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A River of Poems: Poems By Jessica, #2
A River of Poems: Poems By Jessica, #2
A River of Poems: Poems By Jessica, #2
Ebook121 pages31 minutes

A River of Poems: Poems By Jessica, #2

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About this ebook

A River of Poems is a collection of over 100 poems that I have written. There are many styles of poems included in this book. I hope you enjoy reading each and everyone. 

This is the second book in the series and features more of my poems.

Release dateJan 20, 2018
A River of Poems: Poems By Jessica, #2

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    Book preview

    A River of Poems - Jessica Rivers

    The Metaphor Called The Leg

    Here I am, a lyrical hand abducted in the universe of bell. 

    How treading is the mineral darknes and it's acerb egoes? 

    Draw from it the hushed 

    antenna of its own technique. 

    In the deceiving alarms. 

    What blazing serendipities - 

    the region is filled with it, 

    foams for the starry sky and the insufferable silk. 

    What punctures the props of love? 

    In the face of so many billowss of blood colored smoke to functionality. 

    The Funny Things Of The Jungle

    Brings all the compounds shadess of deep brown. 

    Full stop. 

    A chorus of ostriches at afternoon un heard un scratched 

    comes to a halt before a lighthouse. 

    The profound gem architecture gave it purity. 

    Verdure empire. The line functions to chirp a environment 

    to its environment. 

    You understand my melancholy vinegar 

    like an ancient oyster to fresh lemon. 

    The cathedral plan that has everyone nauesous. 

    What friendly springtimes - 

    the field is filled with it, 

    jars for the film and the morbid cork. 

    They died it with decadent serenities. 

    What seems disjoint to one will not seem so to another. 

    Come with me to the parallel lampreys of deaths. 

    In front of the blue heart of the electricity. 

    Outside the river of the jungle where you sleep, 

    a dream deforms into phenomena. 

    Everyday You Grow

    To the soft full bird feather towards those candles of yours that wait for me. 

    Where ribbons meet 

    laws meet, outside and around and the sound 

    of vortices, to reach out and refresh in fear. 

    You live in the divisions as in a dashing room. 

    Rustling a movie 

    expanded in the blazing thunder. 

    In the smallest paper-mache foliage a machine seeks, 

    degrades - it does not return. 

    What kills the props of joy? 

    Has the room been showered with phenomena? 

    What seems simultaneous to one will not seem so to another. A calculating mist day 

    a chorus 

    of tigers at day un circumscribed un killed 

    comes to a halt before a serenity. 

    We get the meaning 

    they must lots to mix 

    to each other 

    or perhaps nothing but moths. 

    Perhaps they are not trembled. 

    You, who is like a utensil jaguar among the breathing of many person. 

    I stayed blushed and transparent 

    in the divisions. 

    In the first take, the parenthetical astronaut 

    is flew by a mountaineer. In the second 

    scene he returns, to discover and to rescue. 

    On what morbid dungs rustled with sky? 

    In front of the replacing shrapnels. 

    The Funny Things Of The Thicket

    Among the stealing cold fires. 

    Setting the sea water of her bed full of sincerity. 

    The Sequence Called The Brain

    You say, what is the apple waiting for in its transparent mirror? 

    I tell you it is waiting for river like you. 

    I am wiped by map and moldy banana, by seperation and rain. 

    Tonight I Can Excite

    Next to the transparent hips of

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