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Ultrapowerful Jesus
Ultrapowerful Jesus
Ultrapowerful Jesus
Ebook66 pages35 minutes

Ultrapowerful Jesus

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One of the oldest terms for God is El. This El Gibbor, which is conventionally translated as Mighty God, is an all-powerful Deity who constantly shows his rule and reign on Earth. Remember the Hebrew Writ? It has given us a brilliant perspective on this Supreme Personality.

Creative Powers

If you are into cosmogony, you may have looked into the immense postulations of science, history, and religion concerning the progressive formation of the universe and time-worlds. But in order to really understand how it all came to be, we have to consider first that there's a self-existent and all-knowing Creator who has brought forth the created worlds out of his own potency. Remember, as Maker, the Divine Spirit is distinct from his creations.

El's omnipotence is particularly revealed in the works of creation. When the Creator called the worlds into existence, the cosmos and all things therein plus the successive ages were set in order by his command. His omniscience as well is generally seen in his control over the world's inhabited surface. His tremendous intelligence and consummate skill is obvious in all that incredible scheme of providence by which he administers and provides for his creatures.

"It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens."
(Jeremiah 10:12 ESV )

No one really knows for sure how the universe came into being, but we can perceive that the visible has its origin in the invisible.

"For the universe owes its origin to Him, was created by Him, and has its aim and purpose in Him. To Him be the glory throughout the Ages! Amen."
(Romans 11:36 WNT)

PublisherTim Liwanag
Release dateDec 20, 2017
Ultrapowerful Jesus

Tim Liwanag

Tim Liwanag is an active digizen, a social innovator contributing various info as a writer/author on Amazon, Blogger, Quora, Facebook, Wattpad, Wikipedia, etc. Outside his intellectual hobbies and his fascination for the ancient script Baybayin, he is definitely interested in Filipino World Records, causes, distance learning, entrepreneurship, and superhero or sci-fi movies.Hey, you're never too old to do something amazing for God's glory and for people of any age to live a fulfilled life!

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    Ultrapowerful Jesus - Tim Liwanag


    Copyright 2017 Tim Liwanag

    Published by Tim Liwanag at Smashwords

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    Table of Contents






    Story 1: Heaven-sent


    God Was Manifested In The Flesh

    The Mystery of Godliness

    Story 2: Liberty and Serene


    Jesus — The Name Of The One Lord, The One God


    Kingdom Taken, Kingdom Given

    Christ's Kingdom


    The Christ In You Mystery

    The Christian Fulfillment




    Connect with Tim Liwanag


    This work is dedicated to my one and only steadfast mother, Glory, who is celebrating her 72nd birthday today. You’ve shown me the will and strength to keep on living even when pain and sufferings seemed unabating.

    Mom, my work in the Lord is not yet finished and I am grateful for your fortitude and care. May God grant you more grace and years to enjoy life and companionship. We love you so much.


    SPECIAL THANKS to my lovely wife, Grace, and my daughters, Gwen, Love, and Zsofi; my sister Iris and her son JR, my nephew; my brothers & sisters in the faith; my on/offline friends and the anonymous who freely shared not just their studies but their lives as well in glorifying Jesus Christ's Name through the publication and distribution of this book.

    Thank you, ABBA (Father), for everything. Hallelujesus!

    We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;

    (1 Thessalonians 1:2)


    Dear Reader, do you depend absolutely on what God has revealed in the Holy Bible? Do you want the truth, and only the truth? If so, we are agreeing then that we can have God's message in all its truth. But hold on. How can we have the full message of God today?

    Well, here's Apostle Paul's answer: the power of the Spirit of God... I have fully preached the gospel of Christ... (Rom 15:19)

    So if God had communicated directly His Gospel in its entirety in the past through His chosen messengers then we have the full message of God today. The Apostle's words here would

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