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Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss: Healthy Superfood Nutrition Made Easy
Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss: Healthy Superfood Nutrition Made Easy
Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss: Healthy Superfood Nutrition Made Easy
Ebook219 pages53 minutes

Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss: Healthy Superfood Nutrition Made Easy

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Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss: Healthy Superfood Nutrition Made Easy

Do you enjoy smoothies?

Are you having a hard time losing weight?

Do you want to learn how to lose weight with delicious smoothies?

Then this book is for you!

You can lose weight with smoothies if you make them right and follow a healthy routine. Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss: Healthy Superfood Nutrition Made Easy by Lindsey Griffin will teach you the do's and don'ts of making smoothies to help you lose weight. You'll learn the tips you need to meet your weight loss goals using the smoothie recipes in this book as well as common mistakes to avoid to make it easier. You'll even learn what you need to make your own smoothie recipes to shed the pounds you want to lose. There's no reason to wait. Start working towards your weight loss goals now!

Release dateDec 1, 2017
Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss: Healthy Superfood Nutrition Made Easy

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    Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss - Lindsey Griffin

    Making it Work

    It can seem too good to be true even if you know what mistakes to avoid on how to make smoothies work for your weight loss goals. You can’t just sip at them in between meals or once and a while and expect to shed the pounds. You’re going to need to put in the work to not only fight cravings but exercise on a regular basis if you want to lose weight with these smoothie recipes. The reasons that smoothies help people lose weight is because it’s easier for you to get full off of less calories than you’d normally consume.

    You can’t snack on smoothies, but instead you’ll be using them to skip a solid meal. Your ideal ratio would be to eat one solid meal a day and substitute breakfast and lunch with smoothies. You can also just substitute breakfast and dinner with smoothies but keep your lunch as your solid meal. This would be the better option for many people, especially if they tend to eat around six o’clock or later. Your solid meal is going to have more calories, and therefore you’ll want to have more time to burn off those calories so that you can continue to lose weight.

    Ingredients to Start

    Here are some common ingredients that can be added to your smoothies to help make sure that you’re making them to help you lose weight.

    Cayenne Pepper

    It will add a kick to your smoothie while also boosting your metabolism. Cayenne pepper has capsaicin, which helps you to avoid fatty and carb heavy cravings later on. It can even curve your appetite as a whole when consumed in the morning.


    Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are great for adding flavor without adding too many calories. They’ll help to naturally sweeten your smoothie too. They’re also high in fiber which will keep you full while being completely full of antioxidants too!

    Chia Seeds

    Many people remember laying with chia seeds as a kid, making hair grow on ceramic animals. What many people don’t know is that they can be used to help with weight loss since they’re full of both protein and fiber. They also have omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and other nutrients including calcium. They can help to absorb toxins from your digestive tract as well. If you don’t feel like using chia seeds in your smoothies because of a texture issue, then try chia gel. It can be easier to digest without losing its benefits. It will help to give you a creamy texture to your smoothies too.

    Coconut Oil

    Most people already know about all of the incredible benefits that coconut oil has to offer, and so there’s no reason you shouldn’t add a little to your smoothie. It gives you healthy fats, and helps you to get the energy you need. It’s considered a superfood that will keep you feeling good, full and energized.


    Cinnamon is good for more than just cinnamon sugar, and you’ll find it even helps to regulate blood sugar levels. It can improve your metabolism of glucose, and you’ll find it helps to get rid of abdominal fat as well.

    Leafy Greens

    Kale, spinach, dandelion, romaine lettuce and others can help pack your smoothie full of the fiber you need to say full. They’re also low in calories while providing healthy nutrients. Spinach, for example, has low cholesterol, and it’s high in protein and fiber. It also has niacin, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, and K. It also has vitamin B6, copper, potassium, calcium and even iron. Kale has vitamin A, C, and K. it also has folate, three grams of protein for each cup, and it has omega-3 fatty acid. Cabbage has dietary fiber, potassium, copper, folate and vitamin B1. Dandelion greens are high in calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin K. Lettuce as protein, fat, and dietary fiber. It also has vitamin E, A, C, K, B-6, and potassium.

    Greek Yogurt

    Greek yogurt is better than others styles of yogurt for the simple fact that it has a larger amount of protein. It will help you to stay full, and you should stick with the full fat variety. Also, try to go for plain yogurt since it won’t have any added sugar. You’ll get your flavor from the other ingredients you put into your smoothie. Greek yogurt is also a great source of both calcium and potassium. It even has B12, which will help to

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