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Adventures With Blaze: The Camping Trip
Adventures With Blaze: The Camping Trip
Adventures With Blaze: The Camping Trip
Ebook76 pages1 hour

Adventures With Blaze: The Camping Trip

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"The Adventures with Blaze - The Camping Trip" is the second book in this series of three adventures teens. The summer was here and the mountains were beckoning, as six excited teens plan their summer trip. Little did they know that waiting in these mountains were experiences they would never forget. From their treks up these majestic peaks to confronting two escapees from the state prison. Through their ingenuity and resourcefulness led to their survival and the capture of these two nefarious criminals. The two girls were fearless and focused in escaping their bounds, while the four boys were careful if plotting their escape, although their carelessness led to a concern for their safety. A great read for all ages and a great read for a bedtime stories for your youngsters.

PublisherL. Wayne
Release dateJan 16, 2018
Adventures With Blaze: The Camping Trip

L. Wayne

Wayne Clevenger is the author of this series but writes under the penname of L. Wayne. Mr. Clevenger has been a small business man all of his adult life, and when he retired a few years ago he decided to keep busy by putting into print some of his thoughts and ideas. His first three books were titled, “The Purpose for Human Existence,” “The Practical God,” and “God’s Master Plan.” After the publishing of these three important books, he decided to write a fictional account of three teenagers and their adventures during the summer of their 15th year. “Adventures of Blaze-The Rescue” is the first in a three part series. The next is titled “Adventures with Blaze-The camping Trip.” and the third is titled “Adventures with Blaze-The Kidnapping.” He and his wife Sharon live in Wichita, Ks

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    Book preview

    Adventures With Blaze - L. Wayne

    Adventures With


    The Camping Trip

    Author: L. Wayne

    Published by: L. Wayne

    Copyright 2017 L. Wayne

    Smashwords Edition

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an addition copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to ad purchase your own copy. Thanks you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is available in print at most online book retailers.


    I am pleased to dedicate this book to our happy youngsters, those who have adventure on their minds.

    A fun read for all generations.

    Adventures with


    The Camping Trip

    Chapter 1

    Buck paused on this early morning ride; he had been out in the east section of the ranch looking over the herd of cattle his dad had ask him to look after. He stopped on the crest of his favorite section of rolling hills to rest in the early morning sunlight. With the bright sunlight blanketing the mountain peaks with a soft purple sheen, he was immediately drawn toward them. He recalled that ever since he could remember he had always had a longing to explore these mountains. He stopped, swung a leg over the saddle horn, pushed his cowboy hat back on his head and considered the possibilities for such a trip.

    After a few minutes he had made up his mind. Blaze, guess what, after schools out we are going to the mountains. He said, speaking softly to his favorite horse, Blaze.


    Everything seemed perfect. The sun was shining in a deep blue sky and puffy white clouds floated lazily high above. The summer had just started. School was out, and there was plenty to be excited about.

    Buck had recently been thinking about taking a trip to the mountains, but had not yet decided if or when he would go. His two best friends, Kate and Scotty, had gone away for a few days, and he was stuck on the ranch with some time on his hands.

    His intention was to help Big Ed with some of his chores around the ranch. The cattle needed to be relocated to another pasture, and the horses needed some attention.

    What are your plans for today? Dad asked Buck.

    Not a lot planned for today, but Just trying to decide what I was going to do this summer, Buck replied. I’ve been thinking about taking Blaze and going into the mountains for a few days.

    "Are you going by yourself or are you taking some

    of your friends?" Dad asked.

    Scotty and Kate are to be gone for a few more days. I’ll wait for them to get back and see what they have to say about a camping trip. It would be great if we could all go camping in the mountains together. It could be a fun trip. Buck replied.

    I agree, I think it would be fine if you and your friends were to take this camping trip, but there are a few things that need to be taken care of this summer. Dad said. Our ranch is getting larger and I have decided to put in a grass airstrip just north of the barn. The field is large enough for a small plane to land on. We will need to put up a hanger as well. Buck's dad continued. I would like you to take on the responsibility of preparing the field for the airstrip. Big Ed will show you how to run the bulldozer and the road grader. I want you to do most of the work, and I would like to have it in by the end of summer. Dad waited for Bucks reply.

    Really Dad, an airstrip for an airplane? Buck excitedly asked.

    Yes, that will be your job for the summer. You can take your camping trip first, but remember. after you return you will put your time into that one task. Dad said. I am going to the airport this afternoon to see a guy about a used airplane he has for sale. You can come with me and see what you think. Dad continued. If it works out we can both take flying lessons over the summer, and when the airstrip and hanger are finished we can move the airplane into the hanger and have it at our convenience.

    A couple of days later Scotty called, Hey, Buck we’re back from vacation. How are things on the Winslow ranch?

    They’re okay, Buck replied. I’m going to build an airstrip back behind the barn. Buck offered. Dad wants to buy an airplane and he wants me to build the airstrip. I am going to start on it after I get back from my camping trip. Buck continued. I thought I would get away for a few days and see some of the mountain country, how about coming along? Buck offered.

    Oh, yeah! Scotty cried. When do we leave?

    "I would like to leave day after tomorrow. Maybe Kate will be back by then and she could go along. We could have a really fun trip if

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