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How To Win The Lotto Without Buying A Ticket
How To Win The Lotto Without Buying A Ticket
How To Win The Lotto Without Buying A Ticket
Ebook91 pages43 minutes

How To Win The Lotto Without Buying A Ticket

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Oftentimes, we work just hard enough to be able to afford a decent meal three times a day, a comfortable bed to sleep on, to pay our bills, to have a vacation and time-out from work once or twice a year and that's it, the cycle repeats itself for the following years. Sometimes we wonder, if we could have more, would we be happier?

When you are so tied up with daily routines, how will you squeeze in a time for another source of income? Why is it so tough to secure a successful business? Why can't a big salary give you the savings your family needs?

Yamani Saed's How To Win The Lotto Without Buying A Ticket: Increase Your Chances to Get Rich with Anti-Rat Race Strategies offers readers practical answers to these questions and many more. Packed with insights and useful strategies, Yamani's book encourages you to begin developing your own daily success habits and cornerstones for your successful business.


This book teaches you how to manage your time to juggle work, family, and business. Discover strategies for financial freedom like creating secondary and passive streams of income, and, experience the stories and valuable lessons learned of real people who have journeyed to success. Get rich without having to endure the pain of moving away from your family just to earn a decent salary from abroad or the so-called "greener pastures". Become a more influential, positive person.

PublisherYamani Saed
Release dateDec 15, 2017
How To Win The Lotto Without Buying A Ticket

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    Book preview

    How To Win The Lotto Without Buying A Ticket - Yamani Saed


    This book and the contents provided herein are simply for education, general information and entertainment purposes only. Every effort has been made to ensure that the content provided in this book is accurate and helpful for our readers at publishing time. However, this is not an exhaustive treatment of the subjects.

    The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information within the book was correct at the time of publication. While we try to keep the information up-to-date and correct, there are no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information, products or services contained in this book for any purpose.

    Any and all references to persons or businesses, whether living or dead, existing or defunct, are purely coincidental.

    Any use of this information is at your own risk. The author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any part of the loss, damage or disruption caused by errors or omissions, due to the information provided, whether such errors or omissions result from accident, negligence or other causes.

    No guarantees of income or profits are intended by this book. Many variables affect each individual's results. Your results will vary from the examples given.

    Chapter 1

    Rat Race

    More than 70% of the population of the world are in Rat-Race

    Until what age do you plan to work? Some might say until they reach 60 then retire while others simply say, just work for 40 years of their life then that’s about it; retire. When I was working in a corporate engineering firm, out of curiosity, it made me think if there is such a Vision-Mission that directly benefits me. To my surprise, the Vision-Mission was only for the company’s interest, and so, there’s nothing for me. It only states about being the leading firm in the region providing engineering services. Maybe I was hoping for a statement that goes empowering the employees, or, that it cares for the welfares of its employees, and the like. In relation to that empowering, I started asking myself again if my current direct boss is mentoring me. Not that I want to be spoon-fed but I would really want that feeling of mentoring setup and not just some boss who will just sign up my timesheet at the end of every week. Mentoring for me is like, I am learning something new from the company that my boss would personally guide me. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of that and I don’t want to assume that I am overqualified for the job. I do remember the part when I was self-studying the program for planners for the first few months. Nobody was there to educate me. Of course, I requested for a training but due to financial concerns of our company, those knowledgeable planners from Norway, which is our headquarters, won’t come down to teach us in Singapore.

    But learning on my own is manageable, what I really don’t feel comfortable is the politics inside our office. There was one management meeting conducted where statistics were shown: age brackets, males and females, then the Race. Of all those statistics that the management flashed on screen, all were discussed except the Race. Why was that? Simply because it showed that they were hiring people of the same race as the management is; that’s over 70% of the population in our office. Can you say that their race is better than the other races? Well I would like to think so but there are a lot who are not competitive too, of course I know because I get all the reports done at the end of every week. Repetitive revisions of submitted drawings without incorporating the client’s comments, submitting drawings that has outdated information, engineers who doesn’t understand simple elevation of platforms in drawings, engineers who doesn’t know the basic symbols, and other cases that I found are really funny on their performances. I’m not saying that there are no good people, of course there are, but due to politics, even those who are not capable were hired. Then here goes the annual assessment. During this time, you’ll probably have an increase in pay which will be around 1-5%, or hopefully a promotion. But with the dirty politics in place, assessment won’t be fair. Being the good employee is not enough.

    To continue working in a Corporate World started to fade in me. Aside from personal benefits, mentoring, politics, I started looking at my daily routine. Every morning, I have to wake up early so the trains and buses would be less crowded. Well, maybe I can just buy my own car or live nearby my workplace; yes, you are right, it’s easier said than have it done as we have financial constraints to consider. My lifestyle is affected too. I can’t fit in my personal schedule due to reports I need to submit. I can’t even go for my prayers on time. Going for gym has become less and less. I can’t have my monthly food treat for myself which I always do when I was in Malaysia. I can’t make it with my year-long awaited movies on big screen. Annual vacation got postponed and shortened. And then I thought, maybe this is a good time to lower my expenses on my lifestyle so I can start saving more. Then, it was just in time when I saw a

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