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Machine Made Humans
Machine Made Humans
Machine Made Humans
Ebook198 pages3 hours

Machine Made Humans

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Fiction fantasy stories, a space adventure fiction diary book for young adult kids, take a walk with me into the unexplained and the paranormal jump into my collection of ragtag tales of the impossible. Ghost hauntings demon lizards and even alien greys a wild collection of real life situations I found myself in during my lifetime all the stories are real, or are they? You decide, walk with me walk with death itself as I survived multiple near-death experiences as a child and later again as an adult twice now. Death is a stargate for our soul traveling back to the universe to the darkness of the light journey with me into the unknown.
Alien soul jacked biological machines fully programmed to work and learn to grow and multiple to create new things a perfect robotic machine. Entities known only as the greys the other sheep the people of the sky – you may call god. Perfect replicas made in his image machines created by grey bug like machines. sometimes in life one will just have to ask themselves what do you believe?
3:33 am what will you do when he comes? The minor in the darkness is waiting journey into the paranormal 1849 America you are murdered on Indian land. The natives who found you gold mining on Indian land a Whiteman the enemy who murdered hundreds of native Americans the way the Indians saw the Whiteman. A thief of the land and a killer. Step into a haunted house located in the California desert the very spot this minor fought for and lost or did he this old man is still there and he’s there to kill you.
Life is a dream, living is hell and fate is found in a place called Valley Forge a lie in disguise a home of worship a place of death. Sheep will hide sheep will play the sheep homed a summer camp named satins place. Worship followed in red the fell the darkness on the night fires of the beast portrayed, the child will be sacrificed a sheep from camp Innocence came blonde and blue by 8 the desired age satisfaction at hells gate.
Dead is dead, but life is death, and death lets you never die and the whoosh of life is the light in the darkness known as death, but death finds only a doorway to the frequencies, the light the stargate of life’s return.
Mark Lincoln Miller a dearly missed friend Hollywood legend Rock Hudson’s right hand the soul inspiration to tell these stories an inspiration and tribute to his love for Chrome.

Release dateDec 14, 2017
Machine Made Humans

Charles H Braie

Born in the Vietnam era of 1964 my family was no exception or exclusion from the escalating war draft, my father was drafted into the marines and his brother into the us navy. By the time I was born in Norristown Pennsylvania the war had taken it's toll on his soul and hell followed when he returned home and I was born to the world. Left for dead in a grocery store dumpster by my own mother and father god apparently had a very different plan for me altogether. A life filled with unexplained events, near death, satanic kidnappings, ufo abduction and ghostly encounters. This child was very different from the kids next door a child like none before a unwanted monster in the eye of the parents who raised me. A house fill with child abusing monsters, beating, starvation, abandonment, abuse at the worst level a child could endure at such young ages.. SEE THE PROMO VIDEO >>> See life tried to kill me before I was ever gave a chance to live and that evil has followed me my entire life wanting only one result my death. Why is the unanswered question 7 times god tried to kill me himself and failed 5 times I nearly died being stupid and 15 times man has tried and failed. Take a walk with me through the paranormal and unexplained events of my life, live what I lived at valley forge, come experience a satanic kidnapping of a 8 year old child. Stand with me under a 15 story two mile wide v craft ufo. Live the thrill of a real haunted house a trickster who hate people and animals alike a demon with the power to control electronics to get its point across it want to kill you walk with me into the halls of the Esquela house. Quite and alone I currently live with my girl and two dogs. Former us army - degree in medical admin management - forensics in psychology is currently in progress. I'm a former long term oil refinery worker who got terminally ill and retired then returned to collage. I'm also a former body guard for some of the biggest names in Hollywood this service also included one us president George bush jr during a Seattle visit. I am a longtime woodsmen and seaman who loves the great northwest home of some of the strangest events I ever experienced.

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    Book preview

    Machine Made Humans - Charles H Braie

    The Minuteman Files:

    Machine made humans


    Charles H Braie

    Take a walk with me into the paranormal and the unexplained.

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2018 By Charles H Price Jr

    All rights reserved.


    Take a walk with me into the unexplained and the paranormal jump into my collection of ragtag tales of the impossible. Ghost hauntings demon lizards and even alien greys a wild collection of real life situations I found myself in during my lifetime all the stories are real, or are they? You decide, walk with me walk with death itself as I survived multiple near-death experiences as a child and later again as an adult twice now. Death is a stargate for our soul traveling back to the universe to the darkness of the light journey with me into the unknown.

    Alien soul jacked biological machines fully programmed to work and learn to grow and multiple to create new things a perfect robotic machine. Entities known only as the greys the other sheep the people of the sky – you may call god. Perfect replicas made in his image machines created by grey bug like machines. sometimes in life one will just have to ask themselves what do you believe?

    3:33 am what will you do when he comes? The minor in the darkness is waiting journey into the paranormal 1849 America you are murdered on Indian land. The natives who found you gold mining on Indian land a Whiteman the enemy who murdered hundreds of native Americans the way the Indians saw the Whiteman. A thief of the land and a killer. Step into a haunted house located in the California desert the very spot this minor fought for and lost or did he this old man is still there and he’s there to kill you.

    Life is a dream, living is hell and fate is found in a place called Valley Forge a lie in disguise a home of worship a place of death. Sheep will hide sheep will play the sheep homed a summer camp named satins place. Worship followed in red the fell the darkness on the night fires of the beast portrayed, the child will be sacrificed a sheep from camp Innocence came blonde and blue by 8 the desired age satisfaction at hells gate.

    Dead is dead, but life is death, and death lets you never die and the whoosh of life is the light in the darkness known as death, but death finds only a doorway to the frequencies, the light the stargate of life’s return.

    Mark Lincoln Miller a dearly missed friend Hollywood legend Rock Hudson’s right hand the soul inspiration to tell these stories an inspiration and tribute to his love for Chrome.











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    Chapter One:


    Like all good stories there should always be a beginning point so before we get well into the craziness of ufo reports and the likes you need to know my story and how my life lead up to solving one of the biggest mysteries on planet earth"

    The Phoenix Lights U.F.O.

    Some stories in one’s life are just better off not being told at all, reason being it could have serious repercussions that may involve the innocent simply by fate, or chance who knows. This is one of those stories, and what your about to read is a very real story or is it you must fully ask yourself what do you believe, and I was that victim involved. Now before we jump into this I need to fill you all in on how I ended up as a child in valley forge if you don’t know by now my name is charles h braie. I have explained in the past on YouTube twitter and many other sites where I have had multiple near-death experience growing up, and each time it opened a new ability for me as a child.

    Some may say this stuff is hog wash, and people don’t get special abilities period, I disagree, and my life has proven how wrong these people are there have been literally hundreds of strange events of paranormal, or physic abilities or unexplained events growing up that haunted me as a child. However, the sad thing is there is one ability folks don’t hear much about these days other than a simple comic book and that’s the ability of mind sightseeing what others cannot. After a second near death experience where I fell out of tree at age 13 I landed flat on my back the impact from this 15-foot fall stopped my heart almost 4 minutes before I was revived.

    Weeks later I noticed strange things happening all around me as if I just became some sort of predator, it was a very strange fearless sensation with an instinct to find your prey as if you knew exactly where it was always. Ok what made this ability even stranger is more of a mind reading ability, but you could not actually read the mind by rather knew that persons reaction or instincts before they ever got near you.

    I would know instantly if a predator was near i.e. a person who wants to hurt you or animal who want to eat you. O.K now I was shipped to valley forge by a navy officer of some sort, for almost 2 years I lived in navy housing from age 6 till I was age 8 off base. I lived with my uncle he was a senior chief with the navy. My father was a graduate of the cordon blue cooking school in New York from what I’m told by other family members, however I never verified the story with the school even to this day the facts are unknown all I know is he got a lot of chef jobs abroad up and down the east coast.

    My father was in high demand for his cooking abilities he often traveled for weeks at a time even months before returning home. During those days, I spent a lot of time living with my uncle, stepmother or grandparents up in New York and or other family in the Florida Keys. I traveled a lot for a child. Then at age 8 My father took over the kitchen of a well know prime rib and steak house then one day we all moved upstairs in an apartment on top of steak house in king of Prussia P.A right on the back edge of valley forge park.

    One of the strangest event in my lifetime happened right outside the gates of valley forge itself at age 8. Now thinking back to age 8 is tough enough when it was all bad memories of abuse. It’s even hard to remember how nobody would ever help me or my sister. Most of our days were spent locked in a ten by ten room painted black then somebody airbrushed glow in the dark drawings of the zigzag man a giant peace signs and butterfly’s all over the walls and ceiling to really see the art all one needed to do is turn on a black light and the artwork would come to life. Keep in mind I was 8 years old in 1972.

    If I was not locked in the room with my sister for hours, or days at a time we spent a great deal of time in elementary school. I remember how the teachers spent special attention to me for many years I could not understand why. Over time many of these folks who did pay attention could see serious signs of abuse, but not once did anyone ever do a thing to really help other than show a simple concern that ended up forgotten or ignored all together.

    Now in the time I was not locked in the room or at school I would often find myself at age eight working in the very same kitchen with my father. Most days I would be prepping his food, or washing dishes for hours til dinnertime. Not once can I remember a time where we did one thing fun as a family, nor did we even eat in the same room as our parents. We were often given our food in our bedroom then the door would be locked from the outside once again by the stepmom.

    We were locked up and ignored by both parents most of our waking hours during this time in our childhood living in the steak house. I can remember many times our uncle, or grandparents would come take me and my sister for the day, or weekend occasionally most of the time we visited the only place of interest to me and that was valley forge across the highway from us, so we spent a great deal of time there waiting for the British to come.

    What really disturbs me even till this day was the fact how evil this stepmom really was this maniac played the role often of a soap opera star this woman was crazy and lived her life like a monster, and often portrayed herself as the evil star in a soap opera. She would act like an absolute ambassador to god’s will one who would never harm a fly let alone a child. She portrayed herself and a perfect mom who was forced to have, and raise two monsters’ real-life devils with blonde hair and blue eyes not by choice but rather fate.

    A story teller is the best way describe this woman she creates these fantasy lies in her head and then is so good at lying. i.e. basically every time her mouth opens, she becomes the fantasy she portrays to prove how honest she is, in here words like a nun a godmother of hope and trust.

    She is so good at telling her lies she would have anyone thinking saint Michael was the guy who killed Jesus instead of the Jews. This woman is the ultimate nonstop liar a manipulator and or control freak who is never wrong or has done it before you. A paranoid twisted person, she would cheat at every game we ever played growing up, life, risk, cards, chess out of thousands of games we played growing up she is the single only undefeated cheater in our house if one of the children would win one of these games she would become enraged and beat the living daylights of us with stick boards belt buckle broom handle it did not matter to her.

    Cards where the game of choice for this woman, she often played rummy, poker, fish, and solitaire we must have played hundreds of hands over the years and this player never lost a single hand. Her specially was belittling children to make you look stupid if you lost to her. She was like some sort of evil giant troll that stunk like rotten fish she rarely bathed her breath was even worse it stunk so bad it would choke a horse to smell it.

    One could swear she had some-kind of physic powers, because she would always show up just minutes after it was too late or just for an 8-year-old was about to do anything wrong a child shouldn’t be doing. This step mother would then bust into the room as if seriously pist off raising her fist screaming at us in a fit of rage yelling at us how she is trying to watch her shows, and how we are going to pay for it making her miss those shows, soap operas, price is right, let’s make a deal etc. She would then go into the other room and grab the weapon of the day, and return to our room screaming again at us and begin her violent beat down of a group of kids. This maniac woman was obsessed by soap operas and often lived out the parts of some sort of soap opera mom everyone hates one minute then she would act as if she was the life of the party, todays hero in her own delusional mind.

    Many times, this woman would show up with a heavy leather belt with a giant brass belt buckle or a simple broom handle, or a 2x4 sometimes heavy rope but her favorite was an oleander branch shaped like a whip the heavier the better. She would then begin to slap and beat us with her choice of weapon. saying a single word enrages her to the point of using her fist to punch and beat an eight-year-old, my sister was seven. She would then use whatever hurt the most to beat us again and again throughout the day.

    Her favorite was the heavy brass belt buckle and pillow by first placing several towels over us not to leave bruising then a pillow. I remember my teachers questioning this manic when I was in elementary school about bruising and bumps on my body. This evil stepmother always replied the same every time. Her response would be I was riding my bike when I was not supposed to be and when she confronted me I tried to run away on the bike and crashed. An outright lie I never owned a bike as a child also, I was never allowed to have a bike or even go near one; she would tell people if they let me ride it, I would run away and steal their bike we will get into the abuse of this women more later in other chapters.

    Now after one is beaten the way me and my sister was at that young age its assured almost anyone would be forced to submit to a manic like this woman. I think the only peace I had back at age eight was going to school, going to valley forge with my uncle a us navy senior chief. He often took me to the cannon houses where I played army solider with him. Often getting in trouble for climbing on the cannons. At this point in my life I began to see the world around me for the first time I could leave our cave of a bedroom the sights of valley forge were absolutely overwhelming to me at an early age.

    Growing up so close to this sacred place was a true calling for me years later I found myself one of the very same national guardsmen in the us army. Being a solider just like the ones from 1776 was a lifelong dream as a child. I remember going to a lookout tower a church chapel and the cannon field. Having no idea what valley forge looks like these days I’m almost certain it’s not the same place I knew so long ago nearly 46 years ago.

    Now that I think about that point in time I do remember one more time in my life my grandparents took me on a bus ride vacation for a week to a place I called the giant corn field a place surround by mile after mile after mile of nothing but corn a place called Hershey town.

    My grandparents would take me from time to time unaware of the abuses going on, at one point I was sure my grandfather knew what was happening but never said a word. Now back to our cornfield town named Hershey P.A I remember as we approached this tiny farm ship or void in the corn with a prop town? As we got closer I notice there was a single farm and a road leading to a giant grey old looking building one of the largest buildings I can remember ever seeing up close back then compare to my visits to NY city.

    When we finally got there I quickly saw a single short paved road leading up to a giant factory of some sort I had no idea what this monster of a building was it scared me at first then I notice the six to eight buildings on that street were fake like at Disney next I noticed the street lights had Hershey kisses on them I was in awe once we parked and entered the building we were met by a woman at a podium or pew of some sort and directly behind her was my favorite candy bar Hershey. This candy bar was like no other I had ever seen this thing was very real and weighed in at 100 lbs. it was wrapped just like any other Hershey bar way cool it was and a giant curiosity.

    Next, we looked around while we waited for a tour guide I remember how old the place was and how dreary it looks to a child like a giant haunted castle of some sort like in a Frankenstein movie. Now I remember once the guide arrived we were taken directly into the factory. The guide lady told us we can eat as much as we wanted of any product they make during the tour and lord and behold almost two seconds after we walked through those large doors we walked into the biggest piles of Hershey kisses I had ever seen millions of them in what looked like old grain stalls where the product was stored on a cement floor before final packaging.

    What a place for a child to see at such an early age in the middle of a monsterious corn field that spanned for miles in every direction. Now if one was to do

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