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Revenge of The Scorned Witch
Revenge of The Scorned Witch
Revenge of The Scorned Witch
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Revenge of The Scorned Witch

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Joy returns to her hometown to seek revenge on her ex-husband who had taken everything she had ever loved away from her.

Release dateJan 15, 2018
Revenge of The Scorned Witch

clarissa brenan

Clarissa Brenan is the author of several young adult novels including Ghosts of Hanna and Revenge of the Scorned Witch. She lives and writes in Oklahoma. You can follow her on her Instagram page @cbrenan75.

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    Book preview

    Revenge of The Scorned Witch - clarissa brenan


    Chapter 1  Fury 

    Chapter 2  Contact 

    Chapter 3  Trust 

    Chapter 4  Chaos 

    Chapter 5  Charade 

    Chapter 6  Duplicity 

    Chapter 7  Loyalty 

    Chapter 8  Reckoning 

    Chapter 9  Scandal 

    Chapter 10 Commitment 

    Chapter 11  Perception 

    Chapter 12  Legacy 

    Chapter 13  Intuition 

    Chapter 14  Infamy 

    Chapter 15  Union 

    Chapter 16  Payback 

    Chapter 17  Hatred 

    Chapter 18  Blood 

    Chapter 19  Victory 

    Chapter 20  Aftermath 

    1.  Fury 

    IT WAS A COLD WINTER’S night when I returned back to my hometown of Ringling, Oklahoma. It's a small rural town with a population of less than two thousand, a town where everybody knows everybody. The thing is they used to know me, I was the quiet one in school, the goody two shoes that did nothing wrong. Well I grew up married a guy and had four lovely children, then he cheated on me with his cousin's wife, that's when my life went to hell.  Except now I'm back to get what every scorned woman has always wanted REVENGE! 

    You know that old saying about I am the granddaughter of the witch you couldn't burn? Well that's me. I am a descendent of Mary Parker one of the accused during the Salem Witch Trials. So it's no big surprise that I keep up with the family tradition. I practice my craft just about every day and try to learn as much as possible, I also don't follow the Three Fold Law in the Wiccan Rede. I believe if someone harms your family or friends you have a right help karma out a little bit. 

    So anyway that's why I am back in my hometown to get justice for what my ex had done. He took my kids and my life, so now eight years later it's my turn to rise up above the ashes to take his life. I did leave a few remnants of myself in the house when I left you know called upon some favors from friends and family that had long passed on. Now it's time for me to do some hands on work and destroy him once and for all then and only then will I be able to put my past behind me. 

    First things first I got to get in good with the psychotic man again, not to worry they won't recognize me nobody will I have changed my appearance and my name, all anyone will knows is that a new person has moved into their quiet little town. Sunday evening while the whole Christian town is in church is the perfect time to get down to business and hide some cameras inside the home of Ellis's house so I can hear and see what is going on at all times. I pull up into the church parking lot that is catty cornered to Ellis's house. I wait until the church patrons file into the big brick building, before sneaking over to the yellow house on the corner surprised it hasn't fallen down yet, I whisper to myself. I head to the back of the house where I know the back of the house is still being eaten by termites so it's easy to break in. I place my first camera up on the shelf in the corner inside one of the empty laundry boxes, next I slowly open the door of the laundry room and make my way to the master bedroom not surprisingly it has clothes from one end to the other with spit cups laying all over. 

    I climb upon the bed and place the second camera into the air conditioning vent then I turn around and place a camera in the air conditioning vent in the kids rooms as well. Last but not least I place one of the cameras in the living room on one of the curtain rods, and lastly I make my way into the kitchen to the china cabinet and place one on the top by the silver cups that look like they haven't been touched since I left. I look around the 

    house how can a person live in such filth I used to keep this house spotless where if you had a white glove and rubbed it across a piece of furniture there wouldn't be even a single speck of dust on it would still be a clean white glove. I glance out the kitchen window that faces the church where I see that church was letting out. I head back to the laundry room and out the back door then hide beside the storage shed until it was safe to head back to my car. I head back to my motel room in Ardmore, which is about 40 minutes away. When I get to my room I open my laptop to watch Ellis and my three youngest children watch a little television then head off to bed. 

    Monday morning I awake early to go buy the house that is for sale right beside my ex's place it didn't take much bargaining after I offered to pay with cash. It seems if you have the right amount of money people are willing to help you out in any way. 

    The next order of business is to open up my own little café in town just like Ellis and I had talked about years ago. As I walked down the street towards the grocery store I notice that no one recognizes me, even the people that have known me since I was little. I give myself  just a little smile at that thought as I walk up to the real estate lady, Hello you must be Joy Grant? the woman dressed in cowgirl get up asks. 

    I am and this must be the place you was telling me about over the phone

    It is and the bank is only asking twenty thousand for it, I think it's a steal it was once a flower shop so there is a lot of room in the back for storage. 

    I'll take it. I reply. I'll have the funds wired to the bank later today. 

    Ok then thank you for your business Mrs. Grant I'll have the papers wrote up immediately. She said then says her goodbyes and heads to her car. I smile to myself as I look at my new building and think My plan is slowly coming together. I head back to my newly purchased home to order my things that I will need for my cyber café. A little while later I gather some needles, chicken bones, and some herbs and place them into two black bags one for Ellis's house and one for his pickup. There is no need to check the video feed from his house because it's one o'clock in the afternoon. I already knew he is at work my youngest boy has also gone to work and the girls are in school. I grab one of the hex bags then headed over to Ellis's house an enter through the laundry room like I had last night then I cautiously make my way to the kitchen where I tie the hex bag to the pipe underneath the sink, but as I finish tying the knot I hear a car pull into the driveway and what slides out of the white car is the whale I had considered my friend so long ago, I shake my head to clear my thoughts concentrate can't let her catch you in here then I make a break for the laundry room just in time to hear her open the door thankfully I had left the back door open just in case this type of thing happened after I quietly closed the door then hopped over the half ass fence he had put up and walked like nothing happened to my yard. As I'm about to unlock my front door my realtor lady calls me to tell me that the paperwork has been written up and that she had my keys to my new business property so I quickly go change into my business attire then quickly head over to my new building. My things that I had ordered will be arriving in the next two day and the WIFI will be hooked up tomorrow so that is coming along nicely so is my plans for Ellis. 

    2.  Contact 

    THE NEXT MORNING I made sure that Ellis noticed me moving into the house beside him. I have my music up loud and the tightest pants on with the tightest shirt I owned on. Of course my plan worked I noticed him watching me as I unloaded the U-Haul truck You look like you could use some help? He asks as he comes over.  Yes, I could thank you. I say with a smile. He climbs in the back of the truck and started helping unload it, before we knew it the U-Haul was all unloaded. Thanks for the help. I said. My name is Joy Grant."  

    No problem and I'm Ellis Carter. He answered. "And if you need help

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