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Jacob's Story aka Clarity Continued: 1, #3
Jacob's Story aka Clarity Continued: 1, #3
Jacob's Story aka Clarity Continued: 1, #3
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Jacob's Story aka Clarity Continued: 1, #3

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Peace has finally returned to the tiny hamlet of Clayton County in the Florida Panhandle.  But, for how long?  Two years ago, the town of Clayton and the county of the same name were under the universal media microscope.  A twenty five year old cold case murder trial with an Alzheimer's patient, Jacob Jeebs, as the key witness, broke all legal boundaries and the world was watching.  Now, a major award winning movie director and A-list actors are coming to town to make a film about the trial and the man whose testimony shook the world.  What could possibly go wrong?  The presidential election is in full swing and Florida is a major player in the process.  The Russians have invaded cyberspace and are doing their best to swing the election in their favor.

Release dateJan 17, 2018
Jacob's Story aka Clarity Continued: 1, #3

Robert Brewster

Robert C. Brewster is the author of seven fiction novels. There is also a non-fiction account of his time spending summers along the New Jersey shore in the late sixties and early seventies, called: 'On the road to find out.'  He is a writer/film actor/voice character specialist and lives with his wife Kim and daughter Britany and son Kristy in St. Sauveur des Monts, Quebec, Canada. 

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    Jacob's Story aka Clarity Continued - Robert Brewster











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    Kindle Direct Publishing in 2017 by Robert C. Brewster

    Copyright © Text Robert C. Brewster

    First Edition

    The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights Reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior consent of the author.

    This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination.  Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Except of course for Morgan Freeman whom I just had to write into this story.  He is a man who I respect and greatly admire.




    Special thanks once again to Annell & Theo for finding all the little things I missed.

    This book is dedicated to all the people who devote their lives to taking care of those you can’t care for themselves.  You are all very special people who don’t receive near the credit you should.  You are courage and strength personified.  For that I deeply thank you.


    WE LIVE IN TROUBLED and precarious times.  The world has never been a better and yet more dangerous place to live. Every day we make great strides in the fields of science, medicine,  technology, which are all very good things.  And yet there are people who want to impede this progress and send us back to the Dark Ages.  There are folks here tonight amongst us who consistently fight everyday to keep our great land and our freedoms secure from those who would like to destroy them.  We depend on our allies and friends who cherish freedom as much as we do, to also contribute in the never ending fight to uphold and defend our God-given rights.  To those people, and you know who you are, America would like to say thank you for all you do in the fight to retain our common beliefs and goals. President Joe Simon was staring directly in the direction of the table where Judge Jackson, Tina Christy, Sheriff Clayton and René and Michline Rousseau were seated.  America celebrates another birthday today and we wanted to share it with all of those who helped to keep her free.  Enjoy yourself folks and have a good time.

    The president left the podium and while walking back to his seat looked directly at Michline and winked.  She felt a shiver run through her body.  Tina noticed her reaction.

    Michline are you okay?

    She was fanning herself with the souvenir menu.  Yes I'm fine, I'm just overwhelmed by the fact that I am here and I believe the president just winked at me.  The two women chuckled.

    Michline, I'm as freaked out as you are.  Let's try and pretend that we belong here and enjoy the ride, Tina said and laughed.

    After dinner the crowd was beginning to disperse, since the president and first family had left the banquet room, Monica Claymore came over to their table and invited them to join the president for a celebratory drink in the Oval Office.  The judge and the sheriff thought nothing of it and took it all in stride.  For Tina and the Rousseau’s it was an overwhelming experience and one they would never forget.  The president insisted on thanking René personally for his service which made him feel totally embarrassed and unworthy of such attention.  He also insisted that they take a selfie with him on René's cell phone which made Michline weak in the knees.  How fast her and René's world had changed in such a short time.  Dinner at the White House, selfies with the president, and she and the vice president on a first-name basis, it was all too much to comprehend.  The people back home would never believe it, but now she had photo evidence to prove it.  She also had Monica Claymore’s cell phone number so they could exchange recipes.

    René would also be overwhelmed when he returned back home to Quebec and two days later a UPS driver appeared at his front door with a very heavy package that when unboxed contained a wooden crate with twelve bottles of Vieux Marc 1998.  Inside was a handwritten note on the president's personal stationery.


    Dear René,

    It looks like you're not the only one with contacts my friend.

    Gratefully yours,

    Joe Simon.

    Also inside the wooden crate was an official-looking envelope with a letter inside.  It was an official commendation, a citation for services rendered to the United States of America by a foreign citizen.  It came with the presidential seal and was personally signed.  René was not usually an emotional man, but he did have to wipe a few tears from his eyes after he had read the letter.

    When the judge returned home there was a case of his favorite Kentucky bourbon as well as a handwritten note from the president waiting for him.

    Judge Jackson

    It is my honor to know you and call you a friend ,you are a great American.

    Joe Simon

    When the sheriff returned home there was a package waiting for him with twelve boxes of top of the line Cuban cigars as well as a handwritten note

    Sheriff Clayton

    Please don't ask me where these came from my friend.

    Joe Simon


    THE JUDGE SHOWED UP fifteen minutes early, as was his custom for everything.  He didn't really want to be here but Tina and Savannah insisted it would be a great honor and something he might enjoy.  Some hot-shot Oscar-winning young director was going to film a movie based on Tina Christy’s article about the groundbreaking Tim Carl trial where his good friend and Alzheimer's patient Jacob Jeebs was the key witness.  She had been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in investigative journalism for it.  It was called ‘Jacob’s Story’, and so would the movie.  He had been asked to audition to play himself in the film.  At first he laughed it off, but the women encouraged him and his best friend Sheriff Clayton tried to discourage him.  In the end he decided to come and audition the director.

    So glad to see you Judge Jackson, the casting director said as he entered what was a vacant main street storefront last week.

    You're early your honor.  Kathy Chandler smiled at him.

    Early bird gets the word, isn't that what you folks in Hollywood say? He smiled back at her.  Is he here yet?

    Do you mean the director Colin Collingsworth, she said with a reference usually reserved for royalty.

    Yeah whatever his name is, where is he?

    Mr. Collingsworth will be delayed slightly.

    Why, the judge demanded.

    I'm not sure; it could be an unscheduled conference call.  Please take a seat and browse through some of our magazines while you wait.  Kathy Chandler pointed to the assortment of glossy Hollywood magazines and periodicals.  I don't think he will be much more than thirty minutes late.

    The judge looked at her with a hint of distain. Tell Mister wonder boy I'll be across the street at Doris's the Donut Queen.  He'll find me on the terrace.

    Mr. Jackson sir it's not protocol for a...

    For a judge to be kept waiting Miss Chandler, tell him I'll be there for the next thirty minutes no longer.

    But... butt...

    The judge was out the door and a panicked casting director Kathy Chandler picked up the phone.

    WHEN THE JUDGE HAD ARRIVED home from his vacation in Quebec with a short pit stop at the White House on the way back to Clayton he had made the decision that he would write a book, something he had always wanted to do but never had the time to even consider it before.  A good friend and book publisher had approached him the day he retired and offered to publish his memoirs if he would consider writing them.  He also laughed off the offer at the time, but now he was having second thoughts about it.  It was an open offer; his friend had been explicit about that.  He ordered a coffee and a piece of Doris’s crispy apple pie.  He pulled out the reporter's notebook that Tina had given him when he told her he was thinking of writing a book.

    Don't go anywhere without this, you never know when the muse will hit you and you feel the urge to write.  Without this, your thoughts are lost, and maybe forever, Tina had said when she had handed him the note book.

    Oh how right you are, he said out loud as he opened the notebook and took a pen from his shirt pocket and wrote the opening words of his memoir.  My quest to strive for justice and the truth began when my younger brother died in Vietnam.  He was fighting with himself to write the next sentence when his coffee and slice of apple pie arrived and a few seconds later a very apologetic Colin Collingsworth sat down at his table.

    Judge Jackson I am so sorry I'm late for our meeting, but I had an unexpected pre-production call, that couldn't be avoided or postponed.

    I understand, the judge said taking a bite of the pie and savoring every second of it.  Of course you know I want script approval, he said casually.

    What I'm not sure I understand?

    I'm not going to say anything on camera that I didn't say in real life.

    "As I told you when we first spoke, this film is loosely based on the Tim Carl murder trial.  It will be a work of fiction and not a re-enactment of the actual trial.

    I don't care; I want to see the whole script before I agree to anything.

    Well this morning was only supposed to be an audition for you to play the role of yourself, if, I felt you were right for the part, he said with cockiness in his voice.

    Well that's your choice.  I didn't ask to be here, the judge said in a tone that suggested he had regained the upper hand.

    Well as writer, director, and producer, I must retain the rights to change the script as I see fit.

    Not when it comes to my dialogue, the judge said defiantly.  No words will come out of my mouth that I don’t approve of, your script be damned.

    Colin wasn't used to dealing with attitude when it came to actors in his movies.  All of the A-list people clamored and begged to be in his films.  There was something about this old bugger that he really liked.  The man was authentic.

    He had worked with divas before and had had no problem handling them on set.  One of the keys to his success was his incredible rapport with the actors.  His stunning visuals were another.  The judge had watched his previous film on DVD with Tina and Savannah and John last week.  ‘The Defector’, had won the Academy Award for best film last year.  All of them had agreed it was a fine movie and probably deserving of the award.

    All right judge why don't we go across the street when you're done with your coffee and pie and film your audition.  You did study your lines right?

    I spoke the lines in open court, why would I need to study them?  Why do you need to film me now?  We're sitting here talking to each other.  You're a film director so you already know how I will look on camera.  You're also the producer so you don't need anyone's permission to cast the role.  Email me the script and after I read it I'll let you know if I'm interested, the judge said getting up from the table and throwing a ten dollar bill down.  Nice to meet you Mr. Collingsworth, he said extending his hand to Colin who had also stood up.  The two men shook hands and then the judge walked out the door.

    Colin stood there for a few seconds feeling irate, and then he smiled, and finally burst out laughing.  Damn if that old bastard wasn't perfect to play himself in the movie, then he wasn't an award-winning film writer and director.

    Would you care for anything, the lady behind the counter said.

    Yeah give me a dozen assorted donuts to take out along with a large coffee of whatever the judge was drinking, it smelt delicious.

    It's his special blend, the lady said pointing up to her menu board.  Judge’s Java Joe, the sign said.

    Colin burst out laughing.  The role of the judge was definitely Judge Jackson's if he wanted it.  He would email the script as soon as he got back to the casting office across the street.

    The judge got into his car and laughed all the way back to Jackson Manor.  He was seventy four years old and engaged to be married and about to become a movie star if he wanted to.  Whoever said life is all downhill after sixty didn't have a clue about life, well at least not his life anyway.

    AS THE JUDGE PULLED INTO the driveway of Jackson Manor, Savannah had just gotten off the phone with her doctor.  She was feeling a little faint but it passed quickly.

    Is something wrong, Tina Christy, said, who now lived at the manor full time with her fiancé and future husband.

    I need to sit down, Savannah said, and did so.

    What is it?  Tina was concerned.

    Savannah breathed in and out a few times before answering.  It looks like John and I are having twins.

    The smiles on their faces were radiant and they both started crying.  Next thing they were dancing around the room and laughing.  They were giggling and squealing, when the judge walked through the door.

    What the hell is going on here, the judge said surveying the scene in front of him.  You girls having a hootenanny you didn’t tell me about?  There was dead silence in the room, as both women looked at the judge; he didn’t know what to think.

    SHERIFF JOHN BURKE WAS on the job and he had a big decision to make and so did Deputy Jessica Clayton Stanton and Florida State Trooper Matt Gracie.  He was now very aware of the intensity of their relationship.  Theirs had started just like his and Savannah's, totally out of the blue.  Jessica probably deserved to be his second-in-command considering how she had stepped up in the aftermath of the bombing.  Matt Gracie on the other end was a Florida State Trooper with almost five years on the job and was definitely more qualified.  He didn't know for sure if Matt even wanted the job, but his gut instinct told him that he would accept it, if Jessica could come to grips with it.  He had invited both of them out to dinner tonight with him and Savannah.  They would broach the subject then.

    TINA LOOKED AT SAVANNAH with raised eyebrows which told her that it was up to her what came next.

    You’d better sit down gumpy.

    What is it my little rose petal, he said sitting down at the kitchen table.

    John and I are going to have twins.

    He didn't know what to say but he began tearing up.  The women sensed this immediately and gave him a group hug.  When he regained control of his emotions again, he looked at Savannah and flashed a proud great grandpa smile.

    Double the pleasure, double the fun.  I'm so happy for you and John.  Savannah hugged and squeezed him hard.

    So how did the audition go gumpy?

    Well I don't know, he's kind of young but seems okay.  I told him to email me the script so I can read it and decide if I wanted to consider it.

    He offered you the job, Tina said excited.

    No he hasn't, but he will.  I just have to decide whether I want to consider it or not.

    You'll do the right thing gumpy, you always do.

    I agree, he proposed to me, Tina said with admiration and respect in her eyes.

    Does John know yet?

    No I just found out now.

    Well don't tell him until he gets home so I can get out the double-barreled shotgun.  The judge emitted a loud laugh.

    He's going to be so happy, Tina said with the pride of a soon-to-be great grandmother, if Savannah would let her be that person.

    Do you really think so?

    Of course he will.

    I'm going to get as big as a beached whale.

    That just means there will be twice as much of you to love, the judge said proudly.

    Savannah had an OMG look on her face.  Tina knew what she was thinking.  Would John still lust for her and would she be able to lose the weight after the babies were born.

    I'll help you, Tina said.

    I'm going to need it.

    I'm here for you all the way.

    What are you girls talking about?

    Something you will never understand, Tina said smiling at him.

    You know since I've retired I've realized that sometimes ignorance can be bliss.

    The three of them laughed.  Everything would be okay.  John would be thrilled by the announcement they all knew it.  Things were slowly getting back to normal in Clayton and hopefully they could all soon put most of the past behind them.


    THE PHONE RANG just after the judge had ground his coffee beans and then put them in the percolator. E.J. Jackson here, he said snapping up the house phone on the second ring.

    Hi Judge Jackson, did you get a chance to read the script I sent you yesterday?

    Good morning Colin, I was expecting your call, the judge said in a dead pan voice.  There was an ominous silence as both men waited for the other to say something.  The silence spoke volumes to the judge.  This man wanted him in his movie otherwise this call would never have happened.

    So did you like the script?  The tone was upbeat and hopeful.

    Yes I've read the script and the courtroom scenes are very accurate and I have no problem with them as far as they are written.

    So you'll audition for the role then?

    Colin I’ll turn seventy five, two weeks from now.  I've led a full life and realized my audition days are over.  If you want me to play myself in your movie then I accept.  If you still feel that there is a need for me to audition, then I'll just have to...

    Judge the role is yours if you want it.

    I'll take it.  My agent will be in touch with you tomorrow morning.

    You have an agent, Colin said stunned.

    Well doesn't everybody in this business?  The judge was laughing under his breath.

    I guess they do, Colin said and wanted to laugh but didn't.  Have your agent call me first thing tomorrow morning.

    I think that could be arranged.  Until then Colin have the best time you can, he said hanging up the phone.

    Colin couldn't believe it. Three A-list actors had their agents beg him for the opportunity to audition to play Judge Jackson in the movie and he had turned them all down.  He knew from the moment he met the judge that he was just the right person for the part. He was the only person who could bring the character to life in a very unique and special way.

    Elijah what the hell did you just do?

    I don't know what you mean?

    An Academy award-winning writer and director, producer, just offers you a plum role in a major motion picture and you told him your agent would call him in the morning.

    What's wrong with that?

    You don't have an agent.

    Of course I do, I just hired one.

    You did what!  Who?  Tina was almost exasperated.

    I'm hiring you if you want the job?

    Me, I know nothing about negotiating contracts.

    You're a smart woman Tina, you learn fast.

    But I'm supposed to call him in the morning.

    The judge stood up from the chair and walked over to Tina and hugged her for all he was worth.  She went from panic to feeling very warm and fuzzy inside.

    Don't worry about it, I've thought it all out, and this is what you're going to do.

    AFTER A LOVELY SEAFOOD DINNER at Bert's Shore Bar and Grill that was filled with laughter, the after-dinner conversation turned serious very quickly.

    Look you two, Sheriff John Burke said looking at Jessica and Matt.  You guys have a big decision to make.  He did not feel comfortable saying what he was about to.

    Don't worry John, Jess and I have also been thinking about what you were going to bring up and I believe she has a solution to your dilemma.

    John breathed a sigh of relief; they had worked out themselves who would be deputy sheriff and who would be just the deputy.  He had discussed the situation with Savannah earlier and she reassured him that everything would work itself out.  Obviously it was.

    Well Matt and I have talked about nothing else the last few days.  Savannah, you know that helicopter ride I got to take with Auntie M?

    Of course I do, it was only a month or so ago.

    Well that short chopper ride got me thinking.  Savannah looked at her with a gaze of confusion.  I want to become a Florida State Trooper helicopter pilot.

    Savannah could not believe she was hearing what she did.  Are you totally out of your mind little sister?

    Most probably, but I'm enjoying every second of it.

    Have you told your mom or gramp’s yet?

    No we only came to the decision a few hours ago, she said smiling at Matt who returned it in kind.

    Are you sure about this Jessica?  I mean flying helicopters, where did that come from.  She laughed long and hard and the rest of them joined her.

    I don't know, Jessica said.  That ride in Auntie M's helicopter just opened my eyes to a whole new world.  You know how much I love to drive.

    You mean drive fast, Savannah said smiling.

    Well yeah, Jessica said making a funny face. But how much cooler would it be to do it in a helicopter.  There was a round of laughter and then it got quiet.

    So Matt what are you going to do?  Are you going to be my new deputy sheriff or what?

    Matt took a good deep breath before responding.  He did not know if John would be upset or happy for him.


    TINA CALLED THE CASTING OFFICE at nine a.m. and set up an appointment to meet Colin Collingsworth at eleven.  Though they had collaborated somewhat on the script, they had never met face to face.  She was scared shitless and totally out of her element.  The judge could sense her uneasiness.

    Tina if you'd rather not do this I totally understand.  It wasn't really fair of me to ask you in the first place.

    No Elijah I want to do this. I was reluctant at first when you asked me yesterday, but this morning I’m roaring and ready to go.  I’m Tina Christy big-time Hollywood agent.  Get out of my way or be ready to pay.  She raised her fist in the air triumphantly.

    That's my girl, the judge said hugging and kissing her.

    "I'm going to bring that Hollywood bigwig to his knees.  Judge Jackson doesn't sell

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