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A Tale of Stacy 2: Hot Buns and a Collar
A Tale of Stacy 2: Hot Buns and a Collar
A Tale of Stacy 2: Hot Buns and a Collar
Ebook31 pages24 minutes

A Tale of Stacy 2: Hot Buns and a Collar

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About this ebook

Newlywed Stacy revels in her discovery that spanking gives her pleasure and begins to explore the world of BDSM with her new husband. Spankings, blowjobs, and passionate sex are wonderful, but when her best friend Lisa gives her a provocative wedding gift, she faces a risky and life-changing decision. Or is it?

Release dateDec 17, 2017
A Tale of Stacy 2: Hot Buns and a Collar

Lee W Eldridge

Lee W. Eldridge writes erotica for the discerning reader. Lee is a private person, choosing not to share personal details, focusing rather on sharing with readers the titillating tales which originate from an adventurous mind. Lee's writings include themes of BDSM, marriage, and more to come!

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    Book preview

    A Tale of Stacy 2 - Lee W Eldridge

    Hot Buns and a Collar

    A Tale of Stacy: Book Two

    By Lee W. Eldridge

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2017, Lee W. Eldridge

    Other Books by Lee W. Eldridge

    A Tale of Stacy

    Pink Cheeks and a Diamond Ring

    Table of Contents



    The Morning After

    Lisa's Gift

    Stacy's Decision




    All persons herein depicted in sexual situations or described in a suggestive way are of legal age. This work contains acts and content that are sexual in nature and are not suitable for minors or those with religious or conscience-based objections to such material. Do not proceed if you are not of legal age to possess this material.

    Depiction of certain acts in this work does not constitute the author’s endorsement of such acts or practices. Readers should consult a trained professional before engaging in any form of BDSM activity, and never engage in any sexual activity without the full consent of all involved.

    Stacy had never imagined that her wedding would take place in her to-be husband’s apartment with her best friend as the sole witness, but that’s exactly what happened. Her vows were short and sweet, and she found herself unbelievably aroused by both the fact that as she said them, she wore nothing at all underneath the lower part of her little red dress, and the inclusion in the vows of her promise to obey her new husband. She hadn’t thought of herself as an obedient kind of woman, but as she said the words she realized that something felt extremely right about them. That, and the heat radiating from her nearly exposed vagina, which was leaking all down her thighs. Her best friend Lisa had been shocked when she arrived and discovered that she was there to witness Stacy’s sudden wedding, but had gone along with it after a quick little heart-to-heart during which Stacy persuaded her that this was what she wanted. The vows were now said, kisses exchanged, and

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