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Mad Malice: Malice, #15
Mad Malice: Malice, #15
Mad Malice: Malice, #15
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Mad Malice: Malice, #15

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Angry at being left alone to cope with the enormous fortune Alice left her, Kathy has to learn to deal with business, family, and a blackmailer who is certain he has her over a barrel.  Dealing with the life she now leads, she doesn’t realize until it’s too late how much Alice and her “lessons” have influenced her and her reactions.  “Accidentally” killing her blackmailer leads to being a target by his brother with the apparent backing of the L.A.P.D.  Being in their crosshairs, she realizes she has to change her strategy as life seems to get away from her, and the enormity of it all may come crashing down on her and her family.

Release dateJan 22, 2018
Mad Malice: Malice, #15

K'Anne Meinel

K’Anne Meinel is a prolific best-selling fiction writer with more than one hundred published works including shorts, novellas, and novels.  She is an American author born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and raised outside of Oconomowoc.  Upon early graduation from high school, she went to a private college in Milwaukee and then moved to California.  Many of her stories are noted for being realistic, with wonderfully detailed backgrounds and compelling storylines.  Called the Danielle Steel of her time, K’Anne continues to write interesting stories in a variety of genres in both the lesbian and mainstream fiction categories.  Her website is @  K’Anne is also the publisher and owner of Shadoe Publishing, LLC @ and in December 2017 she started the Lesfic Bard Awards @  In December 2018 she launched the Gay Scribe Awards @ in hopes of duplicating the first year’s success of the Lesfic Bard Awards and to showcase more LGBT literature.

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    Book preview

    Mad Malice - K'Anne Meinel

    ~ MAD MALICE ~

    BOOK 15

    God damn it to hell, why can’t you just straighten it out? Kathy yelled, annoyed.

    Several people in the meeting scurried from the room at her tone.

    Portia and Andie exchanged looks, but it was Portia who answered once the three of them were alone.  Look, Kathy, calm down... she began.

    Calm down? Kathy yelled back.  Every time we think we have this all in hand, another ‘something’ pops up, she said, making quotation marks in the air.

    Look, Kathy, Portia tried again, only to be interrupted once again.

    You keep telling me that things are handled, and yet every time I turn around, there is something else you have to surprise me with, she was furious, and it showed in the red-flushed look of her face.

    Andie spoke up, something that was rare in the more timid woman.  "Every time we think we have things well in hand, something else pops up and surprises us all," she told her friend calmly.  She wasn’t in the least intimidated by Kathy’s ire.  She had seen the pressure build day after day for months.  It had been over a year since Kathy lost her wife, and in that time, the change in their kind and normally sweet friend had been astounding.

    "How could Alice have handled all of this so effortlessly, and the two of you, professionals," she said disparagingly, can’t seem to find all of her assets?

    "She had things well set up and entangled and kept a lot of it in her head.  It’s like peeling an onion trying to find everything.  Peel a layer and there is another one below it, and then another, and then another.  Alice was a complex woman, and her business deals and properties are taking time to unravel.  It doesn’t help that she had pseudonyms and different personas and only one or two of them that we have found."

    Kathy sighed.  The fury she had been feeling subsided as quickly as it had arisen.  She was tired of coping with this all.  Her two best friends had pretty much given up their own lives and businesses to take on this inheritance of hers.  Each time they felt something was in order, some little something would pop up and screw up the best laid plans they had made.  It wasn’t their fault, but when Kathy tried to sell some part of Alice’s businesses and investments, other things seemed to come in to play.

    I want some of this stuff offloaded, she answered, exasperated.

    We’ve been trying, Portia answered reasonably.  These little spurts of anger were becoming more and more frequent.  It was getting difficult to even communicate with Kathy anymore.  The people they had hired to begin managing the various business interests that Alice had been involved in were terrified that Kathy would fire them on a whim.  They stayed well away from her when she showed up at the offices they had leased.  She often wondered how Alice had controlled all this from her study at home as they untangled it all.  Only Portia and Andie now dealt directly with Kathy due to her volatile temper.

    It’s not good enough.  I don’t want the responsibility of it all anymore.  Some of these investments make absolutely no sense, she pointed out as she gestured at the pile of paperwork she was standing in front of in the conference room where they were meeting.

    Kathy, we are doing the best we can, Portia tried to reason with her gently.  She hoped that staying calm would quiet Kathy down.

    Kathy glared at her friend, and after counting to ten to control her rising temper, she asked in an odd little voice, Are we done here?  Do you need my signature for anything else?

    Both women shook their heads.  They had learned early on to get her signatures in at the beginning of such meetings.  It wasn’t unheard of for Kathy to slam angrily out of the meetings they held.

    Is everything else okay, everything okay at home? the still concerned Andie asked kindly.

    Kathy glared at her as well, as though she had intruded upon her privacy.  Then she realized what she was doing.  These two women had been her best friends for so many years.  It wasn’t their fault that this had become a cluster of mismanaged deals.  It was a Pandora’s Box, and the amount of money that was involved was staggering.  She sighed gustily and shook her head.  No, Emily is getting worse, and they don’t know why.  They wanted to do a blood transfusion, but her blood isn’t compatible with anyone’s but Sean’s, and he certainly can’t keep giving.  Furthermore, his blood lacks something that she needs.  She shook her head again.  I don’t understand it really.

    You and Kit aren’t matches? Andie asked, alarmed at the news.

    Kathy shook her head.  It was obvious she was frustrated as she frowned.  I don’t get it.  Biologically she is my child, as is Kit and Sean, and yet the anomalies that the doctors are seeing show things they don’t seem to understand.

    What are they saying? Portia asked.  She was relieved to talk to Kathy without shouting.  Business always seemed to stress her out.

    That they don’t understand the blood work, and they keep running tests.  Her arms look like she’s a druggie with all they have drawn from her for their various tests.  She refused to let them last time, and I had to agree with her.  Enough is enough for the poor kid.

    And no improvement or meds?

    Kathy shook her head worriedly.  No, how can you treat something that they don’t understand.  All they would treat are the symptoms, and we tried that.

    Maybe it’s time to go back to the people that Alice knew.  The ones that helped you get pregnant in the first place? Portia asked knowingly.  She had seen some of that paperwork.  It was confusing and what she understood of it, probably illegal.  The vast sums that Alice had invested in the research though, had proved profitable.  Kathy was profiting now from it, but maybe not.

    Kathy nodded.  I thought by going to a normal doctor that they could figure out what was causing her fatigue.  She’s beginning to look like a holocaust survivor with those large circles under her eyes and her weight loss.  The school called concerned, and I had to prove that I was taking her to the doctors!  Just what I don’t need is for them to call protective services! she finished angrily.  It was a different anger though, one of a mother’s concern for her child, no longer the unbalanced anger over paperwork and money.

    Then contact the people that Alice was involved in, Portia advised.  What could it hurt?

    I told you, you should see her arms! Kathy repeated.

    The two women nodded sympathetically.  Seeing Kathy like this was like seeing the old Kathy, but she had changed a lot since the death of her wife.  Alice Weaver had taken care of lot more than her family, and Kathy suffered now trying to keep up with the enormity of it all.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    "Biologically, you are her mother.  After all, you delivered her, but these anomalies show you aren’t her mother too," the hematologist told her as he tried to patiently explain the paperwork in front of him that made absolutely no sense.  He was intrigued, but the test results made no sense at all.  He had never seen such results, but they didn’t lie. 

    So, was I like a surrogate? she asked, wondering if Emily was Alice’s daughter.

    No, it indicates you are genetically her mother and yet...not, he tried to explain something he didn’t fully understand.  It’s why we ordered the second set of tests to confirm the findings.  It makes no sense.  Perhaps if we had the blood work of the father... he began, but Kathy was shaking her head.

    I don’t know who the father was.  My wife took care of those things for me, she told him.

    He looked at her in consternation, trying to understand.  He wasn’t shocked that she had a wife, but the paperwork before him was bewildering.  "Perhaps we could test her blood..." he changed tactics, but again she was shaking her head.

    I’m sorry that isn’t possible.  She died last year in a horrible tragedy off of Long Island, she confessed, feeling some of the pain, as though it were yesterday.

    He sighed at the obstacles.  They had tested the other two children, and while Sean too had abnormalities, they hadn’t manifested themselves into the type that was causing problems for the little girl.  He could donate some blood to help her, improve her own, wash it as it were, but ultimately it was all going to fail.  The boy couldn’t donate enough blood, and eventually they would need a bone marrow transplant, as her body failed to cleanse her own blood completely.  I don’t understand how this is possible, he mused aloud.

    Kathy was beginning to understand a lot more and realized her regular doctors couldn’t help Emily.  She would have to seek out the ones that Alice had used to get her pregnant.  She hadn’t seen them in years, but apparently their research had continued.  The monies she had received from that investment had paid off big time.  She was now going to receive the benefit of that research or know the reason why.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    As Kathy headed to the Porsche with Emily, she was shocked to see someone lurking by it.  Her hand tightened on Emily’s shoulder for a moment, halting them both.  She recognized the locksmith she had hired to open Alice’s safe in the floor all those weeks ago.  He was still wearing bandages on the hand that had been mangled by the jaws of the trap found in the safe.  His hair was in disarray, and it looked like he hadn’t shaved in a few days.  With a toss of her head she indicated he get away from the car, and she put Emily inside.  I’ll be right back, baby, she told her.

    Who is that man, Mom? the girl asked.  She had seen him too, and Kathy’s reaction hadn’t gone unnoticed.

    Just someone who did some work for me.  Here are the keys, she said, handing her the keychain, "listen to the radio and lock the doors

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