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For: Giva de Vine: Payton Chronicles, #2
For: Giva de Vine: Payton Chronicles, #2
For: Giva de Vine: Payton Chronicles, #2
Ebook197 pages3 hours

For: Giva de Vine: Payton Chronicles, #2

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Sisters drawn together... that could split the world apart.

Eris Payton must piece her family and her past together - while she still can - in order to have the future she longs for. When news of Giva reaches her, Eris jumps at the opportunity to reunite with her estranged twin, but as she travels to Giva's last known location her life spirals even more out of control. While her memories blend with those of her sister, the bond between them starts to heal, but at what cost? Uncovering more bizarre truths about herself and the world around her, Eris must discover the strength and courage buried deep within her.

PublisherAnn Snizek
Release dateFeb 11, 2018
For: Giva de Vine: Payton Chronicles, #2

Ann Snizek

Originally from Vermont, Ann now lives in Virginia with her husband. She spent much of her childhood moving from place to place. Now settled, she enjoys homesteading and pursuing her dreams of sharing her imagination through writing and graphic art. Ann's love of books from childhood continues today - always searching for new ways to stimulate the imagination. She knows the struggles of adversities as well as the thrill of triumphing over them. Pulling from vast and various life experiences, both her own and those observed, for inspiration, Ann strives to learn, grow, and share. She loves hearing from her readers through social media or emails. Feel free to contact her through her site.

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    Book preview

    For - Ann Snizek


    I guess you never realize how many starting points there are in life until you are forced to think about them. For instance, my story starts at a very different place than my sister’s, even though we’re twins. I’m beginning to accept the differences in my life, and trust me there are a lot of them.

    My story started when I moved to a new, top-side town, with the hopes of having a fresh start. If I had known how successful that fresh start would turn out, I might not have been so hesitant to pursue it. I’m not saying everything is perfect now, far from it, but it’s better.

    Living in Downside doesn’t really have many downsides to it – not that I’ve found. Oh, sure, it has its quirks, but I think that makes it more interesting. It’s hard to believe I’ve only lived here for a couple months. The Dunlavy’s are an amazing family. I couldn’t have asked for nicer people to live with. It doesn’t hurt that Nelson is amazing on his own.

    The original plan was for me to move in with my dad, Drs. Payton. Yes, Drs. Payton. My dad was a lucent hybrid. He became one about eight years ago when he literally disappeared from my life. Not that he’d been involved much anyway. Both members of the hybrid blend were geneticists. So, he is correctly called Drs. Payton. It gets weird, but Nelson helps me with it. After all, he’s a hybrid too. Anyway, that plan didn’t happen because my dad disappeared... again and may even be dead.

    What I’ve learned so far: Drs. Payton engineered Giva and I in-vitro with lucent genetics and somehow my DNA mutated. The mutations make it possible for me to be a human that can see and hear the lucents. As far as anyone knows I’m the only human that can.

    The mutations also gave me the innate ability of lucents for electrophoresis – a big word that means the electrical control of particles. Somehow, lucents are able to tap into the energy that our bodies make, and the energy of everything else too. Anyway, I lucked out and can control it too. Well, I’m working on controlling it. It was triggered around the time I escaped from top-side to Downside just after turning sixteen – as if turning sixteen wasn’t hard enough.

    What about my twin sister, Giva, you may ask. Well, she’s not human. She’s lucent and I haven’t seen her since we were babies. Our mom died shortly after our birth, and our dad couldn’t see or hear Giva. So, he sent Giva to a lucent family to be raised and allow her a somewhat normal life. This means she doesn’t go by Payton, like me. She’s a de Vine.

    I did research trying to locate her. Giva’s family was heading to a new community called Seclusion, as of the last anyone heard, and we have to travel through a dangerous area to get there. I’ve had to wait for one of the guides to be well enough to lead us through the wilderness as well as waiting for my leg to heal. And it finally has.

    Chapter 1

    My excitement grew as I packed. Our guide had sent word through Quinn that he was fit for work, which meant the day to head out and search for Giva had finally arrived. I thought about reuniting with my twin sister after so many years, hope filling at least one of the empty caverns within me.

    Determined to contain the energy growing within me, I grasped at my focus – the image of the night sky. This image came easily and clearly despite not leaving Downside in nearly two months. The star projection Nelson had installed in my bedroom provided a nightly refresher. He and Quinn kept me busy by tutoring me in the study of electrophoresis. The entire AP Electrophoresis class chipped in too, even after graduation. Still, controlling the energy that flowed within me took a lot of work. Despite the fact that electrophoresis itself came as an innate ability for all lucents, and apparently me too, everyone had varying levels of ability and control. The more gifted and powerful went to AP classes to learn control and understand their natural strengths better.

    At least I had stopped blowing circuits. I think the engineers and other workers at the power plant threw a party when we finally had a week free of blackouts. All my extra energy I unwittingly accessed and pulled into Downside caused them to work like crazy installing new devices to compensate for it.

    A bit excited? Mrs. Dunlavy asked me from the doorway to my room. She knew the answer. The air crackled.

    A bit, I said, unable to hide my grin. I can’t wait to find Giva.

    We’ll find her soon, she said, rubbing her hand across my back as she came to my side. You’re doing a great job at controlling your energy.

    I’ve had a lot of help, I said and shrugged.

    Yes, she learned despite us all, and the power grid has never been better either, Quinn said with an impish grin. He stood in the doorway with his own camping pack hanging in his hand. You want me to take your bag downstairs with me? he asked as a side thought.

    No, I got it. I’m not quite ready yet, I said. The tone in my voice dropped and the smile faded from my face as my stomach began to knot with anxiety.

    Quinn didn’t say anything, but nodded before he walked off.

    We’ll be downstairs when you are ready, Mrs. Dunlavy said. She rubbed my back again in a comforting manner and walked out.

    The boxes that my dad had left my sister and I gleamed silently on my dresser. Opening the box with my name on the cover, I removed the strange metal ball. I still hadn’t learned what the etchings on it meant or its purpose. Perhaps I’d find the answers along with my sister. Carefully placing the ball into a velvet bag, I secured it inside a pouch on my belt and turned my attention to the other box.

    My finger traced the beautifully carved letters on the lid - For: Giva de Vine. What did her box contain? I couldn’t bring myself to open it. It wasn’t mine. But I couldn’t help wondering about it. Would she have any clue what mine was? Did she get the same thing? The list of questions that churned made my head swim. Would I get any answers? Would those answers be enough? I let out a heavy sigh and carefully placed my sister’s box into my pack. Answers may come, but not from standing in my room.

    Making sure I’d remembered and secured everything, I swung the pack onto my shoulder and headed for the door. I had become a lot more fit living in Downside, with walking as the only real source of transportation. I had learned my way around rather well too.

    True to her word, Mrs. Dunlavy and the members of the expedition waited for me in the living room. Mrs. Dunlavy had to remain at Downside because of work, but Dr. Dunlavy, Nelson, and Quinn would go. The twins, Keeley and Greeley Harwood joined us. They had been great help and great friends to me. The only person missing was the guide, Nick Palmer.

    Nick said to meet him at the hunters' supply shed at the Market Cavern exit, Greeley said.

    We need to pick up our rigging for the climbing and caving we’ll have to do, Keeley added.

    I swallowed hard. The thought of rock climbing made me nervous and excited at the same time. Nick had years of experience as a hunter and guide. The Harwood's, Dunlavy's, and Palmer's all vacationed yearly. So, while the only expert in the group was Nick, the only person with no experience was me.

    Your electrophoresis will help you, Keeley told me.

    I just want to get there, I said as Mrs. Dunlavy ushered everyone out of the house.

    They don't call it Seclusion for no reason, Nelson said as he walked by my side.

    Keeley and Greeley chatted with Quinn in their usual banter while Dr. and Mrs. Dunlavy brought up the rear of our group.

    As we left Upper Cavern and entered the tunnel to Market Cavern, I marveled once again at the architectural aspects. Upper Cavern had a more etched, cut look to it with stone buildings and underground landscaping. In Market, the buildings blended more with the natural, worn, and flowing elements of the cave. The rock formations and storefronts seemed to have formed together. Some of the more impressive formations had spotlights to accentuate them, unlike Upper, Intermindum, and even Lakeside Caverns which had a specially designed optical effect across the ceiling. The sky effect lit those caverns to look as though they didn’t have a ceiling or several feet of earth and stone between them and the real sky – similar to what Nelson created for my bedroom.

    Thankfully, most of the businesses in Market Cavern hadn’t opened yet, making it easier to go across the spacious gallery-like mall. The outer access tunnel connected at the far end of Market and also met to a side tunnel that led to the largest of the agricultural caverns. At the tunnel intersection, a shed held supplies used primarily by the hunters. Nick stood by it, as we approached, talking to the clerk.

    Nick looked like a different person from the first time I'd met him in isolation during the epidemic like Quinn. Nelson hadn't lost any immediate family members, but that put them in the lucky minority. Nick had lost his entire family - including his young wife, Sondra.

    As our group reached the clerk, bundles of rope with carabiners and other items I had no clue about were placed on the counter. Nick already had his attached to his pack. He grabbed another from the counter and started securing it to my pack while the others secured their own.

    I want to thank you for what you have done for us, Nick said quietly to me. He had a thick accent that I couldn't place with certainty, but thought it might be French. He met me with his dark eyes and his dark face. Even the shadows of the tunnel couldn't hide the pain and emptiness his eyes held.

    Why thank me? I asked. My mouth squished to the side as my nerves squished my insides.

    There are many who didn’t die that would have, he said and looked at the progress of the others.

    I didn't know what to say. I knew what it was like to lose a loved one – to never see that person again. My thoughts wandered to memories of my dad. Despite the lies I’d lived with for most of my life, I knew how important family was, and that family wasn't always flesh and blood. The Dunlavy's had shown me what a family should look like – what I had never had before – what I hoped to find. The acceptance, friendships, and affection I received from them still overwhelmed me. I reassured myself with the knowledge that after nearly sixteen years of living in misery it would take time to adjust.

    I’ll be able to finish my Sondra's work. Our application to the Colony Development Division came back today... approved. He finished tugging on straps and made sure my pack was ready. After I take you to Seclusion and back, I’ll be on my way to help the survivors in other towns. I’ll have medicines to give them, thanks to you.

    He smiled then. His teeth showing brightly in contrast to his eyes. His eyes looked devastated, but his face looked hopeful. Turning, he nodded to everyone to signal departure and then he finished his business with the supply clerk.

    Mrs. Dunlavy said her goodbyes and even gave me a hug. When she released me, I turned to find Nelson with his hand extended to me. I took it, thankful for his strength. The tingle of energy flowed through my skin. I could feel the weight of my pack lighten and knew that Nelson had eased that burden too.

    Nick gave the order to start out... or rather in. Instead of going top-side, as I’d thought, Nick led us deeper into the caverns that led beyond Downside. It didn’t take long before all signs of civilization disappeared. The caves around us felt strange to me – the energy felt raw.

    Passages narrowed and opened back up. We climbed and then made a definite decline. I felt as though I’d ventured into ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ and silently thanked my small headlamp for continuing to shine. No one else needed a light but me. I turned to glance over my shoulder at Nelson walking behind me. His eyes glowing softly from within. This no longer scared me. Instead, I found comfort knowing that no matter how nervous I got, I wouldn’t blow everyone’s lights and be lost in the absolute darkness that pressed in around us – heavier even then the closeness of the rock itself.

    A thin, yet strong rope hung against the wall in most places. It served as a type of railing for me... and a comfort. When it ended, the cavern turned more rugged and raw. Spots had puddles of water with mud caking to my shoes and anything else although I didn’t know how I got it in my hair the first time. Several times, I scraped against rocks and mud. The steamy heat made the dust on my face turn to mud also, and bits of hair clung to my cheeks and forehead.

    Time to climb, Nelson told me as we reached a dead end.

    Climb? I repeated to make sure I hadn’t imagined it.

    That’s right, Nick said as he strapped something around me and clipped me in. Pay attention to where you put your hands and toes. You can do this. One move at a time, but watch ahead so you know where you’re going. Watch as Keeley and Greeley go up. And be careful. Some of these edges are sharp.

    I hadn’t heard Nick talk so much at one time, but I listened attentively as he gave me more detailed instructions. He said I could use some electrophoresis, but to use it carefully so I didn’t go too fast. My nerves edged higher when he finally clipped me to the rope for my turn.

    I slipped, and a scream escaped me as my side smacked against the face of the cliff. With reassurance and guidance, I found new foot and hand holds. By the time the twins pulled me up over the edge my entire body ached and shook from worn out and stressed muscles.

    Don’t worry, Keeley whispered to me. That was the only climb we need to do on this route. He handed me a water bottle and I rested as the rest of our group also made the climb.

    How much longer down here? I asked to whomever would answer some time after we began walking again. I didn’t care who answered. I just needed to know. It felt like we’d traveled forever by that point. Even the sound of my voice echoing off the walls startled me after so much quiet.

    We’ll be in the caverns overnight, came Nick’s voice from a few yards ahead. This is the easy part, Miss Payton. Scraping sounds followed him and he added, "We need to remove our packs for this narrow passage.

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