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Master the Art of: Dating Women: Master the Art of, #2
Master the Art of: Dating Women: Master the Art of, #2
Master the Art of: Dating Women: Master the Art of, #2
Ebook50 pages46 minutes

Master the Art of: Dating Women: Master the Art of, #2

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About this ebook

"Even if you're a complete introvert, thoroughly jaded, or totally clueless, you can Master the Art of Dating Women!"


I've been a relationship expert for a couple of decades now and mainly work with women. As a counselor, they trust me with their hearts and souls. They share everything with me; things they wouldn't tell anyone else, not even their closest friend.


Over the years I've gathered a lot of information from these ladies and discovered why it's so hard for guys to pick them up and hang on to them. In this book, I'll share everything they revealed to me about flirting, dating, and more.


Release dateJan 31, 2018
Master the Art of: Dating Women: Master the Art of, #2

Kelly Wallace

Kelly Wallace is a best selling multi-published spiritual and self-help author, radio show host, and has been a professional psychic counselor for over twenty years. She can see, hear, sense, and feel information sent from Spirit, the Universe, and a client's Higher Self. Whether your problems or concerns are in the area of love, finances, family, career, health, education, or your path in life, she offers affordable professional intuitive counseling, caring guidance, and solutions that work! More than just a typical psychic reading or counseling session, you will feel you've found a real friend during your time of need--whether you simply want answers and guidance to your current worries or concerns, or you're interested in learning more about your soul mate, spirit guides, past lives, or anything else. Kelly uses her intuitive gifts and over two decades of professional psychic counseling to help you create a life you deserve and desire! With her you will find there is no hype, no wild predictions, no sugar-coated false information. Instead, you'll receive honest, open, caring guidance you can trust. Visit her site today and book a reading!

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    Book preview

    Master the Art of - Kelly Wallace

    What This Book Covers


    Six Things Women Hate in Men

    What Women Love in Men

    Online Dating - Finding Out What You Really Want

    Write A Dating Profile That Gets Women

    Meet Women Online Fast

    Too Good to Be True? Spotting Dating Site Liars

    How Online Dating Can Ruin Your Life

    Meet Women Through Speed Dating

    Best Places to Meet Women

    Dating Cougars - Tips and Tricks

    Dating A Woman with Kids

    Don’t Date These Women

    Dangers of Long-Distance Love

    Making a Long-Distance Relationship Work

    Always a Student

    About Kelly Wallace/Books in this Series

    Other Books by Kelly Wallace


    I KNOW WHAT GIRLS WANT. I know what women need. I’ve learned their secrets, their innermost desires, their quirks, and weaknesses. How do I know this? I’ve been a relationship expert for a couple of decades now and mainly deal with women. As a counselor, they trust me with their hearts and souls. They share everything with me; things they wouldn’t tell anyone else, not even their closest friend.

    Over the years I gathered a lot of information from these ladies and discovered why it’s so hard for guys to pick them up and hang on to them. In this book, I’ll share everything they revealed to me about flirting, dating, and more.

    Not only am I a relationship expert, but I was also the resident blogger for a popular men’s sexual health website for over a year, sometimes blogging twice a day. That’s a lot of information to share!

    In that time, I found out many things about men and what they truly want from a relationship—whether long-term or short. One of the things that surprised me most is how insecure and uncertain a lot of men are. You’re taught to appear tough, calm, even cocky at times, but when it comes down to it many guys are unsure, clueless, or simply give up trying to find Ms. Right or even Ms. Right-now.

    The fairer sex really isn’t as difficult to understand as you might think, but one thing is for certain: you’ve probably been going about it all wrong. You’ve read blogs, absorbed articles, and have gotten advice from your friends, but nothing seems to work. If you’re still single or continually attract the wrong types of women I want to help you change that.

    Women are a whole different breed now and many of them could rival any Alpha Male. So how do you attract lots of women to date or find the one perfect woman and eventually marry her? How do you say the right things so you don’t make an ass out of yourself? How can you learn to attract women even if you’re terribly shy? How can you find true love even after you’ve been burned over and over again? What are some of the best ways to keep a relationship strong or knowing when to let go? Read on and find out!

    Six Things Women Hate in Men

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