You never bothered with horoscopes before, Annie observed. Sipping her coffee, she felt helpless to aid her sister. To meet your fated mate and be rejected was worse than a slap in the face. The male had been handsome too. The tall, dark saying had applied completely. Annie would say he was almost as handsome as her mate, Ram.

    Herk, as he’d said to call him, was muscular and had dark brown hair. He wore a mustache when she’d met him, but his friend had mentioned he wore a beard sometimes and also shaved bare at times. His eyes were brown in both his forms, human and Pegasus. As a Pegasus, he was white as snow, and his wings were huge. He was the grandson of the original Pegasus who had flown away with Hercules to wherever the old gods had retired to.

    Now those left behind ran with the wild horses on the Great Plains. Annie grinned as she remembered the story Sophie had told her about how she had met Herk. Sophie still couldn’t laugh about it.

    "Let’s go see if the Pegasus are where you last saw them," Sophie demanded of Knossos the dragon she eventually mated.

    "Aw, hell. Why not? Give me your hand." Knossos said, and she did so they flashed to the Great Plains where the wild horses ran.

    "Some of these are Pegasus’?" Sophie questioned.

    "At least a tenth of the herd. The leader is Herakles. He’s the grandson of the original Pegasus."

    "You’re kidding?"

    "Not even a little bit. Want to meet him?" Knossos asked, and she later realized there was mischief in his eyes.

    Sophie hesitated before she nodded. Suddenly she disappeared and reappeared on the back of a huge white horse. He reared, and her eyes nearly popped out. What do I do? She yelled at her future mate.

    "Grab the flowing mane on the very top of his head!"

    "I don’t see it!"

    "It’s there. Just reach over where it ought to be." Knossos instructed. Sophie did, and now she was riding his neck as she held tight to that part of his mane.

    Herk ran, and his hooves thundered as he moved like wildfire across the plain. Sophie had described how terrified she was. Had she flown off, she would have been trampled to death by his hooves and those of the others running alongside him. Herk came to an abrupt stop, but Sophie hung on with all she had. Her fingers hurt, she held on so hard.

    Herk bucked higher and higher each time, but Sophie was stubborn, and she didn’t want to die. Her fingers gripped the mane so tightly if she fell it would be because it was ripped out by the roots. Herk seemed to come to the same conclusion. He stopped and morphed into his human form. With no mane to hold on to, Sophie slid off him. When he turned to face her, she stared in shock. The male was gorgeous.

    As entertaining as Annie had found the story, she was glad it had been Sophie, her cousin, rather than her that had ridden the Pegasus. She never told Pru that story for fear she might be jealous. Annie was mated to Ram, a phoenix, and she wouldn’t want to hear about another woman riding him in either form either.

    Males are assholes, Pru muttered before taking a bite of her stack of pancakes. Anger and frustration had added to her appetite. She ate twice the food she normally ate, but her anger burned off the calories. There had been no weight gain.

    Annie’s appetite was better too, but her reason was that she was eating for two. That was also why she was craving pickles and sardines. Not by themselves, she was adding them to things she would normally consider disgusting. Sardines and vanilla ice cream or pickles with jam sandwiches.

    Her baby would probably come out screaming for sardines with its milk. Annie had never liked sardines at all before. Pickles were okay, but not with ice cream. That was just weird. Whatever, her biggest concern was Pru. Her attitude grew worse with each passing day, and there was no Herk in sight. If he showed up right now, Pru would probably skewer him.

    It reinforced the fact that most males were indeed assholes. Luckily, she’d gotten a gem. Even Knossos who’d seemed rather bad at first had turned into a great guy. She’d worried about Sophie for a while, but her cousin had tamed the dragon. Unfortunately, a Pegasus who hid was hard to tame. Herk might be the biggest challenge for the females in her family to date. It was a good thing the females in her family took on challenges successfully all the time.

    Now that they were done eating, she wasn’t sure what she should do. Normally, she ate breakfast with Ram at the Phoenix HQ. Since Pru had been rejected by Herk, she had made an attempt to see her a few times a week to try to cheer her up. So far, it wasn’t working. Had Ram rejected her, nothing could have cheered her up either. Somehow, they had to get that damn Pegasus to come back and claim his mate.

    Annie didn’t understand how anyone could turn from a fated mate anyway. The drive to be with them, the need to protect them, and the overwhelming desire to claim them had to be painful to ignore.

    I’ll see you tomorrow, Sis. It will turn out alright. Sometimes all it takes is time. Annie said, and she prayed to the goddess she was right.

    Pru shot her a look. Yeah, right. See you tomorrow.

    Annie felt bad as she left her parent’s house. Just when things seemed to be getting better for everyone, this happened. Now she had to leave to do the work she still carried out for her family. The baby bump that Ram found so

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