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Falling in Love at Harrods
Falling in Love at Harrods
Falling in Love at Harrods
Ebook269 pages3 hours

Falling in Love at Harrods

By Licio and Vany

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Paul works as a criminal defense lawyer in London and is about to marry his fiancée Marcia. What he doesn’t expect is Melissa, a fiery Italian girl, and the sinful attraction between them.

After a meeting at Harrods, a fight, and a seductive battle of will in a dressing-room at the famous mall, the evening continues on Paul's floor. But it doesn’t end there…

The attraction turns into sarcastic and pungent quips, but will they be able to push the other out of their life for good, or does fate have something else in mind for them?

Sex, comedy, and romance in a book that will leave you breathless

Release dateDec 14, 2017
Falling in Love at Harrods

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    Book preview

    Falling in Love at Harrods - Licio

    Falling in Love at Harrods


    Fabiana Andreozzi

    Vanessa Vescera

    First Edition: July 2013

    Copyright ©2012 Fabiana Andreozzi and Vanessa Vescera

    Copyright ©2014 Fabiana Andreozzi and Vanessa Vescera


    Graphic Design: Vanessa Vescera

    Editing: Isabella Manzari, Fabiana Andreozzi, Vanessa Vescera


    Compliant with copyright law and the Civil Code, the re production of this book, in part or in whole, by whatever means such as electronic, mechanic or similar, or with photocopies, microfilm, registration or other, is severely prohibited.

    To see her is to love her,

    And love but her forever.

    Robert Burns


    My heart was hers from the very first moment.

    Tristan and Isolde

    For all those who have experienced it.

    For all those who are afraid of taking a chance

    To live a life of love and dreams.

    For Giovanni, my love, forever!


    For all those who, lost and amazed, fell in love at first sight

    (perhaps in Harrods ;-) )

    Be careful, because love might be just around the corner,

    And when love calls you have to listen.

    For Marco, for our dreams,

    Our hopes,

    Our projects,

    But especially, our LOVE.


    Authors’ Note

    This novel started from a story from the collection Attimi Indimenticabili[1], just a few pages that described a special and ‘fiery’ chance encounter between two people.

    But Melissa and Paul, the two protagonists, always resented the brevity of their story and therefore, armed with a little patience, we were forced to continue writing about their adventures. Because it is true that love at first sight comes from a glance and a thousand silences, it is true that it starts without apparent reason, it is true that it is inexplicable and creates strong feelings, but it is also true that the story it sets off is as magic and unpredictable as only something illogical and unreasonable can be, and as precious as a flower blossoming in spring.

    It may not be eternal – unfortunately, love doesn’t always guarantee a happy ending – but the unpredictability of falling in love at first sight is sure to change you. Nothing makes any sense anymore apart from the bond you feel with the other’s mysterious gaze. It’s like falling into nothingness, unafraid of the unknown.

    There are those who don’t believe in falling in love at first sight because they have never experienced it, thinking that love is something you build day by day. The truth is that there are no rules in love: some fall in love in an instant, others need a lifetime. Love affects us all in different ways and without a reason.

    To all those who do not believe in love at first sight, this book is for you... Who knows, perhaps Paul and Melissa will make you change your mind. 


    Perdutamente mia

    ora più che mai viva

    un raggio della luna

    caduto su di me


    Perdutamente tua

    d'amore e d'incoscienza


    prendimi sotto la pioggia


    Stringimi sotto la pioggia

    la vita ti darò.[2]

    Colpo di fulmine

    Giò Di Tonno

    Lola Ponce

    Lyrics by Gianna Nannini

    Prologue – The Beginning

    I must remember to thank God for spreading a snow-white carpet on Europe. Yes, a white Christmas is priceless but let's face it: it was the inconvenience associated with it that helped me out. After all, I wouldn’t have been able to explain to my very traditional family that, due to extra working hours and a pitiful wage, I had no time to buy gifts.

    And what about the tree? And the nativity set? What about all other decorations? What about tablecloths, cutlery, a festive center-table?

    How can I explain to my mother that just a small statue of an ox costs over £5? I can pay two trips on the Tube for the same amount!

    It was better this way, them stuck at the airport because of a blizzard and I on the other end of the phone, reassuring them that I would manage on my own and that we would make up for it on  New Year’s Eve... No problem: my parents are coming tomorrow, three days late on their plan, and I have only Boxing Day to make my bare apartment look like a branch of Santa’s workshop, to buy gifts for them, and especially to get something for myself. Luckily, Dad's bank transfer was on time.

    Harrods is what I need! Yes, I know, it’s terribly expensive but during the sales one can find crazy discounts. Once my colleague told me she found a dress she liked reduced from £2000 to £100.

    With all that I have to buy, even £100 is too much for a dress, but I’m sure that, with my taste and patience, I will find something that will fit perfectly without destroying my finances. This is a top priority – I don’t want to look bad in front of my parents, especially not after telling them stories that were a little ‘exaggerated. It's useless to admit it to them now, after all: I'm sure that in a couple of months the situation will change and my idiotic boss will notice how great my work is.

    Stop it, Melissa, I keep on saying it: it’s useless to get bitter thinking of work. Priority, time management – today is wild shopping time. Harrods, here I come!

    It's the only place I know I can find everything, "from a pin to an elephant", as the old slogan goes. Would you believe there is a Christmas department even in August? These Londoners are quite alternative.

    Now my only problem is to figure out how the hell to get where I want to go... There are seven floors and three hundred departments and while they hand out maps at the entrance I still don’t know where to go. It's not very detailed! I already know that if I don’t plan well I will skip some important department or shelf, missing out on great bargains. And do I really want to miss out on the dress for the New Year’s Eve party? At what about the red lingerie? I have to select it carefully; I want to wow Thomas. If he doesn’t propose this time I might seriously have to consider throwing him out along with the old stuff.

    New Year, new life! Melissa has no more patience and her hormones are tired of getting it off in sin. Sure, we’re a modern couple but that’s enough sinning without a constructive end.

    Entering Harrods is like entering Wonderland: lights, music, and a crazed crowd of people. Better to head to the underwear department – there won’t be many red lingerie sets left. By now wearing red for the end of the year is a tradition. I've been doing it since I was about two years old, aided by my mother’s madness who used to dress me up as Santa’s elf. In short, the color red during the Christmas period and I are one. Obviously, I prefer to conceal the sexy version of me under a dress that is just as sexy but more chaste.

    I lightly touch the sets on the hangers. Fire red, frosted red, sunset red... Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Guess, Manolo... A plethora of brands, and they are all on sale! I sighed, approaching the satin to my face to test its softness. Wonderful! I slightly turn and my face and eyes are invaded by the greatest splendor: a Valentino set, elegantly lying on a shelf, waiting for me. Bra studded with pearls, Brazilian-style panties that is the epitome of sexy, garter belt, and slip, all for £150.

    A Valentino?

    My mouth opens in disbelief. My field of vision is free. There is only one piece left – it must be mine!

    I take a step toward the mirage and...

    Chapter One – The Face-Off

    I grab the soft panties and eagerly pull them towards me but something prevents me from getting them. I pull harder and the pearls clink together when I realize that, besides my hand, there is another one coming from the other end of the shelf.

    Excuse me, could you let go of my panties? Quickly I get hold of the bra but this too is grabbed by the other hand. I hope this being, sexy but petty, is not an octopus or I won’t win the fight I see brewing on the horizon. His face tells me he doesn’t give up easily.

    I don’t think so. I grabbed it first, while you were drooling in that corner. He nods towards my previous spot and I feel the urge to slap him.

    Look, I don’t drool even when I’m asleep, so just leave it. You know, I don’t think it would look good on you.

    Of course not, but my girlfriend loves Valentino.

    Tell her it was sold out, I say, pulling harder.

    Don’t make me be rude.

    You would hit a woman?

    I said rude, not violent, he replies, shaking his head.

    I snort and pull harder. He does the same. I hear a threatening crack and we both freeze, staring at the reason for our fight.

    I’ll pay you twice as much!

    I open my mouth at the height of indignation. It must be worth at least ten times, I point out.

    But I will pay you twice the discounted price.

    Absolutely not!

    Three time as much...

    If he keeps on going up I will accept – I can buy all other gifts with that money. I shake my head without giving way, his hands still holding those beautiful panties and bra.

    The more I look at it, the more I want it. It is so impalpable, so ethereal, so red, it makes you think of wild passion... and making Thomas crazy is at the top of my list of priorities.

    This is pointless! I exclaim. You don’t understand the importance of this set. For me it means everything! I can’t stay here, time running out, explaining my problems to a perfect stranger who is staring at me frowning.

    Four times as much... he whispers.

    Why won’t he understand? If he continues raising the price, to hell with Thomas and my good intentions.

    Look, I don’t know how to explain this to you. Don’t you know that it is bad form to give your girlfriend such a set? Do you want to tell her that you want her to be sexier? It's like telling her that she has not been up to par... I bite my lip, undecided and frustrated. Please God, don’t make him raise the price again.

    The man stares at me dumbfounded. Maybe I touched a nerve. Suddenly he pulls hard and I hold on tighter. What does he think he’s doing?

    You're a rude bastard. Where has gentlemanliness gone?

    Here's where it’s gone. He keeps on pulling and I hold on like a mussel on the beach. I feel him let go and I crash to the ground with the panties and bra while he gets the garter belt and slip.

    NO! What a mess: I can’t buy just two pieces as the price is for the whole set. What are you doing?

    Easy: I won’t give you the chance to buy the set. I may not have it, but neither will you. He smiles and I stare at him, perhaps a bit fascinated. Then my mouth opens in indignation.

    You are a horrible man!

    No, you are a horrible woman.

    God, does he really think that? Well, if it's war he wants...

    I get up and drag my sore butt and my half of the set with me. What a pity – no wild night and no proposal and ring. A crowd of women overtakes me and look at them, shocked. They grab some Armani men's shirts and petrified I think, Wonderful!

    I head toward the shirts when my worst nightmare passes me by. I cannot believe it – does he really want that too? I run and throw myself against his back, latching my legs to his waist and my arms around his neck.

    Don’t touch my shirt, it's for Thomas!

    If I take it, you'll have to trade something. Get off! He shakes angrily as if he has fleas and I cling to him with greater strength, as if I were riding an angry bull. I will not let go; that shirt is for Thomas. If I had a whip I would tame him as he deserves.

    Get off!

    Only if you back off, put your hands in the air, promise not to grab the shirt...

    We continue quarreling as a girl passes by and grabs the shirt. We fall silent and speechless; I’m still on his shoulders like a koala.

    See? I ask sadly.

    Get off, is his authoritarian reply.

    I slip down and take advantage of the occasion to stroke his wide back. Embarrassed for the show I put up, I free him from my wrestling-style pose. I will never be able to shop with this damn guy following me around. Are you going to keep on following me? I could report you.

    I just want what’s mine, otherwise you can simply give me the set. I will pay you four times as much and you can continue your shopping.

    You're a blackmailer.

    You’re a bugger.

    We're close, looking angrily at each other and suddenly I blush. His cologne is so good, it goes right to my head... I have to find out the brand; it’s aphrodisiac! What is your cologne called? I ask, putting my hands on his shoulders and approaching his neck.

    Why? He grabs my hands and I step back for fear he will steal my part of the set.

    I cannot tell him I literally got aroused by it, though perhaps it’s not all about the cologne. God, am I mentally cheating on Thomas?

    Why? Why? What kind of question is that! Just answer! I reply cautiously. embarrassed. I could buy it for Thomas, although no cologne will make him look like this charming stranger. His girlfriend’s lucky, and she will also have my garter belt and slip – ugh! I don’t know her and I still hate her! Maybe they are married: at the end of the day, the floozies always take the best men off the market.

    I refuse to answer, unless... Two blue eyes look at me with a weird glimpse. What the hell is he going to suggest? I only asked for the brand of his cologne. My ears become red, I can feel it. I’m burning up.

    Unless? I ask hesitantly as I fight to take my eyes off his. Uhm, he has no wedding ring... Melissa! You're a monster of insensitivity! Think about Thomas. Thomas, Thomas, I repeat his name as a kind of mantra. Everything will be fine, I'm ready to hear any word coming from the sexy stranger’s mouth... Yes, I can resist! In the end, I get along with Thomas.

    Leave me the rest of the set and you’ve got a deal! That's really too much. He could have asked me for lap-dance, to strip, to have a night of sex, and what does he do? He wants the set.

    You are... I’m speechless. Better to keep Thomas, he's a gentleman, except when he snores at night. Besides that and the fact... Okay, he’s not perfect but he isn’t that bad either.


    Nope. You know what? I'm going to the perfume department and I will find a better one. On the war path, I switch department, ready to find the mysterious aphrodisiac essence but as soon as I walk in I freeze: who knew there were so many brands? Dozens of bottles of various sizes in a row, one beside the other – I will never find the right one.

    Good luck. He smiles amused and waves the slip in front of me. I try to catch it but fail.

    Why won’t you leave me alone?

    You have my set.

    So it's for you! I laugh.

    No, it's a gift. Come on! He motions with his hand like a disgruntled father in front of his daughter's whims and I lose it.

    I grab a bottle of perfume, open it and throw the contents at him. That's what you deserve. Uhm... It smells good! I smile at his astonishment.

    It takes me a second to understand that I have started the Third World War. I rush away  before he can recover from the shock and, as I run between the various departments, I grab some interesting items. How much? I look at the label... £400  - nope! I throw it in the air, and as I turn I see it ends on my enemy’s face, making him collide with a shop assistant. I smirk and try to hide between the racks. He mustn’t find me. I will hide my pieces of the set so well he won’t find them, so we both won’t get what we want. As I turn I collide with a man and crash to the ground.

    Damn witch! His voice penetrates in my ears and I look up. I am dumbfounded – how did he manage? I crawl back, struggling to my feet to resume my flight.

    Chapter Two – Instant Attraction

    I run and I lose a shoe which, after a moment, sails by, leaving me speechless. Certainly someone threw it; I have never heard of flying shoes in my life.

    You are crazy! I yell, continuing to run and bending down to collect it. I could never leave a Miu Miu at my enemy’s mercy.

    If I catch you, you crazy idiot...

    So I’m the crazy one in this scenario?

    I get on the escalators, elbowing people away. I have to escape or it’ll be the end for me. If I can find a secluded place to hide and he loses me, I'm safe. I look around but I see nothing.

    Where are the dressing rooms? I see the madman gain ground and I try to hide in the crowd. I wonder why men that are both sexy and interesting are either gay or crazy as well – is there an epidemic?

    Damn it! I must have done something horrible in my past life. Well, he deserved the shower. I mean, he could have asked me anything and what does he do? He only wants the set for his girlfriend. He could have asked I try it on, and who knows... Forget it. I just know that jerseys and hair accessories are flying in my direction. Does he like target shooting? I turn around and realize for the first time that the security guard is following us too. I cannot believe it – I will be banned from Harrods forever, without gifts. What will my mother say? Dealing with her is worse than dealing with the security guard. And all for a stupid set that I'm sure would fit me perfectly.

    The sexy stranger grabs my arm and the guard does the same a moment later. What is going on here? Do I have to report it?

    Report it? My eyes fly open. I don’t want a criminal record. Ehm, no, you see... There is absolutely no need to report it. It’s just a lovers’ tiff... I mutter without giving it much thought.

    Tiff? the guard asks perplexed.

    Sure! the sexy stranger replies snaking an arm around my waist.

    I ignore him and smiled at the guard. You know what, my... Damn, what's his name? ... Boyfriend is so dear and he wants to give me this Valentino set. But I don’t want to let him pay for it, it doesn’t feel right. You cannot even imagine how much stuff he’s bought me already.

    Mr. Sexy stares at me, astonished, as the guard nods understandingly. What a good girl. I wish there were others like her.

    "And then, buying it without trying it on seems like a

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