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Fatal Night
Fatal Night
Fatal Night
Ebook180 pages2 hours

Fatal Night

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About this ebook

After a genealogical procedure, Alison Gibbs is ready to carry on with her normal love life. Her husband, Jerry, is the man of her dreams, but it seems that he is no longer interested in her. He had to go too long without her love.

Alison believes he is seeing another woman. She is devastated. How could her Jerry seek solace in the arms of another woman? She is heartbroken when she finds out that her husband is at a guesthouse with another woman for a weekend. Phillip, her neighbour, tries to console her.
Alison's friend, a private detective, helps her to learn the truth. The truth is shocking to Alison. It is also the story of a man's unconditional and true love for a woman – a love that drives him to make the ultimate sacrifice to her, by offering himself on the altar of love.

Do you have the guts to read about this woman? You thought you know what real love is. I differ from you. This is the book that every woman should read.

This book is translated into English. I decided on this after my success on the South African market. Click here ( to see how the book fared during revues.

This is the clean romantic version, without detailed sex.

PublisherJohan Crous
Release dateDec 4, 2017
Fatal Night

Johan Crous

Johan CrousI started to write during many recovery periods in Hospital due to surgery.Police officer by day, specializing in event management (disabled).Married to KarinTwo daughters and one granddaughter.

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    Book preview

    Fatal Night - Johan Crous

    Fatal Night


    Johan Crous


    ISBN 978-1-370737-42-0 EPUB

    (Originally published as ISBN 978-1-928401-56-8)

    Table of Contents

    Title Page



    Dedicated to


    About the Book

    Early days

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9



    Copyright © 2015 and 2017 Johan Crous. All Rights Reserved.


    ISBN 978-1-370737-42-0

    (Originally published as ISBN 978-1-928401-56-8)

    All rights reserved. Cover design by Johan Crous. Book design by Johan Crous. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidence.

    Address all correspondence and other inquiries to:

    Cover designed and created by Johan Crous, images sourced from under public domain license and as purchased.


    Translated into English by Fred Boshoff.

    Published: 2015 / 2017.

    Please take note:

    This book is written in UK English.

    Dedicated to:

    This book is dedicated to Marianne Van Dyk, who reached out to me and supported me when I started to doubt writing. Thank you Marianne, I appreciate your friendship. You will never know how much it meant to me.


    This book was set up in Ultimate Ebook Creator V2.6.5.

    This book was written in Office (Word) and Mobisystems Office Premium and the cover was designed with Corel's Paintshop Pro 2018 and Photoshop CS6.

    The book is translated into English by Fred Boshoff.

    What the book is all about:

    After a genealogical procedure, Alison Gibbs is ready to carry on with her normal love life. Her husband, Jerry, is the man of her dreams, but it seems that he is no longer interested in her. He had to go too long without her love.

    Alison believes he is seeing another woman. She is devastated. How could her Jerry seek solace in the arms of another woman? She is heartbroken when she finds out that her husband is at a guesthouse with another woman for a weekend. Phillip, her neighbour, tries to console her.

    Alison's friend, a private detective, helps her to learn the truth. The truth is shocking to Alison. It is also the story of a man's unconditional and true love for a woman – a love that drives him to make the ultimate sacrifice to her, by offering himself on the altar of love.

    Do you have the guts to read about this woman? You thought you know what real love is. I differ from you. This is the book that every woman should read.

    This is the clean romantic version. No detailed sex is written.

    This book is translated into English. I decided on this after my success on the South African market. Click here to see how the book fared during revues.

    Early days

    I pulled up my dress and pulled my panty down to my knees. The toilet seat was cold beneath my legs and the endless stream was highly audible throughout the bathroom. What a relief! I had such a big need; I could just not wait for a second longer. I just had to wait because the movie was irresistible. I did not want to miss one scene and it was all worth the effort. It had a beautiful ending, which drove me to tears, if the movie was any longer I would have wet my pants.

    The smell of ammonia was palpable. I took a piece of toilet paper to wipe myself clean and noticed the dirty white discharge on the double layered panty liner. I shuddered in disgust. The discharge had been the main reason why my love life had come to a complete halt over the past five years. It almost seemed to be the same type of discharge from my husband when he made love to me.

    But that was another matter. Making love? That was five years ago. Five years ago I started to experience pain when he made love to me. The pain increased until I had to resist his advances. It was too painful. Jerry was definitely not very happy about it, but I had no choice. It was just too painful. It was as if he pushed a hot poker into me. I could not experience any sensual pleasure, just pain. After a while, he stopped making any advances. He was a proud man and he did not want to plead for sex. He just went to sleep at nights. I believe he would have been happy just to play with me with his mouth, but I could not allow that. Not with the discharge. I sometimes wonder if he really understood, or accepted the situation. After some time without sex, he started drinking. He drank so heavily that I was scared that he would pick up alcohol poisoning. That went on for three weeks. My words of warning and concern fell on deaf ears. I was sorry that I did not tell him the truth then, but after a while he accepted the situation and he stopped drinking.

    I yearned for my husband's love and compassion. I, Alison, was fifty-one years old and he was forty-seven. The next day we would have been married 28 years. The following morning I was going to the hospital for a small procedure to cut out the source of my problem. My doctor assured me that it was no major surgery. He was going to remove the polyp that caused all the pain and discharge. He will work on the left side of my labia which will have no effect on my sensitivity. Jerry and I will be able to resume our lovemaking and I will be able to experience the same pleasure as I did before my problem. I could not wait to once again belong to Jerry as a complete woman. I loved him very much and yearned for his love.

    I opened the taps and let the water run into the bath and stepped out of my panty, and placed it with my dress into the washing basket. I again sat on the toilet seat and smeared my legs with Veet. I only left a small portion of my pubic hair. I waited ten minutes for the Veet to take effect and started to play around on my cell phone. On Facebook, three of my friends wished me good luck with the operation.

    When the ten minutes was over I used a small spatula scraper to remove all the hair and cream. I wiped the remnants with toilet paper and climbed into the bath and washed. I did not want to be ashamed of myself the next morning. I dried myself and felt my legs which were soft and clean. They would not have to shave me the next morning.

    My clean panty and nightgown felt like a new skin against my body. I put on antiperspirant under my arms and smeared Camphor cream on my legs and feet. Jerry always complimented me on my soft skin. I cleaned the bath and walked into the bedroom. Jerry was already in bed and fast asleep. I watched him for a moment. I loved him so deeply. I will go on with my normal life with him when I have completely recovered.

    I read a passage from the Bible and prayed for grace and a successful operation. I climbed under the sheets and put the light out, and put my arms around him and listened to his breathing. He did not wake up as he had taken some sleeping tablets. Thinking back over the past five years, I could only guess what he had to endure because of my unwillingness to engage in sex with him. I just hoped that he was not injured in his pride to the extent that it damaged our intimate relationship. I still yearned for his body and to be intimate with him again. In the dark I enjoyed his presence next to mine, even though he was not aware that I was close to him. Then I too fell asleep.

    Chapter 1.

    My cellphone's alarm woke me. Jerry was also awake and I started to dress. I had already packed my case with clothes the previous evening. That morning Jerry did not go on his early morning jog as he usually did. He had to take me to hospital.

    Are you ready, Alison?

    Yes I am.

    Are you scared?

    Yes, I am.

    His eyes grew soft. He embraced me and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

    Alison, congratulations on our wedding anniversary. Today we are together for 28 years.

    Thank you, dear Jerry.

    I kissed him. He pressed his body close to mine and I could feel his heartbeat.

    Alison, you will be all right. I prayed for you.

    He moved away from me and handed me a small package wrapped in red gift paper.

    Something special for you, to say thank you for your love.

    I smiled, he could be so romantic at times. He did not skip one anniversary. I looked into his eyes. He enjoyed my excitement but there was also a touch of sadness in his eyes.

    Thank you, Jerry. You are so thoughtful.

    I opened the package. Inside was a golden necklace. The stone was a blue crystal. It will complement my eyes. I embraced him and kissed him, I was very excited.

    Thank you! Thank you! You are a wonderful man. I love you to bits.

    I again saw the sadness in his eyes which he tried to hide behind his smile. I will take away that sadness soon, I thought. My pain would not come between us any longer. I was sorry that I did not play open cards with him for the start. But I was too embarrassed. He might have thought that I was dirty. I picked up my small case, but Jerry took it from me and locked the door behind us. It was still early and traffic was light on the N1 highway. We drove up to the Okavango turnoff and Jerry turned left, and we drove past the Cape Gate Shopping Centre and into the hospital's entrance. He parked near the entrance and again carried my case. The girl at reception was of Eastern origin and was very friendly.

    Good morning, misses Gibbs, take a seat and relax. They will come and fetch you soon.

    Jerry sat next to me and held my hand. He could see that I was scared. There were also other people in the surrounding seats.

    You will be fine, Alison.

    I know, Jerry. I am just scared of the unknown. I know that it is not cancerous, but I am still afraid. Luckily I treated myself with Veet last night so that they do not have to shave me. If the nursing staff had to do it and there was a male, I would not have survived it.

    Jerry smiled. I remembered that before the birth of my child, he shaved me himself. I remembered how he enjoyed taking care of me, but he did not ask to help the previous evening. He never asked me anymore to be intimate with him. He hardly

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