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The Amulet of Delilah: Inheritance
The Amulet of Delilah: Inheritance
The Amulet of Delilah: Inheritance
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The Amulet of Delilah: Inheritance

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A gift from a distant relative leads to some incredible changes in the lives of two friends...

PublisherTrent Harlow
Release dateJan 14, 2018
The Amulet of Delilah: Inheritance

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    Book preview

    The Amulet of Delilah - Trent Harlow

    The Amulet of Delilah: Inheritance

    By Trent Harlow

    Please Note: This is the incomplete, first draft of this story. I am in the process of re-writing, and re-booting the story itself. Please follow me on DeviantArt for updates!

    Chapter 1 - Delivery


    The young blond lifted her head from under her pillow and looked around her room. What was that loud banging noise? she wondered as her half-awake brain was trying to make sense of the situation.


    DEE! GET UP! she heard come through the door.

    Sam? Is that you? the confused girl mumbled in response

    Who the hell else would it be? her friend said, You need to come sign for a package. So put your sweet ass into some clothes and get out here so this guy will stop eye fucking me!

    The blond threw her blanket off, grabbed her glasses, and began the search for clothes. The first thing she found was the tank top and yoga pants she had lounged around the apartment in yesterday. She slipped the tank top on first, deciding to forego a bra, and pulled the pants on. She pulled the door open just as Sam started to beat her fist against it. Dee looked down at her pixie like friend.

    For a moment, she froze. The memories of last night came flooding back to her. They were both sober now, should she say something? She wanted to, god how she wanted to. To grab Sam by the shoulders and profess everything she was too scared to say last night. As she opened her mouth, her mind froze and all she could do was make a joke. You know if I didn't know better, I would think you were some 7-foot-tall amazon about to kick my door in, she said jokingly as she walked past. Sam was about a half a foot shorter than her, with slender but proportionate curves, and short reddish-brown hair. She smirked at her roommate, her freckled cheeks crinkling.

    You should know better than to doubt me girlie, she said as she followed Dee to the door, I pack a mean punch. Before Dee could respond, she felt a hard smack on her rear and turned to see a grinning Sam heading towards the living room. She rubbed the no doubt reddening spot on her left cheek and finally addressed the blushing delivery man who was gawking at her chest. She was certain that he had not expected such behavior from her diminutive friend, but was surprised at how obvious he was with his gaze. She coughed when he failed to acknowledge her. you Miss.....Della Hearthfell? he said looking down at the box in his hands. She nodded. Alright then, if you could just sign here please. She took the clipboard from him and signed next to her name. He handed her the box and left quickly. She closed the door and walked into the living room and tossed the package on the couch next to Sam. She looked at her friend again, catching her eyes. Dee bit her lip, trying to find the words. Sam must have sensed her anxiety and quickly changed the subject.

    Who's it from? she asked.

    Not sure, Dee said, thankful for the reprieve, I need to wake up before I do anything else. Be right back. She headed back down the hallway towards the bathroom. After brushing her teeth, she tried to straighten her hair out. The thick, shoulder length hair did not want to work with her this morning, so she decided to leave it be, not like Sam would care anyway. Sam. Her thoughts drifted again to last night.

    Last night…

    I’m jusht fed up with these girlsh who are only looking to fuck! Sam said sharply, waiving her current glass of wine to emphasis her point. She sat down next to Dee in a huff, and leaned onto her shoulder. I want to find shomebody I can trust, that I can be vulnerable with, she lifted her head and looked Dee straight in the eyes, somebody that

    As she stared into Sam’s green eyes, the weight of the statement sunk in through her tipsy haze. Could it be? Did Sam actually feel the same way? It was obviously an easier thing for her to announce, she’s been out since high school. These feelings were all so new to her, and a little bit intimidating. But this was it, her moment. A chance to say all the things in her heart. She started to open her mouth, and the anxiety overtook her voice. She stood quickly, and shakily said, I think I’m going to go to bed. G’night Sam. Briskly, she walked to her room and closed the door. As she laid down she covered her head with a pillow so Sam couldn’t hear her crying.

    The present...

    Dee exhaled. Sam had basically thrown herself at her, with no fear. Sam was never afraid of anything. Shaking her head, she wished that she could be that confident. Remembering that Sam was waiting for her, she left the bathroom and headed down the hallway.

    She stopped on her way back in front the full-length mirror in the hall. Remembering the stare of the delivery boy she adjusted her top, wishing her boobs didn’t draw so much attention. Sighing, she pushed those thoughts aside and continued back to the couch. Lifting the package to her lap she finally looked at the label.

    Huh, she said confused, That's weird.

    Uh oh, Sam said playfully, Is my sugar mama getting cut off from the parentals?

    Dee smiled at her friend, You better hope that never happens, or you'll be back to serving coffee to those wannabes on campus. She looked back towards the box,

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