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Batman's Clock
Batman's Clock
Batman's Clock
Ebook16 pages9 minutes

Batman's Clock

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About this ebook

It started out as most other days, back in December 2014.
I was ready to go to the office and get stuck into another day after the long train commute into the city.
Occasionally, while walking downtown from the station, I’d stop in at the Lindt Café in Sydney’s Martin place for a coffee and something nice to munch on.
However, my ever-expanding waistline guilted me into avoiding the muffin that day, and I stopped by the little coffee stand around the corner from the office instead.
I literally dodged a bullet that day. If I had given into my sweet-toothed cravings, I probably wouldn’t be here to write this story.

PublisherAlex Maher
Release dateJan 4, 2018
Batman's Clock

Alex Maher

I am a creative designer with an over active imagination. After much encouragement from friends and family I’ve putting some of these stories “out there” to share with everyone.

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    Book preview

    Batman's Clock - Alex Maher

    Batman’s Clock

    Copyright 2018 Alex Maher

    Published by Alex Maher

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

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    Note from the author

    It started out as most other days, back in December 2014.

    I was ready to go to the office and get stuck into another day after the long train commute into the city.

    Occasionally, while walking downtown from the station, I’d stop in at the Lindt Café in Sydney’s Martin place for a coffee and

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