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Switch Hitter
Switch Hitter
Switch Hitter
Ebook47 pages40 minutes

Switch Hitter

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An offhand remark from his wife triggers a secret obsession regarding one of his favorite ballplayers, a man who tops her freebie list. By chance, during a weekend trip to San Francisco, for their anniversary, they run into him, leading to the most interesting of nights!

Release dateNov 4, 2017
Switch Hitter

Amanda Mann

Amanda Mann is originally from Texas. She loves cowboys, horses, Whataburger, and writing. She has been a big supporter in equal rights for everyone, regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation.She also has a dirty mind.

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    Book preview

    Switch Hitter - Amanda Mann

    Switch Hitter: An Interracial Bisexual Tale

    by Amanda Mann

    2nd Edition, Copyright 2017 Amanda Mann

    Published by Deadlier Than the Male Publications

    All characters in this story are 18 and over.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Switch Hitter was previously published by Amanda Mann, under the pen name, Dexter Darkwood. For this edition, the story has been expanded, with greater character detail and increased action.

    Table of Contents


    Switch Hitter: An Interracial Bisexual Tale

    Bonus Material: Duet Sweetly: Feminized by a Futa

    Other Books by Amanda Mann

    About Amanda Mann

    Connect with Amanda Mann


    Carol slipped out of her dress. At 5'6 she has a rocking body with a great pair of tits. They're nice and firm and don't require a bra so she rarely wears one. With the dress she had been wearing, she readily skipped it. Pablito and I had been stripping off our shirts but we definitely caught the reveal. Very nice," he said, smiling. That's an understatement. I smiled, proudly as he pulled her to him. They kissed, then he leaned down and sucked one of her hard, thick nipples into his mouth. She wrapped her hands around his head, gasping and moaning. He passed her to me and I sucked the other while he continued undressing. That's how we did it, trading turns with Carol and taking off bits of clothing in between. From the way she breathed and the look on her face, she was a bit dazed and beyond turned on. Before we knew it, the three of us were in nothing but our underwear.

    My wife went first, slipping her black panties down and stepping out of them. Her slit was glistening with juices, that much was obvious. Pablito's eyes went right to her smooth snatch. He nodded, appreciatively and licked his lips. Carol prompted me to take off mine. I figure it was probably for the best. Once Pablito took his shorts off, I knew no one was going to be looking at me. Very nice, came the response when I stripped and stood back up, my thick seven inches standing at attention. The surprising part was that the comment came from Pablito, himself!

    Finally, it was the moment of truth though, honestly, we could see from the way it was pushing out his briefs that it was a monster. He playfully teased, slowly pulling the elastic down, then quickly back up. Once, twice... Then he slipped them down so quickly that his upper body concealed it. Then he stepped out of them and stood back up. Holy fuck! I couldn't help it, the words just slipped out. I swear, that thing was close to ten inches and stupidly thick. My dick is

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