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Fade Into Me (Fade series #2)
Fade Into Me (Fade series #2)
Fade Into Me (Fade series #2)
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Fade Into Me (Fade series #2)

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It’s a bit over the top to call someone perfect, and I’m not naïve enough to think that any such person exists.

I was with a beautiful man who had an amazing heart, boundless ambition, and he was crazy about me.

He had protected me when I was in danger. He had brought me to the heights of passion -- both physical and emotional.

I’d never let my walls down that much, never shared such intimacy with someone before.

It was as close to perfection as I'd ever been. And I discovered nothing comes without risk....

PublisherKate Dawes
Release dateSep 26, 2012
Fade Into Me (Fade series #2)

Kate Dawes

Kate Dawes is the NY Times and USA Today bestselling author of the FADE series.

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    Fade Into Me (Fade series #2) - Kate Dawes


    Part Two of the FADE series


    Copyright © 2012 by Kate Dawes

    All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the US Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written consent of the Author.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.



    I’m not sure how to explain how weird it was the next morning to be cruising through Los Angeles in Max’s convertible Porche 911. It was strange because I felt so free and elated, but in the back of my mind there was still the chill of fear from the incident with Chris.

    What had started off as a terrifying evening had turned into a night of mind-blowing sex with Max, and there I was the next morning being whisked off to the California wine country.

    He didn’t tell me where we were going, at first. He just drove to the small Bob Hope Airport outside of Burbank, where many Hollywood stars kept private planes.

    I was in awe when he told me the plane belonged to him. I halfway expected him to tell me he had chartered a flight for us or something. I’m not sure why. Max was loaded. He was a Hollywood bigshot. So why shouldn’t he have his own airplane?

    But I don’t fly it, he said.

    Oh, well then I’m not as impressed.

    He caught my sarcasm and smiled. "Just get on the plane. My plane."

    And that’s what I did, gleefully bounding up the steps as Max followed me, patting me on the ass once.

    When we got off the ground, we had a great view of the California coast. Being from the Midwest, I had never had much experience with beaches. I’d found the California coast, what little I’d seen of it, to be breathtaking. The aerial view was even more gorgeous.

    Max had arranged for breakfast to be on the flight, and about thirty minutes into the trip, we were drinking orange juice and coffee, and sharing a truly sinfully large plate of French toast with berries and cream and syrup.

    Are you trying to make me fat so no one else will want me?

    Max eyed me up and down. One plate of French toast isn’t going to make you fat.

    I threw my napkin at him. Jerk. You know that wasn’t the point of the question.

    He swallowed the last of his bite of breakfast with a smile on his face, took a sip of OJ and said, I don’t care if someone else wants you. They’re not going to take you away from me.


    Welcome to Napa, Max said as we landed.

    Having heard of the place throughout my life, but having never been there, it existed only as a fantasy in my mind. Sort of the same way I felt about Max. But he was real. So was Napa. And we were here for what promised to be an amazing weekend.

    Max had a car waiting for us at the airport—nothing fancy or flashy, just a good old fun Jeep, which Max drove like he’d just stolen the thing.

    We zipped along roads that snaked through the wine vineyards. Max was like a tour guide, telling me all kinds of details about the various wineries we cruised past.

    We finally ended up at a cottage on the side of a hill. It was private, nestled in a patch of trees. I got out of the car and looked around, breathing in the crisp, fresh air.

    Come on, Max was saying as I gazed out at the countryside, taking in the view. There’s plenty of time for sight-seeing. What I want now is you, inside.

    Why, Mr. Dalton, I said, affecting a fake patrician accent, whatever do you have in mind?

    I was trying to be playful. We’d had our fun with banter and teasing during the trip up here. I expected him to continue with the light-heartedness. But he didn’t.

    What I have in mind, beautiful Olivia, is you…naked, on the bed, so I can have my way with you.

    He stepped toward me and before I knew it, his mouth was on mine. My lips parted, letting his tongue slide in.

    Max lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, locking my ankles behind his back. He walked us over to the couch. Something about this man and couches…

    He set me down gently, and I felt his erection pressing between my legs.

    Let’s get these off of you. He unbuttoned my slacks, unzipped them, and started working them down my hips and my legs. When he kissed me again, he made a moaning sound deep in his chest, almost a growl, mixed with his warm breath against my lips.

    Max ran his hands up the insides of my legs, and slipped a finger under the elastic of my panties. We held eye contact as I arched into his touch and felt his finger make contact with my clit.

    Already getting wet, he said.

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