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Step 4: Understand and Complete One Step At A Time in Recovery with Alcoholics Anonymous
Step 4: Understand and Complete One Step At A Time in Recovery with Alcoholics Anonymous
Step 4: Understand and Complete One Step At A Time in Recovery with Alcoholics Anonymous
Ebook20 pages15 minutes

Step 4: Understand and Complete One Step At A Time in Recovery with Alcoholics Anonymous

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After 35 in the Program of Alcoholics Anonymous, I am still in awe of the miracles I see. People who are so messed up when they first come into this program and totally change into a rational, even thinking human beings. This happens not by just going to meetings, that won't do it. It is only by fully immersing yourself into the 12 Steps that an incredible metamorphosis happens.

Trembling despairing people turn into people you would be pleased to know. Even to call them a friend, when a few short months before you wouldn't have allowed them into your home. By being honest with yourself, working to live on a spiritual basis and getting an open mind for new approaches to life is a big part of how it works.

This is not a religious movement at all. Religion has rules. Spirituality has only guidelines and suggestions. The person is free to find their own way looking only to live by spiritual principals instead of their previous personality. The true beauty of this process is you get better in spite of yourself. You simply follow the steps and changes within happen. Even those around you, like friends and family, will notice a difference. It seems that once we address the spiritual sickness within (because we spiritual beings) we straighten out mentally and physically. Over the last 35 years, I have had wonderous experiences, some of which I share in this guide.

Even if your issue is not alcohol, this process will help you. Food, gambling, porn addiction, anger, you name the issue and the steps will help you out of it. Just do a Google search and look for groups like gamblers anonymous and over-eaters anonymous. They all use the 12 step process because it works. It actually works. You just have to get honest and work through the 12 step process.

I wanted to put a 12 step guide into today's language to make the process easier to do so you would get a better understanding of what you're doing. Just take a look at the reviews and see if people agree if I was successful at that goal.

So if you're in trouble because of some recurring issue, this process can help you. Just replace the word "alcohol" with pretty much whatever problem you are having and get started.

You can download Step One at no charge to see how I present the material and if you want to pick up the rest of the steps, the options are there for digital downloads or even getting a paperback edition in either size that suits you.

I wish the best for you and I hope I can be of service if needed.

Release dateJan 2, 2018
Step 4: Understand and Complete One Step At A Time in Recovery with Alcoholics Anonymous

Anonymous Guest

After over 40 years in Alcoholics Anonymous I have to say I am profoundly grateful for the kindness and support I have found in this organization. I have met people from all walks of life in AA. Professionals, bums, movie stars, famous musicians, you name it. But without exception, every person who made the effort to work through the 12 steps have had great things happen in their lives.Of course there are bumps in the road when first trying to get sober. Some may call them major pot holes, but by learning to live by spiritual principals we learn to deal with them. Even overcome them in time.Through the program of AA I have become a proud father of a teenaged boy preparing for university. We enjoy our time together and live one day at a time. AA has taught us to appreciate each day because you don't know when your last day is upon you. No one does. So we love each other and apologize when we mess up. It really is about keeping things simple. Unfortunately I lost my daughter because of my drinking and irresponsibility. Perhaps one day we will start again, only God knows.I have placed one of my books here at no charge about what the first step is in the recovery program, and how to effectively understand what it really says. I believe you will be surprised with the difference between problem drinking and alcoholism. They really are night and day situations.In accordance with Alcoholics Anonymous tradition of anonymity at the public level, I use a pseudonym for my name.I wish you the best!

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    Book preview

    Step 4 - Anonymous Guest

    Step 4

    Understand and Complete One Step At A Time in Recovery

    with Alcoholics Anonymous

    by Anonymous Guest

    Understand and Complete One Step At A Time in Alcoholics Anonymous Selected, Compiled & Edited by: Anonymous Guest 2013 Copyright © May 2013 by Anonymous Guest All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    ISBN 13: 9781370565030


    What I am doing is offering a guide to each individual Step from the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. These are not intended to replace the Big Book in any way, they are simply offered as additional help as you go through your steps. It’s not unusual to hear at a meeting that a person is having a problem with one particular step out of the Big Book.

    So I have written a guide in today’s language that explains what each step is about and how it works. I recommend having your Big Book with you as you use this guide. If you do not have a Big Book with you but have access to the Internet, you can read an online version which is available to read free in English, French or Spanish. Go to this link for an

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