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A Tale of Stacy 1: Pink Cheeks and a Diamond Ring
A Tale of Stacy 1: Pink Cheeks and a Diamond Ring
A Tale of Stacy 1: Pink Cheeks and a Diamond Ring
Ebook29 pages23 minutes

A Tale of Stacy 1: Pink Cheeks and a Diamond Ring

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About this ebook

Stacy finds her normally vanilla romantic life disrupted when she begins a journey of discovery into the world of spanking. Helped along first by her roommate, then by the man she's unjustly friendzoned, her eyes are opened to a whole new world of possibilities and pleasure.

Release dateDec 9, 2017
A Tale of Stacy 1: Pink Cheeks and a Diamond Ring

Lee W Eldridge

Lee W. Eldridge writes erotica for the discerning reader. Lee is a private person, choosing not to share personal details, focusing rather on sharing with readers the titillating tales which originate from an adventurous mind. Lee's writings include themes of BDSM, marriage, and more to come!

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    Book preview

    A Tale of Stacy 1 - Lee W Eldridge

    Pink Cheeks and a Diamond Ring

    A Tale of Stacy: Book One

    By Lee W. Eldridge

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2017, Lee W. Eldridge

    Table of Contents


    Stacy Spanks Lisa

    Jim Spanks Stacy



    All persons herein depicted in sexual situations or described in a suggestive way are of legal age. This work contains acts and content that are sexual in nature and are not suitable for minors or those with religious or conscience-based objections to such material. Do not proceed if you are not of legal age to possess this material.

    Depiction of certain acts in this work does not constitute the author’s endorsement of such acts or practices. Readers should consult a trained professional before engaging in any form of BDSM activity, and never engage in any sexual activity without the full consent of all involved.

    I just don’t get why people would be into that. Stacy flipped her gently curled blonde hair over her shoulder. I mean, plenty of people are, obviously, I just don’t get it. She stretched out on the sofa and scrolled through her Twitter feed on her phone, which was the only thing she really felt like doing on this particular Saturday morning. She hadn't even bothered getting dressed yet. She was still wearing her favorite oversized nightshirt—with nothing under it.

    Don’t knock it ‘till you’ve tried it, Lisa called from the kitchen.

    Shut up! You? Stacy peered over the back of the sofa to get a look at her roommate’s face.

    Why not? Lisa came out of the kitchen, wrapped in her bathrobe and holding a strawberry in one hand.

    You like getting your ass spanked?

    Lisa joined Stacy on the couch, popping the strawberry into her mouth as she sat down. "Who doesn’t like getting a little slap on the ass during

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