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With a Prince
With a Prince
With a Prince
Ebook185 pages2 hours

With a Prince

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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The guy on the train is just Marcia’s type. A face like an angel, a scent like raw honey, treats her like he has a white horse and suit of armor stowed in his messenger bag. Perfect.

Too perfect. No guy like that would be interested in prim, awkward Marcia, notorious goody-goody and a twentysomething still clutching her v-card. She’s been following rules her whole life—but somewhere, the game changed. And left her behind.

So when she meets Damien, with his rumbling motorbike, gleaming piercings, and wicked imagination, she doesn’t care that he’s the exact opposite of “her type.” Her type would never dare her into such shocking, fiendishly inventive adventures—and she can’t wait to say yes.

Yes to whiskey in the middle of a workday. Yes to letting her hands roam over his body from the back of his bike. Yes to a fling full of wild abandon and absolutely no long-term potential. Except Damien’s not just the straightforward bad boy she imagined. And as they burn through Chicago’s nights, Marcia can’t shake the fear that this happiness is just another fairy tale.

PublisherJeffe Kennedy
Release dateNov 26, 2017
With a Prince

Jeffe Kennedy

Jeffe Kennedy is an award-winning, best-selling author who writes fantasy with romantic elements and fantasy romance. She is an RWA member and serves on the Board of Directors for SFWA as a Director at Large. She is a hybrid author who also self-publishes a romantic fantasy series, Sorcerous Moons. Books in her popular, long-running series, The Twelve Kingdoms and The Uncharted Realms, have won the RT Reviewers’ Choice Best Fantasy Romance and RWA’s prestigious RITA® Award, while more have been finalists for those awards. She's the author of the romantic fantasy trilogy The Forgotten Empires, which includes The Orchid Throne, The Fiery Crown, and The Promised Queen. Jeffe lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with two Maine coon cats, plentiful free-range lizards and a very handsome Doctor of Oriental Medicine. She can be found online at her website, every Sunday at the SFF Seven blog, on Facebook, on Goodreads and on Twitter.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    With a Prince by Jeffe KennedyBook #2: Missed Connections SeriesSource: AuthorMy Rating: 2½/5 starsMy Review: **THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS!!**Holy Hell, I never thought the day would come when I disliked a Jeffe Kennedy book. I have truly never disliked one of her books so this feeling is quite new and uncomfortable for me and I don’t care for it, one bit. But alas, I’m all about the truth in reviewing so here goes . . . .This is round two of the Missed Connections series and it picks up almost precisely where book one ended, with Charley happily dating her mister and Marcia living in fear of Charley’s revenge for her intervention into Charley’s love life. Marcia is, by far, the sweetest member of the group and often lives in what the others would consider a fairy tale world. Her room is decked out in princess pink and white, she loves the Disney princesses, and she is absolutely certain her own prince charming is out there waiting for her, all they have to do is fortuitously run into one another. Yeah, there’s more than one reason Marcia’s still a virgin and in her mid-twenties. Over the next several days, Marcia’s life gets absolutely turned upside down. In the first place, she is approached by the single-most-perfect-for-her-man and she outright rejects his advances on the basis, he is an actor and most assuredly sent by Charley to exact revenge on Marcia for her previous actions. The serendipitous nature of the meeting, the perfection of his form and his words, his love of the Missed Connections are just too fairytale and cannot at all be real or anything other than Charley exacting her revenge. Marcia is so convinced of this, she comes barreling into the house and lets Charley have it, full force, the second she is able! Only to be told she is a terrible friend and utterly paranoid for thinking such a thing possible. As if things weren’t already bad enough, Marcia is also faced with the new and appalling knowledge that her mother, her terminally single mother, now has a boyfriend and won’t be home for Thanksgiving. With her friendships in peril and her only family behaving most unusually, it is no wonder Marcia is all out of sorts. So much so that the very next day she accepts the offer of noontime drink from a total stranger who is, admittedly, quite handsome, but in no way Marcia’s type. Though the initial meeting ends rather badly, Marcia finds she is quite taken with this new, definitely-not-her-type man and conspires to see him again. See him again, she certainly does and no one, not even Marcia can believe how well they are suited to one another. In the wake of all the awful that has recently happened, Marcia delights in her new man and, for the first time in her life, resolves to enjoy the moment rather than obsessing over a happily ever after. Too bad there are factors in play Marcia knows nothing about that will threaten both her immediate and long-term happiness. The Bottom Line: I have so many issues with this read and most of them revolve around Charley and her atrocious behavior. While I can appreciate Charley being upset by Marcia’s butting into her business, I can’t at all understand the lengths she goes to in order to get back at Marcia. Charley plays on Marcia’s hopes, dreams, and insecurities in the cruelest of ways with little more than an “I’m so sorry” at the end. Even more troubling is Marcia’s response to the whole affair, a few tears, a few pretty words, and a hug and all is forgiven. My final issue with this read is the whole actor playing two roles bit! For the entire read I found myself wondering what happened to the perfect bloke from the train only to find he’s been hiding in plain sight the whole time. Really? In all, I found much of this book to be somewhat ridiculous and not at all what I have come to expect from Jeffe Kennedy. With all the being said, I am not giving up on this series as the two most objectionable characters have had their say and there are three other far more likeable girls waiting to have their stories told. Additionally, this is Jeffe Kennedy we're talking about and this is literally the first book of hers I have disliked.

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With a Prince - Jeffe Kennedy

With a Prince

Missed Connections #2

by Jeffe Kennedy

Copyright © 2017 by Jennifer M. Kennedy

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or business establishments, organizations or locales is completely coincidental.

Thank you for reading!


Content Editor: Deborah Nemeth

Production Editor: Rebecca Cremonese

Cover Design: Kellie Dennis, Book Cover by Design

Back Cover Copy: Erin Nelson Parekh


For Margaret

In celebration of serendipity and other gifts from the universe

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page



The Rules

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14


Titles by Jeffe Kennedy

About Jeffe Kennedy


As always, many people helped me with this book, answering questions, brainstorming ideas, and giving me inspiration.

First and foremost: Thank you to Anela Deen, winner of my newsletter contest to name the bakery in this book. The Last Crumb is exactly what I was looking for. Will be sending you books and cupcakes!

I want to thank everyone who loved Last Dance and poked at me to get Marcia’s story out there. It’s a great feeling to write a book you know people are excited to read.

Gratitude to Anne Calhoun for beta reading and enthusiasm. Your early love for Damien made all the difference.

Thanks to Julie Fine for reading and fact-checking, and for the amazing recipe suggestions!

Nancy Teichman Bauer gets credit for help for all things Chicago. Any mistakes are my own—especially because she told me not to argue with her.

Thanks again to Sonali Dev for trying to keep me from screwing up too badly. And for a really interesting discussion on the saying my cross to bear, and how religion doesn’t seem to factor on that one.

Hat tip to Lonman & Eagle, they of Eat, Drink, Whiskey for answering my weird emails. Next time I’m in Chicago, I’m absolutely going there!

Thanks, forever and always, to Rebecca Cremonese who goes to great lengths to make everything as perfect as she can, even to researching how the L really smells. (And conceding to me on that one!)

And, also as always, love and thanks to David and Carien. Both of you are amazing and wonderful parts of my life.

The Rules

As women holding ourselves to certain standards (if not necessarily high ones), we of the Fabulous Five agree to abide by the following Rules:

1.   It is permissible to dance or hang with any man once and once only in order to assess his fitness according to the following criteria: Looks, Rhythm, Taste, Touch, and Chemistry, with a maximum of one point per criterion.

Amendment 1a. Partial points are permissible, in multiples no smaller than a tenth.

Amendment 1b. A sixth criterion, that extra something, can be considered, but only after round four. It cannot be used to tilt scores in the original five criteria.

2.   A man must score at least a two out of five to advance to the second round—dating or dancing.

Amendment 2a. This must be a score of 2.0 or better. No rounding up from a score below 2.0 is permitted.

3.   Cell numbers will be given only upon request, never offered, and only to those who’ve advanced to round three.

4.   A score of four out of five is needed to advance to round three. No exceptions. This can include additional dances, dates, or making out, short of intercourse.

Amendment 3a. This must be a score of 4.0 or better. No rounding up from a score below 4.0 is permitted.

5.   No sex with any man who has not advanced to round four, which requires maintaining a score of 4.0 or better following round 3.

6.   Anyone who has agreed to abide by these rules and fails to do so will pay a penalty as determined by the group.

Amendment 6a. Rounding up from lower scores will elicit a more severe penalty.

Amendment 6b. (aka the Charley Amendment): Poor math skills are no excuse.

~ 1 ~

Juliet – m4w (Chicago) I know I could be you’re Romeo, if you’ll just give me another chance. I’ve changed. Losing you was the wake-up call I needed. I’m willing to grovel. Just make that call. You know where to find me. Always as you wish. Your prince.

I allowed myself a little dreamy sigh over that one. The reference to The Princess Bride was a particularly nice touch, and mostly made up for the your/you’re confusion. And he was willing to grovel! At least he paid attention, and was at least trying to change. He got the wake-up call and still loved her. She should appreciate that. So many people didn’t appreciate what they had.

Look at all the people in this L car, so many frowning or sad. Of course, that could come from being crowded in with the evening commuter traffic. Or that the train car smelled bad, as they all do. Exhaust, dirty snow, the peculiar mix of plastic parkas and good leather, on top of that weird sour smell pervasive in all trains, no matter how clean, like vomit and spilled beer.

Reading between the lines of the ad, it seemed that she must have loved this guy at some point. Probably still did. Maybe they had been living together and something happened. He slept with another girl and—ugh. No infidelity. Never an excuse for that. He… was a workaholic. Yes, working so hard at his job, long hours, weekends, all to save up and buy that diamond ring for her, maybe put a down payment on a pretty townhouse in Oak Park. A nice place to raise the kids they’d have. But he forgot to pay attention to her and she thought, oh, she thought he didn’t love her anymore. Maybe she suspected him of screwing around with someone prettier, smarter, more fun.

So she threw him out. Maybe he came home late one night. Way too late, but with that ring in his pocket! He’d planned to make her breakfast in bed and propose, but she’d put all his stuff on the sidewalk, refused to speak to him. And he’d gone away, crushed, desperate to find a way to make her listen…

Some women were like that—refusing to just listen to the explanation. Or they pretended to listen, but then still stayed mad. Like my housemate, Charley, swearing revenge on me for the way I’d tricked her into dating Daniel, when I’d tried to explain that I did it for her happiness.

Okay, maybe for a bit of vicarious happiness on my part, but still…

The thing is, people don’t do things for no reason at all. Charley hadn’t been giving Daniel a chance and you have to do that. Like when Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice read Darcy’s letter and finally understood everything. What if he’d never written that letter? What if she’d been horrible and thrown it out or burned it without reading it? It all would have ended right there. Darcy would have married that sickly cousin. Lydia would have been abandoned by Wickham and likely become a prostitute.

(Austen never says so explicitly, of course, but a modern woman knows perfectly well what ruined meant back then.)

And Lizzie… well, she would have become an old maid, wouldn’t she? Alone in her virginal bed for the rest of her life. Not unlike Jane Austen herself, but let’s not go there.

Too close to home.

That’s why—if it ever happens for me—I would always listen to the explanation, always give a guy another chance. Even with Charley swearing a vengeance to fit the crime, I refused to close myself off to possibilities. Which meant I had to be vigilant and clever. She might act like a ditzy drama queen, but Charley had a super sharp brain and she’d absorbed all the dramatic arcs of the shows she played in and studied at school. Here she’d ended up—happily!—with Daniel Holt, catch of the century, but she couldn’t let go of it, that I’d gone behind her back. The whole mystery had all just been so romantic. And she’d fallen for it, the enigma, the clues. I would have eaten that up, if anyone cared enough about me to set me up with the guy who turned out to be the One. Daniel was totally her One.

My prince, my true love would find me, too. I knew it in my heart. He could be right around the corner, looking for me. There had to be a hundred people in this one car, so he could be here somewhere. Not that older man with the newspaper over his face. There was a younger guy in a hoodie, a few seats down on the opposite side, earbuds in and face bowed over his phone, thumbs working non-stop. He’d been there when I got on and I still hadn’t seen his face. Still, with those skinny jeans, fringed holes showing skin at his knees, he seemed more like a high school kid, so no go there. And obviously not that little boy across from me standing between his mom’s knees, though he was super cute.

He had his bright button eyes fixed on my tablet—or maybe on the pink sparkly skin I’d put on it. I waved my fingers at him and he didn’t even look at me. He reached for the tablet, though, his mom absently tightening her grip on his parka sleeve, though she never looked up from her book. Kind of sad, that she wasn’t paying more attention to her adorable kid.

She looked tired, though, like my mom had always been. Maybe she was a single mom, too.

Oh, Marcia, just play a little while with your dolls while mommy has a nap.

I’ll make supper in a minute. How about an Eggo waffle? You love those.

Mommy has a headache, so no TV, okay? Go draw or read a book.

My mom had been a good mom. Still was. We talked pretty much every day. She got lonely with me out of the house. And, of course, she hadn’t ever married. She’d have to date to do that. Frankly I couldn’t quite see how she’d even dated my dad long enough to conceive me, she’s that much of an introvert. From the little she’d ever said about him, he’d been a charming guy, also way too young, who romanced and seduced her and went on his way. A tale as old as time and a great cautionary one.

Don’t give up your virginity to the first cute boy who charms you. You get that diamond ring on your finger before you let him do anything. I mean anything at all.

I didn’t need a ring—necessarily—to give up my virginity. But I absolutely wanted to wait to be in love. That’s part of why the Rules work for me. Charley and Ice made them up to keep themselves from scraping the bottom of the barrel, sexually speaking, but I use them to remind myself to wait for the One. If I ever meet a man who is a five-pointer for me? Then I’ll know.

They think I’m picky, I know that. And I am. A perfect score is a rare and beautiful thing.

The little boy, after one last futile tug and reach for my tablet, screwed up his face, turned an astonishing shade of puce, and let out a piercing scream that nearly made me drop my tablet. The man under the newspaper woke with a start and a crash of paper. The businesswoman in the seat next to me made a sound of irritation and got up, moving to stand near the door. The boy’s mom looked up from her book and gave the frowning people around her an apologetic smile.

Sorry! she said to everyone in general, and gathered the little boy on her lap, soothing him in some other language. Hoodie guy on the other side of them finally looked up, the kid’s screams apparently enough to penetrate even the noise-cancellation. He gave the little boy a crooked grin that him sticking a thumb in his mouth, staring somberly with tearful eyes.

Then hoodie guy looked at me, and oh! My heart actually jittered.

He was beautiful. And just like a prince. Golden curls stood out against the deep green hoodie, not too long, but just enough for one to tumble across his forehead. A face like an angel, with blue eyes the color of a perfect summer twilight. Square jaw—clean shaven, which I greatly prefer—and really nice lips. Almost a perfect bow, like in the storybooks, but still manly. Even the bright green earbuds now dangling around his neck somehow added to the overall effect.

He smiled at me, and I felt exactly like that toddler, wanting to stick my thumb in my mouth and just gaze back with the same awe. His right front tooth had a little chip, just enough to make that perfect face human. Not an angel, but a gorgeous man.

One who was getting up, coming toward me, and—omigod—sitting next to me, in the now empty seat. No one’s sitting here, right? he asked in a low voice, like music. A little noisy over there. I hope you don’t mind.

I shook my head, thumbing the

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