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Crashed in the Outlands ~ Sci-Fi Alien Erotic Adventure
Crashed in the Outlands ~ Sci-Fi Alien Erotic Adventure
Crashed in the Outlands ~ Sci-Fi Alien Erotic Adventure
Ebook159 pages2 hours

Crashed in the Outlands ~ Sci-Fi Alien Erotic Adventure

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Sizzling hot tale of a beautiful alien woman trapped on a jungle planet with four attractive humans.

Ida is an Itinith, a race of aliens who consider themselves better than the hairy, barbaric brunts who work as mercenaries and security. When her space ship suffers damage in deep space, Ida is forced to accept assistance from one such brute, an alien man who travels with three other men. Lucky for her, the men are quite adept at finding ways to survive on the jungle planet. But their fortune soon runs slim when they discover other things are alive among the trees...

Packed with action and scorching hot scenes between the alien and husky human, Crashed in the Outlands is the perfect erotic adventure for sci fi lovers, and readers who like their books with some sizzle.

For mature readers only. Contains graphic content, restraint, and consensual sex scenes.

Release dateDec 20, 2017
Crashed in the Outlands ~ Sci-Fi Alien Erotic Adventure


Derendrea is a an author of sensual & entertaining erotica. All of her stories are based on dreams.Recent publications:SEX BLITZ - Hayden gives consent to give up all control. Sequel to the Sex Camp Series.SEX CAMP - Helen explores the world of menage and bondage after being invited to a strange camp.SHACKLES OF THE GENIE - M/M story of an enslaved djinn whose only hope of freedom is a husky hunter.CRASHED IN THE OUTLANDS - An alien woman must rely on four sweaty humans in order to survive a jungle planet.SACRIFICE TO TANGAROA - A young island woman is given to the tempest in attempt to appease the god of the sea.SAVAGED - A woman is pursued by bandits into the wood, but then saved by a husky barbarian.SKIN WALKER - A Native American woman is rescued from would-be kidnappers by a shape shifter.FORGOTTEN - A young woman enters a cybernetic suit during an attack on her home. She must join with the being embedded in the suit in order to survive.PLAIN SKIN - The eldest heir of the king is abducted and sold to barbarians, who tattoo her skin with symbols of their tribe.THE SULTAN'S HAREM - The sultan's favorite, and least receptive slave has an unexpected guest.FOR THE KING - Three men enter the queen's bedchamber. She has the chance to refuse, but she doesn't.SENSITIVE - A woman with a 'sensitive personality' meets a man that sets her nerves on fire.VALKYRIE - A young New York man rescues a creature on his way home. He hides her in his apartment, but can he hide her from her past?A FOREST ENCOUNTER - Two traveling merchants make the mistake of staying overnight in a strange wood.COURTSHIP - A maid lives out her fantasy with her lord. (FREE as part of Derendrea's Erotic Sampler)MY BEST CUSTOMER - A drug addict tells the story of a client that treated her differently than the rest.Stories to look out for in 2019:ANGEL APOCALYPSE - An angel falls in love with a soldier during WWIII.THE SWEETEST FRUIT - A non-biblical retelling of the story of Eve and the forbidden fruit.THE DARKNESS OF SPACE - A woman is lured into detective work on a mining colony.

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    Crashed in the Outlands ~ Sci-Fi Alien Erotic Adventure - Derendrea


    IN THE





    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental (but would be totally awesome!). This is copyrighted work. Do not replicate or distribute without written permission from the author. Brief quotes may be used for a review or critique.

    Crashed in the Outlands © 2017 Derendrea Books

    Cover Crashed is original, commissioned artwork.

    © 2017 Derendrea Books

    ISBN-13: 978-1983659416

    ISBN-10: 198365941X

    Sample included:

    Forgotten © 2015 Derendrea Books


    The Crash

    I am an Itinithan. Not your usual space riffraff. Though we are far from home, our species still demands some respect here in the Outlands.

    I am an information manager and my brother is a technical assistant. We are traveling to the far planet of Effadok. A Stage Nine colony is establishing there, and our services will be highly valued.

    Some of the aliens we travel with are brunts. If I had known they would be aboard the freight ship, I would have sacrificed the extra three month’s pay for a private vessel.

    They, I’m afraid, are also traveling to Effadok. They probably seek less valued employment, such as security or maintenance.

    Held suspended by the blue light of my gravity field, I increase the transparency with a turn of a dial on the projected screen. The bio bay comes into view as the opaque blue disperses to a soft glow around me.

    My brother has engaged full stasis mode. He has preferred deep sedation for the three feson journey. His opaque green and yellow body is almost completely hidden beneath his blue shield, an arms length to my side.

    The fields are an efficient means of transport. Each alien can tailor its environment for their comfort level. No one can move from their assigned area. I should feel safe enough to enter stasis mode and drift through the long darkness, but...

    I turn around to the man creatures suspended in the bay. The pilots at least had enough forethought to place us separate from the rest, but I can still see them, suspended under red lights, a few orange and yellow. Each color signifies the different settings their species prefers.

    The brutes closest to us are large, hairy creatures. They come from a very distant, little known planet. Almost always do they travel in packs, and almost always do they take jobs requiring muscle and brawn, but little brain power. It is a wonder they have survived in distant space this long.

    I should not stare, but one of their privacy screens is down. The man is huge, wearing thick gear, but his bare arms, head, and face are still showing.

    What a barbarian. Thin, long hairs are visible on his tan, burly arms. His head is covered with the stuff, long and tied back behind his head. Its even above his lightly colored eyes.

    I freeze when I realize those light eyes shine my way. He turns toward me, examining me like I was just examining him. Bethsonos! I did not mean for him to catch me staring.

    My fingers reach for the control panel, but I stop myself from raising the privacy. This was my fault, initiating this uncomfortable interaction. It would be rude of me to end it so abruptly.

    He looks me over with polite curiosity. Unlike these barbarians, Itiniths do not shun their bodies. The colorful prints on our skin are better than any piece of clothing. We only wear enough to cover private areas, and we only do that around other races who tend not to understand our culture. We are also very sensitive to touch, so a bit of decorative pieces about our chests and torso are all we can tolerate.

    The ornate designs on my shining yellowish skin must be intriguing to him. Has he never seen an Itinithan before?

    Before his staring becomes indecent, the bulk of a man returns his light green eyes to my face. He gives me a nod.

    What kind of nod, I am unsure. Species like his use them for communication. I believe it is given in greeting, so I return the gesture. The man turns, floating on the zero gravity, and closes his eyes.

    He does not activate his privacy screen. I know better than to make the same mistake again, so I look away.

    The Uhadyk follow my shadow! It will be a very long journey to Effadok if I remain awake for it. I could program the field to have me enter stasis. Though it is a little uncomfortable at first being sedated by the sickening waves, after that passes it is just unconsciousness until your destination is reached.

    My mind spurns on the barbarian man. I glance over, seeing he is still turned away from me. The three other beings under red-lit fields must be with him, as they are closely spaced and the exact same hue. I cannot see anything of the creatures contained within.

    I make myself look away. Closing my eyes, I center my breath to calm my mind. These frivolous things are not worth my thoughts. With a tap to the projected screen, I change the display to the Stock, and start to look through current wares. The statistics are old, as we are a good distance from any information relay, but it gives me something to occupy my time.

    A sound booms from beyond the bio bay and my hand shakes from the screen. It was a crash, metal hitting metal, as can be surmised by the ringing echoes. The noises seem to come from another compartment in the ship. What is strange is they are so loud through the sealed wall of the bio bay. I search for any indication of their source, but the bay appears the same as before.

    The brunt near me has also heard the sound. He turns to find the source, with a glance my way. There is concern on his burly face.

    Sparks fly from the overhead lights and they flicker and dim. There is a ting ting ting ting ting that seems to come from outside the ship, echoing strangely like thunder does. The ship groans. Even held suspended by the gravity field, I can feel the vibrations through the air.

    Then comes the terrible clashing. One that can only be described by a severe movement of air and swiftly moving physical objects. A high-pitched alarm sounds, but it is barely audible over the ruckus coming from the adjacent room.

    To my right the man tries to wake his comrades. He’s adjusting the dial on his control in a frenzy, I would guess to try to drop the shield. I turn to my brother, but there is no indication that he is awake below the blue light. If this commotion hasn’t woken him, I doubt I will be able to, but I still call to him.


    All at once the ceiling rips open. Dark space is visible beyond the torn hull of the ship. The brunt is shouting, and after a moment I realize it is to me.

    Look out!

    Unprotected cargo around me is sucked into the vacuum.

    "Hull compromised. The computerized announcement fills the bay. Emergency life pods activated."

    My gravitational field falters. Instinct holds my breath as my air is sucked out through the flickering blue shield. I can feel my body being dragged, but I have nothing to hold onto.

    Before I can be pulled into the freezing nothing of space, a compartment opens at my feet and I am forced inside by a jolt of artificial gravity.

    I am surrounded by darkness and metal. The lid closes above me on what I surmise is a cylindrical tube. The gravity is gone and I free float, feeling bumps and grooves along the lining, but I cannot tell what they are for. The air is thin, straining my quick breaths.

    There is still crashing beyond the cylinder, though it is muffled through layers of metal. I cannot hear or see what is happening to the other passengers.

    "Prepare for emergency detachment." The computerized voice now comes from above me.

    Wait! What about my brother?

    "All passengers are being prepared for life pod jettison."

    The voice responded! That means it has artificial intelligence.

    What happened to the ship?

    "Jettison initiated." The computer interrupts me. A severe force blasts the pod downward. With nothing to grab hold of, I am pushed against the side of the cylinder.

    With the momentum, it feels like it is blasting out and away from the ship.

    "Collision imminent."


    Restraints mechanically wrap around my chest and pull me tight against the wall.

    Take evasive maneuvers!

    "Prepare for impact."

    The computer does not finish its warning before something pelts the outside of my capsule. Metal tears and I brace from the intense jarring. I see no holes, though it felt like whatever hit the outside penetrated.

    "Emergency landing necessary."

    Landing! Land where? Contact the pilots of the ship!

    There is a long pause. My capsule still moves swiftly, I assume away from the freight ship.

    "Contact negative."

    Does that mean it was unable to contact the ship, or that they denied me the request? Either way, it means something is terribly wrong. I brace myself, the speed of the capsule increasing. There’s a howl outside. It takes me a moment to understand... It is air rushing by the hull. The capsule has entered the atmosphere of a planet.

    Landing a damaged life capsule on an unknown planet... I close my eyes and make my peace with the Uhadyk. These very likely will be my last moments.

    The capsule jars to the side. What of my body is not held by the restraints flails beyond my control.

    "Warning! Emergency chute deployment faulty."

    This does not frighten me. I manage to move my arms to my chest and tightly hold on as I crash to my death.

    There is a tremendous banging, clashing, and the whiplash is so strong I lose hold of my thoughts...


    Jungle Planet

    "Depletion of life reserve." The computer voice jerks me out of a stupor. I choke on a mouthful of smoke.


    With effort, I realize I am still alive and in the pod, which has completely halted. How am I not dead?

    "Recommend immediate ejection."

    I try to look around. There is a glow of an emergency light above my head, but otherwise I cannot see outside the pod. The contents of the emergency pod have spilled all around me, metal and plastic supplies, and there’s a goo leaking onto my leg.

    Where are we?

    "Uncharted planet. Specific location unknown."

    Is it solid? Is the atmosphere breathable?

    "Affirmative. Hull integrity compromised. Forced ejection will commence."

    Wait! I... I don’t know where I am. What’s outside the pod?

    All of the possible combinations of planet types flash through my mind. Most of them are unfavorable.

    "Substantial organic life. Planet occupants may

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