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Dick Midnight vs Osiris
Dick Midnight vs Osiris
Dick Midnight vs Osiris
Ebook52 pages43 minutes

Dick Midnight vs Osiris

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About this ebook

In this installment of the acclaimed mytherotica e-book series, celebrated author and creature conquerer Dick Midnight attempts to rescue a prominent archaeology professor who has stumbled across the existence of The Nether Regions. It's a discovery that could blow the lid off the entire profession. But she has ventured into the unknown, and unknown is an unsettling place. Can Dick Midnight rescue her from the clutches of a bona fide God?

Supernatural supersleuth Dick Midnight battles the creatures of our classical mythologies in an effort to rescue abducted women from being slaves to their primal desires. With the help of his striking assistant, an Alabaster Amazon named Xana Pandora, Dick Midnight must travel to a place he refers to as The Nether Regions, home to an endless population of mythological beasts, all dangerous, all imposing, and all with a sexual appetite temporarily quenched only by earthly physical beauty.

When it comes to clashing with the creatures of our mythology, Dick Midnight already knows their names. Now he's here to kick their ass.

PublisherDick Midnight
Release dateOct 13, 2014
Dick Midnight vs Osiris

Dick Midnight

Dick Midnight is a badass.He is also the master of pseudo-biographical mythological erotica, or mytherotica, for short. His stories have been must reads among an established cult following that discovered the works in the recesses of the deep internet. Now, for the first time, the extensive Dick Midnight catalog is gradually being made available in more accessible online venues.For centuries, eons even, artists like Dick Midnight have warned of the dangers of the creatures of our mythology, looming in the shadows, on the fringes of civilization. But as science and academia have taken hold and proclaimed Gods and beasts as little more than figments of our active imaginations, we have let down our guard. When an unexplained abduction occurs, and Dick Midnight's services are requested, his double duty begins. He is at once monster slayer, damsel rescuer, and entertaining, engrossing, erotica wordsmith.A complex personality with his own inner demons, Dick Midnight can be aloof and distant, intense and quippy, and often seemingly on the verge of spinning out of control.But damn, can he write.

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