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The Sin Of Tithing Today
The Sin Of Tithing Today
The Sin Of Tithing Today
Ebook41 pages56 minutes

The Sin Of Tithing Today

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The last days of the church have been briefly mentioned in the Bible; however, it is a dispensation that marks the grand finale and the beginning of eternity for the church. The last days are characterized by false doctrine propagated by false teachers of the church who by their own actions bring the curtain falling down. The last days are a fixation of a minor page in the church history, but the event is not minor as such. We must know that the cross in its rugged form is not the only saving instrument in the dispensation of church history. No sinner is saved by the act of Christ dying on the cross alone, but by the divine application of the value of that death when the sinner believes. For those whose hearts have remorse, they should be encouraged to know that Christ died as their advocate/sponsor that they may be freed from guilt and spiritual death. It was not the choice of the sinner that Christ should die for them; it was laid out by God from the foundation of the universe. The Grand plan was that Adam was going to be created, be tempted and fall to pave way for a second Adam who brings eternal hope for the whole universe to demonstrate God’s love in contrast to Satan’s claim which paints God as a despot. Therefore, no creature of God is subject to condemnation so long as they believe. The sin of unbelief is specific since it is directly related to the finished work of Christ on the cross. Unbelief denies the finished work of Christ on the cross. The unique sacrifice of Christ is that he did not conform to the Aaronic pattern of sacrifice by being the offering himself and being the sacrificer. But the touching act is that of God offering His son for the atonement of the sins of men. God offered the sacrifice for himself, His son. Christ was tested and emerged as an efficient savior able to succor those who have been tempted. Christ was not a sinner, but was made sin and became a sin offering to save the whole universe from its eternal damnation.

Release dateJan 8, 2018
The Sin Of Tithing Today

Will Anthony, Jr

Will Anthony Jr. is currently the Chairman of the Uasin Gishu County Land Control Board which caters for over one million people. Before this stint, he worked in other capacities with the National government. He has also been lecturer in three religious institutions, a service to the youth to gather knowledge from the aging population. In his life time, Will Anthony Jr. says he has met a lot of people and can unflinchingly say that he loved most of them. Why most of them? Well, it is a tall order to love everyone you meet! Will Anthony Jr. has written several e-books touching on diverse subjects that relate to society. The books extensively cover human social and economic practices and this is so because expertise in one field in Africa can become a drudgery according to his practical view. His perception is that if you were born in Africa and the continent is your aboriginal home, you are likely to have English as your second language (ESL). Sometimes it could even be a third language. For him, he had to learn his mother tongue then learn both English and Swahili simultaneously. He went to his pre-primary bare foot, later he joined the local primary school 5 Km away and had to trek barefoot again not because his parents could not buy him shoes but because cobblers were a rare find. That journey was a daily toil of 10 Km, 5 days in a week or ~270 days yearly for 7 years. With a smirk he says that when you achieve a PhD in Africa, then You have done Plenty of hard Digging (PhD) or you have a Permanent head Damage (PhD) and you might end up in a ditch because your IQ cannot contain the booze like the local fellas! "Why did the English colonize Africa?" To keep the African languages in Czech (check), and he says that one must forgive this pun. But besides the pun, English has broken both social and economic barriers of the once "dark continent" whose forefathers slaved the white farms and firms to lace the pockets of their Lords. A PhD holder in Africa will still practice other 'trades' though they maybe 'very' learned because poverty is shameless, one has to draw bounds through plenty of smart work or else, it will be a shame to steal so as to maintain class. He published a book in 1992, but the publisher coned him , he took her to court and the case aged in judicial corridors for 12 years. He then made a decision to abandon the matter and to forget about writing books. However, Self publishing made him to change that decision. More than anything, He salutes Smashwords Inc. for the platform. In retrospect, He recalls a Dr. Alfred Sam, a friend of his from North America who was also a dean of studies in a local university, exposing his white ass in the university's auditorium to catch attention. The noise ceased as students and lecturers turned to look at the grown-up man on the podium doing the abominable. Well, the good Dr. in anthropology then simply pulled up his trousers buckled the belt and said, "Thank You, now I have your attention..." For the sake of simplicity, without much display of academia, Will Anthony Jr. is a writer in the global village market . For this, he Salutes all his readers and all lovers of written work. In a word of caution, he says that men and women alike must bear. In reference, there is an Ibo saying that every market place has it's mad people who will attempt to mar the business of the seemingly sane people. On the other hand, the English say everyone is mad, it's only the degree madness that is at variance. Salutes most profoundly!

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    The Sin Of Tithing Today - Will Anthony, Jr




    Will Anthony Jr.

    Copyright 2018 Will Anthony Jr.

    Smashwords Edition


    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the copy right owner. Nor can it be circulated in any form of binding or cover other that which it is published and without similar condition being imposed on subsequent purchaser.

    ISBN: 9781370866229

    Title: The Sin Of Tithing Today

    PUBLISHER: Smashwords, Inc

    Table Of Contents









    If you can't live longer, live deeper. Italian proverb

    None of us can predict how long we will live, which is why it is so important to live each day with intention and purpose.

    Truth is more valuable if it takes you a few years to find it. French proverb


    We rarely observe what the Bible really says. We are people of the New Testament, a New Covenant sealed with the blood of Jesus himself. The sacrifice made met all the requirements of a pure gift. We must appreciate that the Jews brought Jesus to book because he did not ascribe to their hypocritical way that they observed the laws or practiced religion. God gave Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai; the Jews added another 613 statutes as if ten were not sufficient. Jesus while empathizing with the situation whittled the commandments down to only two. Today we are living in an age of Grace; God in His wisdom knows that even one law can be hard for us. Just love mankind and love God. Man has done things that are toward the enhancement of man, not things that are towards demonstrating the love of God and His power. We have no other point of reference except the Bible!


    A tedious and even perhaps ungodly sacrificial system that was brought to an end through ‘divine’ intervention has currently been resurrected by greedy pastors, purposed on extorting riches from naïve and susceptible Christians. Well, this trend is also established in other religions but is practiced much more in the Christian realm. It is much noticeable in Christianity as a religion that has been successfully established in the world aggressively for the last two millenniums, an outcrop of Judaism and which consider itself as the best benchmark of all religions of mankind!

    Sacrifice is as old as humanity; it is an ancient human expression of worshiping the creators or deities. Before the gift of the biblical law, sacrifice where blood was involved existed among Jews. A close examination of the Judeo-Christian narrative reveals that sacrifice was not instituted by God but by man sourced

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