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Interracial Asian Adventures Vol #3
Interracial Asian Adventures Vol #3
Interracial Asian Adventures Vol #3
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Interracial Asian Adventures Vol #3

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They all had something in common. A want for being dominated. And a need for something MASSIVE...

Interracial Asian Adventures is a collection of four tales involving tiny Asian women and their quest for HUGE rewards. In this volume: An office worker takes on some extra hours at work, but then soon finds out what it feels like to be owned by her urges for her younger coworker. Then, two strippers try to see if they can satisfy their deepest desires, or if they are really just INSATIABLE! Finally, one MILF finds out if an old dog can LEARN SOME NEW TRICKS from a young, hung, and BLACK alpha male!

PublisherDaniele Light
Release dateDec 1, 2017
Interracial Asian Adventures Vol #3

Daniele Light

An erotica author living in Tempe, AZ. She lives with her wife, pets, and her dirty thoughts.

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    Interracial Asian Adventures Vol #3 - Daniele Light

    Interracial Asian Adventures

    Vol #3 (Feat: Owned in the Office #2, Instatiable! #1 & 2, and Learning New Tricks)

    Daniele Light

    Copyright © 2017 by Daniele Light All Right Reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of very brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Table of Contents

    Owned In The Office #2


    Still Insatiable!

    Learning New Tricks

    About The Author

    Other Works From This Author

    Owned In The Office #2


    Money was tight around the house. Ashley and Kim were in soccer, and they needed money for equipment. That's not including all the stuff I put on the card for Kevin for baseball. I figured staying after work for a couple nights a week would be worth it, especially with Christmas coming up. But then they told me whom I would be working with, and I had to rethink my decision.

    Darnell had to be the most annoying person in the center. He was loud, egotistical, and I thought he was pretty dense. Not to mention that he was picked over me for the position that he had with the company. I had busted my tail at that place for ten solid years, putting in my time and moving up in the company, and this kid comes in off the playground and swooped my dream job out from under me.

    When you work in a call center as long as I have, there really isn’t much to look forward to. No matter what project you are working, calls can be incredibly difficult; that’s why everyone is gunning for a supervisor position. You don’t have to take any calls at that point. All you do is manage the worker bees and sit back. I was getting up there in age, and I wanted off the phones. The last time I applied for a supervisor position was when they picked Darnell. It left a bad taste in my mouth ever since.

    The extra money was too much to say not to. I decided to not be so petty and give Darnell a chance. It wasn’t like I had to spend an entire shift with him.

    Everyone filed out of the building except the two of us. We would spend our time listening to calls and monitoring the performance of the agent we were listening to. It was menial work, very boring and time-consuming. Darnell tried making small talk at the beginning, but I ignored him.

    Oh, you don’t want to talk to me? he asked. He had this smug smirk on his face. It made me want to slap it right off him.

    How are we going to talk and listen to calls at the same time? I asked. There wasn’t any humor in my voice. I didn’t want him to think that he was getting me to play his little game.

    Man, sorry, I didn’t mean to piss you off, he said. He was upset, and I enjoyed that a little bit. I got to work on the calls. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world, but it was also far from the best. At the end of the night, we both said our goodbyes and locked up the building behind us. I drove home that night thinking that I would be able to get through this no problem. All I had to do was grit my teeth and not pay attention to him. This was going to be a piece of cake.


    The next time we had to stay after, it was more of the same. I had put on some music after everyone left and tried to get into a groove of monitoring calls, but it just couldn't come. I had a long day beforehand. One guy kept me on the phone complaining about different charges on his statement for over an hour, and it had drained every bit of energy from me. I was practically dozing off on the call floor.

    Hey, no sleeping on the job, Darnell said.

    I rolled my eyes at him.

    No talking either, Darnell said. Even though the music and the chatter from the call I could hear his loud ass.

    Get to work, I scolded him. We are starting to fall behind because both of us are slacking off.

    The hours passed by slowly. After an eternity, I looked up at the clock and it was already starting to get late. I let out a sigh as I loaded up another call.

    Hey, have you ever listened to Trent Collins? Darnell said. I ignored the question. Don’t you think that when he talks to the callers he kind of sounds like a robot? Well, in the middle of this call I’m listening to of his, the woman asks him if he is an automated machine or a human.

    I cracked a smile at that one. I had to. Trent Collins sounded exactly like an automated system. Listening to his calls was one of the more boring experiences you would ever have to go through in your life. Hearing someone else point it out only confirmed my suspicions.

    Wow, you can smile. Look at that.

    Shut up Darnell.

    You know what Lucy, I’m just trying to pass the time. It’s boring doing this stuff, and I need something to take my mind off of it.

    The sooner we finish listening to all these calls, the sooner we get to have some fun.

    Is that a promise?

    I smiled again. I'm not really sure why I did that time. But I focused my attention on the call that I was listening to and ignored Darnell for the rest of the night. 

    When I got home that night, the kids were all fighting over some video game that they were playing and Kevin threw a fit. Their grandmother, Chi, was watching them, but once the fight started it got too unruly. After chewing them out something awful, I ran a hot bath and put my face in my hands. It wasn’t how I wanted to spend my time at home after such a long day at the office.

    After pouring myself a tall glass of wine, I threw in some salts to help me relax. I got it as hot as I could stand it and then slipped in slowly, letting the water envelop every muscle that was racked with tension. I sank into the warmth and did my best to forget the day, the entire week, as I sipped from my glass. As the day’s events tumbled away, I remembered a scene from when I was with Darnell that night.

    He stood up to grab a soda from the vending machine, and as he rose up, I looked at him for the first time without any disgust or bitterness. He actually was pretty handsome. He was young, no older than twenty, with smooth dark skin, and a body that was peppered with muscles. There was a pretty impressive bulge right at his crotch, and I looked at it as he walked past me to the break room. Now that my body was in the mood, that was all that I could think of. My fingers began thrashing wildly through the water as I conjured up that picture.

    The release was incredible. I felt like months of frustration had finally left my body, pooling in the churning water along with the soap and salt film that covered the top of the bath. I was panting afterward, and sweat began to grab a hold of any stray hair that escaped my bun.

    I sat there in the water, confused. Did I really just get off to the guy that I couldn’t stand at work? Was I really doing this to myself? I decided that the extra work was driving me crazy. I just had to make it through the next couple of weeks and I would be fine.

    I woke up that night and couldn’t fall back asleep. My knees and lower back were aching. I wasn’t sure why, maybe it was sitting for eight hours a day, maybe it was just because I was forty and that’s what happens to some people when they hit my age. But I couldn’t do anything to get myself back to sleep. I read some of a book. I watched a little bit of television. Nothing was working.

    I kept looking at the clock and counting down when I had to wake up and feed the kids and get the day started. If I didn’t go to bed soon, I would have to deal with the entire day dragging ass with no sleep.

    When I was younger and a bit more whimsical, I would lie in bed and daydream about hot celebrities or cute guys in the neighborhood. Even sometimes when I was married to Dan, I would pretend to be asleep next to him and begin to fantasize about getting ravaged by one of my old coworkers. When I recalled this tidbit of information, my mind immediately went back to Darnell and his hard and toned body. Suddenly I wasn’t alone in my room. Darnell was on top of me, pumping his large cock in and out of me, pinning my ankles behind my head as he throttled me. He followed my every instruction.

    I want you in my mouth, I whispered in his ear, taking a soft nibble as I pulled away from him. He obliged, scooting up the bed until he was right on my face. He grabbed the back of my head

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