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Fun and chaos are unleashed when a sister and brother supernatural duo wreak havoc on an unsuspecting Texas cowboy, his friends and his horse breeding ranch. With their ability to "push" emotions into humans, this sexy brother and sister are out to change the rules of love. Even if they have to get help from a meddling dirt faery.

PublisherBeverly Rae
Release dateNov 26, 2017

Beverly Rae

When I enrolled in an online writing course in 2004, I had no idea that I’d started a new career. I love writing and had never even thought I could make it my life’s work. I’m married to my real life hero who has supported me from the beginning and given me all the time in the world to realize my dream. I live in Georgia and spend my days in my office writing with my dogs at my feet. What more can a girl ask for?Most of my books are paranormal romances, some MF and some menage, with graphic sex and a laugh or two. Keep checking back and you’ll see more of my books showing up. If you’d like more information about me or my books, go to

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    Studs - Beverly Rae


    Beverly Rae

    About Studs ~

    Fun and chaos are unleashed when a sister and brother supernatural duo wreak havoc on an unsuspecting Texas cowboy, his friends, and his ranch. With their ability to push emotions into humans, this sexy brother and sister are out to change the rules of love. Even if they have to get help from a meddling dirt faery.

    Matlantian Words and Meanings

    Critetes – money

    Chocolatiea – chocolate

    Coustis – coffee-colored Matlantian drink

    Doaga – Damn

    Ficillies – heeby-jeebies; creepy feeling

    Gliantias – prehistoric horses that were short and stocky.

    Haellus - hell

    Schlotwee – noodle

    Shat – shit

    Shuyes – a wild animal, much like coyotes, that inhabits the Matlantian moon.


    Breeding Chute – A small enclosure, usually made of metal, in which a female horse (mare) is led inside to prepare her for breeding. The male horse (stud) is led into the chute after her, placing him behind the mare for a live cover (breeding.)

    Breeding Shed – The barn where horses are prepared to be bred. This is a separate building from the other buildings or barns where the studs and mares are housed.

    Breeding Fee – The price agreed upon by the mare’s owner, paid to the stud’s owner, for the opportunity to breed the mare to a specific stud.

    Halter – A device of various materials including rope, leather or nylon, placed on the horse’s head to which a lead rope may be attached.

    Live Cover – The breeding process where a stud mounts the mare and mates with her.

    Mare – The female horse who will be bred to the stud and carry the foal (baby).

    Stud – The male horse used for breeding.

    Tack – The name describing different devices and equipment used in the caring of horses.

    Tack Room – The room or area used to store the tack.

    Teaser Horse – A stud horse who is used to get the mare ready for breeding. The teaser horse teases the mare, getting her sexually ready for the stud horse.

    Treaty – The agreement where a price is agreed upon for the purchase of a horse between two individuals and is not included in a public auction.

    Copyright © Beverly Rae (all rights reserved)

    Published by Rae Publishing

    E-book ISBN

    Revised 2017

    Cover by Cheeky Covers


    This book is copyrighted intellectual property. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people whether in ebook, print or any other format. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

    PLEASE NOTE: This work contains graphic sexual situations and language and is intended for readers 18 years and older.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events or establishments, is solely coincidental.


    Thank you to my husband who is the basis for all my heroes.

    My inspiration for persevering when writing gets to be more of a pain than a pleasure is the best daughter a mom ever had. She makes me happy simply by walking into the room.

    A special thank you goes to my father, a cowboy and horseman, who assisted me with his vast knowledge of horse breeding. Every description of the breeding process, and of the horses and their anatomy is true. Some details have been limited to protect the readers’ sensibilities.

    A big Thanks, y’all for all the readers who have supported me by buying my work. My readers are the greatest!


    Long ago, before the age of the Greek or Roman gods, lived a race of super humans called Matlantians. As an evolved race, the Matlantians prided themselves on their logical and reasoned thinking, never giving into the fiery emotions boiling just beneath the surface of their stoic exteriors. On the rare times when they allowed their emotions to surface, the poor Earth-bound creatures under their care experienced the Matlantians’ volatile sentiments at ten-fold the passion level. Realizing the harm their extreme emotions could cause the primitive people, the Matlantians kept their feelings in check and spent their immortal lives helping the uncivilized, cave-dwelling creatures called Mankind, hoping to ignite the spark of intelligence lurking inside the primal humans.

    However, like the beings they cared for, a few Matlantians broke the rules. This is the story of two of those Matlantians.

    Chapter One

    Texas tornadoes are a common place occurrence. Texas earthquakes, however, rarely happen and when they do they’re so minimal they aren’t always noticeable without consulting a seismograph. However, the earthquake that shook the small town of Twin Creeks, located in the panhandle of the great cowboy state, was an exception.

    All three thousand, four-hundred and fifty-one residents of Twin Creeks stopped and stared as framed pictures jumped off their hooks and plaster fell from the ceilings. Dishes and jars of preserved fruit crashed on a dozen kitchen floors throughout the town as the frightened citizens ran from their businesses and homes. Stunned, they stood frozen in astonishment as a large crack snaked its path straight down the middle of Main Street separating Gloria’s Beauty Box on the north from the Boots ‘N Beer bar on the south.

    Picking up the fear from their mothers, babies cried and children sought shelter against their mothers’ legs. Men paused in their discussions of wheat prices and cattle auctions to gawk at the effects of what should never have happened in their quiet community. Yet, when the aftershocks faded and life seemed to return to its usual drone of familiarity, the hard-working, sensible people of Twin Creeks pulled up their boots and settled back into their daily routine.

    Little did they realize, however, that the real impact of the earthquake was happening underground and out of their sight.


    Far, far below the surface, at the very epicenter of the earthquake, a fissure raced toward the fiery core of the Earth. As it cut through the various layers of the earth’s composition, tiny splinters of the main crack shot sideways, knifing through soil and rock as centuries old earth bowed to the shockwave. The enormous crack continued onward, barely slowing in its underground descent until, at last, it encountered an object more formidable than granite or stone. Like a giant worm interrupted in its tunneling in the ground, the crack hit a wall of golden magic, shuddered, and then split in two to run along the top of the golden box, down its side and then on for another hundred feet. At last, the crack and the earthquake stopped.

    Riciseon Bleutonia, entrapped in the Golden Chamber of Silence, awakened and opened his eyes to the gauzy haze around him. Sucking in the mist, his body changed the yellow vapor, extracting the necessary ingredients from its molecular makeup to send a reviving rush of fresh air into his lungs.

    I’m awake. Although awake wasn’t the correct term since he’d never actually been asleep, he couldn’t find a better one. True, he hadn’t been fully conscious all these many years, but the Matlantians had kept his mind active with lesson after boring lesson on Matlantian laws and morality poured into his subconscious and captive brain. Unable to turn off the continuous sermons, he―and he assumed his sister, Charissa―had received the same instruction. Both of them had endured the mental droning of the Elders’ words and images without any means of controlling the input. Talk about a captive audience!

    Yet something must have changed. Why else would he have awakened? Had a Matlantian offered to teach them?

    He could still hear the finality in the Council of Elders decree as they handed down the punishment on both he and Charissa.

    "Riciseon and Charissa of the House of Bleutonia, you will be placed in a Golden Chamber of Silence for all of Eternity. You will remain, locked away, until such time as another Matlantian offers to teach you the value of true emotion. Whether your time in isolation is one day or infinity matters not. It is the will of Matlantia and the judgment of the Council of Elders."

    They had been punished for using the very powers that define them as race. How was that fair?

    How long had he been asleep? I’m awake and ready to get out. Knowing he sported the biggest grin ever, he gazed around him, searching for any sign of his impending release.

    Where are they? Again, he scanned the area around him and saw nothing in the rock and soil to give him hope. Am I supposed to break out on my own? But how?

    The yellow mist surrounding him held him suspended in the transparent chamber, keeping him a few agonizing inches from his sister, Charissa. Although able to move, he couldn’t force his hand through the mist to touch his sister.


    He paused, waited for her to respond and, when she didn’t, tried again. Charissa! Wake up! Yet Charissa’s eyes remained closed; her body unmoving.

    Something’s wrong. Surely the elders wouldn’t free him and not his sister. Their punishment was supposed to be the same. Trying to find an answer to all the questions scorching through his mind, Riciseon looked up and noticed the fracture in the earth. Curious, he reached for the top of the chamber, hoping to break through the shimmering gold wall and touch the open tunnel above, but again the mist kept him from breaking out and obtaining his goal. "Hel-lo! Oh, Elders! You forgot to let me out. Let us out. Are you there?"

    He waited for the reply that never came. Were they leaving him trapped as a fully conscious being? Could this be a second phase of punishment? He’d even prefer the never-ending sermons to this boring nothingness. A tiny shiver zipped along his spine at the thought. Surely even the Council of Elders couldn’t be that cruel. Could they?

    Silence deafened his ears as he once again called to his sister. Charissa, wake up. Something’s going on. I need your help. Why didn’t she respond? He drew in a great gulp of mist, gathered his strength and used his best I’m your superior brother tactic to get his sister’s attention. Charissa! I’m ordering you to wake up.

    If nothing else would get through to his sister, a command most certainly would. Not that she’d awaken to obey him. Not his sister. Instead, she’d wake up and tell him to knock off trying to order her around. Fortunately for Riciseon, he knew his sister well.

    Huh? Rici? Who do you think you’re ordering around? Charissa stretched, pushing her arms through the mist like a swimmer through water. Her long eyelashes fluttered as she opened her eyes and lengthened her toned body, casting out the last tendrils of the council-induced hibernation.

    Here, Charissa. To your left. Riciseon marveled at his younger―by one minute and two seconds―twin sister and delighted in her beauty. Her sleek black hair, falling to the curve of her back, floated in the yellow mist to spread out like a glossy black fan, while her alabaster-hued skin appeared ethereal in the swirling clouds surrounding her. Her angular, yet softly feminine face, turned toward him as her slanted, intelligent eyes fixed onto him.

    Are we free?

    He scoffed and inclined his head, arching one brow in an are you kidding me? glance. Does this look like we’re free?

    Charissa twisted, swiveling her body so she faced her brother. Don’t get sarcastic with me, Riciseon. First, you try giving me an order like I’m some kind of common dirt faery and then you want to throw attitude at me? I don’t think so.

    Rici smiled as her words answered his unspoken question about her health. Same old Charissa. Sassy and twice as mouthy as any other Matlantian woman ever brought into existence. Please, sister dear, I know you well enough not to try commanding you to do anything. Which is precisely why I knew you’d wake up when I did.

    She blinked at him, taking in the truth of his words, and sent him a frosty glare. Oh, so you think you’re so smart, huh? Then how do you suppose we get out of this prison?

    I believe if we both put our minds to it, we can force ourselves out of the chamber. Since the rock and ground encasing the chamber have been fractured, thus reducing the pressure from which the chamber draws its power, I’m hoping we can use our combined strength to wedge a way out of this trap. Rici shoved his fist upward, harder than he’d done before, and reached the edge of the golden chamber. See? I can almost go through the chamber’s wall by myself. But with both of us trying…

    Charissa followed his movement with intense scrutiny. No doubt. Then let’s get on with it. This place gives me the ficillies. She made a face to emphasize her disgust.

    Just one thought. Riciseon didn’t want her taking part in his plan if she didn’t know all the possible outcomes. This might be a test, you know.

    A test?

    Yes. The Elders may have caused the fracture, weakening the chamber, to give us an opportunity to escape. They might be testing us by placing this bait, this temptation in front of us.

    And? So? If they did, then they’re expecting us to escape. Maybe it’s their way of seeing if we’re worthy of freedom.

    He could sense her impatience growing as he heard the exasperation in her tone. But he wouldn’t rush this. I guess your idea is possible. But not probable. If it’s a test and we fail, we could receive a longer sentence.

    Are you saying we should stay put? Not get out? Stay here until someone finally shows up? Since when have you started playing by the rules?

    I’m only saying we need to proceed cautiously. If this is a test, then we need to determine the correct answer before we make a mistake. Do they want us to break free? Or do they want us to remain where we are, waiting for the Matlantian who will serve as our mentor? They’re a tricky bunch of ancients, you know.

    Charissa’s mouth fell open as she considered what he’d said. Yet he was unprepared for where her thoughts led her. Riciseon. What if there’s more?

    More? What other choices could the Elders have planned?"

    Charissa lowered her voice as she glanced furtively around her. What if we choose incorrectly and something worse happens? What if we escape and thus receive an even harsher punishment? Not simply longer; harder.

    Could Charissa be right? He’d never considered a harsher possibility. I don’t think so, Charissa. He reconsidered his decision and came to the same conclusion. No. They wouldn’t tempt us into doing something wrong with the intention of handing out an even worse punishment. The Elders are a tough group, but they’re a fair bunch, too.

    He could see his words visibly relax his sister even as a stab of doubt entered his mind and he pushed it away. No, he knew the members of the council well. Or at least well enough.

    You know, maybe this is exactly what it seems like it is.

    Riciseon jerked his thoughts back to his sister’s words. And that is?

    Charissa pursed her lips; a clear indication of the conviction behind her words. An opportunity nature has thrust into our hands. An opportunity we should make the most of. Why not take this at face value?

    Was she right? Could it be that simple? Riciseon studied the gap of the fissure as far as he could. So you’re saying an earthquake is an earthquake and nothing more?

    Yes, Rici. That’s what I’m saying.

    And if you’re wrong? If they’re watching and we fail the test?

    His beautiful, defiant sister threw back her mane of hair, lifted her chin and flared her nostrils. Then even if we fail, at least we’ll have tried.

    He had to hand it to her. She had a way of boiling any situation down to the bare bones. True enough. I’d rather spend a few more centuries locked inside this misty tomb than to sit here too afraid to take a chance. We’ve grown older, stronger, and wiser while we languished in this prison, dear sister. Let’s use those assets to their fullest.

    Stronger and wiser, yes. But older? Speak for yourself, Rici. I’m still young and beautiful.

    Of course you are. You’re more beautiful now than you were when they threw you in the chamber.

    I am, aren’t I? Charissa laughed and raised a fist to her chest. So? On the count of three we push upward with everything we have in us, agreed?

    Agreed. One. Two.

    Charissa’s voice joined with his, invigorating him with added power. Three!

    Riciseon thrust his fist skyward in the same instant his sister’s fist shot upward, striking the translucent golden shield forming the Chamber of Silence. The walls around them shuddered with the collision, making the mist ripple like waves in an amber pool. Yet the chamber walls held firm.

    Raw disappointment, more emotion than he’d experienced in all his lifetime, crushed into Riciseon as he stared at the solid, unmoving barrier. Charissa’s disbelief echoed his own and they remained unmoving for several minutes, trying to absorb their defeat.

    My, that went well. At his confused glance, she added. I’m kidding. Have you forgotten my sarcastic wit? What now, Rici?

    Even while her words were light, the disappointment in her tone covered his heart, weighing it down. I don’t know. Perhaps we should try again.

    You mean we should try, try again?

    The twist of his sister’s words brought a smile to his lips. Yes, try, try again. Quitters never win and winners never quit.

    Good one, Rici. I like it. Did you make it up?

    I did. Do you think it’ll catch on?

    Her brilliant smile did more to renew his hope. Definitely. But it needs a little work. Maybe say ‘losers’ instead of ‘quitters.’ Losers never win and winners never lose.

    Leave it to Charissa to try and change his very words. No. Then the saying wouldn’t fit the circumstances.

    True. She nodded, letting his inventive phrase stand. Well, then, you’ll have to try again, won’t you? If only to prove your phrase correct.

    Try, try again.

    Together they readied themselves, looked skyward, and counted to three as they’d done before. Once more the earth trembled around them and, once more, the chamber reverberated. But this time, instead of the twin’s hands stopping at the shield, the wall splintered, letting a gap open above their heads until the golden wall above them crumbled away.

    Riciseon shouted in triumph as he and Charissa continued their push through the earth, channeling a path to the world above them. We’re free, Charissa! We’re free!

    Fly high, Riciseon! Charissa burst into the sunlight with her words singing behind her as her body lifted into the air.

    Riciseon, close on the heels of his sister, rejoiced as the wind whipped by him. Stretching out his arms, he looked around him, over him and below him, taking in the lush green of the land and the vibrant blue of the sky. Charissa, look around you. See how beautiful the world is. I know it’s not proper to feel or speak of these things, but I’ve missed everything so much. I don’t care if the Elders send us back because I’m experiencing this emotion. It’s worth every second of the enjoyment. If this is emotion, then let me have it.

    He followed Charissa, letting her laughter lead him as he twisted this way and that to see the horizon, the sun, and the small lakes dotting the ground. Do you see anything of the Elders?

    No. Charissa turned back to him, her body floating in the air. But I see a building, a structure. And I see people. She spun in a circle, checking all around her. Do we dare go among the humans? Or will the Elders snatch us away if we try?

    "Puh on the Elders! Let’s go. Rici dashed ahead of his sister and wiggled his bottom at her. Catch me if you can, little sister." The exuberance rushing through him was unlike anything he’d ever encountered. So this was what he’d been missing all these years? No longer! The odd emotion threatened to fill his being, restricting the air in his lungs and putting pressure on his chest. As he’d done so many times before, he shoved the emotion down and out of his mind.

    The twins raced to the north, alternating between who was in the lead. As they drew closer to the humans, they dropped in altitude, staying close to the tree line.

    Rici, we need to check out these humans first. They and the world may have changed.

    I think that’s a good bet. The structure appears more developed and made of different materials. I guess they’ve managed to learn and improve their miserable lives.

    Probably with Matlantian help.

    Riciseon landed in a tree near a pleasant green meadow. A large platform, cupped on one side with curved panels, stood in front of a boisterous group of humans while various strange box-like items littered the platform out of which a raucous sound emanated. The people, most of them appearing to be young adults similar in age to the twins’ outward appearance, bumped against each other in strange twisting and jerking motions, some listening to an odd-sounding music performed by unseen musicians while others had tiny black or silver objects attached to one of their ears.

    Charissa landed next to him and sat on the limb, pulling on his pant leg to urge him to sit down, too. Looks to me like the natives have developed a lot more industry and social customs since we were last on the earth. I wonder how long we were in the chamber? Their clothes are almost as nice as the average Matlantian’s clothes—although quite odd, yet interesting—and they’re definitely able to get along with each other better than before.

    But what are the things they’re placing against their ears?

    I don’t know. Charissa licked her lips and Rici knew her gesture wasn’t an innocent one. But one thing’s for certain.

    Charissa. Yet Riciseon knew she wouldn’t heed his warning. Don’t.

    She patted his cheek. Are you jealous, brother dear? Some of the males are quite nice. Without all the matted hair and stinky animal fur, they look very appealing. See the one with fair hair?

    The hungry sounds she made sent a nervous shiver down his spine. Behave, Charissa. We don’t want to get in trouble for mixing with the humans so soon after gaining our freedom.

    She eyed him sending him an unmistakable reply. With the grace of a gazelle, she hopped off the limb and landed easily on her feet.

    Charissa! Come back!

    Beit uga mep. Ugga!

    The short, blond-haired man, who wore a black shirt with the words Your place or mine? emblazoned across the front, and his pants hanging on his hips as if he hoped they would fall to his feet, turned to Charissa, and dropped the black rectangular box he held at his ear. Are you talking to me? He cocked his head, scouring his hot gaze over her, and added, You going to a costume party?

    Charissa paused in her sway toward him and gaped. Rici! They speak our language now.

    Riciseon dropped from the tree and hurried over to his sister. I heard. Which means they may have other, less desirable surprises for us, too. Be careful.

    The young man sauntered closer. Who you talking to now? Staring past her, he thrust out his chin at Rici. Hey, where’d toga boy come from?

    I’m talking to you, big boy. Charissa twirled in a circle. Do you like my gown? It’s my favorite. She shimmied over to him. You’re not half bad, you know. Which tribe are you from?

    Uh, tribe?

    You know. Your people. Charissa inhaled, enjoying the different aroma of the man.

    Wow, sweet thang. Did I hear someone say something about a surprise? ‘Cause if you want a surprise, then I’m your man. He darted his eyes down to his crotch and winked. "Trust me. What I

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