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The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon
The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon
The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon
Ebook247 pages3 hours

The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon

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Madison Phillips' knew she wanted Logan Dalton the moment she slapped eyes on him in a Bistro in the heart of Texas. Logan was Dalton oil, an Oil Magnate and the CEO of the family business since the age of 22. Women flocked around him and he had no qualms using them for his pleasures.

Logan got the surprise of his life when his newly appointed pilot was none other than the Wildcat that had kissed his socks off by the side of the road. On their first flight together she made it clear that she had every intention of sleeping with him.

Logan's hate and cynicism drove him away from love. He used women as and when he needed and she would be no different. He annoyed her to no end with all the women she had to cart around on his dates.

Madison had enough after four weeks of this torture and took matters in her own hands. From that moment on he was lost to others as she set out to tempt him beyond belief.

Logan made it clear that he didn't believe in love and marriage right from the start. For him it was only sex and all it would ever be. Would Madison succeed in her quest to make him see the error of his ways?

PublisherLinzi Basset
Release dateJan 1, 2018
The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon

Linzi Basset

“Isn’t it a universal truth that it’s our singular experiences and passion, for whatever thing or things, which molds us all into the individuals we become? Whether it's hidden in the depths of our soul or exposed for all to see?” Linzi Basset is a South African born animal rights supporter with a poet’s heart, and she is also a bestselling fiction writer of suspense filled romance erotica books; who as the latter, refuses to be bound to any one sub-genre. She prefers instead to stretch herself as a storyteller which has resulted in her researching and writing historical and even paranormal themed works. Her initial offering: Club Alpha Cove, a BDSM club suspense series released back in 2015, reached Amazon’s Bestseller list, and she has been on those lists ever since. Labelling her as prolific is a gross understatement as just a few short years later she has now been published forty-one times; a total which fails to take into account the three other published works of her alter ego: Isabel James who co-authors—nor does it include the five additional new works marked for imminent release. “I write from the inside out. My stories are both inside me and a part of me so it can be either pleasurable to release them or painful to carve them out. I live every moment of every story I write. So, if you're looking for spicy and suspenseful, I'm your girl... woman... writer... you know what I mean!" Linzi believes that by telling stories in her own voice, she can better share with her readers the essence of her being: her passionate nature; her motivations; and her wildest fantasies. She feels every touch as she writes, every kiss, every harsh word uttered, and this to her is the key to a never-ending love of writing. Ultimately, all books by Linzi Basset are about passion. To her, passion is the driving force of all emotion; whether it be lust, desire, hate, trust, or love. This is the underlying message contained in her books. Her advice: “Believe in the passions driving your desires; live them; enjoy them; and allow them to bring you happiness.” Follow Linzi everywhere:

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    The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon - Linzi Basset

    The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon

    Linzi Basset

    Copyright © 2016 Linzi Basset All rights reserved

    The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon

    Copyright © 2016 Linzi Basset

    Published & Cover Design: Linzi Basset

    Editor: Anumeha Gokhale

    ISBN-13: 978-1539534907

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, business establishments, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    Linzi Basset has asserted her rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this eBook/Book only. No part of this eBook may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Warning: This book set contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. This book set is for sale to adults only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase.

    Disclaimer: Neither the publisher nor the author will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from use of the information contained in this book.


    Authors Note

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Books Written As Linzi Basset

    About The Author


    Dear Reader,

    Thank you for reading my stories. My stories are filled with dominant Alpha males, who know what they want and take it. They are all gorgeous, successful, rich and woman flock over them. Their women are sassy, beautiful and full of spirit. Not always from the rich and famous, but they know what they want and work hard to achieve success.

    These stories are steamy romance novels with a high level of eroticism, based on mature couples that are not scared to explore the sensual emotions they awaken in each other. Remember, these stories are mostly compressed in a very short time span, with lust and love that explode almost from the first page. In real life, always take care with your heart and emotions.

    He taunted her with his string of floozies and desire for her ... he got more than he bargained for!

    Madison Phillips’ knew she wanted Logan Dalton the moment she slapped eyes on him in a Bistro in the heart of Texas. Logan was Dalton oil, an Oil Magnate and the CEO of the family business since the age of 22. Women flocked around him and he had no qualms using them for his pleasures.

    Logan got the surprise of his life when his newly appointed pilot was none other than the Wildcat that had kissed his socks off by the side of the road. On their first flight together she made it clear that she had every intention of sleeping with him.

    Logan's hate and cynicism drove him away from love. He used women as and when he needed and she would be no different. He annoyed her to no end with all the women she had to cart around on his dates.

    Madison had enough after four weeks of this torture and took matters in her own hands. From that moment on he was lost to others as she set out to tempt him beyond belief.

    Logan made it clear that he didn't believe in love and marriage right from the start. For him it was only sex and all it would ever be. Would Madison succeed in her quest to make him see the error of his ways?

    Happy reading.


    Chapter One

    W hat the devil were you thinking, Shane? A woman?

    Logan Dalton glared at his brother and threw the file down on the table between them. They were having breakfast at the most popular bistro in town. Shane took a sip of his espresso, totally unmoved by his older brother’s outburst. He put down his cup and leaned back in the chair with a raised eyebrow.

    Remind me again what the stipulations were when you told me to find a replacement for Drew?

    Logan lifted the file again and slapped it back on the table. That’s beside the point. You should have known better.

    You said—‘find another pilot, Shane, and fast’—so I did. One that’s qualified with good references, unattached, and willing to work long hours; a pilot that can charter a variety of planes as well as a chopper.

    I know what I said, Logan ground out through clenched teeth.

    Hmm . . . then I don’t understand the problem, big bro. She is highly qualified; has excellent references; is unattached; willing to work long hours; and can charter a variety of planes and choppers. He snickered as he ticked the requirements off on his fingers.

    Logan combed his large hands through his short cropped, medium brown hair. He huffed and glared at Shane again.

    You know as well as I do, how demanding the job is. Why do you think Drew ran out on me? I don’t have the time to wait around for hours for a female that titivates before she trots down to the chopper, while a rig burns down.

    Shane shook his head and burst out laughing.

    Titivates? Trots? You’ve been around too many pampered socialites lately. I spoke to Hugh Booth, the CEO at American Airlines myself. He’s highly annoyed that she decided to leave them. She’s one of their best and most qualified pilots, and immediately available.

    A Boeing pilot? Argh, Shane.

    Amongst other things. Damn, Logan, just give the woman a chance. If it doesn’t work out, at least it’ll give us more time to find someone else.

    Damn Drew for just walking off in the middle of the night.

    Yeah . . . so unlike him, but he had to get back to Seattle to patch up his marriage. You know Delia walked out on him because of the hours he kept.

    He knew what the hours were like when he took the job and, for that matter, so did she when they got married. Oil refineries aren’t a child’s play, Shane. You should know that by now.

    He opened the file and paged through the résumé, background checks and references, frowning as he went.

    If she’s that good, why is she available immediately?

    She resigned two months ago and her final day was at the end of last month. Personal issues, that had nothing to do with work, and neither did he want to elaborate. We’re only one of five other offers she had on the table.

    He looked at her background checks and frowned again. She has a Master’s degree in Corporate Finance. Why is she a damn pilot then? I sincerely hope we’re not going to be drawn into dramas and all kinds of nonsense. Did you interview her at all?

    Only by phone, and I was duly impressed. Trust me, brother. I won’t hog you down with an incompetent pilot.

    The doorbell above the door tingled. Logan glanced up and froze. He breathed in slowly and forced his heart hammering inside his chest, to slow down. A slow breath expelled from his lungs as his vision was filled with enticement. His eyes glittered heatedly. She stood inside the door, looking around for a second before heading to an empty table across from theirs. She was absolutely exquisite. So sensual, his mouth watered as his eyes caressed down her body. A tight white shirt was tied in a knot just below her breasts leaving her toned stomach bare, which he barely noticed as his gaze zeroed on the round globes that strained against the confinement of the blouse. Logan swallowed as he took in the tiny denim shorts that hugged her curvy hips. Her legs were impossibly long, lean and yet womanly shaped, with rounded calves that curved into small ankles that were encased in brown Cats boots.

    Honey colored, light brown hair with highlights, enhanced her face with bangs that reached her eyebrows. He couldn’t tear his eyes from the most luscious, kissable mouth that enhanced her angelic face. With her tousled hair, she was lust and temptation personified.

    She sank in the chair gracefully and folded her long legs under the table. A waitress approached her and her lips curved into a broad smile. His breath snagged in his throat as that smile tugged at something inside him. Damn. She was gorgeous. His arousal pulsed in agreement as it pressed harder and harder against his pants.

    Shane waved his hand in front of Logan’s face. When his gaze remained fixated to the left of him, he turned and followed his gaze.

    Hot damn! His reaction was immediate, and drew Logan growl, drawing Shane’s attention back to him. His warning gaze threatened to slice his brother in two.

    Keep away, little bro. She’s mine.

    Hey. Not fair. She can choose which one of us she wants.

    I mean it, Shane.

    Shane chuckled and shook his head. This is the first time I have ever seen you react to any woman like this. Damn . . . you don’t even know her and you’re already possessive.

    Leave off, Shane.

    His gaze swung back to her and clashed with eyes as blue as the ocean. She returned his stare unflinchingly for at least a minute. Then her eyes ran down his body, all the way to his booted feet tucked under the table, and then very slowly back up, to hover for a tad on his broad muscled chest and his full lips.

    Shane noticed the exchange and chuckled. Looks like the lady has already made her choice.

    The waitress returned with her order and broke the connection. She gave a soft, husky laugh that shot straight to his groin, hardening his dick even more. He couldn’t wait to hear that husky voice whispering in his ear when he had her under him, in his bed, fucking her until she screamed and begged for release.

    MADISON FORCED HER eyes to remain on the plate in front of her as she ate in automated mode. Her loins tingled painfully from the rush of heat that had shot straight there when her eyes clashed with the lustful gaze of the hunk of a man sitting across from her.

    She didn’t have to look his way again to be reminded what he looked like. He was ruggedly handsome and big, even sitting behind the table. His cropped hairstyle enhanced his muscular square face, and his clear green eyes shone like glittering emeralds. His face was absolute chiseled perfection. She noticed a slight dimple in his cheek when he smiled briefly at the man opposite to him. That smile was what gutted her in the stomach. This was a man that could easily reduce her to a puddle of steam at his feet.

    He had an air of command that added to the sensuality that oozed from him. He was definitely someone that was used to being in control. When he frowned at the man across the table from him and then chuckled, she nearly choked on the food in her mouth.

    Good heavens! It was seduction in a laugh. That man clearly had the ability to make a woman’s toes curl with nothing more than a heated look; somewhat like hers were doing in her boots at that very moment.

    It was a definite sin that a man should be that gorgeous. It was not good for a lonely, frustrated female’s libido, so early in the morning. She grinned at the thought. Maybe moving to Texas wasn’t such a bad decision. There were hunks galore in this town.

    Perhaps that was the way to go. Find a friend . . . with benefits . . . sexual benefits, of course. Forget about long term relationships and . . . and fiancés.

    She waited for the hurt to clamp around her heart. A slow smile curved her lips when there was nothing. Perhaps the saying was true, ‘time heals all wounds.’ Or perhaps what her sister had claimed was even truer. That she’d never really loved Andreas Watts.

    She finished her meal and glanced briefly in his direction again, thrilled when his eyes burned into hers. She sighed when his attention was drawn by a grizzly older man that thumped him on his shoulder and started chatting about football. As she paid her bill at the counter, her thoughts were full of possibilities of the exciting road ahead.

    She ignored the whistles from a bunch of rowdy males. A warm hand suddenly pressed intimately against her stomach and stopped her in her tracks. She glared at the large blond man grinning up at her from his seat. Her voice shot shards of ice down at him.

    Kindly remove your hand from my person.

    C’mon, darling. We should get to know one another better.

    I’m quite particular about who I get to know better. Even more so about whom I allow to lay their hands on me. Last warning, chum. Remove your paw. Her voice remained calm, but increased in volume.

    Logan looked up at the raised voice and rage filled him at the sight of the man’s hand on his woman’s torso. His woman. He snorted at the thought as he pushed his chair back, but Old Grey, the man next to him, moved swiftly to intercede. Before he reached them, however, she’d gripped the man’s thumb, pressed hers into the pressure point just inside his wrist and twisted his finger. He howled and slid out of his chair to fall on his knees in front of her. She dropped his hand and took a step back. The blond man growled and rose to his full height, glaring down at her.

    You bitch, the man seethed.

    Now see here, young man. This is Texas, and here we treat our women with respect. Ye’re clearly new to the town or just passin’ through, so ya might no’ know of it. She told ya to move ya paw.. Ya got what ya deserved. Hit the road.. Ye’re no longer welcome here.

    He huffed, but had no intention of arguing with the mountain of man glaring at him. He swung around and stormed outside.

    Old Grey looked down at Madison, a slow smile on his lips.

    Ya okay, little lady?

    I’m fine, thank you very much. She went on her toes and kissed the grizzly old man on his weathered cheek. He chuckled with glee and gestured at his grandson standing behind the counter.

    John, walk the little miss her vehicle. That scumbag might just lurk around the corner waitin’ for her.

    John was all too eager and gallantly held the door open for her. Her gaze was involuntarily drawn to the hunk, who now stood next to his table, and she smiled. He’d clearly intended to come to her aid. She cursed her tendency to act too quickly sometimes. She could have pretended shock and shivered in his arms . . . hell no. She was no helpless little miss. Any man that wanted her needed to know that and accept her as she was.

    Not like Andreas. Andreas who’d said she was too strong for him; too aggressive; and too wild.

    The minute she disappeared outside, Logan made to follow her, but Shane prevented him from leaving as he handed him his cell phone.

    It’s Dad. There’s a problem at the plant in Keller.

    He sighed, realizing he’d missed the opportunity to get any closer to the wildcat as he watched her walk away.

    Shane left to meet a friend, and soon, Logan was on his way home; the White Oaks Ranch that bordered on Lake Weatherford. He relaxed and was driving leisurely out of town, heading to the ranch, when a Ducati Diavel Carbon 1200 powered past him.

    A flash of long naked legs hugging the powerful machine had him downshifting as he sped after her. It was his wildcat from the café, and this time, she wouldn’t get away from him. Her Ducati was powerful and fast, but no match for his Bentley.

    MADISON NOTICED THE black sports car staying close on her heels, but couldn’t identify the driver. Worry showed in the frown between her brows that it might be the blond jerk from the café following her. Then she shrugged that concern off. There was no way that jock would be able to afford such a car. She increased speed and took a few short corners and turns, but he kept hugging her back wheel. She overtook a slow truck and swerved in front of it sharply, a millisecond before an upcoming vehicle whizzed by. She sped up and parked on the side of the road around the next bend.

    She threw her leg over and off the bike, took her helmet off, hooked it around one handle, and turned around, waiting for the black Bentley to appear.

    Logan grinned when he saw the fiery woman waiting for him on the side of the road. Her stance challenged him. The fists on her hips and wide spread legs were a testimony to her irritation. He pulled over, threw the door open and unfolded his long length out of the low car.

    He kept his eyes on her and felt satisfaction ripple through him when her eyes flared the moment she recognized him. He shortened the distance between them with long, slow strides and stopped at an arm’s length from her. Her eyes up close were captivating, a shade between the deep blue sea and the clear blue sky. At this moment, they flashed fire at him and his lips curved into a wide grin.

    The moment Madison recognized the hunk from the café, she cursed. She should have known he was some rich, hunky . . . damn tycoon. The car and the confident way he prowled closer were testimony to his status in life. A life she had left behind eight years ago.

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