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Caramel Candy: Jack & Janice #1
Caramel Candy: Jack & Janice #1
Caramel Candy: Jack & Janice #1
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Caramel Candy: Jack & Janice #1

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"Don't stop, white boy... Oh God please don't stop..."

After being unceremoniously dumped by Zoey, Jack's rules of engagement are steadfast -- Don't get involved with the women at work. Good friend, and co-worker, Janice, is determined to change his mind.

Brazenly audacious and darkly alluring, Janice has secretly desired Jack for years, and now that he's finally single, she sets a plan of conquest in motion.

But what she discovers in Jack will change her forever, and irrevocably joined, two lonely desperate people unleash their primal urges, and take a frenzied, wanton leap into a love that knows no color...

Caramel Candy is the first in a trilogy, but can be read as a whole. It features a happy-for-now ending with no cliffhanger.

This edition includes material not included in the original release. It was added by Maxine to widen the scope of the story and provide additional depth and dimension to the characters. The publishers hope you enjoy this new rendition.

Release dateDec 19, 2017
Caramel Candy: Jack & Janice #1

Maxine Clematis

Maxine Clematis has a BA in English and has been writing for many years. She is one of the industry's best-kept secrets, but a cult favorite with fans. Her stories are richly diverse and always well written, populated by believable characters exploring raw emotion, and filled with scorching encounters that burn the page like fire.

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    Book preview

    Caramel Candy - Maxine Clematis


    By Maxine Clematis

    Copyright 2017 by Maxine Clematis

    All rights reserved.

    First Printing 2014 as Primal Urge

    Cover is stock photography and used with permission.

    This novella contains explicit sexual encounters between consenting adults.

    This edition includes material not included in the original release. It was added by Maxine to widen the scope of the story and provide additional depth and dimension to the characters. The publishers hope you enjoy this new rendition.


    Don't stop, white boy... Oh God please don't stop...

    After being unceremoniously dumped by Zoey, Jack's rules of engagement are steadfast -- Don't get involved with the women at work. Good friend, and co-worker, Janice, is determined to change his mind.

    Brazenly audacious and darkly alluring, Janice has secretly desired Jack for years, and now that he's finally single, she sets a plan of conquest in motion.

    But what she discovers in Jack will change her forever, and irrevocably joined, two lonely desperate people unleash their primal urges, and take a frenzied, wanton leap into a love that knows no color...

    Caramel Candy is the first in a trilogy, but can be read as a whole. It features a happy-for-now ending with no cliffhanger.

    This edition includes material not included in the original release. It was added by Maxine to widen the scope of the story and provide additional depth and dimension to the characters. The publishers hope you enjoy this new rendition.

    Caramel Candy


    INTRODUCTION: Jack: Special Occasion

    PROLOGUE: Janice: Local Call

    CHAPTER ONE: Courting Fate

    CHAPTER TWO: Dance With The Devil

    CHAPTER THREE: Primal Urges

    CHAPTER FOUR: Bonding

    CHAPTER FIVE: Juicy Bits

    CHAPTER SIX: Different Strokes

    CHAPTER SEVEN: Morning Light


    Jack: Special Occasion

    Jack awoke from the nightmare and lay still in the darkness, breathing hard and sweating.

    Memories from years ago crowded in on him in the darkness as he stared vacantly at the ceiling and listened to Zoey's steady breathing beside him. He hadn't dreamed of Mexico in a couple of months, and he wondered dazedly why he'd done so, now.

    Pale light from the parking lot glowed against the drawn blinds. Outside, it was snowing, the bitter Wisconsin wind rattling the windowpane, but here in Zoey's soft bed, it was warm and safe. She lay on her side, back to him, dressed in her usual bedtime attire of t-shirt and panties, and his erection pressed against her bottom through the silky material.

    Goddamn Viagra, he thought.

    He'd taken the shit earlier that night in hopes of maybe getting some, but of course she'd said no. Just five months into the relationship, she'd been saying no a lot lately, and that forced him, not for the first time, to wonder what was going on in their relationship.

    Jack pushed his pelvis against her gently. Her small, lithe form stirred but did not awaken.

    Jack sighed again as he enjoyed her warmth. Zoey had the most scrumptiously rounded rump he'd ever had the pleasure of possessing, and the sight of its naked beauty could still force him to lick his lips...

    The first time had been at the Wright Inn in Chicago. He'd made the trip over from Michigan; she'd driven down from Green Bay. They were in the middle of a long-distance relationship that was driving them crazy, and this was the first time they'd seen each other since she'd transferred to the new store two months ago.

    There had been a mix-up in the reservation, so they ended up in the bridal suite. Jack thought that was pretty ironic. It was the only room available that late, but Zoey bullied the clerk into charging them the regular room rate.

    Jack watched the two of them go at it in the lobby and kept his mouth shut. He already knew from working with her every day that it was a waste of energy to argue with Zoey when she was in a combative mood. Tonight, she was especially feisty. She'd gotten lost coming into the city, and was tired and ornery, and he let the clerk find out the hard way, thinking, you go, girl, and smiling inside.

    The smiling stopped when they finally entered the room.

    They call this the bridal suite? Zoey exclaimed with disgust.

    It's pretty small, Jack agreed.

    He set his bag down and glanced around the tiny room. There was a layer of dust on the furniture, and the AC fan clanked loudly.

    Not what you'd expect for over two hundred a night, he said.

    This isn't even a king-sized bed, Zoey complained, staring at it with distaste. She sat down and shook her head. The mattress is lumpy, too. She stared at him pointedly. Who in the hell recommended this place to you?

    My brother mentioned it one time, Jack said, and couldn't help grinning at her annoyed expression. He lives about five streets over.

    We should've stayed at his place.

    "We could've, but you wanted to keep this -- whatever this is -- a secret."

    Zoey stared around the room and sighed. I know.

    Well, the bathroom better be the shit. I need to take a shower.

    Okay, she said. I'll get unpacked.

    The bathroom was impressive -- complete with a huge marble Jacuzzi and an inlaid stone shower with multiple heads. Jack had no idea why a bride and groom would require facilities this immense unless they planned on inviting the entire wedding party. He supposed it could happen -- if you believed half the stuff you saw on social media, young couples were into a lot of weird shit these days.

    He stepped into the shower, turned on the faucets, and allowed the hot water to pound against his skull, hoping the heat and wetness would drive the maddening confusion from his brain.

    Jack still wasn't sure what this rendezvous was all about. He'd told Zoey he was coming over to visit his brother, and it was she who had suggested the hookup. Even though he was no longer living with his wife, he was still legally married, and Zoey had mentioned that fact once or twice during those phone calls. She seemed to be confused about things, as well, although she wouldn't admit it.

    And yet, here they were, and strictly due to her suggestion. Nothing had been said about any funny stuff, and so he wasn't completely sure if that possibility was even on the menu. They'd exchanged a few kisses before she'd left, but those had been relatively chaste. And her whole attitude about keeping their relationship a secret left him feeling uneasy.

    The entire situation didn't make much sense, but his attraction to her ran too deep, and he was powerless to question things further.

    The hot water beat down on him, soothing his strained nerves. He heard the bathroom door open and then Zoey was there, grinning like a Cheshire cat, her small naked body emerging from the swirling steam.

    Want some company? she asked, joining him beneath the spray.

    Jack was surprised and grateful and embarrassed all at once. He was almost thirty-nine and she was twenty-three, and although he kept in shape, he still felt old and vulnerable as he beheld her youthful firmness.

    He watched the water running across her breasts in shining rivulets, down her flat belly and into the dense brown tangle at her juncture. Her areolas were the color and texture of her lips, pink and succulent, the tiny nipples abnormally distended. The grin faded for a moment as she traced the ragged scar on his chest.

    What happened?

    Mexico, Jack said softly.

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