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The Twist in Laura's Murder
The Twist in Laura's Murder
The Twist in Laura's Murder
Ebook59 pages58 minutes

The Twist in Laura's Murder

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A Young Woman is murdered, and three friends are involved, Two become Detectives and one a suspect, but did he kill Laura? Thats the Twist folks!

Release dateDec 11, 2017
The Twist in Laura's Murder

William McCurrach

Age 61, Married Twice and has two grown children and 4 grandchildren in Pittsburgh, Pa, and two step-grandchildren in Danbury, CT. Served 16 Years in U.S. Military, split between three branches U.S. Army, U.S. Army National Guard and U.S. Navy.

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    The Twist in Laura's Murder - William McCurrach

    Laura’s Murder Case


    In the 1960’s in Flushing New York, four children ran around the neighborhood, three boys and one young girl, all friends. The boys would grow, up to be the girl’s best friends, one she married and two became Detectives. They lived together well into the end of their teens back then in the same neighborhood. When High School days ended Laura married one of the three boys. This is the story of how Laura, was brutally murdered and how two of her childhood friends chased her third friend for her murder and the truth of what really happened. The thing about Laura’s death is no one knew how she died or why or who really did it.

    Laura was always a beautiful girl and woman, her intelligence shined through as a girl, even if she was a tomboy of a sort. The fact is Laura was loved by all who knew her, her parents, her friends and her lovers in later years. The story of her murder reverberated through time and the community she lived in, it affects the Community and many families and individuals. Most of all it affected her childhood friends, Zachary, Raymond and Eddie, for like her life; her death affected their whole lives. It changed each of them and made them go the way they did in life. Destiny sometimes has a cruel fate, and it can’t be stopped or prevented, yet it can be brought to public attention and the story can be used to help those who suffered from the loss of Laura.

    Laura’s Murder Case


    Zack and Ray sat on the roadside, their pick-up truck broken down and steam rising from under the hood, in the middle of nowhere. The steam rose as they tried to figure who to call for help, an open prairie road between towns is where they were stuck.  Zack, pulled his cell phone out and dialed Triple-A and was told it would be an hour till they got a tow truck to them out here. Hey Ray, what we do now while we wait, I mean an hour man! Ray shook his head and looked at Zack, Well, not much we can do but wait, so let’s take a walk at least, just for exercise. So the two men jumped out of the truck, raised its hood and started walking for a bit leaving it there, just to see if anything was around. They spotted wild birds and a coyote out there a ways and that was about it on his open plain. The two men started talking about their lives to one another and how they grew up together going over old memories.

    The discussion led to them, talking about their young days, back in the projects where they grew up so many years ago and how they met. Zack, remember how we met in the woods back then, we are a long way from there now? Yep, Zack says, been a long time since we chased frogs and turtles and climbed trees. They laughed at one another and called each other nerds and made fun of each other back then, they knew they were having fun. Hey, Ray, remember, Laura, she used to climb the trees with us and didn’t care about us teasing her with frogs, lol! I remember man, she was one country girl for sure a regular tomboy back then, whatever happened to her? Well, Zack, my understanding is she is dead these days, seems she got married young to some creep and he killed her in a verbal fight, the asshole choked her to death. Zack stopped suddenly in place, shook his head and said, What the hell man, who was this bastard who killed her? Ray looked up and said, Some asshole she met in high school a guy called Eddie something’ Seems she fell in live with the guy in her sophomore year and he was one year senior to her, he got her preggers and well  they had no choice back in those days. The marriage became a fighting arena they said, the two fought constantly and he attacked and beat her on a regular basis, until one day she stood up to him and fought back and he grabbed her and choked her to death Zack sighed and shuddered, If, I had been there Ray, I would have killed the bastard myself just for treating her that way, never mind killing her! What a regular asshole to kill a decent woman that way, did they explain why at all? According to reports man, they fought over money, booze and drugs and how to raise their kid, and she wanted more from him and he refused and wouldn’t work anymore he became a drunk and druggie.

    In silence now they walked back toward the truck, thinking about Laura, their childhood

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