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Broken Heartstrings
Broken Heartstrings
Broken Heartstrings
Ebook151 pages2 hours

Broken Heartstrings

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About this ebook

True love hurts. Jeff and Ben had it and lost it over a decade ago...

When Jeff is outed and attacked, the country music super star has to face his family and his choices under huge public scrutiny.

Jeff and Ben, his former producer, had a plan to come out and deal with the haters back in the day. Then tragedy struck Jeff's family and changed everything—except the feelings. Jeff stayed in the closet and Ben walked away.

In the wake of the outing and press, Ben walks back. But why?

Revenge? Gloating? To make peace?

Or maybe for a second chance…

PublisherCheryl Dragon
Release dateFeb 13, 2018
Broken Heartstrings

CC Dragon

Author of Cozy Mysteries and Romantic Suspense. Loyal Chicago girl who loves deep dish pizza, the Cubs, and The Lake! Addicted to amateur sleuths :)

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    Broken Heartstrings - CC Dragon

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Broken Heartstrings

    Copyright © February 2018

    By CC Dragon

    Cover art by Teresa Conner

    Edited by Mary Yakovets

    Proofed by: Angela Campbell

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.


    True love hurts. Jeff and Ben had it and lost it over a decade ago...

    When Jeff is outed and attacked, the country music super star has to face his family and his choices under huge public scrutiny.

    Jeff and Ben, his former producer, had a plan to come out and deal with the haters back in the day. Then tragedy struck Jeff’s family and changed everything—except the feelings. Jeff stayed in the closet and Ben walked away.

    In the wake of the outing and press, Ben walks back. But why?

    Revenge? Gloating? To make peace?

    Or maybe for a second chance...


    FOR THOSE WHO SCREWED up a first love...

    Chapter One


    All he could think or feel was blinding pain as he squinted against the harsh light. Opening his eyes alone was a struggle. The pounding in his head was tremendous but his entire body throbbed and ached.

    This was bad.

    He’s awake. Do you know your name? asked a woman loudly.

    Yeah. What happened? He tried to sit up but the sharp pains in his chest made him stop.

    Please don’t move. We’re getting the results of the X-rays and CAT scan back now. You had a bad blow to your head. Looks like multiple broken ribs. What’s your name? The woman shone a light in his eyes and added more pain to the mix.

    What? Did they get my wallet? Was it a car accident? he asked.

    She finally stopped assessing him and looked him in the eye like a person. The brunette had her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. You don’t remember? You probably have a concussion. We need to see how badly you’ve been affected.

    He heard the familiar click of a camera shutter and put a hand up. It hurt, but the press seeing him like this wouldn’t be good either. A reporter had invaded his little ER room.

    Security! shouted a male nurse.

    The flash of the camera sent Jeff back to the last time he’d felt this much pain. Camera flashes were normal even fifteen years ago. A superstar on the country music scene, Jeff generally got what he wanted. Only God and, when he was a child his Mama, overruled that. But God had taken his father years back. Then his older brother right when things were falling into place.

    Finding the love of his life packed up in his hotel room confused Jeff.

    We’re not due on tour for a few days, Jeff said.

    Ben shook his head. I talked to Trigger. He’s got someone to cover for me.

    No, hon. I need my best producer. Jeff locked the door to the hotel room. I know this isn’t what we planned.

    Ben was fighting back tears. Don’t tell me about the plan. I waited until you were ready. Waited for you to have the money and the house and Trigger on board. That was supposed to happen last year.

    My brother and his wife were killed. I have a toddler nephew, a widowed mother, and a scatterbrained sister. What do you want me to do? Abandon them? Blow my career and all the money for a rainbow parade? You think that’ll sell tickets in the Bible Belt? Jeff hated putting Ben off. They’d worked together for years and fell in love so hard he never saw anyone else in his life.

    It helped that Ben was a great music producer without family or strings. But the strings that tied them together grew.

    I understand. I do. Ben wiped his nose on his flannel sleeve. A bad habit that Jeff now found adorable. But I can’t. I know you have to take care of your family. I admire you for that, truly.

    Then stay. Let it all stabilize and we’ll make a new plan. I love you. I hate that taking care of my family is hurting you but it’s who I am. Jeff stood against the door defiantly.

    I know, that’s why I can’t stay. I love that you love your family so much. It won’t change. You’ll put them first as long as they need you. Whenever they find out the truth, they’ll love you the same. I can’t sit in a hotel room—your secret—broken hearted because I’m not there with you at family dinners.

    They’re still grieving. They’re not ready to handle the answers to those questions. How selfish is that to dump more on them? Jeff demanded.

    Ben sighed. That’s why I’m going. Because it works for you. All of you, except me. I love you and I want you to be happy. This is the only way I can do that right now. If I stay, I’ll start resenting you and it’ll destroy us.

    No, it won’t. We can hang on a little longer. It’ll be better soon. Jeff felt sick and like the room was spinning.

    You’ve been saying that for a few years now. It’s eating me from the inside out. I tried. I understand you lost your brother and you can take care of the kid he left behind. You are in a position to make your family comfortable and pay for can do that. I’m so proud of you and the music we made. I’m just taking away the pressure on you to come out. You’re under enough pressure without me waiting like a ticking grenade in your closet.

    You’re wrong. You make the pressure bearable. Jeff moved in and kissed Ben, trying to hold him but Ben pushed him away.

    We both did our best. Okay? We’re not perfect. You’re the star and I’m the producer. I’m behind the scenes. You’re the spotlight. I can’t take the secrets anymore. No matter how much I love you. Ben pushed Jeff to one side.

    Jeff tried to stop him but Ben was every bit as strong and tall.

    Ben was gone and Jeff fell to his knees with a new type of pain. He focused on breathing and that toddler nephew of his who had no parents. Jeff was the only grown man left in his family and he wouldn’t abandon them, no matter how much he wanted to chase down Ben.

    Sir? Sir, open your eyes. The male nurse gently shook Jeff’s shoulder and the pain dragged him back to the hospital.

    A guard hustled the reporter out of the room and closed the door behind him.

    Sorry. We’re a busy hospital but celebrity stalkers aren’t generally a problem. Can you tell me your name? the doctor repeated.

    Jeff Hudson, he replied.

    All right, Mr. Hudson, do you know what day it is? she asked.

    Friday. What the hell happened to me? He looked down at his clothes, which were cut up like church ladies had been making a quilt out of them.

    You’ll do better if your memory returns normally. You’re safe. Do you know what city you’re in? she asked.

    Atlanta. Another show on Saturday. How bad is this? He tried sitting again and the agony had him slumping back to the pillow.

    Technically it’s already Saturday, but the sun isn’t up yet so I was counting that as a correct response. You were probably still out from Friday night. She held up a finger as a nurse came in to whisper something. I’ll be right back.

    Don’t worry, we’re taking good care of you. Big fan. The nurse smiled.

    Jeff looked the guy up and down. The nurse knew. Gay men always seemed to spot each other. Mostly it worried Jeff, but this time he was relieved.

    The nurse swabbed Jeff’s arm. We’re going to start an IV on you. Your BP is a bit high and we’ll get you some fluids and antibiotics, I’m betting. Make a fist.

    Thanks. Tell me the truth. I feel like I got run over by a truck. Jeff made a fist. He really wanted something for all the pain.

    The doc is right. You’ll remember. But the press will have this all over the media in a matter of minutes. The nurse inserted and secured the line. Your phone got smashed up but it’s your property.

    Where is it? Jeff reached for his back pocket.

    Easy there, big guy. Once you’re out, you can’t go back in. The nurse handed him the phone with a cracked-up screen.

    Out? Jeff shook his head. Damn. Do you think I could get something for the pain?

    Not until all the scans are back and we know all the injuries. Don’t want to miss one. They got you pretty bad. Nothing major, but you’ll feel like hell for a month. The nurse sighed and gave Jeff a sympathetic nod.

    Wait. Please, I need to know.

    Who should we call? the nurse asked.

    No. No one. Who did this to me? Jeff tried to shut down the panic. He’d built his career since the age of sixteen on country and some gospel music. The rest...well, he’d hidden it well for over twenty years.

    We don’t know who. We have to call someone. You’ll need help with this publicity. Honestly, they’ll probably admit you overnight for observation with that level of memory loss and keep an eye on your internal injuries. But when the press gets hold of this, you’ll need to get the hell out of dodge. The nurse patted Jeff’s bed.

    He exhaled slowly. Thanks.

    Sorry. But if I were you, I’d at least get out of the South for a bit. The nurse stopped talking as the doctor returned.

    "The good news is, no internal bleeding. You’ve probably got a lot of bruising and pain, but no surgery is needed. You’ve got

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