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Taming Mia
Taming Mia
Taming Mia
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Taming Mia

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About this ebook

Mia is finally getting what she’s always wanted—the chance to be off on her own at college. Her own apartment, sexy college guys, and, most importantly, no more pride rules to follow. At least not until after graduation, when she’ll return home and marry the mate her father, the alpha, chooses for her. Until then, Mia is determined to enjoy her freedom to the fullest. And when Tristan comes along, she knows she’s met the perfect fling.

It’s Tristan’s last year at Mountain Ridge University. He’s ready for some smooth sailing, including no girl drama. As a jaguar shifter, he’s not interested in a relationship, and certainly not a mate. Mia is the answer to what he’s looking for—playful, sassy, and seeking a bit of no-strings-attached fun.

But is there more to their relationship than either of them is willing to admit?

Release dateFeb 2, 2018
Taming Mia

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    Taming Mia - Misty Malloy

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Taming Mia

    Copyright © 2018 by Misty Malloy

    ISBN: 978-1-68361-208-7

    Cover Art by Studio ENP

    Smashwords Format

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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    Dear Readers,

    Welcome! Thank you so much for joining me in this wonderful world of Mountain Ridge University and Decadent ROAR.

    I’m so excited to introduce you to Mia and Tristan! I loved creating such a strong, feisty female protagonist in the character of Mia. Her lioness’s confidence truly shines through every facet of her personality!

    In Tristan’s character, I wanted to explore the persona of a powerful male shifter, one who thinks he knows exactly what he wants. When he and Mia meet, two dominant personalities clash, yet their vulnerable sides emerge as their relationship begins to sizzle.

    Attending college was such a fun experience for me—a time of young love, new discoveries, and independence. Writing Mia and Tristan’s story brought me back to this very exciting time in my life. I hope that you’ll love reading Taming Mia as much as I loved writing it!

    Happy Reading!


    Taming Mia

    Mia is finally getting what she’s always wanted—the chance to be off on her own at college. Her own apartment, sexy college guys, and, most importantly, no more pride rules to follow. At least not until after graduation, when she’ll return home and marry the mate her father, the alpha, chooses for her. Until then, Mia is determined to enjoy her freedom to the fullest. And when Tristan comes along, she knows she’s met the perfect fling.

    It’s Tristan’s last year at Mountain Ridge University. He’s ready for some smooth sailing, including no girl drama. As a jaguar shifter, he’s not interested in a relationship, and certainly not a mate. Mia is the answer to what he’s looking for—playful, sassy, and seeking a bit of no-strings-attached fun.

    But is there more to their relationship than either of them is willing to admit?

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    Taming Mia


    Misty Malloy

    Chapter One

    Mia dropped the two overstuffed duffel bags onto the bed. My new apartment. She rolled the phrase around in her mind, afraid to say it out loud in case she jinxed herself. She feared she’d wake up back in the pride mansion, under her father’s watchful eye, with her last chance at freedom only a dream. That would genuinely suck.

    It wasn’t just a new apartment, but her first apartment. Ever. The bedroom had a tiny window and the most itty-bitty closet she’d ever seen, but she didn’t care. She didn’t even mind sharing the little bathroom down the hall with her new roommate. She was thousands of miles away from the pride, and that was all that mattered.

    A loud crash came from the kitchen. A few moments later, her cousin’s worried face peeked into her room. Fuck. Sorry. It was the last box, and I was like, hey, whatever, and accidentally tossed it onto the counter. Rob took off his ball cap to run his fingers through his golden, shoulder-length hair then shoved it back onto his head. He laughed nervously. Maybe a little bit more roughly than I should have you know?

    Mia burst out laughing and playfully punched her cousin. Robbie, don’t worry about it. I appreciate you helping me move in today.

    Okay, cool. I’ll buy you whatever I broke. He gave her a boyish grin as he rubbed the spot on his arm where she’d punched him. "And hey, no more of the Robbie stuff. It’s just Rob now. Seriously. You can’t hang out with me and my friends if you keep calling me Robbie."

    Fine. Rob. Got it. She made a flying leap onto the bed then rolled over to grin at him. The tiny twin bed—smaller by far than her bed at home—didn’t matter to her at all. She’d sleep on the floor if it meant being on her own.

    Rob glanced around the room. And by the way, you better not do anything in that bed except for sleep. By yourself.

    Mmhmm. Okay. Sure.

    No, for real. Rob’s normally easy-going features were suddenly serious. I don’t think you should have any guys over here.

    Oh, really? Mia sat up and glared at her cousin. They had always been close, but that didn’t mean he could tell her what to do. Says who?

    Dude, your dad. He’s the fucking alpha if you haven’t forgotten.

    Mia’s lioness bristled under her skin. Oh, trust me. It’s hard to forget. Tremaine Carmichael exuded power and authority with every breath he took. Mia couldn’t think of a single person that wanted to mess with him, and being his daughter didn’t make things any easier. Did my dad actually tell you that?

    Well…no. But I’m supposed to be watching out for you. I’ve been going to school here for a year, and that’s the only reason he agreed to let you come, too. Rob shook his head. Please. Don’t fuck it up for both of us.

    Mia growled. She couldn’t deny Rob spoke the truth—she’d had to beg and plead to go away to school. Her father had never let her sisters leave for college. They had been allowed to do online courses and take a few classes at the community college, like she had been doing the past two years. But they’d never pushed her father’s boundaries like Mia did. They’d stayed at home while finishing their degrees, gotten their diplomas in the mail, and then married the mates her father had chosen for them.

    Husbands. Cubs. Bam. Being a daughter of the alpha came with a set of duties that couldn’t be ignored.

    Ugh. Mia, please don’t growl at me like that. It gives me the heebie-jeebies.

    Right. Sorry. Mia exhaled and jumped off the bed, wrapping her arms around Rob in a big hug. She had nothing to worry about. After months of deliberation, her father had finally relented. It’s really happening. She had two years of pure bliss ahead of her at Mountain Ridge University. After she graduated, she’d go home, back to New York and to the Carmichael pride, and accept the man her father would choose for her as her mate.

    "So…you can’t really mean no guys at all. Mia flashed Rob her most mischievous smile. Just no serious relationships, right? A little fling here and there. My dad will never know, I promise."

    Rob sighed and rolled his eyes in exasperation. Okay, okay. Fine. But no boyfriends. And keep it on the down low…. You’re not supposed to get involved with anyone.

    Mia grabbed her cousin in a friendly headlock, ripped off his ball cap, and ruffled his already tousled hair. He yelped, and she laughed, knowing full well he was being a good sport—even though female lion shifters were tough, male shifters were much stronger. Thanks again, Robbie. Er…Rob. You have no idea how much this means to me.

    Rob blushed and extricated himself gently from her grip. "Um, okay. But please do not do anything stupid. If anything happens to

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