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His Unsuspecting Heart
His Unsuspecting Heart
His Unsuspecting Heart
Ebook102 pages1 hour

His Unsuspecting Heart

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

When Lord Giles’ grandmother sends him on a fool’s errand requiring him to gain entry into her former home, he strikes up a friendship with the daughter of the new resident, Miss Tabitha Minnet.

Tabby’s search for a husband has brought her, along with every other lady of marriageable age, to London for the Season. She isn’t particular about titles and income, as long as her future husband is kind, honest, and an excellent kisser. The one she’s particularly interested in happens to be the brother-in-law of her dearest friend. Lord Giles is quite the catch!

A madcap cat and mouse chase ensues as Lord Giles searches for his grandmother’s lost treasure while avoiding the young lady his great uncle the Duke of Danby plans for him to wed. The more time he spends with Tabby, the less interest he has in Grandmother’s wishes, which has him dangerously close to falling in love. Will he find the treasure before losing his heart to Tabby?

This novella was included in the Outwitting the Duke anthology.

PublisherAileen Fish
Release dateDec 28, 2017
His Unsuspecting Heart

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    Book preview

    His Unsuspecting Heart - Aileen Fish

    Chapter 1

    April 1817


    E llie, who is that handsome man just there? The one with thick, luscious brown hair and brooding expression? Miss Tabitha Minett fluttered her fan before her face to keep her words from carrying far.

    Which one? Fully half of the men in the ballroom have brown hair and brooding brows, Eleanor, Lady Wickham whispered back. And don’t tell me he’s the one in the black coat, either, for the same reason. Point with your fan if you must.

    Tabby snapped her fan closed in his direction. There, Ellie. Beside Lady Barbara.

    Ellie’s laughter rang out musically, drawing looks from the people around them. That’s Lord Giles, Wickham’s brother. Have you not been introduced? Come, I shall rectify that at once. She began to march away, a soldier in her duty to seeing her friend as happily married as she was.

    No! Wouldn’t that be too obvious? I must be coy, try to draw his attention on my own. Opening her fan again, she fluttered it delicately just below her eyes and peered over the lace edge.

    Not that way. You look like a spy. Try this. Ellie lifted her fan to hide her neck and the barest bit of her chin. She smiled, dipped her head and glanced up through her lashes. Now you do it.

    Tabby was foolish to even consider flirting. She had no skills when it came to men. The fact that she was one-and-twenty and had yet to even draw the interest of a man her father considered suitable proved she was hopeless. No man as handsome as Lord Giles would notice her.

    Are you ill, dear wife? Lord Wickham appeared at Ellie’s side, biting the corner of his lips in a failed attempt to hide a smile.

    Tabby blushed, even though the words hadn’t been directed at her. Had Wickham heard them discuss his brother? She’d be mortified if he had. She’d never show her face in London again.

    Ellie slanted a look at Tabby with a broad smile. No, dear. I was merely demonstrating the myriad ways a lady could use her fan to communicate with a gentleman.

    He cleared his throat and pulled his cravat away from his neck. I wouldn’t recommend doing so, Miss Minett, in spite of what my wife has told you. You’re as likely to signal the desire for an assignation as for conversation. Why doesn’t your sex make it easy on us men and simply request an introduction? That’s the best way to declare your attraction to him.

    Slapping his arm with her fan, Ellie said, A direct approach such as that might easily be mistaken as a desire for an assignation as you have said.

    Shutting them out of her thoughts, Tabby rose on her toes to study the room. Where had he gone? She might not directly ask for an introduction, but since she’d met Lady Barbara through Ellie, Tabby could receive an introduction by happenstance.

    But Lady Barbara was nowhere to be seen. Nor Lord Giles. Drat. Wickham’s distraction made her lose sight of the one person she longed to meet. If Lord Giles shared his brother’s temperament, he’d be everything Tabby longed for in a husband. Intelligent. Loving. Considerate. And not so full of his own importance to believe he’s above all others in the room.

    She sighed. He was perfect.

    He was standing directly in front of her.

    Tabby’s heart stopped beating for five full counts and it took another two before she could inhale. Had he seen her watching him?

    Grandmama wishes to leave, Lady Barbara said to Ellie. May I tell her you and Wickham will protect me from any vile rogues in attendance?

    Wickham’s lips drew back on one side in a wry smile. I shall speak to her and wait with her for the carriage. She’ll allow you to remain with us. The night is still young.

    Lady Barbara bounced on her toes and gave her brother a peck on the cheek. Thank you.

    In the span of seconds it took for anyone else to speak, Tabby felt panic swallowing her again. What should she say to Lord Giles? After they were introduced, that is. Oh, why wasn’t someone introducing them?

    Giles, have you met our friend Miss Minett? Her mother and mine are close. Ellie nudged Tabby with her elbow causing her to bump into Lord Giles.

    He grasped her upper arms to prevent her from falling. Delighted to meet you.

    Thank you, was all she could say. What was Ellie thinking?

    Lady Barbara must have caught something in Ellie’s expression. Brother, the poor girl isn’t dancing. You must stand up with her in the next set. Being seen with you would raise her esteem in the eyes of the other men.

    Tabby swooned and nearly fell against Lord Giles once more. She glared at her two friends hoping they’d understand her plea to not embarrass her further. Why not directly tell the man she was undesirable and not worth his notice?

    I’d be delighted, although some of the matrons might scratch her name off their guest lists. They’d realize how much prettier she is than their daughters.

    Heat washed over Tabby. Please, do not tease me so. I’m liable to fall over my own feet from self-consciousness while I dance. She fanned herself vigorously, unable to lift her gaze to meet Lord Giles’.

    Shortly thereafter, with no more damage to Tabby’s composure, Lord Giles led her to the center of the room, where a waltz had been announced. Her evening couldn’t get any worse. She should be delighted to be held in Lord Giles’ arms, but she trembled with worry that he knew she’d been watching him.

    She placed her hand on his shoulder, holding herself as far away as she could.

    Lord Giles urged her closer with his hand against her back. I won’t bite you, I promise.

    Of course not. Her laugh sounded like a wool-headed ninny. My mother is here and might think I’m causing a scandal. Now she’d proven she was a wool-headed ninny.

    I’ll refrain from taking you out on the balcony after the dance.

    Drat! He’d wanted to go somewhere private with her? No, he was surely teasing her. They’d just met. As the music swelled and she floated across the floor in his arms, Tabby convinced herself he was merely the brother of her friends. Not the most handsome man in the room. Not the one who, only moments ago, she’d imagined herself marrying.

    He danced with such grace she wished the music would never stop, but it did. Shall I return you to your mother, or my sisters?

    "Your sisters, please. I’ve been attempting to avoid Mama all evening. She plans to introduce me to the

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