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Tough Cookie Part 3 of The Unconventional Affairs Trilogy
Tough Cookie Part 3 of The Unconventional Affairs Trilogy
Tough Cookie Part 3 of The Unconventional Affairs Trilogy
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Tough Cookie Part 3 of The Unconventional Affairs Trilogy

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NEWLY REVISED! MORE! HOTTER! Unconventional Affairs - The stories of three amazing women who learned how to live and love in unconventional ways. Carol, Monica, and Marie faced the greatest challenges and obstacles that they had ever encountered. Lies, deceit, suspicion, tragedy, violence, self-doubt, confusion, worry, and fear all conspired to rip their lives apart. But they discovered it took the many depths of love—overcoming love, empowering love, and sacrificial love; familial love, romantic love, and erotic love—to free them from the shackles of their pasts and the dangers of the present. They learned that life can truly be transformed by love.
In Tough Cookie, Marie “Tough Cookie” Kessel, a tough gung-ho member of the Coast Guard, thought she had it all. Then she met blonde, funny Mark. She wanted him even more. But there were obstacles in the way: missed opportunities, confusion, doubts, even the pall of death. It looked hopeless. Would they fulfill their destiny?
You'll love Carol, Monica, Marie, and everyone else in the Unconventional Affairs world. Great stories, wonderful characters, crisp dialog, humor, and lots of action make this a must-read.
Rated R for mature adult readers. This romance series contains profanity, dramatic adult situations, and expressive descriptions of sexual encounters and acts that are contextually appropriate. This is not pornography. All characters involved in sexual situations are depicted as being 18 years of age or older.

PublisherDarrell Grob
Release dateDec 8, 2017
Tough Cookie Part 3 of The Unconventional Affairs Trilogy

Darrell Grob

As a writer, I like to keep things light. My travel books (always G-rated) are fun and informative. I like to think that I present my area of interest from a different point of view. My fiction can be intense at times, with colorful characters in interesting situations. And I'm not kidding when I say they're R-rated. They are for mature adult readers ONLY. Women and men can enjoy them equally. My career background is in business management, sales, sales management, business development strategies, and corporate soft skills training. I was also what you could call a professional change instigator. (aka, shit disturber with a purpose.) I must admit, to say I'm retired is somewhat of a lie. I'm as busy now as ever with things I enjoy a helluva lot more than wearing ties and making sure my wingtips are polished, not to mention putting up with other people's shit. My wife, Lisa, and I have been full-time, active, cruising boaters for six years. We've been all over the Eastern Seaboard, Chesapeake Bay, the Great Lakes, the Western Rivers, The Gulf of Mexico, and the Florida Keys. It's a great life. We're very fortunate. CONTACT INFORMATION For more information about us and what we have done, including over 1,000 pictures, go to, which focuses on our exploits, and, which is more about the lifestyle. They're active and updated frequently. Twitter@skipperdarrell

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    Tough Cookie Part 3 of The Unconventional Affairs Trilogy - Darrell Grob


    Part 3 of the Unconventional Affairs Trilogy

    Rated R for Mature Adult Readers

    Smashwords Edition

    by Darrell T. Grob

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Rated R This romance series contains suggestive (non-explicit) descriptions of sexual situations and acts, mild profanity, and mature situations. It is intended for mature general readers. All characters involved in sexual situations are depicted as being 18 years of age or older.

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please return to Smashwords and purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    ©2017 Darrell T. Grob and Flashworld Media

    Chapter 1 Loud Music

    The music from Marie's childhood bedroom was loud. It had to be to cover the other noise that came from there. She had to be super-stealthy because her mother and father didn't know that she had snuck Mark up to her room.

    There, under her posters of her sports heroes and music favorites, surrounded by all of the ribbons, medals, and trophies she had won ever since she was a little girl, Mark's hands explored Marie's fit, naked body. His warm lips pressed onto her's, and his tongue worked deep into her mouth. You taste sweet. I like that, he said.

    Oh, damn, Mark. It feels so fucking good to finally be with you. I've had such crazy dreams about this moment. She also used her hands on him. She massaged his arms, slid her fingers around on his abs, and tugged on his manhood. You're all I've thought about. All I've had of you to keep me satisfied has been the pictures I took of you. My god, I am so in love with you. From that very moment, I've wanted you. And now, finally, you're here.

    What would you like me to do? he asked.

    Anything you want. Please, just do it. I'm so ready for you.

    Get on your hands and knees, he ordered.

    You bet. I love it like that. She flipped over and took her position in front of him. She gathered her pillows underneath her to support her body and grabbed big chunks of the bedspread to steady herself. He grabbed onto her pelvis bones and slid into her. The onslaught then began.

    He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled. Do you like that? he asked.

    Oh, yeah. More. Give me more.

    Mark wrapped her dark hair around his fist, and he pulled on it so hard it snapped her head back. Okay. You asked for it.

    Yes, Mark, my love. Do what you want to me. I'm all yours … forever. He pumped her senseless. She had no idea how many times he pushed into her, but it was a lot. Baby, I don't know if I can take much more. You're so big, so hard. I just don't know.

    He turned her around so that she looked directly at his throbbing manhood. She knew what he wanted her to do.

    She opened her mouth and was ready to take it in. Baby, I'll do anything for you. I just want to please you, she said.

    You do, Marie. I love you.

    She looked up at him and smiled. Oh, baby, I love you too. And I have from the very start.

    Knock, knock.

    She panicked when she heard knocking on her door. It was her mother. Marie, honey? Are you awake yet? Can I come in?

    Marie quickly pushed her tee-shirt back down and pulled her sleeping shorts back up. She hid under her covers … alone. Yeah, sure, Mom.

    Betty Kessel peeked through a slight opening in the door until she saw the coast was clear. She then entered. Good morning, sweetie. How did you sleep?

    Fine. It was a long day yesterday. The sea trials of the new boats were tougher than I expected. It was a lot of work.

    Are you leaving today?

    Nope. Tomorrow. The plane had a short mission to fly while we got the boats ready to transport back to Key West. I've got the day off. It's nice to be home.

    That's wonderful, Betty said. Then you'll be able to come over to Monica's house tonight for the viewing party.

    Yep. I'm going over there sometime this morning to help her get the house ready. I'll spend the night there, I guess. It's closer to the station anyway. Everyone on the boat detail and the flight crew is meeting there at 0700 hours.

    Well, that's good dear. Your father is awake too. Would you like some breakfast?

    Thanks, Mom, but you don't have to hassle like that.

    It's no hassle at all, dear. I'm fixing your favorite: grits and bacon casserole. Can't you smell it?

    Yeah, I can, Mom. It smells yummy, just like it always does. Sure. I'd love some. I'll be down in a couple of minutes.

    That'll be perfect, dear. By the way, I heard your music. Your dad and I used to listen to our favorite music that loud too. Louder actually. Ha! I remember we sometimes had to cover us up when we tried to be alone at your grandma and grandpa's house, if you know what I mean.

    Ah. That's funny, Mom. But, I was all alone here.

    Well, get dressed and come on down to eat. Betty left the small bedroom and closed the door behind her.

    Marie pulled the covers over her head. Yep, here I am—all alone—again—still—always.

    Chapter 2 Viewing Parties was a popular and surprisingly accurate society and gossip website in Charleston, SC. They never revealed their sources, but they usually got the social skinny right. If there was some news about the high end of society in the city, the Birdie chirped about it. And the escapades the swirled around Monica and Gabe Tangier and Carol and Doug Palmer were prime and popular content.

    The title of the most recent post read, GABE AND MONICA TANGIER ARE HOME! It then went on with some details. "It has been only two weeks since Gabe and Monica’s November weekend wedding. It was a sensational event. Not only was it that for the Kessel and Tangier families and their wonderful friends, but it was one of the highlights of the Charleston, South Carolina social scene. Not since Doug and Carol Palmer’s wedding had there been such a fuss.

    If you remember, Doug Palmer, one of Charleston’s most eligible bachelors, married the beautiful former Carol Wehrli of Annapolis, Maryland. Their summer wedding was a tropical island-escape themed extravaganza, and its impact on Charleston was enhanced by the incredible circumstances that surrounded it. Who can forget the devastating challenge to Doug’s company, PalmerSC (one of Charleston’s most prestigious companies) and to Carol’s life itself. It was a story that everyone who is anyone knows about through not only word-of-mouth buzz but social media as well. And, of course, you heard it here first and foremost. There was also the inspirational book written about the whole situation titled The Unconventional Affair. Gabe Tangier himself wrote it as a testimony to Doug and Carol’s undying love for each other. Their strength and determination in the face of such incredible adversity has been an inspiration to millions around the world.

    Gabe and Monica’s wedding was even more amazing, more unbelievable, and more socially significant. Gabriel Tangier is the son of Henry Tangier, after all, one of the richest and most influential men in America. He and his wife, Connie, by their very presence in Charleston, has turned the entire social outlook of our beautiful South Carolina city upside down. All of a sudden, Charleston is socially significant on an international scale. Stars from Hollywood, political power brokers from Washington, and the world’s leading capitalists all descended on Charleston for the event. It was amazing. And all the buzz about the Tangier's new daughter-in-law, Monica Kessel, a local girl, turned the young redheaded beauty into a celebrity.

    But now that the fantastic wedding is over and the couple of honor has returned from their honeymoon in Spain, life should return to relative normality. The two young people have a successful business to run, Redhead Monster Media. And there are always things to do around the beautiful waterfront home that they moved into just a few months ago. It is said that it's still in a state of ‘not-quite-moved-in-yet’. Their close and beloved friends and families also protrude in and out of their daily routine as they always have before.

    So, what's next for our favorite hitched lovers? The sky is the limit for those two, and will chirp about first. Stay tuned."

    Monica and Gabe's lavish wedding ceremony and reception were outrageously fun and exciting. Gabe's father, Henry Tangier, had every moment captured on a video produced by his company’s media department. It was a professional production all the way.

    The ladies all got together at her and Gabe’s house that Saturday night after they got back from their honeymoon. Monica and her kid sister, Marie, worked the entire afternoon to get the Tangier couple’s home ready for the guests. Their men made different plans.

    Marie poked her head into the noisy chaotic kitchen, and in typical sisterly squabbling asked, Hey, Monica. When is everyone getting here?

    Marie, I can’t hear you over the food processor, you moron.

    I said, when is every…. The doorbell rang. She saw that Monica was up to her elbows in her messy kitchen duties. That meant that it was up to her to get the door. I’ll get it.

    Get what?

    The door. I’ll get … oh, never mind. Marie walked from the kitchen, through the large marble foyer, and opened the front door.

    As she usually did, Amy, one of Monica’s best buds, made a bombastic entrance and bounced through the door, happy and excited. Hey, Marie! How ya’ doin’, babe? She reached her arms out and gave the cute brunette Kessel a big hug.

    Fine, Amy. Hi, Gina.

    Hi, Marie. I didn’t know you were going to be here, Gina said. The Coast Guard give you a pass? Gina was the third of the tight trio of friends.

    Nah. I flew up on a HC-130 a couple of days ago to pick up some new boats. They were supposed to be shipped directly to Key West, but the builder screwed up and sent them here instead. Logistics Command decided the best way to get them back to our station without any more hassle was to come and get them ourselves. I'm part of the detail that gave sea trials to the boats and accepted the delivery.

    Darn the luck, huh? kidded Gina.

    Yeah. It's pretty sweet. We head back to Key West tomorrow morning.

    How long have you been in the Coast Guard anyway?

    A little over a year. I did basic training in Cape May, New Jersey, then served on a cutter for a short time. After I received advanced training at the Coast Guard training center in Yorktown, Virginia, I got my orders to go to Key West.

    That sounds exciting.

    It's a great assignment. It's tropical and fun, but it's a large, busy station. Not only do we cover the Keys but also a lot of the Gulf of Mexico.

    How's your social life down there?

    Meh, it's okay. I'm pretty dedicated. I like the Coast Guard a lot, and I think I could easily let myself be a lifer. I train all the time at whatever they let me get my hands on. Her superiors believed she was officer material. She felt she was too, but she didn't want to get ahead of herself. Whatever her assignment was, she dove into it headfirst and gave everything she had to successfully complete it.

    Amy gave her a high-five. Well, baby, it's super-cool you're here, and we would like to formally adopt you as one of our merry band. Right, Gina?

    Sounds good to me. I think.... She was interrupted by a loud screech.


    Gina asked, What the hell?

    Marie said, Monica and a kitchen are not a good combination. She probably has guacamole dip splattered all over the walls by now.

    When the three of them went into the kitchen, Monica glared at them with anger and frustration. There was, indeed, guacamole splattered around, and Monica looked disheveled and frustrated. Her long red hair was frizzed up, and avocado-green smudges dotted her face. She leaned on the center island and tapped her fingertips on the granite counter top. This was too much damn work. I have enough food to feed a cotton picking army, and I swear, if anybody complains, I’ll wring their necks. She blew some hair out of her face. I hate cooking.

    Amy and Marie were doubled over with laughter. Gina walked around the counter and wiped the green dip off of her redheaded friend's cheeks and forehead. Relax. It’s awesome. Really, it is, she said, barely able to suppress her own laughter.

    Quit laughing at me, you guys, Monica said. I know none of you three can cook either. Marie, your idea of cooking is pouring yourself a bowl of Captain Crunch all by your little self, she chided her sister.

    Marie laughed back at Monica, Oh, listen to you, little Miss Hot Pockets Connoisseur.

    Monica was genuinely frustrated. We have so much tech gear in our home office, I can control the International Space Station in my pajamas.

    Gina winked at Amy and Marie. Why is the International Space Station wearing your pajamas, Monica?

    No, you ninny-hammer, while I’m wearing my pajamas. And I am totally down with every piece of electronics we have, but this kitchen gives me nightmares.

    Even though Gina chuckled at the funny scene, she sympathized with her friend. Monica, it’s wonderful. Crazy, but wonderful.

    I hate cooking.

    But da qukahmowee iss gwate. Amy had grabbed a serving spoon and shoved a glob of the gooey, spicy dip into her mouth.

    The sight of her friend with a mouthful of guacamole made Monica laugh too. Take it easy, Amy. You don’t want to spoil your girlish figure for Danny, do you? Amy and Danny Backes, another of the group of friends at Flashworld, lived together.

    (GULP) Ahh. Don’t you worry about that, Amy said after she took her first sip of wine. I get plenty of exercise with Danny. Do you know what I mean, jellybean?

    Gina asked, So, how often do you and Danny exercise?

    Daily, baby. Sometimes twice. How about you?

    Daily, too. But some days we don’t take a break. How about you, Monica?

    None of your damn business, Gina, especially with my little sister standing here. But, I will say my thighs and stomach are all toned and firm very nicely, thank you very much. They all then looked at Marie.

    What? she asked in a droll tone.

    I hear Key West is, like, the most happening place on the planet, said Amy.

    Gina added, Yeah, a great place to find a beach-buff, hunky guy to exercise with.

    Oh, shut up! Marie was noticeably embarrassed because she didn't date at all. She grabbed her drink and food and quickly headed out of the kitchen. The other three followed her to the home’s ultra high-tech, home theater media room with their food and drinks in hand.

    The doorbell rang again. Monica set her plate and glass down and headed off to get the door.

    While they settled down into the oversized, plush, media room furniture, Marie asked Amy, So, what goes on at Flashworld anyway?

    What do you mean, little Miss Sailor Girl? asked Amy.

    I’m not a sailor. That’s Navy. I’m a guardian, or coastie.

    Oo, sorry, little Miss Toastie-Coastie, Amy kidded.

    Close enough, I guess. Sis tells me that you and Danny are living together.

    Yes, ma’am, and, wow, it is so cool, Amy said. You gotta’ admit, it's hilarious that so many of us are hooking up. I mean, there’s Doug and Carol, our bosses, for crying out loud, who are, like, the coolest couple ever. Then there’s your sister and Gabe doing their thing since the NASPA convention. And Gina, you finally broke the I-date-only-rich-guys syndrome, and you and Matt are together. And then there’s Danny and me.

    Have you guys talked about getting married yet? Gina asked. Where do you think things are heading?

    We’re getting there. It'll happen, but we’re not on the same wavelength about all of the hassle of a full blown wedding.

    Oh, and your wedding would be a helluva show, with lots of pink, Gina said. And there's no telling what your wedding dress would look like since you always wear super-sexy clothes, at least away from the office. Like what you're wearing tonight.

    Amy struck a model's pose and pointed to herself. She wore a tight pair of jeans that rode very low below her waist. Her top was a pink, turtleneck crop top number. And even though it was December and cooler out, she showed a lot of skin. Oh, this little outfit? I just grabbed this out of my closet right before I walked out of the door. Besides, if you think this is sexy, you should see what I wear for Danny around the house.

    What's that? Marie asked. I can probably guess, though.

    Well, Toastie-Coastie, if you guessed just a teensy tee shirt and panties, you'd be correct-a-mundo. Ha! I usually end up naked on the dining room table, or the kitchen counter, or the couch, or the floor, or outside on the deck, or the....

    We get the picture, said Gina.

    It's like we said a few minutes ago, banging Danny is a daily duty. And girls, trust me, that's a very good thing. It's a duty I love, love, love!

    Betty Kessel, Monica and Marie’s mother, Carol Palmer, and several of Monica's other girlfriends and work buddies soon joined them. Everyone was excited to see her again and hear her reports about their honeymoon in Spain. But what everyone wanted most was to see the video of the wedding.

    Does everyone have something to drink and eat? asked Monica. Don’t be shy. Help yourself. Please. I’m not kidding. Eat as much as you can shove down your throats. And I’m warning you now, you’re all leaving with leftovers.

    Well, start the show already, will ya? blurted Amy. We want to see the wedding. She started a chant that everyone joined in on. Wed-ding. Wed-ding. Wed-ding.

    Okay, okay, you guys. Give me a second to get myself situated. Geez, Louise. She plopped down the couch with her sister on either side of their mother. She then hit a few keys on a tablet computer that sat on the coffee table, and the giant flat screen TV monitor blinked to life.

    Hey, what are all the men doing? asked Marie.

    They’re all over at our place watching a hockey game, answered Amy. Danny’s going to send me texts with the score. Go Blues!

    Carol asked, Go Blues?

    St. Louis Blues hockey, baby. They’re playing the Red Wings tonight. Should be an awesome game.

    When did you become a hockey fan?

    Danny turned me on to it. I love it. And I’m here to tell you, nothing turns him on a like good hockey game.

    Betty started to giggle.

    What’s so funny, Mom? asked Monica.

    Oh, your dad likes hockey too. And, I guess, it has the same effect on him.

    Amy stood up in front of Betty. Woo-hoo! That is awesome. High five, Mrs. K.

    High five, Amy.


    Mother! exclaimed Marie.

    There’s a lot about your father and me you don’t know, dear. We have to have a few secrets, don't we?

    Danny Backes’ beautiful house was a half an hour drive outside of Charleston. Only in his late twenties, he successfully earned and saved his entire working life to buy what he considered to be his dream home. It was a great accomplishment. The house was secluded, set in a thick wooded lot that opened to a grassy valley outside of the rear-facing atrium windows. He had always been happy there, and when Amy moved in with him, it got even better. Together they made it a home.

    While the ladies gathered at Gabe and Monica’s house in Charleston, all the men went to Danny’s. It was a big night, a hockey night—Blues versus Red Wings!

    Fred Backes, Danny’s dad, a lifelong Detroit Red Wings fan, had been there since the middle of the afternoon. As he usually did on game nights, he planned on spending the night there so he could enjoy some beers during the game. There was no way that he wasn’t going to watch that game with his son, a diehard St. Louis Blues fan.

    They both had their favorite team’s sweaters on, and they both knew that arguments would break out during the game. Actually, probably longer. They loved to watch hockey together and half the fun was when they argued about it.

    When the doorbell rang, Danny yelled OPEN! Gabe, Mark, and Rodney came in and immediately introduced themselves to Fred.

    "Hi, Mr. Backes. Mark Lingley.

    Rodney Thompson, sir.

    Gabe Tangier.

    Hiya, men. Call me Fred. Glad you could make it.

    Hey, guys, greeted Danny. Beer’s in the fridge. Food on the counter. Help yourself. Whoever the DD is, the coke is on the bottom shelf.

    That would be me, said Gabe.

    So you drew the short straw? asked Fred.

    We take turns. I’m good with it.

    Is it your cooking, Danny? asked Mark. In addition to his professional accomplishments, Danny was also an adept cook, and everyone knew it.

    Actually, Amy did it all. I’ve been teaching her how, and she’s catching on, Danny said.

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