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Tricked Again
Tricked Again
Tricked Again
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Tricked Again

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Melissa Martin gets dumped by long-time boyfriend and male model, Derrick, after she gains twenty pounds. With the help of a magical stone necklace, she hopes to get him back.

Using the necklace's powers to make her body appear slim, Mel gets caught in a tug of war between two men. Derrick wants the apparently slim-again Mel back in his bed while Jason, another male model, yearns for the voluptuous Connie, Mel's plus-size "twin" sister.

As if she didn't have enough trouble pretending to be two different women with two different bodies, a snooty female model will do anything to sabotage her efforts to win back Derrick's heart.

Publisher's Note: Like your sex with laughter? How about a little magic, too? Then read on.

PublisherBeverly Rae
Release dateNov 26, 2017
Tricked Again

Beverly Rae

When I enrolled in an online writing course in 2004, I had no idea that I’d started a new career. I love writing and had never even thought I could make it my life’s work. I’m married to my real life hero who has supported me from the beginning and given me all the time in the world to realize my dream. I live in Georgia and spend my days in my office writing with my dogs at my feet. What more can a girl ask for?Most of my books are paranormal romances, some MF and some menage, with graphic sex and a laugh or two. Keep checking back and you’ll see more of my books showing up. If you’d like more information about me or my books, go to

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    Tricked Again - Beverly Rae




    Beverly Rae

    Tricked Again Copyright © 2014 by Beverly Forgey

    (all rights reserved)

    Cover by P & N Graphics

    Published by Rae Publishing


    This book is copyrighted intellectual property. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people whether in ebook, print or any other format. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    PLEASE NOTE: This work contains graphic sexual situations and language and is intended for readers 18 years and older.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is solely coincidental.

    Table of Contents


    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    About the Author

    About Tricked

    About Touch Me

    Chapter One

    Bitches in Heat

    I can’t believe you’re eating dessert. You never order anything more than a lousy salad. Jane Riggins-Barton, wife of multibillionaire Brandon Barton of Barton Enterprises, grinned at Mel. It’s fine with me. I always hated eating fattening food in front of you. At least now you can’t sit there and scowl at me, trying to get me to put my fork down. I’m a girl with meat on my bones and Brandon loves me the way I am.

    Melissa Martin shrugged at her best friend and swallowed a large bite of the delicious cake. She’d been coming to The Blue Branch Restaurant for several years, but she’d never tasted their amazing desserts—until now. I know I shouldn't pig out, but I can’t seem to get a grip on my appetite. I mean, if I didn’t know better, I’d say I have a tape worm.

    Maybe you’ve got the munchies. Hey, maybe you’re pregnant.

    Mel nearly choked on the next piece of cake. Holy shit, are you kidding me? Don’t even say the words. Talk about gaining weight.

    Jane, who’d been chubby her entire life, scoffed. Oh, please. Ms. Sticks and Bones Martin Gets Fat. Not a chance. Even with a kid in tow you’d still be a rail. Add being blonde with big blue eyes to it and you’re what every man wants.

    Catching the arched eyebrow of the older lady at the next table, Jane added, That’s right. I’m not chubby. I’ve been preggers since I was ten. In fact, they’re writing me up in the record book for being knocked up for over twenty years.

    If only I could use the same excuse. Mel looked at her reflection in the mirror on the nearby wall. Ms. Sticks and Bones is no more. Especially since I’ve gained almost twenty pounds this year.

    She fought back the tears as her own words hit home. Twenty pounds. How could I have let this happen to my body? But I can’t blame anything or anyone else for the extra flab around my gut.

    Hey, take it easy on yourself. You’ve been under a lot of stress lately with the promotion Brandon gave you and Derrick’s constant traveling. Sometimes a girl needs a little extra comfort even if it comes from food. And you’re not at all fat. You’re…curvy.

    Curvy, my ass. Why I pork out doesn’t matter. Besides, Derrick has to travel. He’s one of the most sought after male models in the world. She pinched an inch on her belly. All that matters is this.

    Yeah, yeah. The sexy Derrick Winters. Jane shot her a pointed look before ducking her head to pay closer attention to the napkin in her lap. Still, if Derrick isn’t giving you the uh, comfort you need, isn’t it better that you’re getting it from food and not from another man?

    Ya’d think so, wouldn’t you? But I doubt Derrick would agree. After all, we’ve always had an open relationship. He hooks up with other women and I’m free to shag other men.

    And have you? asked Jane. Fucked other men?

    Jane already knew the answer. If she’d fooled around with other men, she would’ve told her about it. She’d had a few hookups early in their relationship, but not for a long time. How could she when she loved Derrick? No other man could make her happy.

    "Let’s not go there. Beside I don’t think Derrick meant an open mouth relationship. At least not an open mouth relationship as in stuffing my mouth with food. He’d rather I fool around with other guys than get fat. Getting fat is the ultimate betrayal."

    She glanced at the older lady as if to warn her not to eavesdrop any longer, then leaned over the table. I’ve been thinking about something for over a year. Ever since you and Brandon got married.

    Jane’s eyes lit up at the prospect of hearing a secret. Really? Then spit it out. I’m all ears. She glanced down at her generous boobs and snorted. Uh-huh. In fact, I’m all ears, boobs, and flab.

    And Brandon loves you no matter what size you are. You’re one lucky bitch. Mel wrestled with the envy she felt for her friend’s life of luxury against the genuine happiness she had for Jane’s marriage to Brandon. No one deserved a great marriage with a handsome and rich husband more than Jane did. But why couldn’t she find even a tenth of that happiness for herself? Was that asking too much?

    Jane’s smile said it all. Yeah, he does. You’re right. I am one lucky bitch.

    Which is part of the reason I’ve decided I need to make a few lifestyle changes. After watching you two in wedded bliss for the past few months, I’ve come to the conclusion that I want something more. I’m tired of Derrick’s hook up with anyone you like thing. He’s doing all the hooking up and I’m left sitting around waiting for him.

    The clatter of Jane’s fork dropping had Old Lady Busybody abandoning her pretense of ignoring their conversation and turning to blatantly stare. Mel shifted in her seat, putting more of her back to the snoop, as Jane scooted her chair around the table to be next to Mel.

    Are you fucking kidding me? Are you finally leaving him?

    Jane’s hiss in her ear was louder than expected. Edging away from her friend, Mel couldn’t help but razz her a little. Do you talk to the president and the first lady with that mouth?

    You should hear the language at those state dinners. I sound like a preacher’s wife compared to some of those people. And don’t try changing the subject. Are you dumping him?

    Of course not, Jane. I love him.


    Why does Jane have to look so damn disappointed? I’m talking the total opposite of dumping him.

    Seriously? Have I lost it or did you just say you want to settle down? Are we talking married? Maybe even babies in the future? She dragged her plate over and picked up her fork to spear the next bite.

    Yeah. I am. Mel caught the slight smile of Mrs. Snoop and compared it to Jane’s incredulous expression. Damn, girl, you don’t have to act so shocked. Eventually, even party girls want to settle down. Especially when they’ve found the right man to settle down with.

    And you think Derrick’s the right man, huh?

    Of course he is. Yet her own voice echoed the doubtful tone in Jane’s voice.

    Although Jane had done her fair share of playing around in her single days, once she’d fallen for Brandon she’d transformed into a one-man woman. If she met someone like Brandon, she’d have done an about-face into Monogamy Land a long time ago.

    Wasn’t Derrick her Brandon? If so, why had it taken her so long to figure that out? Shouldn’t she have known it earlier in their relationship? Jane’s silence brought her out of the troublesome thought. Trying to convince both herself and Jane, she spoke in a more confident tone.

    Derrick’s the right man. I know he is.

    Jane started to say something, then stopped, obviously taking a moment to rethink her words. Okay. Then the question remains…what do you plan to do about it?

    Mel took a deep breath and plunged ahead. "I’m putting together a Will You Marry Me? Surprise Sex Night and I’m going to pop the question. I’m asking Derrick to marry me."

    This time both Jane and Old Lady Busybody dropped their utensils onto the plate. She’d had enough of the woman’s eavesdropping. Would you like to move to our table? I’d hate for you to miss out on the rest of the conversation.

    Harumph! Busybody lifted her nose into the air and turned her head away.

    Mel chuckled, happy to have gotten through to the woman.

    Did you say you’re going to ask him to marry you?

    The disbelief in Jane’s voice was disappointing. I know. I know. It’s a tough one to swallow. Even for her.

    Jane stared her, still in shock.

    Wow, she really is stunned. Hey, I figure since he isn’t making any big moveshell, not even little movesI’ve got to be the one to take the leap.

    Jane finally managed to close her mouth then slumped into her chair. Holy shit. Talk about catching a girl off guard.

    Enough was enough. If Jane didn’t step up to the role of BFF soon, Mel would have to rethink the whole plan. Look, I know this is out of nowhere, but get used to it. I’ve made up my mind and I’m going to ask him. Tonight, before I chicken out. I could use some emotional support. Some noise from the cheering section would help.

    But tonight? Damn. How about a little notice? I’m still trying to adjust to you wanting to settle down, much less getting hitched to Derrick.

    Only because you’ve never liked him. Jane’s dislike of Derrick wasn’t a secret, but she never said anything overtly bad about him. Maybe he’s no rich Brandon, but he’s mine.

    Not fair, Mel. You know I don’t give a crap about money.

    Yeah, I know. But tonight’s the night.

    How are you planning on trapping yourself, I mean, popping the big question?

    Mel ignored the jab and breathed a sigh of relief to finally have her friend on the same page. I’ve done some major shopping.

    Reaching below the table, she shook the two bags resting at her feet. I can’t show you in public what I bought but the man’s got one hell of a night ahead of him. She lowered her voice, wanting to keep anyone else from overhearing.

    First, I get home before he does and heat up his favorite meal from Lizano’s. Then I take a bubble bath with the perfumed bath beads he likes. Afterward, I give my hair the ole tussled sexy bedroom look, lotion up the body, and slip into my new barely-there edible negligee. I’m going to greet him as he walks in the door with a glass of his favorite champagne and a whiff of his favorite dessert. If you get what I mean.

    First of all, eeww. Give me a sec to wipe away the visual. Jane closed her eyes and waved her hands in the air in front of her to erase the image.

    "Will you stop acting like you’re swatting flies? And there’s nothing eeww about Derrick."

    Jane opened her eyes and grinned, apparently warming up to the idea of a surprise proposal. Did you buy him an engagement ring, too?

    Nope. You know he doesn’t like me to pick out his jewelry.

    Yeah, but he sure likes you paying for it. Jane hurriedly added, Never mind. Low blow. She brightened. "Oh, wait. Here’s a thought. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you going for a low blow. Maybe you should treat him to that before you ask him."

    Mel laughed at her friend’s joke. Ha-ha. Very funny. Even if you are right.

    Seriously, Mel, your plan sounds wonderful. But how do you know when he’ll get home? What if you’re waiting all night?

    Jane knew Derrick liked to hit the clubs after a job. Modeling, he always said, was exhausting, but not so exhausting he couldn’t get down with some of his friends. And with the ladies, of course. But tonight would be different.

    I told him he had to get home by nine because his agent is dropping by with an important contract. Trust me. He’ll be there on time. If there’s one thing Derrick doesn’t waste time on, it’s getting money. She wiped her sweaty palms on the napkin. She wanted to stay cool, but her nerves were getting to her. When he comes through the door, I’ll make him forget all about business.

    Don’t you think he’ll be upset when he realizes there is no contract?

    Why did Jane have to throw cold water on her joy? "Maybe at first, but once I give him a night to remember,

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