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Ebook58 pages49 minutes


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What happens when a man with a special ability and a hidden vendetta against mankind becomes one of the most powerful men in the world?

This describes Yousef to a tee.

Because he could read minds, Yousef always believed the world was against him. In a way, he was right. Having escaped death more than once, Yousef parlayed his gift to not only become King of a rogue nation, but also one of the five Elders of Cerebes. The pressure to stay one step ahead of his colleagues becomes his greatest focus, but will it also drive him to the brink of insanity?

PublisherLynn Daniels
Release dateJan 23, 2018

Lynn Daniels

Lynn Daniels is retired, with hours and hours to write the next great novel. Worlds come alive in my head, characters stand over her shoulder, and sometimes they wake her up at night. All of them want to come alive, to have their stories written. No matter how she thinks the story should go, it goes according to how the character decides it should. An evil character finds redemption. A beloved character is massacred for no good reason. They all write their own stories.The ideas come to her, the character develops a personality, and the result is a book. She sincerely hopes that everyone will love her books, but she knows that what she writes isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. She simply wants to bring life and color into the world through the pages of her books. Every time someone buys a book, or leaves a review, she's delightfully surprised. She offers her eternal gratitude to all of you, for reading what she has written, and allowing her to become a small part of your life.

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    Monarch - Lynn Daniels


    By Lynn Daniels

    Copyright 2018 Lynn Daniels

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Cold, sinister eyes. Not a lot of people know what goes on in the mind of the man behind those eyes. There is a strong desire to figure out what makes a man of great means, influence and intelligence tick. The desire grows larger when the man looks to be unflappable in every situation.

    How does one paint a picture of a man who lived every day of his life by his own terms? It would begin by outlining the life of the boy who became that man.

    Yousef had a tumultuous upbringing, but it was far from his own fault. Yousef's parents both disappeared from the compound when he was a mere infant. At the time, mortals living in Oscar's compound were aware that sometimes, people were never seen or heard from again. No one knew exactly what happened to these people, and no one ever dared to ask.

    Oscar knew what happened. After all, he was the one responsible for the disappearances. Yousef's mother, Biyal, vanished first. She was part of a scheme to murder one of Oscar's closest personal servants. The plot was unsuccessful, and while Biyal's role in the plot was miniscule, Oscar took it upon himself to discipline everyone involved. For most of those people, Biyal included, Oscar banished them from the compound.

    During the inquisition, Biyal never told Oscar that she had recently become a mother. Had she done so, Biyal would have been forced to take her child with her. Since Oscar was not aware that she had a child, Yousef was left behind in the care of other women. Biyal wanted this, because in the days leading up to the inquisition, Biyal became tense and agitated around other people, fearing that she would soon be caught for her crimes. She wanted to know that her son would be taken care of, regardless of her own personal fate.

    Biyal had to take these precautions. She had no choice. Yousef's father, Karim, was absent in Yousef's life and he was the ringleader of the murder plot. Karim was another close personal servant of Oscar's and he was the one who put a handful of women up to the scheme to kill his associate.

    Shortly after Biyal's dismissal from the compound, Oscar managed to uncover Karim's involvement. He was furious over the revelation. Oscar could have banished Karim from the compound, but he did not. He wanted his closest servants to carry themselves with dignity and morality. Plotting to swindle and murder another person for an unjustifiable reason certainly did not fall under that expectation.

    In Oscar's opinion, a crime like this could only be settled with death. Oscar never gave Karim an opportunity to explain his actions, and without notice or fanfare, Oscar led Karim to a field outside of the compound under the cover of darkness, where he killed him.

    Karim's death had somewhat of a crippling effect among his social group. He was the leader of the group and saw to it that their daily needs were met. All of that ceased after his death and the people in the group were left to fend for themselves. Most of the men in the group either defected to other groups or killed each other fighting over who would become the new leader. The women resorted to stealing from others to provide necessities for the group.

    This outlandish behavior went

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