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Summer Rising
Summer Rising
Summer Rising
Ebook887 pages13 hours

Summer Rising

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The galaxy is not what it seems. What started out as running away from a bad home environment to the Pacific Northwest, turns into a chaotic fight for survival. Frédérica (Freddie) the inexperienced scholarly, twenty year old woman meets Vladimir (VE) a rugged man from the mountains, a foreigner with a haunting past who has a keen interest in her. Facing war against the human governments as well as intense and brutal violence stemmed from long-established tribal discrimination is the progressive tale of an unorthodox couple coming together.
The Mecca is selective, the laws are clear. The most feared of them all, the forbidden race, the hated race, the Aharfeénunians- the purple ones, have faced utter catastrophe, and the sole survivors are the soldiers stationed on the intergalactic boarders far from their home planet Ahar, and their Crown Prince Mathéo. He is part of the very few who have survived a world-wide cataclysm by the hands of their deviant allies. As a famous warrior, he has seen all, experienced all, and commanded all, but, he’s been shown something unlike anything he’s ever seen in all his interstellar travels. Earth is the next destination, not for leisure, but necessity.
The frenzied account of strange family ties, the influence of otherworldly beings, and the urge to remain together results in the devastating mayhem, love, and perseverance that builds the immovable foundation and devotion to each other.
Through trials, violence, imprisonment, and separation, facing the darkness of human nature, and the nature of those from the stars, births a cautionary tale of love, tradition, and the unknown.
The all encompassing unknown, the existence of intergalactic super powers, super-powers that have existed in multi-millennia long wars controlling every inch of the galaxy; species that were as separate from one another as fire and ice, all stemmed in human ancestry, have established laws and jurisdictions- even on Earth, are now faced with the only penalty left to dole, Cooperation.

PublisherK Romero
Release dateNov 24, 2017
Summer Rising

K Romero

Summer Rising is the first installment of the Imperium Quell Series, a series 10 years in the making. It all began in 2007 and the first volume was completed in 2017. Summer Rising was kept secret, a project little to no one knew about in that time span. K. Romero started the book at thirteen years old while living in Hawaii. During the ten years, K.Romero moved across the country and finished it while living in on the mainland USA. The book is a representation of what if's, personal experiences, and imaginary daydreaming. K Romero’s website-

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    Summer Rising - K Romero



    Worldwide Locations


    Solar Systems

    Basic Principles, Laws, and Physical Descriptions


    (shāy ǝv dār rē sh)


    (an´tǝ gät lej)

    The Antigottégle are the governors of laws, the keepers of justice, and the Gods of the seven solar systems. The Antigottégle are the ruling class. Antigottégle were broken into two warring sects. The conservative Eastern Antigottégle controlled the Easterners and Northmen o f Earth, and the Liberal Northern Antigottégle controlled the Southerners and Westerners.

    Both Factions are controlled by identical ruling classes.

    EMPEROR ELECT: An Elected Emperor (Elected President) is chosen by the people based off of previous service and is generally known for good deeds, clear cognitive skills, and the ability to rule the masses according to their needs. The Emperor Elect is given absolute power and authority over people.

    DEMI- EMPEROR: Demi-Emperor’s are (Vice-President) elected to service beside the Emperor Elect and to protect the nation from corruption. They also act as advisors to the Emperor Elect and assist in the creating of laws and control of the masses beneath them through a black and white judgment system.

    DELEGATOR: Delegators are elected by Demi-Emperors and are in charge of the Ambassadors, as well as the military serving under the Ambassadors guidelines. Delegators insure that the Ambassadors and the underling factions apply the laws and do not break them. Delegators are typically in charge of 4 or more Ambassadors.

    AMBASSADOR: Ambassadors, elected by Delegators, are soldiers with high rankings, grades, social skills, and popularity. They’re entitled to govern over 5-10 intergalactic ships and smaller freighters capable of holding 100,000 souls. Ambassadors insure peace is kept amongst the Heicto, Rdeto, and Tierano factions hidden on Earth and kept separate from Humans. Ambassadors are in direct control of the Clans and Tribes and are responsible for their conduct and transactions, abiding the preordained laws of the Antigottégle, as well as the conduct with other tribes and clans, and the Human Governments.

    The Chaovdorreich

    (shāy ǝv dār rē sh)

    Chaovdorreich are militarized clans consisting of single men (rarely women), bound by honor and strict moral conduct to uphold justice, prevail evil, enforce the law, and maintain order. The Chaovdorreich were called Chavovs for abbreviation. The real power laid in the inner workings of the Chaovdorreich not the clans and tribes.

    The Chaovdorreich DepEugno

    (shāy ǝv dār rē sh) (dĕp w´egˊ nō)

    The DepEugno was the classification given to Vultusuum Guardians, a majority of the Chaovdorreich who were species-converts, many natural born Vedilupo or Qui-ite who were forced into becoming Shapeshifters.

    Predaegvore: (prāy dăg vôr) Predaegvore, supervisors, royal princes, and the enforcers of extreme justice, were the elite of the Chaovdorreich. Predaegvore consisted of 100-400 members. They police and enforce the law upon other DepEugno. The Predaegvore settle lawsuits, orders of execution(s), judges, tax collectors, law enforcement’s internal affairs, governed over the chieftains, and controlled small portions of a militia under their name.

    Stamkoneume: (stăm kōn ē um) The Stamkoneume (a militarized clan of guardians, consisting of 6 to 7 members) polices and protects 1 to 3 clans at a time depending on region and customs; they settle debts and break up conflicts. Traditionally, during ancient times, they were horsemen, during modernity they were heavily armed, highly trained, guerilla soldiers sent to scout the outskirts of their settlements, preventing trespassers from entering into the domain of their people as well as fighting on their borders. The Stamkoneume were called Stams. The Stamkoneume worked in conjunction with Lovammlowin when found in the same districts.

    Lovammlowin: (lō văm lō wĭn) Lovammlowin protected over 4 to 7 clans and consisted of 10 to 15 members. Lovammlowin were a more common Chavov in highly populated districts when intermingled with human society. They were often found in the southern states. There were similarities to Stamkoneume and the Lovammlowin as both provided food, shelter, water, and occasionally lent money. Lovammlowin’s were called the Vam’s.

    Egerac: Guardians of one specific person usually works alone, providing material, spiritual, emotional, and physical support for one protected person. When working in a training camp, Egerac will be sent out to scout and select orphans or men without clans to join the Chaovdorreich arms.


    (vulˊ tǝ so̅o̅m)

    Vultusuum were amorphysical beings (amorphous- without clear defined shape or form) that shapeshift into other living forms. Vultusuum have a 10,000 year lifespan. Both sexes are generally tall, thin, long limbs, wide shoulders, narrow hips, and small joints. Both sexes have strong characteristics of strongly pronounced features, large, long, sharp, and thin, hooked noses, defined gaunt cheekbones, defined jaw lines, and pronounced chins. Typical face shapes include oval, diamond, and oblong. Common eye shapes include average-to-large, wide-set, and close-set eye: almond, hooded, or downturned. Eyes tend to be cool, deep, and dark browns, and rich hazels. They’re generally a dark featured race with varied skin tones from beige, olive, and ebony. Hair color ranged from dark brown to jet black with no variation. Typical height of a woman is 6’0 or 1.82 meters and a man typically 6’10 or 2.08 meters.

    Vultusuum are a warrior race trained since infancy for the art of wars; a failed student becomes a Chaovdorreich or fall into the lesser parts of society. The warrior race belongs to an autocratic monarchy, which has been controlled throughout the millennia’s by only three families, and are currently leaderless, broken into small disordered tribes and clans.

    There are 39 districts of Vultusuum and 450 clans in America with 3 districts in Oregon, and 12 clans. The chieftains, the leaders of the clans, have 5 to 11 elders depending on size. The members of each clan answered to the designated elders who reported and answered to a single chieftain. The single chieftain then answers to their assigned Chaovdorreich, a guardian’s sect. Chavovs for short, reported to Predaegvore’s who then answer and send information directly to the Antigottégle.


    (vē dă lo̅o̅ ´pō)

    Vedilupo, a tall race between 5’8 and 6’3, with an endomorph build, are known to withstand extreme temperatures best. They are unnaturally strong, sturdy, big boned and skilled ambush soldiers. Vedilupo have a 10,000 year lifespan. Both sexes are generally tall, broad, stocky, short limbs, wide shoulders, large boned, wide hips and large joints. Both sexes share strong characteristics of pronounced features, sloping foreheads, defined brow bones, wide, high and round cheekbones, full cheeks, soft jaw lines and pronounced chins. They also have a low nose bridge and round nose tip. Typical face shapes include round and inverted triangle. Common eye shapes include small to average, wide-set almond, mono-lid, and upturned. Eyes tend to be clear and soft, blue, grey, and black. Women typically reached a height of 5’8 or 1.76 meters, whereas men typically achieved a height of 6’3 or 1.92 meters. They’re generally a dark featured race with varied skin tones from very pale rosy-beige, peach-toned ivory, or blue-undertone black. Hair color ranged from light golden blonde, light ash brown and deep ash brown with no variation.

    They are a species from Subarctic, humid continental, and semi-arid lands. Vedilupo are divided into highland and lowland tribes. Highland tribes are nomadic hunter gatherers. Lowland tribes are an agricultural society. Both factions belonged to a united oligarchy, the rule of the few, passing down from first-born to first-born child.

    There are 145 provinces and 78 tribes of the Vedilupo in America. The chieftains were the leaders of the clan, who also had 5 to 11 elders. The members of each clan answered to the designated elders who reported and answered to a single chieftain. The single chieftain then answered to their assigned Chaovdorreich, a guardian sect. Chavovs for short, reported to the Predaegvore’s who then answered and sent information directly to the Antigottégle.


    (kwī īt)

    The Qui-ite are semi-aquatic beings with gills behind the ears. Natural abilities include breathing and living underwater. They also have the ability to heal injured beings through mental cell regeneration, the ability to tell the patients mind to begin a rapid secession of healing. Most Qui-ite are located in seaside villages and townships, often working as fishermen or doctors.

    All Qui-ite have multiple organs located in the torso/abdominal area, including a heart, lung, intestines and reproductive organs. The average height in females was 5’4 or 1.63 meters and males were 5’10 or 1.77 meters. Qui-ite have a 10,000 year life span. Both sexes are generally average, frail in build with small delicate bones, long and lean muscles, medium sized hips, small and narrow waists, long and narrow ribcages, long partially webbed fingers, and narrow feet with three toes.

    Both sexes share strong characteristics of soft gentle features, lightly sloping brows, soft and round cheekbones, and full cheeks. Females have soft jaw lines and delicate chins, whereas men have wider jaws and more pronounced chins. Both share high nose bridge, pointy and round nose tips. Typical shapes include round, heart, square, and triangular. Common eye shapes include, abnormally large, round, almond and upturned eyes. Eye color ranges from ice blue, brilliant green, and hazel. Skin color ranges from porcelain, golden beige, and caramel.

    Qui-ite are divided by continents and each serve under independent leadership of an oligarchy of a Democratic Monarchy passed from first born to first born heir or heiress. Each kingdom has a functioning military, as well as factions in the military catered to the sexes, QalaQiam for females and

    The Northern Qui-ite kingdom, the only of its kind, is run by a matriarch warrior class of the QalaQiam, where Queenship is passed from eligible and capable female offspring of the Queen’s family, not first born to first born. The Northern Kingdom had gained power from accepting social rejects such as the lame, mentally deficient, orphaned and outcast into its folds allowing women and men to join only under complete and total allegiance and loyalty.


    (ǝˊ härˊ fā no̅o̅nˊ ē un)

    Aharfeénunian are amorphysical beings (amorphous- without clear defined shape or form) that can shapeshift only into inanimate objects and energy-life forms. Aharfeénunians naturally have a 10,000 year lifespan, with genetic modifications enabling immortality. Both sexes are commonly, exceedingly tall and notably athletic, exceptionally strong with muscular frames and thick bones. Both sexes have markedly neoclassical characteristics such as, Greek and Roman noses. Their other features varied from low and high cheekbones, prominent and gentle jaw lines, and varying nose heights and widths.

    Typical face shapes include square, rectangular, and oval. Aharfeénunians displayed all eye shapes and widths, though the common eye shape was round. Eye color tended to be broad in depth, ultra pale eyes, medium toned eyes and deep, dark eyes, all purple in tone with no variation. They’re skin tone being the broadest of the species from ultra pale skin, medium, and ultra dark, with the exception of every skin color having purple undertones. Hair color ranged from pale lilac, mid-toned mauve/ash brown, to jet black hair with aubergine undertones. The average height of a woman was 6’5 or 1.98 meters and men typically were 7’4 or 2.25 meters and the tallest tap out at 9’7" or 2.95 meters.

    They are a species conditioned to a subtropical and tropical environment.

    Aharfeénunians are a highly evolved, technically advanced and space faring race. They are semi-united empire with only two opposing factions. Madinites to the West and Fennuite and Reunites united to the East, spanning from the north to the far south of their home world Ahar.

    Ahar (ǝ här) was the home world, the Mecca of Aharfeénunian civilization with 32 colonies, 10 mega cities, and 14 colonized planets. Madinites controlled a swath of islands in the sea neighboring the Fennuite Empire on the main capitol, Fennu, on the world Ahar. Madin had won the allegiance from 14 of the colonies, 3 of the mega cities, and 7 of the planets.

    The Aharfeénunians were excommunicated from the Antigottégle union, run off from Earth and isolated in the far northern corner of the Milky Way Galaxy (Msˊull) where they took allegiance with fellow excommunicated empires, as well as smaller and underdeveloped nations that were enslaved. In their isolation they formed an autocratic monarchy, passing crown from firstborn to firstborn, male or female with the minimum age requirement for coronation being 65.


    (dĕl hāz)

    The Delhaize are an exploratory race, founded on the principle of gaining territory, seizing planetary bodies and enslaving lesser indefensible cultures. They have a 3,000 year lifespan. Both sexes are generally medium build and height, thin, long limbs, narrow shoulders, narrow hips and medium sized joints. Both sexes have round characteristics of sloping rounded jaws, long and thin noses, gaunt cheekbones, and prominent brows. Typical face shapes include oval, round, and oblong. Common eye shapes include average-to-large, close-set eyes, and round, hooded or downturned eyes. Women are typically 5’4 or .75 meters in height while men are 5’10 or .85 meters. They’re generally a sickly, ashen featured race with varied skin tones from ivory, beige, and ebony. Hair color ranges from ashen blonde, ash brown, to jet black hair with no variation. Eyes tend to be cool, deep and dark browns and rich blues.

    They are an intergalactic species and their home world a harsh, cold and desolate arctic planet.

    Delhaize are a fierce, independent nation in association with Aharfeénunians and free of Antigottégle rule.

    Alien Sub Races of Earth

    The Heicto, Rdeto, and Tierano had three designated regions in the Milky Way (Ms´ull) where they could live- Earth, Mars, and Vespera.


    (hĕk tō)

    The Lowest order, Heicto, an interracial mix of all three races including human, were the predominate sub-species found in the America’s. The more human blood flowing through their veins, the lesser they were viewed by the higher ranking species. The Heicto found favor in the human bloodlines being introduced for the singular reason that it helped them blend in amongst the human; they became indiscernible with the naked eye.


    (rr dĕ tō)

    The middle classification, Rdeto, was an interracial mixture of all races or parts. Qui-ite, Vultusuum, and/or Vedilupo with no human blood introduced and could be found earth wide.


    (tĕ răn ō)

    The powerful and elite of the species, Tierano, are the pure blooded species of the Vultusuum, Vedilupo, and Qui-ite, where they did not marry outside their species. They were rare and ancient with no human blood introduced and were found in rural parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. This was the closest thing they had to pure Vesperans.


    The Change is a second puberty young men and women go through in the Aharfeénunian and Vultusuum species, around 16 to 22 years old. The early symptoms are sharp headaches, dizziness followed by nausea. The young man or woman will then experience hemorrhaging from ears, eyes, nose, mouth and other bodily orifices. From there the blood breaks down on a molecular level where the body rejects old and adolescent blood, produces new adult blood that has the ability to shift its cells in order to shapeshift. A series of changes happens to the bones and joints of the body as well as the tissue.

    The last phase of the Change involves high fevers, frosty cold skin, a lack of oxygen, and extreme delirium. If the young man or woman is conscious during this time they will be in a state of delirium, speaking nonsense from the high fever- for they will be caught in-between reality and dream until the last of their cells are made.


    The War and Exodus was the battle over which the three intergalactic powers controlled Earth during its prehistoric ages. It was a battle between the Antigottégle, Vesperans, and Aharfeénunians. The battle was won by the Antigottégle and Vesperans resulting in the Aharfeénunians being driven from Earth, Mars, and Vespera in three separate battles. From that point on it was illegal for Aharfeénunians to travel into the Antigottégle occupied zones; they were prohibited to colonize in the Antigottégle zones as well as trade embargoes were strictly enforced. It was punishable by death. The strictest of the laws was the illegalization of Aharfeénunians visiting and colonizing Earth, those caught on Earth would be subject to a special type of punishment.


    5 years prior

    Every hero has a beginning and every villain starts somewhere; legends are made, sometimes they’re born, and it’s always been this way since the dawn of time. Freddie wasn't always special; at fourteen she was in every way average...

    Underneath the rolling, twisting, booming, and roaring waves of a raging monstrous sea, Freddie was drowning. Above her was the crispness of a clear starry night and a full moon, and down below was the blackness of the night abyss. Waters filled with sharks, and death…

    The 30 foot waves crashed violently into the rough, volcanic cliff-sides; her screams muffled under the black waves, currents were pulling her out, and each rolling wave pushed her down deeper into the darkness.

    The black stark cliffs were daunting in size. The thirty foot drop in itself nearly killed her, but the swells from the east had made their way to the most southern point of this island…

    Burning salt water filled her lungs, and her eyes stung as she kept them open; disoriented and spinning the waves pulled her deeper, and pushed her down further into the darkness of the Pacific Ocean. She clawed towards the surface to no avail, in-between the rolling and surging all perception of up and down was gone.

    She was as good as dead now, yet as she rolled deeper and was buried under layers of waves, something from up above dove into the water- she could see a faint violet light coming slowly towards her despite being disoriented from the gyrating and spinning current.

    She saw light and a quick unexpected pain in her leg. She released the last of her oxygen and screamed; bubbles escaped her and smothered her face for a moment she was suddenly sucked deeper and quicker. Her blood haloed around her and left a trail as she was pulled deeper…

    She clawed for the light coming towards her, with no oxygen left in her lungs, and only the ocean surrounding her, there was a silent out reaching for the light and only eyes able to plead- it was only moments before she would die from suffocation. Her hand reached towards the light one last time as she closed her eyes in helplessness.

    Everything in between was blurred, the water was clouded with murky opaque blue that tasted metallic in her mouth. Something strong and firm wrapped around her stomach, and she ascended towards the surface of rolling waves.

    Her eyes caught the scene enough for her mind to translate later.

    She felt beating on her chest and air forced into her full lungs even as her eyes stared at the stars above and the beautiful shining blue moon. A fist slammed into her chest and water spewed out of her mouth. She coughed and shook; she was brought into an embrace and patted on the back till her coughing ceased.

    Shhh. A young male voice said something she did not expect as she lay on sand nearly 34 miles away from where she fell in. Tears fell from her eyes as she stared at the lapping ocean waves inside a cove undisturbed by the tumultuous stormy seas she’d encountered earlier.

    Her eyes dripped tears of relief, she knew she should’ve died…but didn’t…

    You’re safe my princess, the young male voice said while stroking her wet hair. She looked up to see a face hidden behind something that resembled a helmet of pure science fiction… she gawked and raised her brow…

    Who are you? she asked weakly while watching this stranger walk away from her. Her head rested against the sand somewhere safe; she fell unconscious from her event. She always assumed the latter was a dream…a terrible dream.

    PART I


    In this world there are facets unidentified and anonymous. Not everything is as it seems, the world turns and lives are lived mindlessly, unknowing that something else is present, something else is among them- something hated. They have strange abilities, look like us and yet they are different.

    In them we find similar genetic roots and racial ancestry, and in us we find that we have grown an immense hatred for them…because something has made them dissimilar. It doesn’t matter who you are, we’re afraid of them because accepting the unknown is beyond our realm of human understanding… they’re no longer human…

    Only a select few accept the unknown and others don’t - they have been bastardized by their own people and the people analogous to them.

    They are alone.

    January 12th

    How far would you go to escape a home where you were not loved? Where would you seek affection and love when you grew up with none? Who would you be?

    Suppressed and derided, with kind and friendly attributes overshadowed by reservation and shyness , she, this young lady knew not where to go or what to do, neither confident or insecure she simply existed with her feelings, thoughts and emotions in which she succumbed to drowning in them.

    Her name was Frédérica Farrah Galtero. Her mother, Maria Galtero, a microbiologist who had been transferred to the Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota five years prior.

    To her mother, Freddie was of no value, unsuccessful and treated her as such. Raising her suspicious and shy daughter without much interaction with the outside world, what she expected out of Freddie, Freddie never knew or cared to know. Freddie was a live-in maid and cook, and someone to yell at when Maria came home.

    She lived a life dull and mundane in all aspects. Her GPA was outstanding and her SAT score was perfection yet after being accepted into every Ivy League school in the country her acceptance application was rescinded. Finally, she decided a trade school would be her only option; her dream of learning about anthropology, sociology and psychology went out the window with her opportunities.

    At age 20, she had only a small handful of friends in this town, an old lady who owned a bookstore, and another old woman who taught her how to cook. She used to babysit for money and worked as a ranch hand on her neighbor’s cattle ranch.

    They taught her how to rope cattle, ride horses, and protect the livestock with extensive firearm training. She also learned how to cook, clean, write, and draw and was precious to those who became attached to her. She had only one boyfriend who came and went; he would come back for three months and leave for two years to go overseas and work. He never shared what he did, or where he went. Each time he came back more evolved and changed.

    From the time she was little and young, Maria neglected her leaving her to fend for herself. If it had not been for a truly gifted nature and personal perseverance, Freddie would've been very different.

    If there was one person in this world Freddie hated, it was her mother—she was an enigma to her, always treating her abusively, leaving her alone without guidance for much of her life…

    Therefore, in order to survive she selected a career that was modest yet reliable and planned on fleeing after saving enough money, to run away from her mother. By her 20th birthday and two years solid of working at the hair salon, babysitting, and oddball jobs she had enough to get away and that was the day all hell broke loose.

    Her mother, Maria, had come home earlier than expected with a flushed red face. She slammed and locked the door startling Freddie. Freddie, with raised brows, emerged from the kitchen and watched as Maria hastily closed the curtains in the living room and began pacing back and forth with sweat on her brow and her lips trembling.

    Mom, what’s the matter? she asked her in Spanish.

    Maria’s dark brown eyes flickered to Frédérica with a face full of anxiety and anguish. Silently, Frédérica kept focused on her mother with wide worried eyes. Maria breathed heavily and rubbed her forehead as she marched to the front door and double checked the locks.

    What happened are you okay? Frédérica asked.

    I’m sick of your bullshit, all your problems; you’re nothing but a burden! worthless piece of shit! she screamed catching Freddie off guard who was in the kitchen with a pot in her hands. A slight shake went through her arms, she almost dropped the pot and a sniffle came.

    Why are you sniveling? Answer me! yelled Maria.

    I.... am... not.... worthless! she protested while tears filled her pale green eyes, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back- enough was enough.

    You’re nothing! You’re a problem, a thorn in my side! Maria screamed at Freddie.

    You say that about everything I do! I graduate with a 4.0 and you tell me, I could have done better! I had a scholarship to any Ivy League school in the country and you said I wasn’t good enough. Why are you so cruel to me? Freddie protested.

    All you’ve done since you were born is cause me problems!! Maria replied.

    What would you have me do? Hmm? What do you want!?

    You want to know what I want. I want you to do as you’re told!

    I DO! I do what I’m told.

    God Freddie, stop lying to me! You’ve never done what I've told you. I told you always to stay away from people. In Hawaii you were uncontrollable. You were hunting and fishing and spending your time with lowlifes, here you spend all your free time at the bookstore with that mousy old woman or with that crass Colombian bitch!!! Not to mention our neighbor who pays you to do grunt work! You have a career at the salon, it should be're impossible. You even had a boyfriend. Don’t you deny it. I know he spent nights with you! You dirty slut!

    ......Are you done?

    I am sick of your antics!

    I’m sick of you.

    I want you out of my house!

    I didn’t do anything no other normal person would’ve done. My life means something, I mean something...I deserve friends, and work...I deserve love and to be cherished!

    GET OUT of my house!

    Where am I gonna go? I have no one.

    Oh you don’t? Has your little playmate left you?! Maria taunted.

    I have nowhere to go....

    I don’t care… I want you gone- I want you out of my house, I want you gone tonight! I hate your presence here...

    I don’t understand. Freddie said while crying.

    Of course you don’t… you’re a stupid little girl. God!

    I hate you.

    Well, I hate you too! Maria screeched. Freddie placed the pot on the counter and ran up to her room and slammed the door shut, locking it and sliding down to the ground sobbing.

    It happened, finally... Freddie took it as a sign, it was better not only to move out but to leave this place, and this cold, flat, dismal state...She wanted to be where she wanted.

    She rubbed the tears of her pale ivory face and rose to her feet after sobbing for nearly an hour.

    She grabbed only what was essential to her survival, the most important things first and then little things… She was tired and crying, and mentally exhausted from trying to figure out where she was going to go off to.

    There was a time when she’d wait forever for him to come back, but now since he had been gone two years there really wasn't much reason to stick around...He hadn't even tried to contact her once. They had picked places to go, and if he wanted to be with her, he’d know where to find her. The list was small and the places small. Her first choice home was too far and too expensive to get to with only $3000. She looked over to the digital clock on her night stand after setting it. She watched as it flashed a faint azure blue; the clock was counting down in viridian red numbers.

    The curtains blew gently from the breeze of an overhead fan and the cold stillness of a freezing North Dakota night loomed just beyond the barrier of a frozen window pane. She sighed heavily and sat down on her bed, brought her knees to her chest and rested her weary head against them. Closing her swollen green eyes she prayed-long and hard until she fell asleep. Speaking with God always seemed to ease her heart and the agony of being- alone.

    Dear God, I need you more now than ever before, I’m leaving this place...I don’t know where to go and I’m relying on you to help me find where I need to go. Please guide me to my full potential, give me meaning....I need something to hope for....I need to make my own family, my own friends, to start over...don’t forget about me please. Amen.

    January 13th

    She had awoken several hours earlier than planned and decided it was time to get dressed and out the door. She looked at herself in the mirror after dressing and did not and could not see what others declared of her. She didn’t feel like a beauty. There was not a feature on her face she cherished and for that she turned away and picked up the last of her bags.

    She was very odd, and Maria had always been so embarrassed by her attentiveness, her constant inspection of new things and her awkward nature. Freddie didn’t dress like the other girls, nor did she dress like the girls in magazines. She disliked being around others because she stood out in a bad way.

    Maria purposefully bought her old and dated clothes from thrift stores to hide her body, and her natural beauty. She’d cut her hair and butcher the curls which resulted in a very poorly presented young lady. There was only one young man who ever pursued her, told her she was beautiful. The last time she had seen him she was 18, but by then Freddie had learned to be well kept and very well dressed. She had grown out her hair and nails, bought expensive clothes and shoes and looked very much the opposite as she once did.

    For some reason, she had waited for this kind of event to happen in order to leave. Secretly, she always hoped her mother would come around and be what she was supposed to be. Now Freddie realized that would never happen. Unknowingly, as Freddie was climbing into her Ford Bronco, she was being watched by Maria from the second level of the house.

    Every person who laid eyes on Frédérica knew somehow, something was special and different about her. Others liked the uniqueness of this scorned and reticent young lady, and others called her a freak. It didn’t matter anymore. None of it did. It didn’t matter that she never knew her father, or why she couldn’t explain the lack of similarity to Maria, or that she was an only child. It all ended now, a worthless mother, a fatherless daughter, a wandering star in a sea of darkness- guided by no one and nothing.

    Freddie turned over the engine and looked out to the road in a way she never had before, freedom, no more waiting for Pétun, no more waiting for mom to come around. It’s just me now, she thought.

    She drove one thousand two hundred fifty three miles, twenty hours west into Portland, parked in the parking lot of a Motel 6 and booked a room for a week, giving herself in her mind what she thought to be an ample amount of time to find a job and an apartment.

    She carried her bags inside and lay down in exhaustion on the bed and closed her tired eyes with her headphones still in her ears playing music. She sat silently in her room, allocated her expenses and planned on what she could afford to live off of. In her hands was every single dollar she had earned and saved, hidden in a secret compartment of a jewelry box she bought. Three thousand dollars wasn’t much, and with her skills she’d burn through it if she wasn’t careful…

    She awoke to her headphones still playing music when the first rays of morning light seeped through the oddly patterned brown curtains; she yawned and stretched while turning the music off.

    She sat up slowly onto her knees and yawned twice before standing up. She took a shower and got dressed in a band t-shirt, and a grey pleated miniskirt while glancing to the TV watching a report on a spiked crime and terrorism spree in the Pacific Northwest. Perfect timing, she declared sarcastically aloud.

    She sat at the foot of the bed and watched whilst she slipped on her warm green parka. They spoke of casualties and the specific nature of the crimes- nervous over what she heard she turned off the TV, walked to the door, slipped on her heavy combat boots and left her hotel room in search of a job.

    Portland was a cold and grey city in northwestern Oregon. She went into every salon and filled out applications but knew in her gut there was no hope for her getting a job. She went to and fro, going west, north, east and south of the city, and had no reply; for five days this proceeded with no hope. The early beginning of the year, weather was in a catatonic apathetic mood, where the sun seemed devoid of existence, clouds and foggy weather in abundance.

    As she walked back to her hotel, she had an intense overwhelming hunger in her stomach. She only had enough money to eat once a day, and the day before she didn’t eat at all. It was taking its toll for she was dizzy and tired. For some reason, Freddie couldn’t free herself of the terrible headache, or the extreme blurriness from her eyes…Shivering, she walked slowly into a diner beside her hotel.

    She sat at the retro bar, ordered some coffee while she looked over the menu. She took off her scarf and gloves and put them inside the pockets of her coat and placed it on her lap. She just held the hot coffee mug in her frozen hands and watched the steam come up from the black drink.

    She took a deep pensive breath, still staring into the black hot liquid; things were not going as planned, her week at the hotel expired, no job or place to live left her filled with doubt and worry about her situation, thoughts were swirling in her mind uneasily when they were interrupted by the chattering coming from the booth behind her. Glancing over her shoulder, somewhat irritated, for a second she saw a group of people, either in their late teens or early twenties, their clothes, shoes, and hair were eclectic yet retro. She didn’t intend to eavesdrop but their conversation was intriguing. They had noticed her looking at them and abruptly to avoid eye contact she looked back to her cup of coffee and watched the waiter return.

    What would you like? he asked. She smiled and pointed to it on the menu and watched his eyebrow rise.

    That’s for seniors, he said while chuckling.

    Can you make it for a twenty year old please? she said with her oafishly adorable grin.

    He chuckled and nodded slowly. That can be arranged, he said while taking her menu and walking back to the kitchen.

    She crossed her legs and one shoe slipped off her heel and hung on her toes while she rotated her ankle. The one day she wore high heels was the day she would be doing the most walking. She heard muted and controlled laughing and suddenly serious chattering and then silence. Suddenly, a retroussé faced girl appeared beside her, with mousy brown hair piled high in a bun, and with thick bangs that hung a few centimeters above her eyebrows. She was weird looking; Freddie raised her brow and for a short indiscriminate amount of time studied her face. She wasn’t the prettiest person she had ever looked at and she didn’t appear normal. The eyes were too big and the features were too small- she looked like a doll…

    Hi, she said pleasantly while sitting next to Freddie. The stranger adjusted her prim milk colored cardigan and smiled. She seemed very prissy and girly.

    Hi? Freddie replied nervously.

    I’m Jessi and uh you’re sitting alone, and that’s not very cool, she said while grinning. Unsure of what to say or how to react to that, Freddie stared uncomfortably with the accompaniment of an uneasy chuckle but no smile.

    I love your shoes by the way, that’s the reason I came over, Jessi complimented pleasantly.

    Oh thank you very much, Freddie replied uneasily.

    Do you want to sit with us? Jessi asked quietly.

    Okay? Freddie replied with puzzlement. She was normally very introverted, but now she had overcome her fear of people and was willing to make friends with new people—even if it disturbed her inwardly.

    Deep within her she realized she liked people and wasn’t as afraid of them as she initially thought. They looked each average from a distance, none were striking, and none were ugly either- each looked just a little bit off.

    This is Joey, my husband. This is Ashley and her husband Chris, she said while pointing to them. They all smiled and stared at Freddie. They were an androgynous couple, whose hair was shoulder length and a dirty blond shade. Their clothes and style were identical with skinny jeans, layers of band-tee’s and thermals underneath. If it were not for Ashley’s ultra feminine features, it would have been hard to tell which one was the girl.

    Hi, what’s up? they both said while shaking her hand. They had pleasant smiles.

    Hi, Freddie said whisper-like.

    This is Amanda and Zach, Jessi said while pointing to them. Amanda was a redheaded little thing with blue eyes and fair skin; her hair was ultra short with an unstyled Mohawk that hung to one side. She smiled and shook Frédérica’s hand; her small hand gripped tightly to Freddie’s and made her laugh awkwardly. Her husband was a muscular beefy boy, with a Mohawk and piercings on his oval face; he also smiled pleasantly and shook her hand.

    Hi, it’s nice to meet you both, Freddie said while smiling.

    This is Alex and Megan, Jessi said. They were like Ashley and Chris, with extreme similarities in clothes and body build. Megan though had long black hair, while Alex was a mousey blond; they both wore glasses and had the same shaped face. Freddie nodded to them and shook their hands as well.

    This is Morgan and Allison, Aaron and Nicky, Jessi said grinning, while Freddie shook their hands.

    Hi- it’s nice to meet you all, Frédérica said awkwardly. They could be no older than her and they all were married?

    So where you from? asked Joey.

    I am from North Dakota- I moved there with my mom a while ago- although I was born and raised in Hawaii, Freddie said while seeing their eyes widen.

    Oh, no way cool! they almost all said in unison.

    It was alright, Freddie replied while watching them shrug, some rolled their eyes, others grinned.

    With a quizzical raised brow Jessi replied, It’s that way all over- very meh.

    Are you Hawaiian? asked Chris.

    No…I don’t see why it matters what I am, she smirked.

    I guessed you for Japanese with the way you were nodding when we introduced ourselves, Jessi added while still smiling.

    Freddie’s smirked quivered and slowly fell; there was no reason to smile at a racist comment. There was a clear, distinctive look of disproval and judgment; she looked away from Jessi and toward Ashley who began speaking.

    So what do you do? inquired Ashley.

    Freddie answered, I am a hairstylist…What do you all do for work?

    We all work in the boatyards, answered Chris. How very odd it was that he answered that question for everyone... There was an awkward lingering silence and they all looked to her…

    Oh, replied Frédérica awkwardly.

    So where do you live? asked Jessi.

    Motel 6, Freddie said with a heavy sigh.

    Ashley inquired what everyone was afraid to ask, Gross- sorry… why?

    Freddie then answered apprehensively, I just got here like a few days ago- I still need to find a place to stay permanently.

    Where’s your family? Jessi asked.

    I don’t have any family... she replied softly.

    Oh dude, we have- you can stay with us. We don’t live in Portland; we’re only here to buy stuff for the months ahead… Yeah, we have a room; it’s in this house by the beach! Jessi with great eagerness shared this information with Freddie.

    Oh- I don’t know- I’m um… I don’t know you guys, Freddie said nervously.

    We don’t bite… come on it’ll be fun! Jessi replied with wide happy eyes.

    What will I do for work? she asked shyly.

    There’s a town, they have an opening at the salon. I’m sure you’ll get it! Jessi answered with great conviction.


    How she found herself saying yes to these strangers was a mystery, so against the codes she followed- never trust strangers… ETC.

    Yet, she found herself driving with a few of them in her truck to somewhere she had never been before, listening to their chattering about things she didn’t understand. The moment she climbed into her seat they spoke of things that made no sense.

    Well the ships don’t come in till at least fall. I don’t know what's taking them so long- they travel at such incredible speeds. It shouldn’t take eighty years to travel from Sklovkia to here, Joey said while looking out the window of the passenger seat. Jessi would look at him with wide eyes and asked questions about things she should bring- and Joey would have no way of answering that.

    They haven’t told me- therefore I don’t know, he would answer.

    Freddie raised her brow and looked to the road in bewilderment.

    Do we at least know the weather of our destination? Jessi asked when suddenly Joey turned to look over his shoulder, he spoke firmly and in an irritated tone, a language Freddie had never heard before.

    She chuckled with a raised brow and looked to her two passengers bickering. Where are you from? Freddie asked thinking they spoke such an odd language.

    Here, why?

    Just curious, she replied while keeping her eyes on the road.

    They journeyed to and past a small town a 196 miles away from Portland, exactly 3 hours and 43 minutes away. The winding roads through dark foggy forests was a sight unlike any she had ever seen, beautiful and daunting with shades of brown and green that varied in the millions. The truck in front of her took a sharp turn left down a steep dirt road through the thickest of the forest. She followed after it, stopping once to put the truck in 4-wheel drive. She glanced over to Joey who lounged in his chair nonchalantly and to Jessi who was scrutinizing her fingernails.

    This is how we get to where you live? Freddie asked her new friends.

    Yah, why?

    It’s down a dirt road? Freddie inquired curiously.

    Yes, most towns are, Joey said matter-of-factly.

    She hadn’t thought of it that way, some dirt roads in the mid-west leading nowhere were dusty roads leading towards small old towns. She didn’t expect that here in Oregon. The dirt road, bumpy, curvy and narrow went on for miles down hill and then uphill through round mountains towards the coast.

    They stopped again this time to open a gate. Chris jumped out, undid the locks and opened the gate. He called out in the same strange language Jessi and Joey were arguing in. She drove through the gate, waited for Chris to shut it, and then he climbed onto her trucks rear bumper, held onto the luggage rack on the roof and rode the rest of the way on the back.

    The dirt road was less pronounced now, as if it was very rarely used. There were constant shadows shifting in the tree lines and sounds from far away like whooping, cat-calling, and whistling. She looked out her window as they drove slowly down hill, the trees began to dissipate, stumps here and there.

    Occasionally, there was a cabin scattered here and there in any direction; then larger complexes of houses that were connected with courtyards followed by rows of houses burnt to the ground. These seemed recent along with melted and charred cars, blackened soil surrounding the houses and roads.

    What happened here? Freddie murmured but Joey and Jessi began bickering again, this time rather loudly.

    The truck she followed never stopped, never sped up or slowed down. They passed through rows and rows of empty lots, charred and blackened but no people visible. The road twisted around a steep corner against a bluff, below it was a river, above it watchtowers, and the crescent-shaped valley below was a rather normal looking town, and nearly suburban, small round hills were to its north that blocked their view of the ocean while its three corners to the south, west and east were surrounded by high mountains. The steep road was vacant, muddy, and the air carried the faint sound of voices and yard work from all directions. Freddie rolled down her window and listened to the sounds; Joey and Jessi were still arguing as they came down the mountain and drove through the town. The people, few as there were, went on with their business with their heads down and eyes alert. She wondered why they were all acting so strange, why there were so many houses and no one out and about.

    They lived in a run down, large, old 3 story house on the last street of the entire town butted up against the hills alongside the coastline and the dense tree line of the mountains. She did not like what she saw of the messy outside, but she didn’t feel like she had too much of a choice.

    Oh, my god!!…. They’re squatters, she thought to herself while chewing on her tongue.

    Parking the car in the driveway behind the vehicle she followed, there was an odd feeling about this place that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She froze and looked around; sensing someone or something was watching her, that the shadows from the mountains forests were watching her, that at any moment it would rear its ugly head and eat her…

    She gulped and grabbed her bags with Joey and followed Jessi into the house.

    The rather large square living room was heinously disorganized. Her shoulders rose in discomfort and she held her breath. It stank, of what? She couldn’t pin point. Bags of clothes, garbage and tools were flung to every corner of this room, stains on the wall, mud on the hardwood floors, what a mess. She rolled her eyes and furrowed her brows while stepping over everything.

    It appeared that they were preparing for something. It didn’t make sense…there were plastic bins labeled but empty with things scattered all over. Freddie’s face apparently was very expressive- it was her nature. She couldn’t hide her emotions… she was appalled- however no one said anything to her…

    Her room had previously been used as a library or den and still had the shelving for books and trinkets; out of all the rooms, it was the most clean because it hadn’t been used in decades. Chris and Joey set her bags down by the door and watched her analyze the details of the room.

    Thank you, she whispered while sitting down on the dusty bed. They smiled politely and left her alone with the door shut. She came across as grumpy and incredibly unappreciative. They did not know that she had never lived in such conditions and she was uncomfortable around people she didn’t know.

    For an hour she put her clothes in the closet, and kept everything else in her bags underneath the small bed. The room was modest in size, with white walls, and a built-in cherry wood bookcase she used to hold her things. The grey ash wood floor creaked as she treaded across while traveling from the closet back to the bed, putting dresses and blouses on her own hangers. There was a tiny wood burning stove in the corner with firewood piled beside it. The windows and shutters squeaked when she opened them- the screens torn from the unmanaged rosebush on the other side... but it was all so beautiful. The air smelled of dense fog, salt water, pine trees and soil. She leaned on the windowsill and looked to the wildlife just outside the window, Douglas Firs, Ash, pockets of snow, and birds flying around, with the occasional glimpse of deer behind shrubs and trees.

    She paused and took a deep breath. This was so much better! There were mountains all around and the air smelled of the ocean and mist. She smiled and returned to her chores holding many books in her arms- thinking of how audacious she was for running away and that she was finally doing what she wanted. So many places to go! So many things to see!

    Her smile slowly faded. Yes, Pétun would never find her here, she’d had to at least leave him a clue to where she was, but she thought about it...a clean fresh break would involve not involving anyone from her past and the love was lost, she thought it best. After all, it had been two years and he so blatantly ignored her with giving her no idea his whereabouts and who he was with. There was much mystery with this young man and he was gone from her life- she had changed, surely he did too.

    She turned to finish unpacking.

    After some time of being alone in her room it was well into the evening, she nervously came out of the room and saw everyone hanging out in the kitchen; they were gangly and looked underfed. Freddie smirked but then began to stare with her mouth agape and eyes wide. They each were lingering in the kitchen picking at snack foods, each wearing pajamas.

    The girls had unnaturally long torsos and short legs; they had abnormally long arms and strange looking hands. Freddie approached at a snail’s pace and examined them while they chattered and snacked. Their muscles looked so unlike any other woman’s- they looked like little girl bodies- but different…

    Freddie’s eyes shifted to Joey whose shirt was off. He had blue little spots on his chest and shoulders, and it looked like he had no collarbone. Freddie paused and stood beside the couch and continued with her staring.

    Their arm muscles were not attached to bone like a normal man, it was sinewy and wiry. Their torsos were twice as long as the girls and she counted three extra ribs. Freddie slid off her glasses and gawked; she looked at both the girls and the men’s legs and noticed their feet… It was not in any way shape or form… a normal foot. They had three toes… that’s it…Freddie looked down to her bare feet and then to theirs again—Holy cow!!… She thought while gaping with wide eyes, she cocked her brow and sat down on the arm rest in shock…

    Their hands were twice the size of hers, and their fingers were easily three inches longer if not more…. She gulped and noticed that Jessi had looked over her shoulder and noticed the horrific look upon her face.

    If it were not for the fact Freddie drew, she probably wouldn’t have noticed how severe the difference was between these people and humans.

    You okay? Jessi asked concerned while walking up, she looked down to Freddie’s hands and feet and then back to her face and then looked to herself…. Freddie shot her gaze to her hands and saw they were unnaturally lanky too.

    Why did she not notice this before? Jessi was wearing shoes before- and gloves.

    Freddie shot a glance to Joey who approached. For a minute the thought of them being somewhat mutanish crossed her mind, but this wasn’t something that happened from inbreeding or close contaminations to toxic materials. No freaking way…..

    I-I- what’s wrong- I- um, Freddie stuttered while staring. She grew to be afraid when they suddenly all appeared and stared at her. They were all different... She knew something was unusual, she noted the freckles on their arms and the undertones in their skin; she observed the coloring was different. Who the hell had blue freckles?

    Is something wrong? Jessi asked. Jessi knew Freddie wasn’t full blooded human and assumed that Freddie knew.

    OH-I’m uh what’s called a Qui-ite, Jessi disclosed realizing Freddie was uninformed as to who she was.

    A what!? Freddie said while jumping off the couch, she stood in the middle of the living room backing up slowly towards the door.

    It’s a kind of people- it’s my race, Jessi said.

    Your race? Okay--- you didn’t bring me here to eat me did you?

    NO, Joey said in amusement yet somewhat annoyed.

    We brought you here because your one of us? You seemed like you knew, Joey added.

    I—my body is different from yours. I have five toes on each foot, and my hands! Freddie said while raising her hands up to eye level. She had never noticed her hands were long, but then she did- they looked very similar to Jessi’s.

    I- am. What are you? Freddie asked Jessi.

    I am Qui-ite, Joey is Vedilupo, she answered.

    Are you from earth? Freddie inquired, looking at them all.

    Kind of- no, Joey answered.

    NO? Oh! So is everyone in this house alien? Freddie questioned with a cautious tone.

    Yeah pretty much, Joey chimed in as the others remained silent.

    You are too, Jessi said calmly.

    Freddie’s heart raced and she tripped over one of the tools and hit the ground hard enough to cause her disorientation. They were by her side picking her up before she could do so herself. They helped her stand on her own two feet.

    I can’t be…this…I, she continued to stutter.

    Jessi made her sit down at the kitchen table where the others left. She and Joey sat down to explain what was happening, and what she was told startled her- but she didn’t understand so in an act of desperation they went to one of their elders, who ranked second to the chieftains and asked for him to talk to her.

    Freddie sat on the cluttered front porch swinging silently on the bench swing; she turned to watch as Joey returned with a middle aged man, strong in his features with white hair and a grey beard, who could not be old enough for these traits...

    Freddie, this is Garret Smith- he is here to talk to you, Joey announced while motioning the elder to go to her whilst he slipped inside to give them privacy. She watched apprehensively as he sat across from her in a white wicker chair; crossing his ankles, he looked to her while reclining. He was a stately looking fellow, with refined Germanic features.

    Hello young one, he greeted faintly, seeing her wide eyes flicker to the front door, to the stairs, and then to the pathway leading up to the porch. She was ready to run fast and far…

    Hi, she whispered uncertainly while watching him open a daybook, his physical appearance resembled a psychologist, especially with the way his glasses sat on the tip of his nose and the simper on his face; he was not a psychologist.

    So… Mr. Gale…Joe tells me that you are not aware of what you are. Garret said starting off the conversation.

    I’m not an alien, Freddie stated.

    Amusing… you think you are human? Garret asked her.

    Well… yes, she replied assuredly.

    Your parents never spoke to you about being… different? he penned in his daybook for a moment before looking at her- he waited for her reply.

    Dude… I was told I was different daily, that I was- worthless…

    You parents never spoke to you about being unique from other people? he rephrased the question.

    I only have a mom… and… she said I was too- soft.

    What is your mother’s name?

    Maria Rodriguez- Galtero.

    Did she ever show great agility or aquatic abilities?

    What? she replied with a tone of incomprehension.

    Never mind that for just a moment...What did she look like?

    Short, five foot six… Dyed blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and medium/dark skin? I dunno man… she said we were Spanish, and Puerto Rican, and that my dad was Irish and Hawaiian, she said while casting her eyes away from him. He smiled rather widely, tittered and took his notes. What a fable that was, she was 100% racially ambiguous, with a very handsome face, pale green…

    You certainly do not look like those human ethnicities…

    I don’t?

    No…In no way shape or form.... you look mixed with at least a dozen different racial features...


    Your mother has no physical signs- that resemble your new friends, the blue freckles, sinewy bodies?

    No- not at all- I guess the only thing I had in common with her is that she had a huge bottom, that's it. She was kind of squat- kinda thick but no tits, she proclaimed boldly. He chuckled again and kept writing.

    Did you ever see her blood?


    Accidently? Did you ever see her blood?

    Um. Everyone gets hurt… Yeah, I saw her get paper cuts and stuff like that.

    What color was the blood?


    Red? Oh….What kind of red? he redirected his question again.

    Blood red… like everyone else.

    Did she have a smell?

    Sir, you’re starting to freak me out!

    I don’t mean to startle you, but I must ask these questions.

    Okay… I guess- she smelled like lavender- like old lavender with roses?

    Okay… so… from looking at you… predominantly you are human, unfortunately, possibly a quarter if not half… however Freddie? You have Vedilupo characteristics, as well as Qui-ite... something else also but- I don’t recognize it, he told her matter of fact.

    I don’t understand.

    Tell me… you were raised alone?


    On a farm? Or somewhere in a small town?

    Yes? Freddie answered as her brain raced with numerous questions and thoughts.

    Kept sheltered and alone?

    Yes… she said breathlessly with wide eyes.

    Did you mother work with the military?

    Yes, she replied faintly after a long pause. He scribbled a few more notes and closed his journal.

    Tell me… was she sending you somewhere to someone recently? Before you left?

    No… she....We fought- she told me I was a worthless piece of shit... told me she hated me… and then she told me to leave so I did.

    Oh… well I have news for you… It is regretful to tell you that your mother… isn’t your mother.


    The woman who has raised you is not your mother… Garret informed Freddie.

    How do you know this? Then who is? Who am I?

    "I’ve seen this twice…I don’t know who you’re real family is… I know what you are but not who you are or where you are from. As for who you are, that is for you to make of yourself... she may have saved your life because in human military standards you're ripe for harvest-- they were coming

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