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Loving Stan Book 26 of the Action! Series
Loving Stan Book 26 of the Action! Series
Loving Stan Book 26 of the Action! Series
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Loving Stan Book 26 of the Action! Series

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All things must change.

In book 26 of the Action! Series, an infatuation grows to deep love.

As Mark and Stan fly to New York City for a Dangereux Cologne promotional tour, their affection blossoms to an inseparable bond. As rumors fly and their attachment becomes public, family and friends react to the news.
Mark’s husband, Steve Miller, is left with the fallout, on his own while Mark spends time with a man twenty years his junior.
But, Steve refuses to crumble in the face of the catastrophe. Instead, he goes on a sexual tear, which distracts him from reality.

With love being tested and life moving forward, both Mark and Steve face a decision that rocks the men of the Action! Series.

Loving Stan.
Mark can’t help himself. While the two men share secrets and their bodies with each other, Mark and Stan brave the coming upheaval.

Love. The heart simply goes where it desires. Loving Stan, part of a trilogy inside a series.
‘Obsession, California Dreaming, & Loving Stan’ three books which complete a story on their own.

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateNov 27, 2017
Loving Stan Book 26 of the Action! Series

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    Book preview

    Loving Stan Book 26 of the Action! Series - GA Hauser

    Chapter 1

    Mark Antonious Richfield typed on his computer keyboard in his office at the advertising company he worked for with his husband, Steven Jay Miller.

    His cell-phone chimed, interrupting his thought flow. He finished typing the sentence, and then dug the phone out of his pocket. Hullo.

    Mark, its TJ Brown.

    Yes. How are you? Mark sat back in his leather swivel chair.

    "Good. We need you to tour with Dangereux Cologne. Are you feeling up to it?"

    Of course, love. Mark rocked gently in the chair, running his fingers through his dark shoulder-length hair. Where are we headed?

    New York.

    No worries. Just email me the details.

    I already have. I copied all of our models on it. You should have it in your inbox. If not, let me know. We’ll have a limo pick you up.

    All right. He tapped keys on his computer to get into his email box. Yes. I have it. Mark read the names on the address list, seeing Stan’s. Oh! Mr Charles is included.

    After a soft chuckle, TJ said, "Yes. We’re launching his new cologne line Dangereux Obsession for Fashion Week."

    Mark’s heart began to race. Lovely.

    And speaking of Stan. Do you want a private hotel room or do you mind doubling up?

    Doubling… Mark imagined sleeping in a hotel room alone with Stan. Bloody hell.

    No problem, Mark. We can get you a private room.

    Um. I don’t want a private room. No. That’s silly. It’s fine. I’d be happy to share a room with him.

    Do you want to discuss it with Steve first and get back to me?

    I don’t need permission from my husband. Mark tried not to sneer. TJ, it’s perfectly all right.

    Okay. I’ll update you with the information as we get it.

    How long, love?

    How long?

    Yes. How many days are we staying? Mark noticed one of the Rothschild twins lingering near his office door, waiting for him to get off the phone.

    Three days. Thursday through Saturday.

    All right.

    I’ll talk to you soon.

    Cheers. Mark disconnected the call and gave Danny his attention. Yes, Daniel?

    Danny entered his office holding a file. How many days are you staying where?

    Nosy, nosy. Mark took the file from him.

    Anything that concerns you interests me.

    "Dangereux is touring in New York for Fashion Week." Mark opened the file.

    Oh. Have fun! Danny smiled and left his office.

    Mark reviewed the client information in the folder and then dropped it on his desk. He stood, buttoned his suit jacket, tucked his tie under it, and headed to his husband’s office.

    Steve was working on his computer as well, his tie loosened, his sleeves rolled up, and his shirt collar button open.

    Love? Mark stood at his doorway.

    Steve looked up from his work.

    Mark sat on the corner of his desk, opening his suit jacket.

    Steve smiled at him, his blue eyes bright and clear in the morning light coming into their downtown LA office.

    Mark reached out his hand and Steve clasped it. "TJ just rung. He informed me Dangereux is going to be a part of Fashion Week in Manhattan."

    That’s exciting.

    I’m going for the weekend to promote the cologne. Mark massaged Steve’s fingers in his hand.


    Next weekend.


    Mark kissed Steve’s knuckles and then stood from his desk. Oh, and Stan is coming. Mark tried to slip out of his office after he informed Steve.

    Wait. What?

    Mark paused at the door. "Stan. They’re launching Dangereux Obsession."

    You… you’re going with Stan to New York?

    Yes. Mark didn’t want a debate at work. He smiled and headed to the employee lounge to get a bottle of water, before returning to his desk.


    Stan held a sign with a name on it while waiting near a baggage claim conveyor belt at Los Angeles’ LAX Airport. Gradually the passenger’s had debarked and were making their way to the baggage area.

    Although he had just signed a contract with Dangereux Cologne, Stan couldn’t quite quit his day-job as a chauffeur for a limousine service.

    His phone chimed with a text. Stan tucked the sign under his arm and read one from Mark. ‘It appears we’re going on a trip together.

    A rush of lust washed over Stan. He sent back, ‘what? when?’

    Check your inbox.

    Fuck. Since he was about to pick up a client, Stan couldn’t yet. He noticed more passengers flooding the area and then spotted a woman looking around. Stan held up his sign and she acknowledged him.

    Stan threw away the paper and hurried over to her. Hi.

    Hi. She put on dark sunglasses and had a scarf on her head, trying not to be recognized.

    Just point to your bag when you see it.

    Her focus was on her phone while she sent text messages as they stood by. Stan made sure no one harassed her, since he usually picked up Hollywood celebrities.

    That one. With the pink ribbon on the handle.

    Stan pulled the big bag off the conveyor belt. Anything else?

    She singled out another matching smaller piece.

    Stan took it as well.

    That’s it.

    He wheeled each bag as they left the area, making their way to the parking garage. The woman kept texting on her phone, and Stan sort of recognized her from TV but wasn’t sure.

    Once he’d led her to the limousine, he opened the back door for her and then stored her luggage in the trunk. Seated once more behind the wheel, Stan read the instructions on his satellite navigator and drove out of the parking garage. She was still engaged on her phone when he hit the highway.

    Stan drove her to a mansion in Beverly Hills, parked, and opened the door for her. She emerged as he brought her luggage to the front stoop.

    She gave him an inviting smile. Would you care to come in?

    No. Thanks. I have another airport run. He did not.

    She acknowledged him sweetly, took cash from her purse, and tucked it into his hand. Thank you.

    You’re welcome. Stan helped her carry the bags into her foyer and then returned to his car. After he pulled out of her driveway, Stan parked on a side street, logged the mileage and time onto his paperwork, and then looked through his emails.

    When he found one from TJ about a trip to New York with Mark, he cheered and pumped his fist. Yes! Yes!


    Chief of Police Billy Sharpe read over updated policies in police procedure. Wearing his reading glasses, he kept abreast on new California laws and ordinances. As changes occurred he made sure the men and women of the Santa Monica Police Department were informed and knew what was expected of them.

    Every officer on patrol now had not only a dash-cam but a personal-cam.

    He had dealt with the fallout, since not all cops thought it was a good thing, and quickly reminded them that what they did mattered. All police officers were held to a very high standard, and he expected nothing less from the men and women working under him.

    Setting the paperwork aside, Billy removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly.

    It was nearing noon and he thought about food. He sat for a moment reflecting on the day; on Alex’s last movie premier, which Alex and Tadzio had attended without him, as well as life in the Richfield-Sharpe home.

    Things had become calm. He was no longer trying to have sex with Mark… or Steve.

    Calm or boring?

    Billy wasn’t sure.

    His phone hummed. He put his glasses back on and read a text from his husband. ‘How’s my chief doing?

    Billy sent back, ‘just fine. how’s my movie star?

    he wants to suck your dick.’

    Billy chuckled to himself and continued working.


    Alex giggled and put his phone on the vanity in his dressing room. It was their hour lunch break from filming his nighttime cable TV drama, The Action! Series.

    Ever since Tadzio Andresen had gotten a starring role on Forever Young, another cable drama filmed in the same building in Burbank, he didn’t see much of the pretty blond during the day. He missed having Tadzio help with his hair and makeup. But, Tadzio was an actor, not a stylist.

    Alex stood from his vanity and headed out of his private dressing room to see what was on offer for their lunch. He entered a cafeteria with tables and chairs and spotted a long buffet line. Alex was waved to the front, ahead of crew and extras. He took a helping of salad and bread, then was served a hearty hot meal of lasagna. Thanks.

    Alex took a chair at an open table with a few other cast members, all munching on the good food.

    His costar, Kerry asked, How’s Tadzio doing?

    Nodding, Alex swallowed first, then replied, Good.

    So, you two live together?

    He lives with me and my husband.

    Kerry didn’t inquire further, and if he had, Alex wouldn’t have answered him. What he did away from the set was his own business.


    Steve was about to ask Mark what he wanted from the café located up the street from their office, when his phone chimed with a text. Billy had asked if they were running after work. Since they usually did, Steve told him, ‘yes.’

    okay,’ was sent back.

    Steve headed to Mark’s office and saw him working on his computer. Mark?

    Mark looked up at him.

    I’m headed to the café. What do you want?

    Appearing distracted, Mark said, How about a salad or fruit?

    Okay. Steve stared at him for a moment.

    Mark resumed typing and then looked up again.

    Are you running with me and Sharpe after work?

    Sure. Mark shrugged.

    Good. Steve was about to make his way to the café, when he decided he needed something first. He approached Mark and spun him around in his swivel chair.

    Mark gave him a wicked smirk. Yes?

    Steve dug his hands into Mark’s hair and gave him a smoldering kiss.

    Mm! Mark blinked.

    I’ll be right back. Steve ran his fingers down Mark’s necktie.

    Okay, copper. Mark’s green eyes shined.

    Steve smiled to himself and left. As he went, he thought about Mark and Stan going on a tour together.

    Mark had been on many promotional tours over the years. But, this was the first time Mark was going to travel with that twenty-six year old stud he was now modeling with.

    Steve tried not to get uptight about it. There was nothing he could do. Mark had to tour with the cologne company, and Stan was now a part of their stable of models.

    He stepped into an elevator on their floor and rode to the lobby, going outside onto Los Angeles’ busy streets and the cool wind of February.


    Tadzio sat in his chair in his dressing room.

    He had one last scene to finish before the cast and crew could break for lunch.

    His stylist was fussing with his long blond hair, and he had already been to makeup. He had been hired to play a man transitioning to a woman in this nighttime cable drama.

    Although the tabloids had printed speculation that he was doing what the character, ‘Cheryl’ was, Tadzio was not. He loved fashion, wearing makeup and jewelry, but, didn’t have intentions of going through surgery.

    With the help of hormones, Tadzio kept his unwanted hair growth to a minimum and his looks androgynous.

    Okay. His dresser backed up.

    Tadzio stood from the chair and when he looked into the mirror, he saw a woman looking back. The talent of this man to make him appear more feminine than even Tadzio’s skill could create, amazed him.

    Tadzio thanked him and left the dressing room. He entered the set of the longtime running cable drama, seeing the cast and crew, busy getting the scene blocked, ready for a shot.

    Charlotte Deavers, the director of both this series and Alex’s was busy shouting instructions; wearing her dark-framed eyeglasses, headphones around her neck, and her hair pinned up in back. She held a clipboard and noticed Tadzio lingering.

    Wow. She blinked.

    Tadzio blushed.

    Okay! Charlotte clapped to get everyone’s attention. Let’s go before this gets anymore real!

    A rush of movement preceded the scene.

    Tadzio approached Keith O’Leary, one of the regulars from the series. His blond hair was short and highlighted, and he had that All-American-boy-next-door thing going.

    Look at you, he said as Tadzio approached.

    Yes. Tadzio felt his face warm from all the attention. The stylist is very talented.

    Wow. Keith’s gaze was intense. He waved his husband, Carl Bronson, over.

    Carl, a big man with light eyes and dark hair, approached and stopped short. Wow!

    Tadzio shook his head. Why wow? Why is everyone saying wow? Iz just me.

    Our Swedish bombshell wants to know why everyone is saying wow. Keith grinned.

    Okay, people! Charlotte kept them on schedule. Let’s go!

    Carl leaned closer to whisper in his ear, You are spectacular.

    Now I am sweating. Tadzio fanned himself.

    Makeup! Charlotte thundered as Keith and Carl left the area, since their scenes had finished shooting. So far, Tadzio’s storyline did not overlap those of Keith and Carl.

    Tadzio’s face was powdered. He thanked the makeup artist and tried to remember his lines. He was used to the attention, but not used to looking so much like a woman that he no longer saw himself.


    Mark picked up his coffee mug, but found it empty. So was his bottle of water.


    He perked up to Steve at his door.

    Your lunch is in the lounge.

    Thank you, Steven. Mark stood from his desk, carrying his empty bottle and mug and walked with his husband to the employee break room. Steve had set their food on a round table and began eating a sandwich.

    Tossing the bottle into a recycle bin, Mark placed his mug in the dishwasher, and joined him. He opened the top to a refreshing salad with shrimp and crab.

    After Steve ate a few bites of his sandwich he wiped his mouth with a napkin and stared at Mark.

    Mark glanced at him curiously.

    So. New York? Steve opened a cap to a healthy juice drink.


    Steve sipped from the bottle.

    Squeezing lemon on his salad, Mark waited for him to make a snide comment about him and Stan traveling to the East Coast together.

    Steve picked up his sandwich and took another bite.

    Steven. Mark’s fork hovered over his salad. Just say it.

    After Steve peered around the empty room and towards the hall, he said, Look. If you two fuck while you’re away, I get it. Just spare me the gory details.

    Mark choked on his swallow and coughed.

    Steve didn’t react, and kept eating.

    Clearing his throat and drinking from Steve’s juice, Mark tried to let the comment slide. He simply didn’t know what would happen when he and Stan shared a hotel room.


    Stan had an hour to kill. He parked in a loading zone out in front of Mark’s office building. He sent the gorgeous model a text. ‘I’ve got an hour. Do you?

    A text came back. ‘For you? of course.’

    Stan grinned in excitement. ‘at your lobby door.’

    Be right down.’

    Stan kept his eye on the glass doors of the towering building’s entrance. He reached into his black slacks to adjust his dick as he grew an erection. Mark Antonious made him insane.

    Stan turned up the volume on a song playing on the radio’s satellite station. Falling Crowns’ latest hit single. Stan sang with the music, and then he spotted the ‘World’s Most Beautiful Man’ exiting the lobby and giving him a glorious smile. He continued to sing as Mark approached him;

    The test of time

    it knows no rules

    they say rushing in-

    is just for fools.

    In love we trust? Or do we wait?

    In hope, in fate, in chance, or hate,

    In time will we meet that heavenly gate?’

    Still singing, Stan leaned over to the passenger’s side and opened the door for Mark. Mark sat beside him and the scent of Mark, whether it was Mark’s cologne or his body, gave Stan the chills.

    When Mark heard the song that was playing he sang it with Stan;

    This life, this test, this hell on earth,

    they didn’t tell me it was a curse.

    A promise from him

    a promise from me

    it’s all the same

    don’t you see?

    The test of time

    it knows no rules

    they say rushing in-

    is just for fools.’

    Stan smiled, I love that song.

    As do I… Hullo, my pet.

    Hi. Stan was giddy.

    TJ asked if I minded sharing a hotel room.

    Stan’s cock throbbed. With me?

    Yes. Mark’s expression made Stan quiver.

    What did you tell him?

    I think I can tolerate you.

    Stan touched himself and tried to calm down. Does Steve know?

    Of course.

    I can’t wait. Holy shit. Stan’s cock dampened his briefs.

    It’s good fun. The men who work the shows are young and fabulous.

    Stan didn’t give a shit about anyone else. He looked around the area, seeing the streets bustling with pedestrians and vehicle traffic in this downtown core.


    Stan snapped into focus.

    Mark scooted closer on the bench seat.

    Stan’s breathing escalated.

    It’s scheduled for three days. Would you like to stay longer?

    Huh? What? Stan blinked. Yes!

    I only say this because you mentioned you are from New York.

    Oh. Ha. Stan nodded. I am.

    Give us a kiss.

    Stan pulled Mark closer, cupping Mark’s jaw and kissing him. He felt Mark bracing his hand on his thigh, and wanted to move it to his groin, but didn’t.

    Mark parted from the breathless kiss. I must get back to work. I’ve already had my lunch break.

    Okay. Stan nudged at his stiff dick.

    Do you want to run with Steven and I this evening? Mark ran his fingers down Stan’s black necktie affectionately.

    Yes. Stan felt like an idiot, tongue-tied, but Mark excited him so much he ached.

    Wonderful. Mark pecked him on the lips again. See you later.

    Later. Stan caressed Mark’s cheek and hair.

    Mark gave him a loving smile and opened the door. When he climbed out, he was spotted by the pedestrians. Phone-cameras were held up immediately as Mark made his way back to the lobby doors.

    Stan groaned in sexual agony and could not wait to hit the Big Apple with a man like Mark Antonious Richfield.

    Chapter 2

    Steve pulled his Mercedes into the garage next to Mark’s sexy TVR Tuscan sports car. Beside him, Mark had been quiet, day dreaming, staring out of the window on their drive back to Bel Air.

    Steve reached behind the seat for his suit jacket and briefcase, and Mark came out of his trance and opened the passenger’s side door. The two men entered the house through a door connecting to their kitchen.

    Mark continued on, heading up the stairs to their bedroom.

    Steve walked through the house to get their

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